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Articles by Daniel Pipes

1,543 items listed.

Publication Date
'Do Not Leave Any Alive': Sunnis vs. Alawites in Syria Australian March 22, 2025
Arguing about "Angry Conservatives, Explained": Letters to the Editor Boston Globe March 7, 2025
Angry Conservatives, Explained Boston Globe March 1, 2025
The Genteel Martyrdom of Israel Haters Australian February 22, 2025
Blankets, Bombs, or Bribes: Why Give Foreign Aid? MEF Observer February 6, 2025
Expel Gazans? MEF Observer February 3, 2025
Israel's Military Failure, Gaza's Dismal Future Australian February 1, 2025
The Momentous, "Horrific" Hamas-Israel Deal Australian January 18, 2025
Why Jihadists Wage War on Christmas (and Other Holidays) Wall Street Journal January 5, 2025
Proof that COVID-19 Came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology: Letter to the Editor DanielPipes.org December 26, 2024
Facilitate America's Enemies Killing Each Other in Syria MEF Observer December 7, 2024
Let Argentina, Israel, Italy, Taiwan and Others Lead: A weaker U.S. may compel allies to increase strength The Editors October 22, 2024
How a Never-Trumper Votes for Trump: Letter to the Editor DanielPipes.org October 11, 2024
Israel's Reversion in 2023's Closing MEForum.org October 7, 2024
Israel's Two Archenemies, Iran and the Palestinians: The array of threats facing Israel make it unlike any other contemporary state Australian October 5, 2024
Questioning Israel's War on Hezbollah MEF Observer September 28, 2024
A Muslim Aliyah Paralleled the Jewish Aliyah: Part II, Since 1948 Middle East Quarterly Fall 2024
At 75, Staying Healthy Is My New Career: Financial, emotional, mental, nervous and physical requirements lie ahead Washington Times September 9, 2024
How to Think About Orbán and Hungary: Letter to the Editor Wall Street Journal August 26, 2024
Enriching Palestinians: A Zionist Eccentricity Jerusalem Post August 18, 2024
What Does Haniyeh's Assassination Imply?: Israel has wavered between 'total victory' over Hamas and pursuit of a deal. The strike in Iran may end that argument. Wall Street Journal July 31, 2024
The Uniqueness of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict Jerusalem Post July 16, 2024
A Decent Gaza Is Possible: But first, the Palestinians must lose Washington Times June 19, 2024
Dr. Zuhdi Jasser: Congress' Potentially Most Important New Member Washington Times June 3, 2024
A Muslim Aliyah Paralleled the Jewish Aliyah Middle East Quarterly Summer and Fall 2024
My Six-Step Plan for a Two-State Solution Boston Globe April 4, 2024
Building a Decent Gaza Middle East Quarterly Spring 2024
Netanyahu's Bold, Realistic Plan for "the Day After Hamas" Wall Street Journal March 3, 2024
The Government Cannot Fix Universities: Letter to the Editor Wall Street Journal December 22, 2023
The Rapid Return of Israel's Disastrous Policy Middle East Quarterly Winter 2024
Israel Has Quickly Reverted to Its Bad Old Policies Washington Times November 17, 2023
Why Should Gazans Leave the Middle East?: Letter to the Editor Wall Street Journal November 16, 2023
Hamas vs. Gazans Washington Times November 8, 2023
Poll: Has Israel Really Changed? Washington Times October 25, 2023
Islamism vs. The West: 35 Years of Geopolitical Struggle New York: Wicked Son October 23, 2023
A Decent Outcome Is Possible in Gaza Wall Street Journal October 17, 2023
Israel's Opportunity to Destroy Hamas: The security establishment has feared engagement in Gaza more than the terror group's rule. Saturday's attack may change that. Wall Street Journal October 7, 2023
Symposium: Black Gold or the Devil's Excrement? International Economy Fall 2023
Disarming Hamas Is an Illusion Middle East Quarterly Fall 2023
Irene Pipes (1924-2023): An Appreciation DanielPipes.org July 31, 2023
How Obama's Muslim Childhood Became a Taboo Topic: Reflections on when a gigantic biographical inconvenience was successfully hidden and denied. FrontPageMag.com June 23, 2023
Muslim Africans' Harrowing Journey to Israel Middle East Quarterly Summer 2023
The Revolt in Iran Lacks Leadership (19 comments) Atlantico (Italy) December 14, 2022
When Arab Politicians' Shouts and Whispers Contradict: Rely on Public Statements, Not Seductive Murmurings (30 comments) Middle East Quarterly Winter 2023
Israel's Partial Victory: The Arab States Tiptoed Away (54 comments) Commentary December 2022
About Those Billboards in Israel ...: Letter to the Editor (49 comments) Ha'aretz November 2, 2022
Denmark Leads the West to Immigration Sanity (24 comments) National Interest October 28, 2022
A Century of the Muslim Brotherhood: Taking Stock (55 comments) Middle East Quarterly Fall 2022
Why the Death Edict on Salman Rushdie?: The death edict was neither about rivalries nor geopolitics (22 comments) National Interest August 23, 2022
Salman Rushdie Was Never Safe (20 comments) Spectator August 19, 2022
Did a Conspiracy Theory Just Collapse?: Sandy Hook and Alex Jones (14 comments) Washington Times August 17, 2022
Spelling Out Israel Victory (112 comments) Knesset Israel Victory Caucus August 9, 2022
Open Mecca to the World (24 comments) Wall Street Journal August 4, 2022
Will Americans Learn What Israelis Already Know?: Letter to the Editor (48 comments) Wall Street Journal July 22, 2022
How Muslims Can Catch Up (48 comments) Washington Times July 21, 2022
How Ukrainian Refugees Could Inadvertently Erase the West (44 comments) American Spectator July 8, 2022
Israel Is the Least-Stolen Land: Letter to the Editor (31 comments) Wall Street Journal June 19, 2022
Do Tyrants Heed Their Minions? A Look at Putin and Saddam (18 comments) Washington Times May 23, 2022
Take Vladimir Putin's Nuclear Threats Seriously: Letter to the Editor (41 comments) Wall Street Journal May 6, 2022
The Case for Banning Burqas and Niqabs (17 comments) Focus on Western Islamism April 23, 2022
Fellow Conservatives, Please Reject Conspiracy Theories (22 comments) Dispatch April 22, 2022
Putin's Invasion Scrambles the West (74 comments) Washington Times March 30, 2022
The Great Inquiry into National Character (3 comments) Academic Questions Spring 2022
How to Answer When Asked for Your Pronouns: Letter to the Editor (33 comments) Wall Street Journal February 10, 2022
The Need for a Focus on Western Islamism (29 comments) Focus on Western Islamism February 1, 2022
Do Europe's Nations Have National Characters? (8 comments) The Article January 28, 2022
The Religious Roots of Turkey's Currency Crisis (27 comments) Wall Street Journal December 29, 2021
Islam's Surprising Impact on Daily Life (28 comments) Middle East Quarterly Winter 2022
Poland's Border Shapes the Future of Migration (11 comments) Newsweek November 24, 2021
Will Islam Survive Islamism?: More Muslims fear and reject a radical version of Islam (40 comments) Washington Times November 15, 2021
How to Live as Long as Methuselah: Sample the Nation of Islam diet, as prescribed by Elijah Muhammad (9 comments) American Spectator October 27, 2021
Colby College Signals "Conservatives Need Not Apply" (13 comments) National Association of Scholars October 26, 2021
Middle East Migrants: Stay in Your Culture Zone: Middle Easterners need to take responsibility for their brethren (28 comments) American Spectator October 3, 2021
The Wreckage of Endowed Chairs: The Case of Harvard (3 comments) Academic Questions Fall 2021
Atheism among Muslims Is "Spreading Like Wildfire" (17 comments) National Interest September 19, 2021
Nation-building in Afghanistan, Iraq Was Never Going to Work: America cannot repair every enemy (27 comments) Washington Times September 19, 2021
Germany's Jewish Leadership vs. Israel (34 comments) Israel Hayom September 12, 2021
Israeli Victory, Palestinian Prosperity: Letter to the Editor (54 comments) Wall Street Journal July 21, 2021
Is Western Europe Turning to the Right? (5 comments) Gatestone Institute July 19, 2021
The Perilous Path from Muslim to Christian (21 comments) National Interest July 12, 2021
Iran's Christian Boom (38 comments) Newsweek June 24, 2021
Perceiving Academia's Decline Already in 1971 (8 comments) Academic Questions Spring 2021
Bibi, Thank You for Your Service (23 comments) Washington Times June 10, 2021
Poll: Israelis Want Victory, Preferably without Paying the Price (29 comments) Israel Hayom June 8, 2021
Who Won, Israel or Hamas? (24 comments) Jerusalem Post June 7, 2021
Give War a Chance: Arab Leaders Finesse Military Defeat (26 comments) Middle East Quarterly Summer 2021
Harvard's Worst Class Ever: Notes on the 50th Reunion (10 comments) Washington Times May 10, 2021
Can the Koran Solve Israel's Political Impasse? (32 comments) Israel Hayom April 22, 2021
The Future of U.S. Higher Education: A Few Stars, Many Satellites (5 comments) Wall Street Journal March 21, 2021
Fighting and Hugging in the Middle East (8 comments) Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA) March 19, 2021
"Godless Saracens Threatening Destruction":: Christian Responses to Islam and Muslims (24 comments) Middle East Quarterly Winter and Spring 2021
Harvard's Counter Teach-In, 50 Years Later: How a student disruption prefigured the extremism of today's college campuses (6 comments) Commentary March 2021
Muslim Life in 2021, as Predicted in 1921 (5 comments) Gatestone Institute February 25, 2021
Israel and the Temple Mount's Five Muslim Rivals (40 comments) Israel Hayom February 7, 2021
The Israel Lobby Is Good for America (18 comments) JNS January 25, 2021
An American in Search of the English National Character (20 comments) Critic (UK) January 23, 2021
"Republican Mob" Was Once an Oxymoron, Now It's a Reality (46 comments) Newsweek January 15, 2021
Welcome, Conservatives, to Pariah Status (16 comments) Washington Times January 4, 2021
Bibi for Prime Minister? No, For President (16 comments) Newsweek December 29, 2020
Are Israeli Arabs Finally Moderating? (8 comments) Washington Times December 23, 2020
"Godless Saracens Threatening Destruction":: Christian Responses to Islam and Muslims (62 comments) Middle East Quarterly Winter and Spring 2021
The IDF Opts for Victory (8 comments) Jerusalem Post November 25, 2020
Trump's Need to Concede (53 comments) Spectator November 10, 2020
The Fatal Fear of Being Accused of Racism (16 comments) Critic (UK) November 3, 2020
Why I'm Voting for Trump: We Elect a Team, Not a Person (86 comments) Boston Globe October 20, 2020
Is Israel Victory Still Needed?: Yes, it offers the only path to end Palestinian rejectionism (24 comments) Jerusalem Post October 7, 2020
Nasser Died Fifty Years Ago: He Lives on in Egypt (14 comments) Washington Times September 28, 2020
How Fares Western Civ? (104 comments) Academic Questions Fall 2020
Will Turkey and Greece Clash over a Tiny Island?: Kastelorizo lies a mile from the Turkish mainland (11 comments) The Spectator September 16, 2020
Convincing Anti-Zionists that the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict Is Over (28 comments) Washington Times September 7, 2020
Disquiet about Philadelphia Airport's "Quiet Room": Taxpayer money should not be used to favor one religion over others in government facilities such as PHL (13 comments) Washington Times August 17, 2020
Feeling Optimistic about Israel and the Emirates (18 comments) National Interest August 14, 2020
The Folly of the Intellectuals: How common sense evades the smartest of us (13 comments) The Spectator August 14, 2020
When Muslims Leave the Faith (20 comments) Wall Street Journal August 6, 2020
Explaining Israel's Timid Security Establishment (22 comments) Israel Hayom June 27, 2020
Jerusalem, Jordan, and the Jews (47 comments) Israel Hayom June 22, 2020
Deciphering Bidenese (25 comments) Gatestone Institute June 15, 2020
This Time, the Far-Left Surge Might Succeed: (As It Is Doing In Europe) (45 comments) Washington Times June 14, 2020
Khaled Abou El Fadl on Judeo-Christian Values: Academic Malfeasance (3 comments) American Thinker June 7, 2020
A Reluctant but Unhesitating Vote for Donald Trump (87 comments) Newsweek June 4, 2020
De-platforming in Daily Life (20 comments) Washington Times June 1, 2020
A Reply to My Critics [Concerning Israel's Annexation of the West Bank] (10 comments) JNS May 10, 2020
Annexing the West Bank Would Hurt Israel (46 comments) New York Times May 7, 2020
Finding Europe's Hidden Conservatives (5 comments) Gatestone Institute April 21, 2020
Erdoğan's Turkey Is Not Coming Back (9 comments) National Interest April 20, 2020
Shaken Out of Complacency by COVID-19? (26 comments) Washington Times April 8, 2020
Conspiracy Theories in a Time of Virus [COVID-19] (38 comments) Washington Times March 17, 2020
Tel Aviv's Mayor vs. the Middle East Forum (11 comments) Israel Hayom February 22, 2020
Israeli Arabs Say No to Palestine (23 comments) Jerusalem Post February 4, 2020
Reservations about the Trump Peace Plan (35 comments) Washington Times January 29, 2020
Will Arab Anti-Zionism Revive?: The Tunisian Case (10 comments) Jerusalem Post January 6, 2020
Why I Am Not a Populist (24 comments) Washington Times November 26, 2019
America's Early Apologists for Islamism: The Saga of "Islam Centennial Fourteen" (9 comments) Washington Times November 20, 2019
Erdoğan's Turkish Delight: The Dangerous Reign of Ankara's Corrupt President (17 comments) National Interest November 13, 2019
Middle Eastern Gyrations: Oil, water, Islamism and anti-Zionism in flux (6 comments) Washington Times November 11, 2019
My Disastrous Meeting with the Soviets: On a 1983 conference of American Middle East experts and Soviet academics in Moscow (13 comments) American Spectator October 30, 2019
Turkey May Go the Way of Venezuela (5 comments) Wall Street Journal October 24, 2019
Fifty Years of Fascination: The Middle East and Me (8 comments) American Thinker September 29, 2019
Should Israel Invade Gaza? (19 comments) Washington Times September 23, 2019
China Disrupts the Middle East (8 comments) Washington Times September 11, 2019
How Trump Put Netanyahu in an Untenable Position (33 comments) Washington Post August 16, 2019
Yes to Nationalism, No to Imperialism (9 comments) Washington Times August 4, 2019
Poll: Israelis Find the Security Establishment "Too Timid" (11 comments) Jerusalem Post July 23, 2019
The Demon in Liberalism (21 comments) Washington Times July 14, 2019
Istanbul's Election Puzzle (9 comments) Washington Times June 25, 2019
Anywheres & Somewheres: Letter to the Editor (2 comments) Claremont Review of Books Summer 2019
Italy at the Crossroads (4 comments) Washington Times June 18, 2019
Regime Change and Nationalism: Letter to the Editor (3 comments) Commentary May 2019
Do Moderate Muslims Exist?: Academic Malfeasance (49 comments) Gatestone Institute April 22, 2019
Anticipating Trump's "Deal of the Century" (33 comments) Washington Times April 9, 2019
Harvard's Communist Uprising, 50 Years Later: That takeover and bust culminated my political education (24 comments) National Review Online April 9, 2019
Repairing America's Broken Universities (13 comments) Washington Times March 20, 2019
Europe's Anti-Immigration Left (11 comments) Washington Times March 8, 2019
Examining Qatar's Influence (13 comments) Qatar: U.S. Ally or Global Menace? January 29, 2019
Europe's Jews vs. Israel (23 comments) Israel Hayom January 27, 2019
Trump's Mideast 'Deal of the Century' May Be a Raw One for Israel: His plan is a closely held secret, but the signals look worrying for supporters of the Jewish state. (12 comments) Wall Street Journal January 24, 2019
The Middle East Forum at 25: Failure and Success (1 comment) Jerusalem Post January 24, 2019
Tectonic Shifts in Attitudes toward Israel (81 comments) Washington Times December 27, 2018
Pushing for an Israeli Victory Is the Only Way to End the Conflict with the Palestinians (34 comments) Ha'aretz December 2, 2018
Melbourne's Petite, Shy, Honors-Student Jihadi (29 comments) Quadrant (Sydney) December 2018
In Defense of Europe's "Far-Right" Parties (18 comments) Washington Times November 2, 2018
Europe's Civilizationist Parties: Don't shun the populists of Europe; work with and learn from them (23 comments) Commentary November 2018
Why Do You American Conservatives Keep Losing? (27 comments) Washington Times October 18, 2018
German and Austrian Media Outrage Me (37 comments) Washington Times September 19, 2018
Why Israelis Shy from Victory (72 comments) Middle East Quarterly Fall 2018
Venezuela's Tyranny of Bad Ideas: Socialism was a proven failure, but Hugo Chávez got his countrymen to try it (20 comments) Wall Street Journal August 27, 2018
Hungary: Not "Submitting to Islam" (70 comments) Washington Times August 14, 2018
Who Are Europe's Most Important Politicians? (17 comments) Washington Times August 2, 2018
Conservatism's Hidden History (87 comments) Philadelphia Inquirer July 31, 2018
Foreword (16 comments) Beyond Terror: Islam's Slow Erosion of Western Democracy by Anne Marie Waters Spring 2018
Poll: Israel Victory Gains Strength (123 comments) Israel Hayom July 3, 2018
Poland's Muslim Ban (21 comments) Washington Times July 2, 2018
"He Has Lived": Richard Pipes, 1923-2018 (34 comments) Australian June 2, 2018
Israel Has Nothing to Fear from Trump's Plan? (31 comments) Israel Hayom May 27, 2018
Political Islam in Europe: An Interview Kronen Zeitung May 14, 2018
NATO's Turkey Challenge: Erdogan's New Turkish Caliphate and the Rising Jihadist Threat to the West (35 comments) Ally No More April 19, 2018
The Rise of Western Civilizationism (28 comments) Australian April 14, 2018
A Historic Step in Austria? (20 comments) Washington Times April 5, 2018
Why Palestinians Need an Israel Victory (82 comments) Australian March 24, 2018
The End of Carbon Fuels?: A Symposium of Views (9 comments) International Economy Spring 2018
The US-Israel Honeymoon May Not Last (36 comments) Washington Times February 6, 2018
Islamic London: "Run, Hide, Tell" (56 comments) Gatestone Institute February 5, 2018
99 Percent of "Palestine Refugees" Are Fake (28 comments) Washington Times January 10, 2018
Just Two World Conspirators Handbuch der Verschwörungstheorien, ed. Helmut Reinalter. Leipzig: Salier, 2018 2018
Dhimmis No More: Christians' Trauma in the Middle East (80 comments) The Future of Religious Minorities in the Middle East January 2018
Beauty and Nausea in Venice (19 comments) American Thinker December 28, 2017
The Dubai Miracle Has Become Real (13 comments) Washington Times December 7, 2017
Accepting Europe's Anti-Immigration Parties (19 comments) Washington Times November 30, 2017
Why Palestinian Delusions Persist (42 comments) Israel Hayom November 13, 2017
Italy's Apocalypse (18 comments) Washington Times November 2, 2017
Saving NATO from Turkey (21 comments) Washington Times October 17, 2017
I Taught NATO to Stand Up to a Dictator (37 comments) National Review Online September 19, 2017
Illegal Migrant Problem? Greece Offers a Solution (8 comments) Washington Times September 12, 2017
"National Post" kowtows to Islamists, slanders Middle East Forum: Letter to the Editor National Post August 26, 2017
Iran vs. Turkey, the MidEast's Perpetual Rivalry (8 comments) Washington Times August 23, 2017
The Most Embarrassingly Wrong Book Ever on the Middle East?: David Lesch on Bashar al-Assad (12 comments) Washington Times August 9, 2017
Poll: Palestinian Rejectionism is Weakening (11 comments) Israel Hayom August 7, 2017
A Palestinian Victory at the Temple Mount (25 comments) Wall Street Journal July 26, 2017
Another Turkish Ambassador Confronts Me (10 comments) Gatestone Institute July 18, 2017
Foreword: Why Islam's Reformers are Vitally Important (45 comments) The Challenge of Modernizing Islam: Reformers Speak Out and The Obstacles They Face July 18, 2017
Poll: Israelis Want Victory (21 comments) Jerusalem Post July 12, 2017
End the False Israeli-Palestinian Parity (15 comments) Israel Hayom July 5, 2017
What If: Fifty Years After the Six-Day War (15 comments) Washington Times June 5, 2017
The Paradoxical Peril of Warm U.S.-Israel Relations (9 comments) Wall Street Journal June 2, 2017
Florida Museum Celebrates the Loss of Hagia Sophia (21 comments) National Review Online May 29, 2017
Trump's Saudi Speech: Pretty Good (42 comments) National Review Online May 21, 2017
Palestinian Statehood Is Acceptable ... Eventually (29 comments) Israel National News May 21, 2017
Achieving Israel Victory with Martin Sherman (28 comments) Israel National News May 14, 2017
The Erdoğan Enigma (15 comments) Australian April 22, 2017
Turkey's Vainglorious Referendum (5 comments) Wall Street Journal April 14, 2017
Breaking the Palestinians' Will to Fight (27 comments) Mosaic April 10, 2017
A Return to the Academy (15 comments) Washington Times April 5, 2017
Smoking Out Islamists via Extreme Vetting (129 comments) Middle East Quarterly Spring 2017
What Do Jihadis Want? The Caliphate (21 comments) Global Terrorism: Challenges and Policy Options, ed. by Dhruv C. Katoch and Shakti Sinha (New Delhi: Pentagon Press), pp..88-91 2017
[Oman:] The Middle East's Most Surprising Country (14 comments) Washington Times March 15, 2017
Jordan at the Precipice (22 comments) Washington Times March 8, 2017
Arguing over "The Way to Peace: Israeli Victory, Palestinian Defeat": Letters to the Editor (5 comments) Commentary March 2017
A White House Initiative to Defeat Radical Islam (55 comments) Washington Times February 20, 2017
Linda Sarsour, The Left's Latest Star (44 comments) Washington Times February 3, 2017
Nine Errors in Three Pages: Academic Malfeasance (16 comments) History News Network January 29, 2017
The Three-Way Option: Arab States, Israel, Palestinians (34 comments) Israel Hayom January 25, 2017
A Conservative in the Age of Trump (60 comments) Philadelphia Inquirer January 18, 2017
The Way to Peace: Israeli Victory, Palestinian Defeat (99 comments) Commentary January 2017
This Is the Moment for an Israeli Victory (26 comments) National Review Online December 31, 2016
Trump's Middle East Policy Revealed? (8 comments) Israel Hayom December 29, 2016
A Palestinian Defeat is Good for All (6 comments) JNS.org December 28, 2016
Two Bullies, Putin and Erdoğan, Try Friendship (7 comments) Australian December 23, 2016
Minimize Middle East Mistakes (39 comments) Boston Globe December 8, 2016
Europe's Epochal Elections (7 comments) Washington Times December 7, 2016
America's Know-Nothing Diplomacy [article] (26 comments) Washington Times November 9, 2016
What's a Conservative to Do? Vote for Pence (83 comments) Philadelphia Inquirer October 18, 2016
Islamist Violence Will Steer Europe's Destiny (17 comments) Washington Times October 10, 2016
The Middle East Studies Establishment Goes Full Warrior (6 comments) History News Network October 9, 2016
The Case of Christopher Bail: Academic Malfeasance (27 comments) History News Network September 11, 2016
Ban the Burqa, Allow the Burkini (65 comments) Philadelphia Inquirer August 23, 2016
No Saudi Money for American Mosques (27 comments) The Hill August 22, 2016
What's Trump's Policy on Visas for Muslims? (75 comments) Washington Times August 17, 2016
End U.S. Aid to Israel (30 comments) Israel Hayom July 26, 2016
Why I Just Quit the Republican Party (153 comments) Philadelphia Inquirer July 21, 2016
Why I Rooted for the Turkish Coup Attempt (40 comments) National Review Online July 18, 2016
Future Surprises that Could Shock the World: A Symposium (20 comments) International Economy Summer 2016
Explaining Islamism (and ISIS) to Barack Obama DanielPipes.org June 15, 2016
Who Will Write France's Future? (43 comments) Washington Times June 7, 2016
Bernard Lewis and Me (12 comments) Israel Hayom May 31, 2016
The Left vs. Israel (15 comments) Washington Times May 30, 2016
The Saudi Solution: Accommodations are plentiful in the kingdom for Sunni Muslim migrants (39 comments) Washington Times May 18, 2016
The "Shocking Document" that Shaped the Middle East Turns 100 (39 comments) Washington Times May 9, 2016
ISIS is Collapsing (38 comments) Miami Herald April 19, 2016
Does Israel Need U.S. Jewish Support? (37 comments) Israel Hayom April 18, 2016
The UAE's Fragile Good Life (15 comments) Washington Times April 11, 2016
There's a Name for Trump's Brand of Politics: Neo-fascism (128 comments) Philadelphia Inquirer April 8, 2016
Turkey's Erdoğan Gambles and Loses (41 comments) Australian March 19, 2016
Iraq's Coming Apocalypse (19 comments) Washington Times March 13, 2016
India-West Asia Relationship Can Swing Either Way (7 comments) Hindustan Times (New Delhi) February 24, 2016
Can Egypt and Ethiopia Share the Nile? (22 comments) Washington Times February 18, 2016
Assessing Obama's Mosque Speech on Islam (31 comments) Investigative Project on Terrorism February 8, 2016
Identifying Islamists through Interrogations: Skillful questions can distinguish enemy from friend among Muslims (77 comments) Washington Times January 13, 2016
Two Weaknesses Could Undo the Islamist Movement (32 comments) Boston Globe January 4, 2016
Can the Dubai Model Inspire Arabs? (20 comments) Asia Times December 31, 2015
The Danger of Partial No-go Zones to Europe (23 comments) Washington Times December 29, 2015
America's Hidden Jihad (52 comments) Washington Times December 23, 2015
An Israeli Gas Pipeline to Turkey? Bad Idea (29 comments) National Review Online December 20, 2015
Trump: You Should Ban Islamists, Not Muslims (138 comments) Washington Times December 11, 2015
Muslim "No-go Zones" in Europe? (38 comments) Daily Caller December 2, 2015
Why the Paris Massacre Will Have Limited Impact (98 comments) Philadelphia Inquirer November 17, 2015
Ending a Century of Palestinian Rejectionism (58 comments) Washington Times October 27, 2015
Turkey Is on the Path to Rogue Dictatorship (16 comments) National Review Online October 26, 2015
Erdoğan Leads Turkey to the Precipice (20 comments) Australian October 17, 2015
Reply to Howard Wiarda's "Think Tanks and Foreign Policy" DanielPipes.org September 12, 2015
Middle East Provocations and Predictions (74 comments) Mackenzie Institute September 9, 2015
A Tiny Silver Lining in the Otherwise Bad Iran Deal (14 comments) Philadelphia Inquirer September 9, 2015
Are Muslims Fatalists? (33 comments) Middle East Quarterly Fall 2015
Sweden's Populist Surge (22 comments) Washington Times August 26, 2015
If Tehran Turns Down the Nuclear Deal (31 comments) Washington Times August 20, 2015
A "Pig" Incident in Jerusalem (34 comments) Israel Hayom July 28, 2015
Obama's Iran Deal Has the Makings of a Catastrophe (35 comments) National Review Online July 14, 2015
Introduction to "Nothing Abides": Perspectives on the Middle East and Islam (2 comments) New Brunswick and London: Transaction Publishers 2015
Willfully Ignoring the Jihad against America (2 comments) DanielPipes.org June 15, 2015
Turkey's Unimportant Election (18 comments) The Washington Times June 5, 2015
That Failed Philadelphia "Islamic Jew-Hatred" Bus Ad (22 comments) Philadelphia Inquirer May 27, 2015
ISIS Attacks the West (15 comments) The Washington Times May 22, 2015
What Syrian Chemical Weapons Reveal about Obama (30 comments) FoxNews.com May 19, 2015
The Middle East Runs out of Water (37 comments) The Washington Times May 8, 2015
Decoding the Obama Doctrine (62 comments) The Washington Times April 6, 2015
Why Yemen Matters (25 comments) The Washington Times March 28, 2015
Americans Battle the Arab-Israeli Conflict (21 comments) Middle East Quarterly Spring 2015
Islam Bulldozes the Past (36 comments) The Washington Times March 20, 2015
Why Politicians Pretend Islam Has No Role in ISIS (57 comments) The Washington Times March 9, 2015
Syria's Civil War Could Stabilize Its Region (17 comments) The Washington Times February 26, 2015
Why the (toothless) Iran sanctions bill matters (19 comments) The Washington Times February 13, 2015
About Those 14 "Muslim-American Leaders" Who Met with Obama (21 comments) The Blaze February 10, 2015
3 French Soldiers, 3 Sitting Ducks (21 comments) Israel Hayom February 4, 2015
Does Europe Have No-go Zones? (89 comments) The Blaze January 20, 2015
Is Sisi Islam's Long-Awaited Reformer? (35 comments) National Review Online January 19, 2015
In Defense of Europe's So-called Far Right (31 comments) The Washington Times January 19, 2015
How Terrorism Harms Radical Islam (55 comments) The Washington Times January 9, 2015
UCLA's Embarrassment: Prof. Abou El Fadl (16 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com January 7, 2015
How to Travel like a CIA Spy (6 comments) The Washington Times December 31, 2014
Did Swedes Just Decide for National Suicide? (39 comments) National Review Online December 30, 2014
An Arab Prince Denounces Islamism (42 comments) The Washington Times December 10, 2014
Is CAIR a Terror Group? (24 comments) National Review Online November 28, 2014
A Quiet Clash at the Swedish Foreign Ministry (32 comments) The Washington Times November 13, 2014
Terrorism Defies Definition (53 comments) The Washington Times October 24, 2014
ISIS Justifies Its Yazidi Slaves (48 comments) National Review Online October 16, 2014
How Turkey Went Bad (48 comments) The Weekly Standard October 13, 2014
Congress: Stop Subsidizing Biased Middle East Studies (26 comments) TheBlaze.com October 8, 2014
André Carson, Islamist Choice for the House of Representatives (8 comments) National Review Online October 7, 2014
Hunger Growls in Egypt (24 comments) The Washington Times October 6, 2014
The Case for a Unified Kurdistan (30 comments) National Review Online September 16, 2014
Think Tanks for Sale or Rent (26 comments) National Review Online September 15, 2014
There's No Difference between ISIS and ISIL (33 comments) National Review Online September 12, 2014
Hello, Kurdistan (26 comments) The Washington Times September 10, 2014
What Egypt's President Sisi Really Thinks (30 comments) Middle East Quarterly Fall 2014
Basting Turkey's New Prime Minister (14 comments) The Washington Times August 28, 2014
The Caliphate Brings Trauma (20 comments) Aydınlık Daily (Turkey) August 25, 2014
Is CAIR Lying about a Rally for Hamas? (10 comments) Gatestone Institute August 22, 2014
Lessons of the War in Gaza (59 comments) National Review Online August 9, 2014
How Church Attendance Affects American Attitudes toward Israel (78 comments) Israel Hayom August 5, 2014
Caliph Ibrahim's Brutal Moment (38 comments) The Washington Times August 5, 2014
How Islamic Are Muslims? (48 comments) National Review Online July 28, 2014
Don't Put Terrorists on Trial (26 comments) National Review Online July 14, 2014
Why Does Hamas Want War? (56 comments) National Review Online July 11, 2014
Yasin al-Qadi, a "Specially Designated Global Terrorist," Threatens Me DanielPipes.org July 1, 2014
Turkish Support for ISIS (90 comments) The Washington Times June 18, 2014
ISIS Rampages, the Middle East Shakes (88 comments) National Review Online June 12, 2014
A 1914 Novel's Prescient Vision of Londonistan (25 comments) The Washington Times May 28, 2014
Islamism with a Human Face? (53 comments) The Washington Times May 20, 2014
Banned in the British Library (26 comments) National Review Online April 8, 2014
Chris Christie and the "Occupied Territories" Incident (40 comments) National Review Online April 3, 2014
Conservatives Rally on the Streets of Paris (23 comments) National Review Online April 2, 2014
Islam's Inadvertent Patterns (244 comments) Washington Times March 10, 2014
Obama's Hollow Promises Abroad (27 comments) The Washington Times February 12, 2014
Jews Living in Palestine? (41 comments) Israel Hayom February 6, 2014
The Middle East Forum Reaches Twenty Years (15 comments) National Review Online January 24, 2014
The Sick Middle East (35 comments) Washington Times January 24, 2014
A Century of African-American Islam: The Moorish Science Temple of America (102 comments) The Washington Times December 27, 2013
Saudis Bristle at Obama's Outreach to Iran (27 comments) The Washington Times December 3, 2013
Considering Twenty Years of the Middle East MEForum.org November 25, 2013
The JFK Assassination's Continued Importance: Fifty years later (29 comments) National Review Online November 22, 2013
The Silver Lining of Obama's Weak America (38 comments) The Washington Times November 12, 2013
Obama Turns on Israel (62 comments) National Review Online November 8, 2013
Cyprus Joins the Middle East (12 comments) The Washington Times November 6, 2013
Muslim Russia? (32 comments) The Washington Times October 21, 2013
Arguing over "Can Islam Be Reformed?": Letters to the Editor (199 comments) Commentary October 2013
Let Refugees Remain in Their Own Culture Zones (48 comments) The Washington Times September 24, 2013
Symposium: The Geopolitics of U.S. Energy Independence (10 comments) International Economy Summer 2012
Scoring the Syria Deal: Putin, Assad, and Iran gain; Obama, Turkey, and Israel lose ground. (22 comments) National Review Online September 17, 2013
Forget Syria, Target Iran (39 comments) The Washington Times September 9, 2013
Americans Can and Will Be Energy Independent (6 comments) International Economy Fall 2013
Obama's Foreign Fiasco (26 comments) The Washington Times August 21, 2013
Why Was Enoch Powell Condemned as a Racist and Not Charles de Gaulle? (23 comments) History News Network August 19, 2013
The Right Moment for Israel's Danny Danon? (37 comments) The Washington Times August 5, 2013
Islamism's Likely Doom (75 comments) The Washington Times July 22, 2013
Intricacies of Egypt's Coup d'état Explained (43 comments) National Review Online July 5, 2013
Is Netanyahu Turning Left? (29 comments) The Washington Times July 5, 2013
Egypt after Morsi: Joy and Worry (45 comments) National Post July 4, 2013
Can Islam Be Reformed?: History and human nature say yes (226 comments) Commentary July/August 2013
What Turkey's Riots Mean (32 comments) The Washington Times June 19, 2013
Happy Israel (49 comments) The Washington Times June 5, 2013
When Sunni and Shiite Extremists Make War: A response to Bret Stephens (42 comments) National Review Online June 5, 2013
The Good News in Turkey (41 comments) Los Angeles Times June 4, 2013
The U.S. Government Compiles a Bibliography (29 comments) The Washington Times May 23, 2013
Islam vs. Islamism (article) (179 comments) The Washington Times May 13, 2013
Education by Murder in Boston (54 comments) The Washington Times April 24, 2013
Support Assad (72 comments) The Washington Times April 11, 2013
Obama to Palestinians: Accept the Jewish State (56 comments) The Washington Times March 26, 2013
Explaining Obama's Fixation with Israel: Linkage (49 comments) National Review Online March 19, 2013
[Defending Lars Hedegaard:] "A Stew of Anti-Muslim Bile and Conspiracy-Laden Forecasts" (32 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com March 6, 2013
When AIPAC Went AWOL (20 comments) The Washington Times March 4, 2013
Denying Islam's Role in Terror: Explaining the Denial (55 comments) Middle East Quarterly Spring 2013
Islamist Assassinations in the West (28 comments) Gatestone Institute February 25, 2013
Philadelphia's Burqa Crisis (123 comments) The Washington Times February 21, 2013
Smart University Giving (14 comments) Philanthropy Daily February 12, 2013
Is Turkey Leaving the West? (71 comments) The Washington Times February 6, 2013
Obama's Anti-Zionism (48 comments) The Washington Times January 22, 2013
Using Cold War Tactics to Confront Iran (24 comments) The Washington Times January 9, 2013
What Is the Future of Conservatism in the Wake of the 2012 Election?: A Symposium (46 comments) Commentary January 2013
Talking Turkey (35 comments) National Review Online December 26, 2012
Better Dictators than Elected Islamists (72 comments) The Washington Times December 11, 2012
Gaza's Not the Key, Philadelphi Is (101 comments) National Review Online November 27, 2012
Morsi Could Discredit Muslim Brotherhood Rule (45 comments) The Washington Times November 14, 2012
Turkey's Islamist Turn, 10 Years Later (36 comments) Wall Street Journal November 13, 2012
A Palestinian in Texas (72 comments) The American Spectator November 2012
Islamism's Unity in Tunisia (30 comments) National Review Online October 30, 2012
Ankara at War (158 comments) National Review Online October 16, 2012
Post-Mortem on the Muhammad Protests (50 comments) National Review Online October 2, 2012
CAIR Can Expel You "For Any Reason" (8 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com October 1, 2012
Foreword: Understanding Female Suicide Bombers (2 comments) The Smarter Bomb, Women and Children as Suicide Bombers October 2012
Mocking Muhammad Is Not Hate Speech (272 comments) FoxNews.com September 24, 2012
MPAC Calls Me an "Expert on Islam" (22 comments) History News Network September 23, 2012
A Muhammad Cartoon a Day (145 comments) FoxNews.com September 21, 2012
Rampaging Islamists (73 comments) The Washington Times September 19, 2012
Another Islamist Assault, Another Western Cringe (97 comments) Boston Herald September 13, 2012
Democrats Fib Again about Israel [at the DNC] (21 comments) National Review Online September 11, 2012
Obama's Muslim Childhood (86 comments) The Washington Times September 10-14, 2012
Romney vs. Obama vis-à-vis Israel (47 comments) National Review Online September 4, 2012
Wait Out the War in Syria (46 comments) The Washington Times August 21, 2012
Spy vs. Spy, America vs. Israel (17 comments) National Review Online August 7, 2012
Max Blumenthal's Shoddy Distortions: Letter to the Editor Nation August 2, 2012
Egypt's Sixty Years of Misery (23 comments) National Review Online July 24, 2012
Egypt's Real Ruler: Mohamed Tantawi (34 comments) The Washington Times July 11, 2012
Lessening UNRWA's Damage (23 comments) The Jerusalem Post July 10, 2012
After an Israeli Strike on Iran (30 comments) The Washington Times June 26, 2012
Stay out of the Syrian Morass (45 comments) The Washington Times June 13, 2012
Count Palestine Refugees? (79 comments) National Review Online May 29, 2012
Uncovering Early Islam (588 comments) National Review Online May 16, 2012
Chris Christie's Islam Problem (40 comments) National Review Online May 1, 2012
Islam's Cartoon Missionaries (42 comments) National Review Online April 17, 2012
It's Not Road Rage, It's Terrorism (100 comments) National Review Online April 3, 2012
Dennis Kucinich, Lefty for Radical Islam (73 comments) Investigative Project on Terrorism March 26, 2012
Israel's Arabs, Living a Paradox (90 comments) The Washington Times March 22, 2012
The Arabs as Seen Fifty Years Ago (39 comments) The Washington Times March 6, 2012
Israel at Peace (30 comments) The Dorchester Review Spring/Summer 2012
"Eventually, All Humans Will Be Palestine Refugees" (40 comments) The Washington Times February 21, 2012
Kastelorizo - Mediterranean Flashpoint? (70 comments) National Review Online February 7, 2012
Don't Ignore Electoral Fraud in Egypt (24 comments) National Review Online January 24, 2012
Ending the Palestinian "Right of Return" (57 comments) National Review Online January 17, 2012
South Sudan, Israel's New Ally (30 comments) The Washington Times January 3, 2012
Tehran holds Obama re-election wild card [in Iraq] (22 comments) The Washington Times December 20, 2011
Egypt's Sham Election (58 comments) National Review Online December 6, 2011
Arabist Snobs (272 comments) National Review Online November 22, 2011
Friendless in the Middle East (737 comments) National Review Online November 8, 2011
Canada's Muslims, Not of One Mind (220 comments) Macdonald-Laurier Institute November 2011
Obama's Misplaced Mideast Optimism (42 comments) National Review Online October 25, 2011
Cyprus on the World Stage (78 comments) National Review Online October 11, 2011
Is Turkey Going Rogue? (150 comments) National Review Online September 27, 2011
In Praise of NYC's Muscular Counterterrorism (30 comments) National Review Online September 13, 2011
Assessing Qaddafi (19 comments) National Review Online August 30, 2011
Obama's Pretend Counterterrorism Policy (134 comments) National Review August 29, 2011
White House Mischief (36 comments) The Washington Times August 16, 2011
Another Islamist Soldier Turns Terrorist in Texas (50 comments) The Washington Times August 2, 2011
[Breivik and] Norway's Terrorism in Context (122 comments) National Review Online July 27, 2011
Empower Iranians vs. Tehran (26 comments) National Review Online July 19, 2011
Middle East Studies in Upheaval (131 comments) National Review Online July 5, 2011
Not Stealing Palestine but Purchasing Israel (141 comments) National Review Online June 21, 2011
The Emptying of Yemen (31 comments) The Washington Times June 7, 2011
Fin de Régime in Syria? (11 comments) National Review Online May 24, 2011
Iraq - A Province of Iran? (393 comments) The Washington Times May 12, 2011
What Is Israel's Next Move In The New Middle East? (90 comments) Moment Magazine May/June 2011
Understanding Post-Mubarak Egypt (54 comments) National Review Online April 26, 2011
Mohammed Bouazizi, Historical Figure (32 comments) National Review Online April 20, 2011
Ambitious Turkey (70 comments) National Review Online April 12, 2011
Should We Blame a Florida Pastor for Deaths in Afghanistan? (116 comments) FoxNews.com April 6, 2011
Four Middle Eastern Upheavals (44 comments) FoxNews.com March 29, 2011
Back to the Shores of Tripoli? (106 comments) National Review Online March 10, 2011
My Optimism about the New Arab Revolt (42 comments) National Review Online March 1, 2011
Egypt's Chance (57 comments) The Washington Times February 15, 2011
Anoush Ehteshami and Democracy in Egypt (18 comments) The Economist February 8, 2011
Islam and Democracy - Much Hard Work Needed (96 comments) National Post February 7, 2011
Why Egypt Will Not Soon Become Democratic (43 comments) The Economist February 4, 2011
Turmoil in Egypt (61 comments) The Washington Times February 1, 2011
Turmoil in Tunisia (36 comments) The Washington Times January 18, 2011
Copts Pay the Price (7 comments) DanielPipes.org January 12, 2011
Is Saudi Arabia Opening Up? (66 comments) National Review Online January 4, 2011
Pouring Cold Water on WikiLeaks (43 comments) National Review Online December 14, 2010
Islamist Turkey vs. Secular Iran? (192 comments) The Washington Times November 30, 2010
Oklahomans Say No to Sharia (121 comments) National Review Online November 16, 2010
Germany's Freiheit Party Joins the Fray (53 comments) National Review Online November 2, 2010
Israel and Congressional Democrats (45 comments) National Review Online October 19, 2010
Dueling Fatwas (188 comments) The Washington Times October 5, 2010
Two Decades of the Rushdie Rules (71 comments) Commentary October 2010
"Rushdie Rules" Reach Florida (62 comments) The Washington Times September 21, 2010
Americans Wake Up to Islamism (292 comments) National Review Online September 7, 2010
Immanuel Kant vs. Israel (113 comments) National Review Online August 17, 2010
Britain's New Export: Islamist Carnage (71 comments) National Review Online August 3, 2010
Turkey in Cyprus vs. Israel in Gaza (412 comments) The Washington Times July 20, 2010
Farrakhan Demands Reparations from Jews (105 comments) National Review Online July 13, 2010
Trust the Palestinian Authority? (35 comments) National Review Online July 6, 2010
Faisal Shahzad, Jihadi, Explains Terrorism (61 comments) National Review Online June 25, 2010
The Left's New Enemy: "Empire" (49 comments) National Review Online June 22, 2010
Islamist Turkey Overreaches (99 comments) National Review Online June 8, 2010
Obama, Israel & American Jews: The Challenge (20 comments) Commentary June 2010
How Islamists Came to Dominate European Islam (95 comments) National Review Online May 25, 2010
Accepting Israel as the Jewish State[: Public Opinion in Four Arab Countries] (113 comments) National Review Online May 11, 2010
Why Would Anyone Want to Blow Up Times Square? (156 comments) National Review Online May 5, 2010
My Peace Plan: An Israeli Victory (147 comments) National Post April 29, 2010
In Europe, Remorse Has Turned to Masochism (60 comments) National Review Online April 27, 2010
The Solace of Poor U.S.-Israel Relations (41 comments) National Review Online April 13, 2010
When Israel Stood Up to Washington [in 1981] (63 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com April 6, 2010
White Elephant in Baghdad (26 comments) National Review Online March 30, 2010
CAIR Attacks the Foreign Policy Research Institute (38 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com March 16, 2010
America's Shiny New Palestinian Militia (35 comments) National Review Online March 16, 2010
Crisis in Turkey (174 comments) National Review Online March 2, 2010
Waging Jihad Through the American Courts (20 comments) The American Spectator March 2010
In Mideast, Bet on a Strong Horse (108 comments) National Review Online February 16, 2010
Sarah Palin Endorses 'Bomb Iran' (115 comments) National Review Online February 8, 2010
How to Save the Obama Presidency: Bomb Iran (166 comments) National Review Online February 2, 2010
Why I Stand with Geert Wilders (369 comments) National Review Online January 19, 2010
T. E. Lawrence, American Tactician (21 comments) History News Network January 18, 2010
Security Theater Now Playing at Your Airport (68 comments) Jerusalem Post January 6, 2010
The System "Worked Really Very, Very Smoothly" in Detroit? (109 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com December 28, 2009
Some Common Sense in Egypt and Saudi Arabia (31 comments) Jerusalem Post December 23, 2009
Swiss Minarets and European Islam (272 comments) Jerusalem Post December 9, 2009
Islamism 2.0 (176 comments) Jerusalem Post November 25, 2009
Maj. Nidal Hasan's Islamist Life (78 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com November 20, 2009
Sudden Jihad or "Inordinate Stress" at Ft. Hood? (242 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com November 9, 2009
Turkey: An Ally No More (340 comments) Jerusalem Post October 28, 2009
CAIR's Inner Workings Exposed (81 comments) WorldNetDaily.com October 15, 2009
Netanyahu's Quiet Success (59 comments) Jerusalem Post September 30, 2009
One Cheer for Obama's Arab-Israeli Policy (84 comments) Jerusalem Post September 16, 2009
Niqabs and Burqas - The Veiled Threat Continues (410 comments) Jerusalem Post September 2, 2009
Peace Process or War Process? (47 comments) Middle East Quarterly Fall 2009
Counterterrorism in Obama's Washington (65 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com August 18, 2009
Why Shariah Must Be Opposed (242 comments) National Post August 5, 2009
Obama and Israel, Into the Abyss (80 comments) Philadelphia Bulletin July 21, 2009
Limping away from a Shattered Iraq (43 comments) National Post July 8, 2009
A Call for American Boldness in Iran (96 comments) Jerusalem Post June 24, 2009
The Middle Eastern Cold War (50 comments) Jerusalem Post June 17, 2009
A Rapid and Harsh Turn against Israel (170 comments) Jerusalem Post June 4, 2009
Obama and Netanyahu Meet: What's Next? (69 comments) Jerusalem Post May 18, 2009
Caught on Tape: The Middle East's Culture of Cruelty (78 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com May 15, 2009
Standing with Steven J. Rosen: His efforts to stymie Iranian nuclear ambitions began 15 years ago. (25 comments) Jerusalem Post May 6, 2009
The Limits of Terrorism (162 comments) Jerusalem Post April 22, 2009
Does Turkey Still Belong in NATO? (532 comments) Philadelphia Bulletin April 6, 2009
Avigdor Lieberman's Brilliant Debut (64 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com April 2, 2009
Arabs, Israelis, and Underdogs (32 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com April 1, 2009
Palestinians Who Helped Create Israel (52 comments) Jerusalem Post March 26, 2009
Netanyahu as Prime Minister - Déjà Vu? (24 comments) Jerusalem Post March 11, 2009
The Voice of America, Silenced on Radical Islam (172 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com March 6, 2009
That Surreal Gaza Reconstruction Conference (86 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com March 3, 2009
Dubai's Dramatic Drop (45 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com February 25, 2009
The Deceits of Bridges TV (104 comments) Jerusalem Post February 25, 2009
Obama, the Middle East and Islam - An Initial Assessment (297 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com February 3, 2009
Explaining Israel's Strategic Mistakes (47 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com January 28, 2009
A Saudi Prince's Threat to the Obama Administration (1088 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com January 26, 2009
The Democrats and Israel (80 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com January 20, 2009
Israel's Strategic Incompetence in Gaza (162 comments) Jerusalem Post January 11, 2009
Solving the "Palestinian Problem" [with the No-State Solution] (166 comments) Jerusalem Post January 7, 2009
Insight into Obama's Middle East Policy? (225 comments) Jerusalem Post December 30, 2008
Still Asleep After Mumbai (901 comments) Jerusalem Post December 10, 2008
Westerners Welcome Harems (179 comments) Jerusalem Post November 26, 2008
Obama Wins, Muslims Divided (300 comments) Philadelphia Bulletin November 12, 2008
Foreword: Ignoring the Palestinian Civil War (16 comments) Hamas vs. Fatah: The Struggle for Palestine November 11, 2008
Foreword: The Achievement of American Zionists (1 comment) Zionist and Patriot: The Odyssey of an American Jewish Leader 2008
Obama's Mansion, Saddam's Money (202 comments) Philadelphia Bulletin October 29, 2008
PLO Acknowledges: Still at War with Israel (62 comments) Hudson Institute October 28, 2008
Obama Would Fail Security Clearance (379 comments) Philadelphia Bulletin October 21, 2008
Counting Islamists (772 comments) Jerusalem Post October 8, 2008
Appease Iran? (168 comments) Jerusalem Post September 25, 2008
Must Counterinsurgency Wars Fail? (87 comments) Washington Times September 14, 2008
Barack Obama through Muslim Eyes (469 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com August 25, 2008
The West's Islamist Infiltrators (190 comments) Philadelphia Bulletin August 12, 2008
May an American Comment on Israel? (136 comments) Jerusalem Post July 28, 2008
Samir Kuntar and the Last Laugh (91 comments) Jerusalem Post July 21, 2008
Will Washington Betray Anti-Regime Iranians? (38 comments) Jerusalem Post July 17, 2008
The Problem with Middle East Studies: A Microscopic Investigation into Academic Malfeasance (89 comments) History News Network July 14, 2008
[The Islamist-Leftist] Allied Menace (150 comments) National Review July 14, 2008
Which Has More Islamist Terrorism, Europe or America? (90 comments) Jerusalem Post July 3, 2008
The Enemy Has a Name (804 comments) Jerusalem Post June 19, 2008
Prepare to attack [Iran] (348 comments) USA Today June 11, 2008
Obama vs. McCain on the Middle East (106 comments) Jerusalem Post June 5, 2008
Is Turkey's Government Starting a Muslim Reformation? (428 comments) Jerusalem Post May 22, 2008
Israel's Predicament at 60: World's worst neighbourhood (449 comments) National Post May 6, 2008
Arguing over "Moderate Islamists" with Joshua Muravchik: Letter to the Editor Commentary May 2008
Barack Obama's Muslim Childhood (762 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com April 29, 2008
A Democratic Islam? (343 comments) Jerusalem Post April 17, 2008
Europe or Eurabia? (415 comments) Australian April 15, 2008
Will Europe Resist Islamization?: [The Actions of Magdi Allam and Geert Wilders] (531 comments) Jerusalem Post April 3, 2008
Destroying Sculptures of Muhammad (756 comments) Jerusalem Post February 28, 2008
Resisting Islamic Law (667 comments) Jerusalem Post February 21, 2008
Britain's Encounter with Islamic Law (452 comments) Jerusalem Post February 13, 2008
How to Turn Gaza Over to Egypt (109 comments) Jerusalem Post February 7, 2008
Give Gaza to Egypt (127 comments) Jerusalem Post January 30, 2008
The Middle East's Tribal Affliction (127 comments) Jerusalem Post January 24, 2008
Bush's Middle East Hopes [and His Failures] (87 comments) Jerusalem Post January 17, 2008
Bush Promotes a Palestinian "Right of Return" (105 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com January 14, 2008
Fascism's Legacy: Liberalism (68 comments) Jerusalem Post January 10, 2008
Confirmed: Barack Obama Practiced Islam (1239 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com January 7, 2008
Palestinians Who Prefer Israel (92 comments) Jerusalem Post January 2, 2008
The Palestinian Economy in Shambles: Good (34 comments) Jerusalem Post December 27, 2007
Was Barack Obama a Muslim? (1107 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com December 24, 2007
Fund the Palestinians? Bad Idea (66 comments) Jerusalem Post December 19, 2007
That NIE Makes War against Iran More Likely (73 comments) Jerusalem Post December 13, 2007
Calling Who Anti-Semitic?: Letter to the Editor History News Network December 11, 2007
Turkey, Still a Western Ally? (57 comments) Jerusalem Post December 5, 2007
Accept Israel as the Jewish State? (96 comments) Jerusalem Post November 29, 2007
Lee Harvey Oswald's Malign Legacy (42 comments) Jerusalem Post November 22, 2007
Preface (30 comments) Soufi ou mufti? Quel avenir pour l'islam? November 15, 2007
Washington Protects the Terror Masters [in Courtrooms] (52 comments) Jerusalem Post November 15, 2007
Saddam's Damn Dam [i.e., The Mosul Dam] (49 comments) Jerusalem Post November 7, 2007
[Mosul and] Iraq's Next War (21 comments) Jerusalem Post October 31, 2007
Annapolis [Conference] Blues (69 comments) Jerusalem Post October 24, 2007
Giuliani's Fresh Start (44 comments) Jerusalem Post October 17, 2007
Zionism's Bleak Present (114 comments) Jerusalem Post October 11, 2007
Arab-Israeli Fatalities Rank 49th (79 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com October 8, 2007
[Brandon Mayfield and] Preempt Terrorists, Or Not? (87 comments) Jerusalem Post October 8, 2007
Islamic Economics: What Does It Mean? (260 comments) Jerusalem Post September 26, 2007
Five Years of Campus Watch (24 comments) Jerusalem Post September 20, 2007
America's Crash Course on Islam (191 comments) New York Sun September 11, 2007
CAIR's Dirty Tricks against Me (39 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com September 7, 2007
Teach Arabic or Recruit Extremists? (59 comments) New York Sun September 5, 2007
Saudi Arabian Airlines Cleans Up Its Act (71 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com August 31, 2007
Ban Islam? (1111 comments) New York Sun August 29, 2007
Uniting to Exclude Saudi Arabian Airlines (192 comments) New York Sun August 21, 2007
Stop the NYC Madrassa (150 comments) New York Sun August 15, 2007
MidEast Countries Threatened with Extinction (124 comments) New York Sun August 7, 2007
Ban the Burqa - and the Niqab Too (342 comments) Jerusalem Post August 1, 2007
Salvaging the Iraq War (108 comments) New York Sun July 24, 2007
Red Mosque in Rebellion (330 comments) New York Sun July 17, 2007
Unleash the Iranian Opposition[, the Mujahedeen-e Khalq] (52 comments) New York Sun July 10, 2007
When Conservatives Argue about Islam (86 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com July 6, 2007
Shoeless George Bush: Discusses Islam at the Islamic Center in Washington, D.C. (234 comments) New York Sun July 3, 2007
Salman Rushdie and British Backbone (714 comments) New York Sun June 26, 2007
American Intifada (302 comments) National Post June 19, 2007
Two Palestines, Anyone? (100 comments) New York Sun June 19, 2007
Israeli Jets vs. Iranian Nukes (188 comments) New York Sun June 12, 2007
Islamists in the Courtroom: The Islamic Society of Boston Case (211 comments) New York Sun June 5, 2007
MPAC, CAIR, and Praising Osama bin Laden (139 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com June 1, 2007
The Soviets' Six-Day War (57 comments) New York Sun May 29, 2007
The Travails of Brooklyn's Arabic Academy (205 comments) New York Sun May 22, 2007
A Critical Moment For Turkey (265 comments) New York Sun May 15, 2007
A Million Moderate Muslims on the March (336 comments) New York Sun May 8, 2007
No experience in the Muslim world?: Letter to the Editor Los Angeles Times May 7, 2007
Where the Nazi "Big Lie" Endures (109 comments) New York Sun May 1, 2007
A Madrasa Grows in Brooklyn (179 comments) New York Sun April 24, 2007
Bolstering Moderate Muslims (579 comments) New York Sun April 17, 2007
Is Tariq Ramadan Lying [about Magdi Allam]? (105 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com March 5, 2007
Europe's Stark Options (280 comments) National Interest March-April 2007
[Brandeis University President Jehuda] Reinharz, Israel and Me (61 comments) The Brandeis Justice February 13, 2007
How the West Could Lose: [Pacifism, Self-hatred, Complacency] (2112 comments) New York Sun December 26, 2006
Israel's Domestic Enemy (115 comments) New York Sun December 19, 2006
James Baker's Terrible Iraq Report (114 comments) New York Sun December 12, 2006
How to End Terrorism:: With Moderate Islam (745 comments) New York Sun December 5, 2006
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Rethinking the Egypt-Israel "Peace" Treaty (130 comments) New York Sun November 21, 2006
Europe is Finished, Predicts Mark Steyn (691 comments) New York Sun November 14, 2006
Ahmadinejad - Hostage Taker? (60 comments) Kommersant (Moscow daily) November 13, 2006
In 1796, U.S. Vowed Friendliness With Islam (157 comments) New York Sun November 7, 2006
Should airport security procedures include ethnic and religious profiling? (45 comments) Costco Connection November 2006
Tempering Ambitions [in Iraq] (46 comments) National Interest November/December 2006
Decision Time on Iran (207 comments) New York Sun October 31, 2006
In Iraq, Stay the Course - but Change It (112 comments) New York Sun October 24, 2006
Op Eds Now More Central in War than Bullets (125 comments) New York Sun October 17, 2006
No Islamic Law in Minnesota, for Now (176 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com October 16, 2006
Don't Bring That Booze into My Taxi (295 comments) New York Sun October 10, 2006
NATO Fights the Jihadis (137 comments) New York Sun October 3, 2006
Intimidating the West, from Rushdie to Benedict (333 comments) New York Sun September 26, 2006
Pope Benedict Criticizes Islam [in Regensburg] (858 comments) New York Sun September 19, 2006
Nike and 9/11 (99 comments) New York Sun September 12, 2006
U.S. Improvising on Security Five Years After 9/11 (97 comments) New York Sun September 5, 2006
CAIR's Twisted Stand on Academic Freedom (53 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com September 1, 2006
The Blame Game (2 comments) Harvard International Review Fall 2006
Piggybacking on Terror (185 comments) New York Sun August 29, 2006
The Fatal Stabbing of Angelo Frammartino, Palestinian Apologist (64 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com August 28, 2006
Time to Profile Airline Passengers? (103 comments) New York Sun August 22, 2006
Strange Logic in the Lebanon War (139 comments) New York Sun August 15, 2006
"At War with Islamic Fascists" (341 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com August 14, 2006
[London Airline Plot] Plans Destroyed: A terror plot foiled; experts react. (200 comments) National Review Online August 11, 2006
[Naveed Haq and] "Sudden Jihad Syndrome" in Seattle (256 comments) New York Sun August 8, 2006
Hold Damascus Responsible [for Hezbollah Violence in Southern Lebanon] (191 comments) New York Sun August 1, 2006
Arabs Disavow Hizbullah (215 comments) Jerusalem Post July 26, 2006
Israel Has a War to Win (542 comments) Los Angeles Times July 20, 2006
Israel's Unnecessary War in Lebanon (288 comments) New York Sun July 18, 2006
Debating Campus Watch: Letter to the Editor New York Review of Books July 13, 2006
Trouble in Londonistan (683 comments) New York Sun July 11, 2006
The Vatican Confronts Islam (250 comments) Jerusalem Post July 5, 2006
"[Symposium] On the Strip: Where To Go from Gaza?" (123 comments) National Review Online June 29, 2006
[Pew Poll on] How Muslims Think (408 comments) New York Sun June 27, 2006
What Jewish Ties to Jerusalem? (111 comments) New York Sun June 20, 2006
Casey, Santorum and Jerusalem (18 comments) Philadelphia Evening Bulletin June 14, 2006
Does the [New York] Police Department Profile? Should It? (110 comments) New York Sun June 13, 2006
Muslim Zionism (127 comments) New York Sun June 6, 2006
[West Africa:] New Route to the West (157 comments) New York Sun May 30, 2006
Democrats, Republicans, and Israel (77 comments) New York Sun May 23, 2006
Mr. Olmert Visits Washington (73 comments) New York Sun May 16, 2006
Is Campus Watch Part of a Conspiracy? [On Mearsheimer-Walt and "The Israeli Lobby"] (81 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com May 12, 2006
Deterring Tehran (188 comments) New York Sun May 9, 2006
Hugging Iraq's Leaders (72 comments) New York Sun May 2, 2006
Subsidizing the Enemy (139 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com April 28, 2006
About Those Iraqi WMD (58 comments) New York Sun April 25, 2006
Islamic Law at Belmont U (103 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com April 24, 2006
CAIR Backs Down from Anti-CAIR (63 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com April 21, 2006
Telephoning the Enemy (49 comments) New York Sun April 18, 2006
An Inadvertent Endorsement of Campus Watch [at Georgia Tech] (54 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com April 17, 2006
Bad News from Slippery Rock (52 comments) New York Sun April 11, 2006
Response to Mearsheimer and Walt's "Israel Lobby": Letter to the Editor London Review of Books April 6, 2006
How Israel Can Win (219 comments) New York Sun April 4, 2006
Israel Shuns Victory (166 comments) New York Sun March 28, 2006
White House Nonchalance toward the Middle East (289 comments) New York Sun March 21, 2006
Sudden Jihad Syndrome (in North Carolina) (447 comments) New York Sun March 14, 2006
King of Pop Michael Jackson and Black Converts to Islam (644 comments) New York Sun March 7, 2006
CAIR: Islamists Fooling the Establishment (79 comments) Middle East Quarterly Spring 2006
Civil War in Iraq? (250 comments) New York Sun February 28, 2006
Those Danish Cartoons and Me (226 comments) New York Sun February 21, 2006
How the Cartoon Protests Harm Muslims [by Leading to a Separation of Civilizations] (527 comments) New York Sun February 14, 2006
[U.S. Intelligence: ]"Moslem States Represent a Potential Threat to World Peace" (214 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com February 13, 2006
The Clash to End All Clashes?: Making sense of the cartoon jihad (256 comments) National Review Online February 7, 2006
Cartoons and Islamic Imperialism (837 comments) New York Sun February 7, 2006
[The Hamas Victory and] Prospects for Peace (66 comments) Time Magazine February 6, 2006
Why Hamas['s Electoral Victory] Leaves Me Neutral (47 comments) New York Sun January 31, 2006
[The Hamas Electoral Victory:] Democracy's Bitter Fruit (195 comments) National Post January 27, 2006
Don't deal with terrorists (67 comments) USA Today January 25, 2006
[William Blum and] Al-Qaeda's Leftist Brigade (84 comments) New York Sun January 24, 2006
Pope Benedict XVI and the Koran (1097 comments) New York Sun January 17, 2006
The Mystical Menace of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (215 comments) New York Sun January 10, 2006
[After Sharon:] Israeli Politics Will Revert to Its Past (66 comments) National Post January 5, 2006
Two German Interior Ministers vs. Islamism (137 comments) New York Sun January 3, 2006
Fifth Columns?: Letter to the Editor New Republic January 2006
Today vs. 1935: Hyperbole or Prescience? (3 comments) International Economy Winter 2006
Winning the Propaganda War [versus Radical Islam] (87 comments) New York Sun December 27, 2005
The Freedom Crusade, Revisited: A Symposium (11 comments) National Interest Winter 2005/06
My Gloom: Back to September 10 (140 comments) New York Sun December 20, 2005
[Kofi Annan and] Eliminating Israel Politely (92 comments) New York Sun December 13, 2005
No American Muslim Terrorists? [A Reply to Spencer Ackerman] (95 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com December 12, 2005
More Converts to Terrorism (82 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com December 7, 2005
Converts to Terrorism (93 comments) New York Sun December 6, 2005
Israel, U.N. Favorite (57 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com December 5, 2005
Muhammad Ali's "Beautiful Soul" (107 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com December 1, 2005
Muhammad Ali v. George W. Bush (141 comments) New York Sun November 29, 2005
Ariel Sharon, Escapist (34 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com November 28, 2005
Anti-Muslim Racism? (298 comments) New York Sun November 22, 2005
Palestinians Taste a Dose of Their Own Medicine (98 comments) New York Sun November 15, 2005
Reflections on the Revolution in France* (257 comments) New York Sun November 8, 2005
Iran's Final Solution Plan (96 comments) New York Sun November 1, 2005
Defending and Advancing Freedom (46 comments) Commentary November 2005
Islamophobia? (441 comments) New York Sun October 25, 2005
Europe under Siege (117 comments) New York Sun October 18, 2005
Bush Declares War on Radical Islam (276 comments) New York Sun October 11, 2005
Arabian Sex Tourism (411 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com October 7, 2005
Stupid Terrorists (51 comments) New York Sun October 4, 2005
Secularism - Will It Survive? (28 comments) Free Inquiry October-November 2005
Enforce Islamic Law in Canada? (73 comments) New York Sun September 27, 2005
Musharraf's Historic Speech (261 comments) New York Sun September 20, 2005
Christianity Dying in Its Birthplace (222 comments) New York Sun September 13, 2005
What If the United States Had Not Invaded Iraq (99 comments) Philadelphia Inquirer September 11, 2005
L.A.'s Thwarted Terror Spree (47 comments) New York Sun September 6, 2005
Why Corporations Fund Radical Islam (76 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com September 2, 2005
Islamists, Get Out (216 comments) New York Sun August 30, 2005
"A Corrective to the Pipes Worldview"? (48 comments) History News Network August 29, 2005
How Terrorism Obstructs Radical Islam (115 comments) New York Sun August 23, 2005
The End of Treason (70 comments) New York Sun August 16, 2005
[Israel's Gaza Withdrawal:] A Democracy Killing Itself: Sharon deaf to his own words; Withdrawal 'is a recipe for war' (146 comments) USA Today August 15, 2005
"Today Gaza, Tomorrow Jerusalem" (138 comments) New York Sun August 9, 2005
Television in Time of War (95 comments) New York Sun August 2, 2005
CAIR Founded by "Islamic Terrorists"? (122 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com July 28, 2005
What Do Terrorists Want? [A Caliphate and Shari'a] (317 comments) New York Sun July 26, 2005
British Opinion Surveys from an Islamist Hell (106 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com July 25, 2005
[The Canadian Islamic Congress:] An Islamist Apology (73 comments) New York Sun July 19, 2005
Weak Brits, Tough French (120 comments) New York Sun July 12, 2005
The Next London Bombing (72 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com July 11, 2005
[London Terrorism:] British "Covenant of Security" with Islamists Ends (93 comments) New York Sun July 8, 2005
Palestinians Who Cling to Israel (23 comments) New York Sun July 6, 2005
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Radical Islam as Its Own Antidote[, Argues Reuel Gerecht] (36 comments) New York Sun June 23, 2005
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Saudis Import Slaves to America (208 comments) New York Sun June 16, 2005
Is Turkey Going Islamist? (74 comments) New York Sun June 7, 2005
Jihad through History (69 comments) New York Sun May 31, 2005
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Amazon.com's Koran Desecration Problem (185 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com May 20, 2005
CAIR's Hate Crimes Nonsense (48 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com May 18, 2005
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Pro-Israel Palestinians (22 comments) New York Sun May 10, 2005
Might the Saudis Blow Up Their Oil Infrastructure? (31 comments) Huffington Post May 9, 2005
Hamas vs. America (31 comments) New York Sun May 3, 2005
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Zacarias Moussaoui Asked, Can an Airplane Pilot Shut off Oxygen to Passengers? (24 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com April 29, 2005
American Border Secrets (29 comments) New York Sun April 26, 2005
Washington Finally Gets It on Radical Islam (41 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com April 25, 2005
[Alastair Crooke's Conflict Forum and] Sharing Jokes with Hamas (26 comments) Jerusalem Post April 20, 2005
Conservative Professors, an Endangered Species (81 comments) New York Sun April 12, 2005
The Forcible Removal of Israelis from Gaza (60 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com April 11, 2005
Ariel Sharon's Folly (113 comments) New York Sun April 5, 2005
[Ra'ed Mansour al-Banna:] The California Suicide Bomber (35 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com April 4, 2005
"The Hell of Israel Is Better than the Paradise of Arafat" (22 comments) Middle East Quarterly Spring 2005
A Prof [Hamid Dabashi] Tangles the Truth (22 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com March 31, 2005
What Are Islamic Schools Teaching? (203 comments) New York Sun March 29, 2005
Can Hezbollah and Hamas Be Democratic? (56 comments) New York Sun March 22, 2005
Which Privileges for Islam? (91 comments) New York Sun March 15, 2005
A Neo-Conservative's Caution (72 comments) New York Sun March 8, 2005
[The Abu Ali Case and] Balancing Liberties, Security (60 comments) New York Sun March 1, 2005
Lebanon's Liberation Approaches (44 comments) New York Sun February 22, 2005
The End of Australian Jewry's Golden Age?: Letter to the Editor Australian Jewish News February 18, 2005
Anti-Semitism Evolves (96 comments) New York Sun February 15, 2005
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[Freedom House report on] Saudi Venom in U.S. Mosques (75 comments) New York Sun February 1, 2005
[The Search for Moderate Islam:] A Reply to Lawrence Auster (104 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com January 28, 2005
The Orthodox Future of Judaism (56 comments) New York Sun January 25, 2005
Radical Islam's Hypocrisy: The Ehrgott and Okashah Cases (70 comments) New York Sun January 18, 2005
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"24" and Hollywood's Discovery of Radical Islam (105 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com January 6, 2005
Palestinian Word Games (84 comments) New York Sun January 4, 2005
[American Muslim Group for Policy Planning;] Another "Moderate" Muslim Group (37 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com December 29, 2004
Why the Japanese Internment Still Matters (188 comments) New York Sun December 28, 2004
Palestinians Don't Deserve Additional Aid (55 comments) New York Sun December 21, 2004
[The Boim Trial:] Exploiting the Koran to Terrorize (39 comments) New York Sun December 14, 2004
[Douglas Card and] My Day in Court (27 comments) New York Sun December 7, 2004
[Hamid Dabashi:] Columbia University's Hysterical Professor (68 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com December 1, 2004
U.S. Needs To Learn Patience [in Iraq] (23 comments) New York Sun November 30, 2004
Spreading Islam in American Public Schools (237 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com November 24, 2004
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Arafat's Last Threat to Israel? (33 comments) New York Sun November 9, 2004
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Hating America's Success (48 comments) New York Sun October 12, 2004
[Michael Smerconish and I Debate:] What Kind of Airport Profiling? (28 comments) New York Sun October 5, 2004
[The Issue of Compulsion in Religion:] Islam is What Its Followers Make of It (374 comments) New York Sun September 28, 2004
The Islamic States of America? (289 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com September 23, 2004
To Profile or Not to Profile? [The Abdullah al-Kidd Case] (48 comments) New York Sun September 21, 2004
[Nepal and France:] Two Opposite Responses to Terrorism (52 comments) New York Sun September 14, 2004
[Beslan Atrocity:] They're Terrorists - Not Activists (175 comments) New York Sun September 7, 2004
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[President Bush and] Naming the Enemy (28 comments) New York Sun August 17, 2004
[Election Monitors:] The Next Assault on American Sovereignty (31 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com August 16, 2004
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[Dennis Ross on] Strange Twists in Syrian-Israeli Diplomacy (2 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com August 6, 2004
[Abdurahman Alamoudi: A] Slick Islamist Heads to Jail (21 comments) New York Sun August 3, 2004
The Triumph Of the 9/11 Commission (43 comments) New York Sun July 27, 2004
[Paul H. Robinson:] U Penn Prof for Shari'a (44 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com July 26, 2004
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Saddam the Novelist (5 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com July 9, 2004
The FBI Loses Its Way [with Marwan Kreidie] (22 comments) New York Sun July 6, 2004
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Middle East Studies on Trial (8 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com June 18, 2004
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[Abdurahman Alamoudi:] Qaddafi's American Hit Man? (10 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com June 10, 2004
[Khobar Rampage:] "Don't Be Afraid, We Won't Kill Muslims" (56 comments) New York Sun June 8, 2004
[Eyal] Press Watch: Letter to the Editor The Nation June 7, 2004
[Brandon Mayfield Case:] "If You Are Muslim, You Are Suspect" (27 comments) New York Sun June 1, 2004
Support the lesser evil [in Saudi Arabia] (21 comments) The Australian May 31, 2004
Female Desire and Islamic Trauma (119 comments) New York Sun May 25, 2004
Europe's Threat to the West (17 comments) New York Sun May 18, 2004
Muslim Europe (184 comments) New York Sun May 11, 2004
Is an Iraqi Strongman Emerging? (31 comments) New York Sun May 4, 2004
Moderate Muslims March in Phoenix (41 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com April 30, 2004
[Samuel Huntington and] American Purposes In Iraq (33 comments) New York Sun April 27, 2004
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The Roots of Iraq's Rebellion (91 comments) New York Sun April 13, 2004
The Moderation of American Muslims (30 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com April 8, 2004
Why Is CAIR Suing Anti-CAIR? (56 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com April 6, 2004
[The RAND Corporation and] Fixing Islam (52 comments) New York Sun April 6, 2004
[The University of] California [Press] vs. Academic Freedom (17 comments) New York Sun March 30, 2004
The Secret Pictures of Senior Airman Ahmad al Halabi (18 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com March 29, 2004
The U.S. Institute of Peace Stumbles (66 comments) New York Sun March 23, 2004
[The Khadrs:] Canada's First Family of Terrorism (78 comments) New York Sun March 16, 2004
Capturing Osama (29 comments) New York Sun March 9, 2004
Islamic Law Rules In Iraq (44 comments) New York Sun March 2, 2004
Stealth Islamist: Khaled Abou El Fadl (35 comments) Middle East Quarterly Spring 2004
Defund Middle East Studies (15 comments) New York Sun February 24, 2004
Hating Valentine's Day (164 comments) New York Sun February 17, 2004
Sharon Loses His Way On Israeli 'Settlements' (21 comments) New York Sun February 10, 2004
Hezbollah's Victory, Israel's Decline (69 comments) New York Sun February 3, 2004
Hamas in Florida Classroom (27 comments) New York Sun January 27, 2004
When Osama bin Laden Becomes PC (29 comments) WorldNetDaily.com January 24, 2004
Thoughts on the Middle East Forum's 10th anniversary MEForum.org January 23, 2004
Study the Koran? (243 comments) New York Sun January 20, 2004
[Michael Barkun on] Old Conspiracies, New Beliefs (25 comments) New York Sun January 13, 2004
[Khaled Abou El Fadl] and Radical Chic: Letter to the Editor The Weekly Standard January 12, 2004
Canadian Islamists host [William W. Baker,] a neo-Nazi (20 comments) WorldNetDaily.com January 7, 2004
Democrats Unlearn 9/11 (53 comments) New York Sun January 7, 2004
A French lesson for Tom Harkin (43 comments) WorldNetDaily.com January 5, 2004
Islamists Police the Classroom [at the University of South Florida] (32 comments) WorldNetDaily.com January 2, 2004
Introduction to "Miniatures: Views of Islamic and Middle Eastern Politics" New Brunswick and London: Transaction Publishers 2004
A Call for Intelligent Profiling[ by Frederick Schauer] (17 comments) New York Sun December 30, 2003
CAIR's Assault on Paul Harvey (126 comments) WorldNetDaily.com December 24, 2003
Reading Sharon's Mind (49 comments) New York Sun December 23, 2003
A tale of two crypts (20 comments) Jerusalem Post December 17, 2003
[Muslims vs. Jews, the New] Locus of Euro-Hate (33 comments) Jerusalem Post December 10, 2003
Daily Illini Bias Against My USIP Appointment: Letter to the Editor (27 comments) Daily Illini December 10, 2003
"But He Was Good to His Mother": Murdering for Militant Islam (57 comments) Jerusalem Post December 3, 2003
[Finding Moderate Muslims:] Do you believe in modernity? (212 comments) Jerusalem Post November 26, 2003
The case for 'Iraqification' (38 comments) Jerusalem Post November 19, 2003
Bush the Radical (69 comments) Jerusalem Post November 12, 2003
America the Unpopular (59 comments) Jerusalem Post November 4, 2003
Deadly Denial [of Muslim Anti-Semitism]: U.S. gov't turns blind eye to Muslim anti-Semitism (40 comments) New York Post October 26, 2003
Fulbright's Terrorist Tie (17 comments) New York Post October 20, 2003
Let Iraqis run Iraq (36 comments) Jerusalem Post October 15, 2003
[Iraqi] WMD Lies: Was Saddam just bluffing? (46 comments) New York Post October 7, 2003
Pentagon Jihadis (43 comments) New York Post September 29, 2003
[Moderate] Voices of Islam (621 comments) New York Post September 23, 2003
[Campus Watch and] Saving Mideast Studies (57 comments) New York Post September 18, 2003
Why Oslo's Hopes Turned to Dust (99 comments) New York Post September 9, 2003
Who Supports Israel[, Jews or Conservatives]? (48 comments) New York Post September 3, 2003
Obituary for Nizar Hamdoon (1944-2003) Middle East Quarterly Fall 2003
[Militant Islam:] No Less a Threat (9 comments) Jerusalem Post August 29, 2003
On Being Borked: How foes distorted my record (114 comments) New York Post August 26, 2003
[UNRWA:] The Refugee Curse (70 comments) New York Post August 19, 2003
Maher Hawash: The Terrorist Next Door (62 comments) New York Post August 12, 2003
Turkey's Radical Turn? (17 comments) New York Post August 5, 2003
[Fixing] Islam's Image Problem (114 comments) New York Post July 29, 2003
[Lee Harris on Why the U.S. is] Discarding War's Rules (79 comments) New York Post July 22, 2003
Debate: Islam and Democracy (69 comments) PBS "Wide Angle" July 15, 2003
Christian Zionism: Israel's Best Weapon? (62 comments) New York Post July 15, 2003
"A Shot at Peace": Can the U.S. Enforce the "Road Map"? (45 comments) New York Post July 8, 2003
What One Book Should You Read About . . . Islam? Bookmarks July-Aug. 2003
U.S. to Israel: Do As We Say ... (63 comments) New York Post July 1, 2003
That "Hate America" Egghead!: Letter to the Editor Nation June 30, 2003
[Middle East Studies:] Wasted Money: Academics vs. America (22 comments) New York Post June 24, 2003
Throwing out the [Arab-Israeli] Rulebook (40 comments) New York Post June 17, 2003
[The Road Map:] Learning from Oslo (80 comments) New York Post June 10, 2003
Iraq's Weapons & The Road to War (48 comments) New York Post June 3, 2003
Al-Qaeda's Limits (17 comments) New York Post May 28, 2003
[Mujahedeen-e Khalq:] A Terrorist U.S. Ally? (39 comments) New York Post May 20, 2003
Arabia's Civil War (32 comments) Wall Street Journal Europe May 14, 2003
Signal to Syria: Straighten Up (16 comments) New York Post May 13, 2003
War as Social Work? (51 comments) New York Post May 6, 2003
A Strongman for Iraq? (80 comments) New York Post April 28, 2003
[Looting:] An Iraqi Tragedy (68 comments) New York Post April 22, 2003
War's New Face (33 comments) New York Post April 16, 2003
100 Bin Ladens on the Way? (81 comments) New York Post April 8, 2003
Columbia University vs. America (136 comments) New York Post April 1, 2003
Arguing over "Does Israel Need a Plan?": Letters to the Editor (15 comments) Commentary May 2003
[Hasan Akbar and] Murder in the 101st Airborne (146 comments) New York Post March 25, 2003
Why the Left Loves Osama [and Saddam] (134 comments) New York Post March 19, 2003
The FBI Fumbles [on Gamal Abdel-Hafiz] (67 comments) New York Post March 14, 2003
Bush on Israel: Heartburn for All (60 comments) New York Post March 4, 2003
Terrorist Profs (53 comments) New York Post February 24, 2003
Polls, Palestinians and the Path to Peace (77 comments) New York Post February 18, 2003
After Saddam? Remaking the Mideast: Fouad Ajami vs. Andrew J. Bacevich (45 comments) New York Post February 11, 2003
[Mosque Mischief and] Counting Mosques (85 comments) New York Post February 4, 2003
Arguing over "Jihad and the Professors": Letters to the Editor (26 comments) Commentary February 2003
Does Israel Need a [Peace] Plan? (67 comments) Commentary February 2003
The Rot in Our [Canadian] Universities (110 comments) National Post January 30, 2003
[Appeasement Explains] Why Europe Balks (46 comments) New York Post January 28, 2003
The Enemy Within [and the Need for Profiling] (154 comments) New York Post January 24, 2003
Europe vs. America (159 comments) New York Post January 14, 2003
To End the [Palestinian] Violence (46 comments) New York Post January 7, 2003
[Symposium:] Why Does the World Hate America? (171 comments) International Economy Winter 2003
The "October Surprise" Theory (16 comments) Conspiracy Theories in American History: An Encyclopedia 2003
The Scandal of U.S.-Saudi Relations (141 comments) National Interest Winter 2002/03
What is Jihad? (1068 comments) New York Post December 31, 2002
From the Halls of Academia: Campuses must reclaim lost ideological ground (124 comments) Los Angeles Times December 27, 2002
A Better World[, Explains Michael Mandelbaum]: The triumph of humane ideas (17 comments) New York Post December 27, 2002
Here's what [Hussam Ayloush of] CAIR doesn't say about me - or its record (19 comments) Orange County Register December 22, 2002
PBS, Recruiting for Islam (352 comments) New York Post December 17, 2002
What Riyadh Buys [in Washington]: How Saudis corrupt U.S. officials (88 comments) New York Post December 11, 2002
Government for Sale [to the Saudis]: Outlaw Saudi payoffs to high U.S. officials (75 comments) New York Post December 3, 2002
A Christian Boom (1077 comments) New York Post November 26, 2002
[The Need to Name and] Know Thy Terrorists (178 comments) New York Post November 19, 2002
Profs Who Hate America (199 comments) New York Post November 12, 2002
The Paterson 'Protocols' (149 comments) New York Post November 5, 2002
Three Top Books on Middle Eastern and Islamic Topics: Books for Christmas American Spectator Nov.-Dec.
Jihad and the Professors (221 comments) Commentary November 2002
The Snipers: Crazy or Jihadis? (103 comments) New York Post October 29, 2002
[Beltway Snipers]: Converts to Violence? (157 comments) New York Post October 25, 2002
Militant Islam's New Strongholds (95 comments) New York Post October 22, 2002
[Hesham Hedayet and] Border Agencies in Denial (34 comments) New York Post October 16, 2002
Korean Delusions [of Appeasement] (34 comments) New York Post October 9, 2002
[Pakistani Christians and] A War Against What? (373 comments) New York Post October 1, 2002
[Bureaucratic Leftism and] Globalthink's Perils (44 comments) New York Post September 24, 2002
Report on Hanan Ashrawi and Colorado College (11 comments) DanielPipes.org September 18, 2002
The War on Campus (70 comments) New York Post September 17, 2002
Bush@U.N. (9 comments) National Review Online September 13, 2002
My Media Year (23 comments) National Review September 11, 2002
"Death to America" (295 comments) New York Post September 8, 2002
Nightmare on Temple Mount (47 comments) New York Post September 4, 2002
Something Rotten in Denmark? (2094 comments) New York Post August 27, 2002
The Duel: Should Iraq be Attacked?: Pre-emptive or Presumptive ... Baghdad's In The Balance Australian Financial Review August 24, 2002
Saddam's Rap Sheet (46 comments) New York Post August 20, 2002
Brent Scowcroft is Wrong: We Must Attack Saddam (21 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com August 20, 2002
Faces of American Islam[: Muslim Immigrants] (57 comments) Policy Review August/September 2002
Islam's Future [Can Be Modern] (621 comments) New York Post August 13, 2002
Catching Some Sleepers (14 comments) Militant Islam Reaches America 2002
Israel is Winning (65 comments) New York Post August 6, 2002
The Evil Isn't Islam (1276 comments) New York Post July 30, 2002
Iran in Crisis (30 comments) New York Post July 23, 2002
Europeans: From Venus? (193 comments) New York Post July 16, 2002
Terror & Denial [by Hadayat at LAX] (243 comments) New York Post July 9, 2002
'Become a Muslim warrior' (112 comments) Jerusalem Post July 3, 2002
Bush is rewarding [Palestinian] terrorism (59 comments) National Post June 25, 2002
Extremists on Campus (46 comments) New York Post June 25, 2002
[The American Muslim Council:] 'Mainstream' Muslims? (937 comments) New York Post June 18, 2002
Harvard Loves Jihad (71 comments) New York Post June 11, 2002
A New Round of Anger and Humiliation: Islam after 9/11 (52 comments) Our Brave New World 2002
[Michael Oren's] "Six Days of War" (44 comments) New York Post June 4, 2002
Chattel Slavery in Sudan (4 comments) DanielPipes.org June 2002
State's Terror Untruths (33 comments) New York Post May 28, 2002
[Is Israel] Winning by retreating? (25 comments) New York Post May 22, 2002
Hope for the Middle East [as Palestinians Face Defeat] (34 comments) Slate May 21, 2002
[Saudi Arabia:] Not Friend or Foe (94 comments) New York Post May 14, 2002
Arafat's Failure May Offer Seeds of Hope (26 comments) Los Angeles Times May 6, 2002
Lost Diplomats Just Step on the Gas (23 comments) New York Post May 6, 2002
Are We Safer? (43 comments) New York Post April 30, 2002
CAIR: 'Moderate' friends of terror (212 comments) New York Post April 22, 2002
[An Israeli] Withdrawal Won't Work (9 comments) Wall Street Journal April 15, 2002
Make the Saudis Pay for Terror (7 comments) New York Post April 15, 2002
Is America Winning? (2 comments) New York Post April 8, 2002
Missing: Realistic Take on Arafat [by George W. Bush] (1 comment) Los Angeles Times April 5, 2002
The Only Solution [for Israel] is Military - II (3 comments) New York Post April 2, 2002
[U.S. Government Statements on the Arab-Israeli Conflict:] Confusing the Matter (1 comment) New Republic Online April 1, 2002
Arguing over:"Who is the Enemy?": Letters to the Editor (1 comment) Commentary April 2002
[The Abdullah Plan:] It's About Nothing New Republic Online March 27, 2002
[Hussein Ibish:] U.S. Arabs' Firebrand (20 comments) New York Post March 25, 2002
[The United States Is] A Majority of One New York Post March 18, 2002
A Spy Myth is Born (1 comment) New York Post March 11, 2002
[Camp David II &] Shoot-the-Moon Diplomacy New York Post March 4, 2002
Are Islam and Democracy Compatible? Elections Today March 1, 2002
The Only Solution [for Israel] is Military - I (1 comment) New York Post February 25, 2002
Sue the Saudis (5 comments) New York Post February 18, 2002
Think like a Muslim[, Urges "Across the Centuries"] (16 comments) New York Post February 11, 2002
The Terror-Aiding Prof[: Sami Al-Arian] (1 comment) New York Post February 4, 2002
Arguing over "The Danger Within: Militant Islam in America": Letters to the Editor (5 comments) Commentary February 2002
Attack U.S. and Win Aid (2 comments) New York Post January 28, 2002
[Not Profiling at Airports:] A Deadly Error (6 comments) New York Post January 21, 2002
Arabs Still Want to Destroy Israel (66 comments) Wall Street Journal January 18, 2002
Denial: A River in Egypt (2 comments) New York Post January 14, 2002
[Jamil Al-Amin:] A Muslim O.J. (4 comments) New York Post January 7, 2002
Aim the War on Terror at Militant Islam (21 comments) Los Angeles Times January 6, 2002
God and Mammon: Does Poverty Cause Militant Islam? (25 comments) National Interest Winter 2002
Who Is the Enemy? (7 comments) Commentary January 2002
The United States Government: Patron of Islam? (15 comments) Middle East Quarterly January 2002
Surprise! It really is a world war on terror (2 comments) New York Post December 31, 2001
Johnny Walker Green (1 comment) New York Post December 24, 2001
Acknowledgments and Careers: Letter to the Editor Academic Questions Winter 2001-02
Israel May Be Winning New York Post December 17, 2001
Arafat's Suicide Factory (5 comments) New York Post December 9, 2001
Arabs Have Never Accepted Israel (1 comment) Wall Street Journal Europe December 3, 2001
On to Baghdad?: Yes - The Risks Are Overrated (2 comments) New York Post December 3, 2001
What's True Islam? Not for the U.S. Government to Say (25 comments) New York Post November 26, 2001
Victory [in Afghanistan] Shifts the Muslim World (3 comments) New York Post November 19, 2001
'We're Going to Conquer America' (16 comments) New York Post November 12, 2001
[Middle East Scholars:] Getting it Wrong in the Middle East New York Post November 5, 2001
The Curious Case of Jamil Al-Amin (25 comments) American Spectator November-December 2001
Fighting Militant Islam, Without Bias (13 comments) City Journal November 2001
The Danger Within: Militant Islam in America [and Its Dreams of Domination] (185 comments) Commentary November 2001
How Many U.S. Muslims? (34 comments) New York Post October 29, 2001
Bin Laden Is a Fundamentalist: A Reply to David F. Forte (1 comment) National Review October 22, 2001
Muslims Love Bin Laden (6 comments) New York Post October 22, 2001
Containment: The U.S. War Aim? New York Post October 15, 2001
The Coming Century History News Network October 11, 2001
Two declarations of war (1 comment) Jerusalem Post October 10, 2001
Why This American Feels Safer Jerusalem Post October 3, 2001
War, Not "Crimes": Time for a paradigm shift. (1 comment) National Review October 1, 2001
Why Does Terrorism Exist in Today's World? Experts Explain Austin American-Statesman September 30, 2001
What Bush got right - and wrong [in his speech] Jerusalem Post September 26, 2001
[American Muslims for Jerusalem: Radical] Islam's American lobby (10 comments) Jerusalem Post September 20, 2001
Legitimizing Extremist Groups in U.S.: Letter to the Editor The Forward September 14, 2001
Protecting Muslims while Rooting out Islamists (2 comments) Daily Telegraph (London) September 14, 2001
A Middle East Party (4 comments) Jerusalem Post September 14, 2001
Mistakes Made the Catastrophe Possible (2 comments) Wall Street Journal September 12, 2001
[Australia's] Crisis of illegal immigration (30 comments) Jerusalem Post September 5, 2001
Editor's Introduction Middle East Quarterly Fall 2001
Interview with Khidhir Hamza: "I Can Forsee Saddam Controlling the Middle East" Middle East Quarterly Fall 2001
The Muslim Claim to Jerusalem (295 comments) Middle East Quarterly September 2001
First, Accept Israel Los Angeles Times August 31, 2001
[Building a Wall and Israel's] Quick-Fix Mentality (1 comment) Jerusalem Post August 29, 2001
Double Delusion [by Israelis and Arabs] Jerusalem Post August 22, 2001
[Suicide Bombers:] A Father's Pride and Glory (6 comments) Jerusalem Post August 15, 2001
Rolling Back the Forces of Terror Wall Street Journal August 13, 2001
[The Modern Islamist:] Shakespeare with Shari'a (1 comment) Jerusalem Post August 8, 2001
[The New York Times' Deborah] Sontag's Off-key Ode to Oslo (1 comment) Jerusalem Post August 1, 2001
The [Suicide] Jihad Menace (15 comments) Jerusalem Post July 27, 2001
Preventing War: Israel's Options Jerusalem Post July 18, 2001
[Khalid Durán] An American Rushdie? (4 comments) Jerusalem Post July 4, 2001
Islamism Is Very Much Alive: Letter to the Editor. National Interest Summer 2001
Bin Laden and Herndon, Virginia (1 comment) Jerusalem Post June 20, 2001
Will the Assad Dynasty Last? Jerusalem Post June 6, 2001
Terrorism on Trial (2 comments) Wall Street Journal May 31, 2001
Mitchell Report Missed It (3 comments) Washington Times May 30, 2001
[One Year Later:] Israel's Lebanon Lesson Jerusalem Post May 23, 2001
Islamists - Not Who They Say They Are (16 comments) Jerusalem Post May 9, 2001
The [Israeli] Left's Ongoing Oslo Delusion Jerusalem Post April 25, 2001
[Islamism:] The New Global Threat (1 comment) Jerusalem Post April 11, 2001
Comment on "Political Islam and the Roots of Violence": In "The Influence of Faith: Religious Groups and U.S. Foreign Policy" Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 2001, pp. 149-51. 2001
Growing Arab Anger Won't Be Easy to Contain Wall Street Journal March 30, 2001
The [Beneficial] Sharon Effect Jerusalem Post March 28, 2001
Lift the "Siege" [on the Palestinian Authority]? Jerusalem Post March 14, 2001
Arguing over "Intifada II": Letters to the Editor Commentary March 2001
Land for What?: How the peace process brought Israel to the brink of war American Spectator March 2001
Nothing Succeeds Like Failure (7 comments) Jerusalem Post February 28, 2001
The Education of Thomas Friedman (13 comments) Jerusalem Post February 14, 2001
Arguing over "Are Muslim Americans Victimized?": Letters to the Editor Commentary February 2001
Is Sharon dangerous? [No] (1 comment) Jerusalem Post January 31, 2001
The Temple Mount's Indian Counterpart (176 comments) Jerusalem Post January 17, 2001
The Oslo Process: An Israeli Choice [and Not an American One] Jerusalem Post January 3, 2001
Interview with Prince El-Hassan bin Talal: "Jordanian Christians are Fully Integrated" Middle East Quarterly Winter 2001
Interview with Elliott Abrams: "Religious Freedom is More Important Today" Middle East Quarterly Winter 2001
Disappearing Christians in the Middle East: Editors' Introduction: Why a Special Issue? (40 comments) Middle East Quarterly Winter 2001
The Winds of War Jerusalem Post December 20, 2000
Be My Guest, Israel's Elections Won't Make Much of a Difference Los Angeles Times December 11, 2000
US must buck up Israel Jerusalem Post December 6, 2000
Interview with Charles Schumer: "The Peace Process Has Been One-Sided" Middle East Quarterly December 2000
Intifada II: What the U.S. Should Do [Buck Israel Up] Commentary December 2000
No Longer a Weakling: [Steps Israel Must Take to Shed That Image] Jerusalem Post November 22, 2000
Military Slaves: A Uniquely Muslim Phenomenon (17 comments) The Arming of Slaves from the Ancient World to the American Civil War November 16-18, 2000
There Is an Alternative [to Israel Making Concessions: It's Called Deterrence] Jerusalem Post November 8, 2000
Memo to the Next President Middle East Insight November-December 2000
Are Muslim Americans Victimized?: Charges of widespread "Islamophobia" mask a very different reality. (12 comments) Commentary November 2000
Oslo's Nine Lives Jerusalem Post October 25, 2000
Stop Pressing Israel to Make Concessions (1 comment) Los Angeles Times October 17, 2000
Palestinian euphoria, Israeli myopia Jerusalem Post October 11, 2000
The Season of Using Force in the Mideast Has Arrived[ for Palestinians and Israelis] Los Angeles Times October 6, 2000
Is Ehud Barak a right-winger? (1 comment) Jerusalem Post September 27, 2000
The Year the Arabs Discovered Palestine [Short version] (30 comments) Jerusalem Post September 13, 2000
Are the Palestinians Acting Like Zionists? Jerusalem Post September 6, 2000
Islam in the West Islâm Ansiklopedisi (prepared for) September 2000
"We Don't Need Syria" in Lebanon (3 comments) Middle East Quarterly September 2000
Daniel Pipes Explains 'Islamism' (5 comments) The Minaret September 2000
[Charlotte's Web and] Hezbollah in America: An Alarming Network (56 comments) National Review August 28, 2000
American Islamists and Lieberman (1 comment) Jerusalem Post August 16, 2000
Is Islamism Compatible with Democracy? (3 comments) Insight on the News August 14, 2000
After 'Desert Storm,' Barely a Footprint Was Left in the Sand Los Angeles Times August 4, 2000
[Camp David II and] A Perverse Dynamic at Work Jerusalem Post August 2, 2000
[Washington Should Be] Learning from Failure: What Will Arabs Sacrifice For Peace? (1 comment) New York Post July 26, 2000
Jerusalem Means More to Jews Than to Muslims (22 comments) Los Angeles Times July 21, 2000
They had a name for it[: Appeasement] (3 comments) Jerusalem Post July 5, 2000
Getting Syria wrong Jerusalem Post June 21, 2000
Syria's 'Lion' Was Really a 'Monster' Wall Street Journal June 12, 2000
Syria after the Iron Fist National Post June 12, 2000
[Assad's Death Offers] A Chance for Peace Washington Post June 11, 2000
[Israel's Withdrawal from Lebanon:] A Pivotal Moment (2 comments) Jerusalem Post June 7, 2000
Interview with Muhammad Hisham Kabbani: "The Muslim Experience in America Is Unprecedented" (1 comment) Middle East Quarterly June 2000
Interview with Conor Cruise O'Brien: The State of the Zionist State Middle East Quarterly June 2000
How Elijah Muhammad Won: Thanks to one man, Islam may become the dominant faith among black Americans (72 comments) Commentary June 2000
[The Boim Trial:] A New Way to Fight Terrorism Jerusalem Post May 24, 2000
Why Hafiz al-Asad Does Not Want a Treaty with Israel Washington Institute for Near Eastern Policy May 19, 2000
Who was the Prophet Muhammad? (168 comments) Jerusalem Post May 12, 2000
Don't leave the SLA dangling in the wind Jerusalem Post April 25, 2000
A lesson courtesy of the Turks (1 comment) Jerusalem Post April 12, 2000
Islam and Islamism: Faith and Ideology (81 comments) National Interest Spring 2000
Israel Magically Turns Its Defeat in Lebanon into Victory Jerusalem Post March 31, 2000
Developments in Russia, 1996-2000: Chronicling the Shift from Opportunity to Strongman IntellectualCapital.com June 1996-March 2000
Two Issues Facing American Jews Details (Jewish Policy Center) Spring 2000
True Syrian intentions (1 comment) Jerusalem Post March 17, 2000
Interview with Richard Butler: Why Saddam Husayn Loves the Bomb Middle East Quarterly March 2000
FDR Addresses the Arabs Middle East Quarterly March 2000
In Muslim America: A Presence and a Challenge[ – The Anti-Americanism of U.S. Converts to Islam] (9 comments) National Review February 21, 2000
The Friendly Republicans (2 comments) Jerusalem Post February 15, 2000
Israel's [Fatigue and Its] Moment of Truth (6 comments) Commentary February 2000
Is a Syria-Israel Treaty Good for the United States? Middle East Forum Wire January 28, 2000
Tax dollars to Syria? Washington Times January 26, 2000
A Copernican View [of Syria] Jerusalem Post January 25, 2000
No Time to Cajole [Syria] Jerusalem Post December 21, 1999
Skepticism on Syria-Israel Talks Christian Science Monitor December 16, 1999
Interview with Moctar Teyeb: "Slavery Is a State of Mind" Middle East Quarterly December 1999
Interview with Bruce O. Riedel: "Islamism Is Not Unstoppable" Middle East Quarterly December 1999
"The Lamentations in Zionist Society Can No Longer Be Ignored" Azure Winter 5759/1999
EgyptAir Probe Uncovers Anti-Americanism (3 comments) Wall Street Journal November 24, 1999
"How Dare You Defame Islam" (59 comments) Commentary November 1999
Asad's Art of the Double Game (4 comments) Modern Syria: From Ottoman Rule to Pivotal Role in the Middle East 1999
The Word of Hafez al-Assad Commentary October 1999
How American Jews See the Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations: A New Poll Jerusalem Post September 28, 1999
Where Can You Pray in Peace in the Middle East? (2 comments) Jewish Exponent September 23, 1999
A Good Career Move: Antonius, Arafat, Said Become Palestinian (2 comments) Jerusalem Post September 7, 1999
Arguing over "American Muslims vs. American Jews": Letters to the Editor Commentary September 1999
Interview with Caspar Weinberger: "Let a Muslim Army Occupy Iraq" Middle East Quarterly September 1999
[Al-Hudaybiya and] Lessons from the Prophet Muhammad's Diplomacy (17 comments) Middle East Quarterly September 1999
Assad Isn't Interested (1 comment) Jerusalem Post August 29, 1999
Look Closer at Group [CAIR] behind the Accusations (1 comment) Minneapolis Star Tribune August 24, 1999
Islam, Islamism, and Western Policy (3 comments) National Post August 7, 1999
It Matters What Kind of Islam Prevails Los Angeles Times July 22, 1999
Needed: Muslims against Terror[ - and Not Salam Al-Marayati] (3 comments) Forward July 16, 1999
The Road to Damascus: What Netanyahu Almost Gave Away [to Asad in 1998] (2 comments) New Republic July 5, 1999
Interview with Yitzhak Shamir: A Lifetime of Activism (2 comments) Middle East Quarterly June 1999
How Kosovo Plays in the Middle East (3 comments) National Post May 19, 1999
Whom To Root for in Israel[, Netanyahu or Barak]? IntellectualCapital.com May 13, 1999
American Muslims vs. American Jews (9 comments) Commentary May 1999
Islam's Big Threat in America [to the Jews] (6 comments) Forward April 30, 1999
Against U.S. Intervention in Kosovo: A Symposium Forward April 9, 1999
Mysterious America (3 comments) IntellectualCapital.com April 1, 1999
Lebanon Turns into Israel's Vietnam Wall Street Journal March 10, 1999
Interview with Saud Nasir al-Sabah: "Kuwait's Welfare Mentality Must Go" Middle East Quarterly March 1999
Interview with Martin Indyk: "I Must Be Optimistic about Arab-Israeli Relations" Middle East Quarterly March 1999
A Unilateral [Palestinian] Declaration of Statehood will be Costly: Pondering Palestinian Statehood (3 comments) Harvard Mosaic Winter 1999
Writing [as a Career] (2 comments) Commonwealth School Newsletter 1999
Why Israelis Ignore Palestinian Infractions Forward December 25, 1998
Arab-Israeli Peace an Overrated Goal: Middle Fast is sorting itself into two new regional power blocs National Post December 11, 1998
Salman Rushdie's Delusion, and Ours [about His Safety] (2 comments) Commentary December 1998
[Turkey-Israel and] The Real "New Middle East" (16 comments) Commentary November 1998
Syria and Turkey Gird for War Wall Street Journal October 9, 1998
Is Salman Rushdie a Free Man? Washington Institute for Near Eastern Policy October 2, 1998
Interview with Mohammed Al Khilewi: "Saudi Arabia Is Trying to Kill Me" Middle East Quarterly September 1998
Interview with Anthony Zinni: "Avoid a Military Showdown with Iraq" Middle East Quarterly September 1998
You Need Beethoven to Modernize (15 comments) Middle East Quarterly September 1998
[Islamist Terrorism:] The New Enemy Wall Street Journal Europe August 27, 1998
What's Going On in Iran? (3 comments) Zaman (Istanbul) August 4, 1998
Islamism: What Policy? Middle East Forum April 8, 1998
Dale F. Eickelman's Apologetics for Fundamentalist Islam: Letter to the Editor Wilson Quarterly Spring, 1998
Arab Rejectionism: For the Record Washington Post March 13, 1998
Interview with Ahmad Yusuf: "Hamas Is a Charitable Organization" (1 comment) Middle East Quarterly March 1998
Interview with Sam Brownback: "U.S. Foreign Problems Mostly Concern the Middle East" Middle East Quarterly March 1998
Poll: American Jews Find Clinton Too Tough on Israel (1 comment) New York Post January 14, 1998
[Turkey and Israel:] The Birth of a New Middle East Alliance (1 comment) Washington Times January 5, 1998
Why Go It Alone [versus Iraq]? Washington Post December 3, 1997
Interview with Ehud Olmert: "I am the Most Privileged Jew in the Universe" Middle East Quarterly December 1997
Interview with Osama El-Baz: "Expect Arab-Israeli Peace in Two Years" Middle East Quarterly December 1997
A New Axis: The Emerging Turkish-Israeli Entente (63 comments) National Interest Winter 1997/98
On Arab Rejectionism Commentary December 1997
[Jerusalem:] Not So Holy City (1 comment) Spectator November 22, 1997
Princess Diana and Arab Conspiracy (29 comments) Weekly Standard November 10, 1997
Polls: American Jewish Critically Realistic about Israel Forward October 17, 1997
The New Anti-Semitism [Worldwide] (8 comments) Jewish Exponent October 16, 1997
As Mideast Peace Falters, Whom do Americans Blame? New York Post October 2, 1997
Augustin de Barruel: History's Most Important Conspiracy Theorist (4 comments) Conspiracy: How the Paranoid Style Flourishes, and Where It Comes From (New York: Free Press), pp. 69-72. 1997
Solutions Remain Elusive in the Middle East [for U.S. Secretaries of State] Wall Street Journal Europe September 9, 1997
Interview with Wa'il Kheir: "The Lebanese Are Heroes" Middle East Quarterly September 1997
Interview with Boutros Boutros-Ghali: "I Support the Algerian Government" Middle East Quarterly September 1997
Arguing over "Middle Eastern Studies: What Went Wrong?": Letters to the Editor Academic Questions Fall 1997
Egypt's Problem with Ranan Lurie (1 comment) Middle East Quarterly September 1997
Is There A Worldwide Conservative Crack-up?: A symposium Weekly Standard August 25, 1997
A Mideast Friendship Alters the Strategic Map Wall Street Journal August 12, 1997
[Hebron Pig Poster Incident:] How Clinton Adheres to the 'Rushdie Rules' (13 comments) Forward July 25, 1997
[Poll Results: It's] Mr. Arafat's Fault Washington Times July 2, 1997
Interview with Steven Emerson: Get Ready for Twenty World Trade Center Bombings Middle East Quarterly June 1997
How Special is the U.S.-Israel Relationship? (4 comments) Middle East Quarterly June 1997
If I Forget Thee: Does Jerusalem Really Matter to Islam? (21 comments) New Republic April 28, 1997
Interview with Fehim Adak: Erbakan Seeks Cooperation with America Middle East Quarterly March 1997
Interview with Arlen Specter: Invite Asad to the White House Middle East Quarterly March 1997
["Pale Fire"] Changes for Henry James: Letter to the Editor Weekly Standard January 27, 1997
The Establishment's Power in Turkey and Israel Middle East Forum Wire January 1, 1997
The Higher Paranoid Scholarship Except from Conspiracy (New York: Free Press), pp. 33-36 1997
JFK Assassination Theories in Their Leftist Context (2 comments) Conspiracy: How the Paranoid Style Flourishes, and Where It Comes From (New York: Free Press), pp. 166-68. 1997
Interview with Hamad Bin Jasim Bin Jabr Al-Thani Middle East Quarterly December 1996
Interview with Benjamin Gilman: The Role of Congress Middle East Quarterly December 1996
Interview with Anwar N. Haddam: An Islamist Vision for Algeria Middle East Quarterly September 1996
Interview with Amre M. Moussa: A Nationalist Vision for Egypt Middle East Quarterly September 1996
Arafat and Netanyahu: A Study in Style and Substance Philadelphia Inquirer August 15, 1996
Interview with Dennis Ross: Living the Peace Process Middle East Quarterly June 1996
Syria's Battle on All Fronts New York Times April 23, 1996
Blaming America for the Islamic Revival National Interest Spring 1996
Interview with Rolf Ekéus: Dismantling Saddam's Arsenal Middle East Quarterly March 1996
A Second Intifada: Letter to the Editor Forward February 16, 1996
Beyond the Golan: Prospects for Syrian-Turkish Confrontation Washington Institute for Near Eastern Policy January 31, 1996
The Threat of Fundamentalist Islam Muslim Politics Report #5, Council on Foreign Relations January-February 1996
Just Kidding: Syria's Peace Bluff New Republic January 8 & 15, 1996
Is Daniel Pipes "A Friend of Muslims"?: Letter to the Editor Journal of Palestine Studies Winter 1996
Heroes and Knaves of the Kuwait Crisis Restless Mind: Essays in Honor of Amos Perlmutter 1996
The Middle East [in 1995, the Year in Review]: Between Peace and Jihad Freedom Review January-February 1996
Arabs Criticize Illogic and Tyranny Middle East Forum Wire December 1, 1995
Interview with Saad al-Bazzaz: An Insider's View of Iraq (8 comments) Middle East Quarterly December 1995
Interview with Michel Aoun: "If Lebanon Fails, So Does the Middle East" (1 comment) Middle East Quarterly December 1995
Middle Eastern Studies: What Went Wrong? (1 comment) Academic Questions Winter 1995-96
The Western Mind of Radical Islam (13 comments) First Things December 1995
25 Years of Assad's Syria: Ready for Peace?" The Washington Institute for Near Eastern Policy October 23, 1995
Muslim France (11 comments) Middle East Forum Wire October 1, 1995
Two-Faced Yasir Weekly Standard September 25, 1995
Interview with Mohammad Mohaddessin: "There Is No Such Thing as a Moderate Fundamentalist" Middle East Quarterly September 1995
Interview with Robert H. Pelletreau, Jr.: Not Every Fundamentalist Is a Terrorist Middle East Quarterly September 1995
There Are No Moderates: Dealing with Fundamentalist Islam (71 comments) National Interest Fall 1995
Hot Spot: Turkey, Iraq, and Mosul (2 comments) Middle East Quarterly September 1995
Economics Does Not Cause Radical Islam (1 comment) Washington Post July 2, 1995
Poll: The Arabs' Wall of Rejection Has Collapsed Wall Street Journal June 8, 1995
Interview with Hank Brown: An End to the Senate's Neglect Middle East Quarterly June 1995
Interview with Tansu Çiller: "Secularism is an Indispensable Principle for Turkey" Middle East Quarterly June 1995
Hooshang Amirahmadi Distorts and Deceives: Letter to the Editor Middle East Insight May/June 1995
A Millennium of Paranoia (3 comments) Wall Street Journal April 26, 1995
Dealing With Fundamentalist Islam Turkish Times April 15, 1995
Interview with Jesse Helms: Setting the Record Straight Middle East Quarterly March 1995
Rebutting Abdurahman Alamoudi: Letter to the Editor Washington Report on Middle East Affairs Jan./Feb. 1995
Arguing over "The Arabists": Letters to the Editor Journal of Palestine Studies Winter 1995
"Hafiz al-Asad Should Be Careful" (1 comment) Turkish Times December 15, 1994
Understanding Hafiz al-Asad Middle East Quarterly December 1994
Interview with Charles Krauthammer: America's "Great Success Story" Middle East Quarterly December 1994
Syria's people may not want peace Jewish Exponent November 25, 1994
U.S. Troops in the Golan Heights? Washington Times November 15, 1994
[Left & Right on Communism & Islamism:] Same Difference (3 comments) National Review November 7, 1994
The Paranoid Style in Mideast Politics: From the Gulf War to Somalia, fear of a sinister Uncle Sam (1 comment) Washington Post November 6, 1994
Clinton in Syria: He sends Assad the wrong signal Boston Globe October 30, 1994
Press Hafez al-Assad To Go the American Route (1 comment) Wall Street Journal October 27, 1994
[Saddam Hussein:] Stupid Is as Stupid Does (2 comments) Wall Street Journal October 11, 1994
The Mind of Hafez Assad: After a career built on rejectionism, he's still playing a double game Washington Post October 9, 1994
The Second Battle of Algiers Baltimore Jewish Times September 30, 1994
Mirror Image: How the PLO Mimics Zionism (4 comments) National Interest Fall 1994
Islamic Fundamentalists are the New Big Threat to the West (4 comments) Philadelphia Inquirer September 16, 1994
Assad: As Good as His Word? Jerusalem Post September 3, 1994
Turkey and the Jews (1 comment) Turkish Times September 1, 1994
Interview with James A. Baker III: Looking Back on the Middle East Middle East Quarterly September 1994
Identifying Friend and Enemy In the Complex Islamic World The Northern Centinel September 1994
Middle East Mischief: Real Conspiracies (4 comments) Middle East Quarterly September 1994
Algerian Time Bomb: Why it matters to us Washington Post August 11, 1994
Palestinians vs. the Arabs Middle East Forum Wire August 1, 1994
Liberals and Conservatives Debate Fundamentalist Islam (1 comment) Forward July 22, 1994
No Longer Persona Non Grata: Dinner at the Algerian Ambassador's Residence Middle East Forum Wire July 1, 1994
Interview with Tariq 'Aziz: The View From Baghdad Middle East Quarterly June 1994
The Vision of Shimon Peres Middle East Forum Wire May 23, 1994
The PLO'a Liars and Murderers Have Not Changed Forward May 6, 1994
"The Event of Our Era": Former Soviet Muslim Republics Change the Middle East (6 comments) Central Asia and the World: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan May 1994
The Broken Promises of Syria's Hafez Assad Washington Times April 29, 1994
Battling Headlines New Republic April 18, 1994
[Turkey vs. Iran and] Islam's Intramural Struggle (3 comments) National Interest Spring 1994
The End of the Reign of Optimism in the Middle East Washington Times March 16, 1994
Editor's Introduction Middle East Quarterly March 1994
Interview with Martin Indyk: Perspective from the White House Middle East Quarterly March 1994
Deportation Prospects to Lebanon and Syria: Prepared for the case, Government of Canada vs. Mahmoud Mohammad Issa Mohammad DanielPipes.org March 1994
Imperial Israel: The Nile-to-Euphrates Calumny (28 comments) Middle East Quarterly March 1994
Make Kuwait an American Ally (1 comment) Wall Street Journal February 25, 1994
Palestinians Who Praise Israel (2 comments) Forward February 11, 1994
Trust Assad? Not Yet New York Times January 18, 1994
A Review of 1993 and a Look Ahead Philadelphia Inquirer January 9, 1994
Turkic Peoples, Persian Culture Middle East Insight January 1994
Assad Opposes the Oslo Accords Forward December 24, 1993
How Arafat Got Paid Jewish Times December 16, 1993
Mr. Clinton's Meeting with Salman Rushdie Sent the Wrong Signals (3 comments) Washington Times December 8, 1993
Debate over Jiří Valenta and the University of Miami Miami Jewish Tribune October 1993
Implications of the Rabin-Arafat Accord (1 comment) Forward September 24, 1993
[Oslo Accords:] Arafat Said Yes, But Most Palestinian Leaders Say No (2 comments) Wall Street Journal Europe September 22, 1993
Poor PLO Middle East Council Wire August 15, 1993
Turkey, Quiet Land of Immigration Turkish Times August 15, 1993
Do I Approve of Syria's Annexing Lebanon?: Letter to the Editor Delaware County Daily Times August 6, 1993
Both Sides of Their Mouths: Arab Leaders' Private vs. Public Statements Jerusalem Post August 4, 1993
Muslims in the West: Can Conflict Be Averted? (111 comments) United States Institute of Peace August 1993
Whatever Has Become of Arafat's PLO? Washington Times June 6, 1993
Losing is Winning in the Middle East Jewish Times May 27, 1993
Palestinians Sometimes Praise the Jewish State Jewish Times May 6, 1993
Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan Compete in Central Asia Christian Science Monitor April 8, 1993
Dining out with the PLO in Prague (1 comment) Jewish Times February 18, 1993
Parody: The Election Story of This Decade DanielPipes.org February 1993
Saddam: Dilemma for the West Miami Herald January 17, 1993
Introduction Sandstorm: Middle East Conflicts and America January 1, 1993
Egyptian Family Life in 1919 (3 comments) Muqarnas: Essays in Honour of Oleg Grabar (10): 138-40 1993
Ambitious Iran, Troubled Neighbors (6 comments) Foreign Affairs 1993
The Word from Baghdad... Middle East Council Wire December 16, 1992
[Iraq and Iran:] The Tarbabies of American Politics National Review November 16, 1992
Trip Report: Central Asia Middle East Council Wire October 21, 1992
Bush, Clinton, and the Jews: A Debate [with Martin Peretz] Commentary October 1992
[Symposium:] To Die in Sarajevo: U.S. Interests in Yugoslavia Policy Review Fall 1992
High-Tech Planes to Saudi Arabia? (1 comment) DanielPipes.org September 1992
The Benefit of Straight-Ballot Voting (2 comments) Philadelphia Inquirer July 18, 1992
Article Was Not About Loan Guarantees: Letter to the Editor Hartford Courant July 6, 1992
Plotters New Republic July 6, 1992
This [George H.W. Bush] Administration is Good for Israel Washington Post June 9, 1992
Japan Invents the Future (5 comments) Society March-April 1992
After Desert Storm, No Real Change in the Middle East Jewish Exponent January 17, 1992
One Year Later: Was Operation Desert Storm Worth It? (2 comments) Philadelphia Inquirer January 16, 1992
Christmas Book Supplement The American Spectator January 1992
Preface [to a book about post-Soviet transitions to democracy] Uprooting Leninism, Cultivating Liberty January 1992
The New Anti-Semitism (2 comments) My Brother's Keeper: World Conference on Anti-Semitism and Prejudice in a Changing World 1992
Dealing With Middle Eastern Conspiracy Theories (6 comments) Orbis 1992
Saddam Hussein? On 2nd thought, it's better to keep him The Miami Herald December 29, 1991
Let the Iraqis Get Rid of Saddam Washington Post December 22, 1991
[Television Mayhem?] Look at Japan: Letter to the Editor National Review December 2, 1991
Syria: A Partner for Peace?: Has Assad had a change of heart or merely a chance of tactics? Washington Jewish Weekly October 20, 1991
Syria is the Key ABC (Madrid) September 30, 1991
Is Damascus Ready for Peace? Foreign Affairs Fall 1991
Syria: America's New Ally? Washington Institute for Near Eastern Policy August 1991
Why Syria's Offer Is Serious Wall Street Journal July 26, 1991
From a Distance: Influencing Foreign Policy from Philadelphia The Heritage Lectures, Heritage Foundation June 5, 1991
The House That Iraq Built: Letter to the Editor Washington Post June 2, 1991
Gary Sick's Same Old Song (1 comment) Wall Street Journal May 2, 1991
Why America Can't Save the Kurds (2 comments) Wall Street Journal April 11, 1991
What Kind of Peace [to Follow the Kuwait War]? National Interest Spring 1991
Kuwait's Urgent Business Washington Post March 26, 1991
Lebanon's Damning Lesson on Linkage Wall Street Journal March 8, 1991
How Much Time Left on [Saddam] Hussein's Political Clock?: Political Forecast Los Angeles Times March 3, 1991
Taiwan In Japan's Footsteps (1 comment) DanielPipes.org March 1991
The Problem of Soviet Muslims (1 comment) Asian Outlook (Taipei) March-April 1991
Israel, America, and Arab Delusions (8 comments) Commentary March 1991
PLO, Inc. American Spectator February 1991
[The "Arab Street":] Why Arabs Aren't Rioting Wall Street Journal January 22, 1991
Sex, Lies, and Holy Mecca Radio Jerusalem Post January 14, 1991
U.S. War Aims [in Iraq] Washington Post January 13, 1991
Preface and Introduction Friendly Tyrants: An American Dilemma 1991
Little Forgiveness Likely for Rushdie: Letter to the Editor Daily Telegraph (London) December 29, 1990
Rushdie Fails to Move the Zealots: Intolerance: Capitulation by the author of "The Satanic Verses" gets him nowhere. (15 comments) Los Angeles Times December 28, 1990
Will Saddam Back Down - Or Fight? (2 comments) Wall Street Journal December 20, 1990
Demolishing 6 Middle East Myths (1 comment) Philadelphia Inquirer November 28, 1990
The Muslims are Coming! The Muslims are Coming! (52 comments) National Review November 19, 1990
Leaving Saddam Alone Is a Fool's Solution: Letter to the Editor Daily Telegraph (London) October 29, 1990
War Now - Or War Later New York Times October 23, 1990
Greater Syria: Another Lion Roars in the Middle East Washington Post October 21, 1990
The World's Richest Terrorists On Camera October-November 1990
President Arafat? [and the Jordan-Is-Palestine Issue] (6 comments) National Interest Fall 1990
What Kuwait Was Like (1 comment) Washington Post August 9, 1990
Should Israel Annex the West Bank?: Letter to the Editor Commentary August 1990
Another Flawed Palestinian-Israeli "Peace" Plan: This one from an Israeli general National Review June 25, 1990
Don't Despair - Middle East Peace Is Still Possible: An Outside-In Approach to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict (3 comments) Wall Street Journal June 15, 1990
The Problem with MidEast "Peace Processing" Middle East Insight May/June 1990
Liberal Muslims[ and the Rushdie Affair]: Battered but Not Mute Newsday May 31, 1990
Syria is the Key to Mideast peace Philadelphia Inquirer May 1, 1990
Can the Palestinians Make Peace? (3 comments) Commentary April 1990
Debate over the West Bank and American Interests: Letters to the Editor Commentary March 1990
Moscow's Next Worry: Ethnic Turks (1 comment) New York Times February 13, 1990
When Americans Are United: Letter to the Editor Wall Street Journal January 16, 1990
U.S. War Aims [vs. Iraq] Washington Post January 13, 1990
The 1980s: No Longer the Heroic Age of Arab-Israeli Diplomacy Foreign Policy Research Institute January 8, 1990
The Quiet Crisis: Turkish-Syrian Relations Prepared for the Central Intelligence Agency November 1989
Is the West Bank a Vital American Interest? Commentary November 1989
"Satanic" Edict Still Bedevils Free Speech (1 comment) Wall Street Journal September 26, 1989
[Salman Rushdie affair:] How to sell a book and live dangerously Philadelphia Inquirer August 24, 1989
Iran after Khomeini (2 comments) World and I August 1989
The Fantasy of 'Greater Israel' (2 comments) Washington Jewish Week July 6, 1989
"The Rise of the West": Letter to the Editor New York Times Book Review July 2, 1989
Political Islam in Europe, Pluralism in Peril Reason July 1989
Good News for Iran: The Lenin of Islam Is Gone Detroit News June 8, 1989
The Year the Arabs Discovered Palestine [Long version] (25 comments) Middle East Review Summer 1989
The Ayatollah, the Novelist [Salman Rushdie], and the West (9 comments) Commentary June 1989
Syria or the Palestinians? Congress Monthly May/June 1989
Terrorism: The Syrian Connection (11 comments) National Interest Spring 1989
Revising Israeli History: Letter to the Editor Tikkun Mar./Apr. 1989
The Middle East and Persian Gulf: Policy Strategies for the 1990s Mandate for Leadership III: Policy Strategies for the 1990s January 1989
Why Asad's Terror Works and Qadhdhafi's Does Not (2 comments) Orbis 1989
The Alawi Capture of Power in Syria (150 comments) Middle Eastern Studies 1989
Syria: The Next Generation Prepared for the Orkand Corporation 1989
Declaring Statehood: Israel and the PLO (11 comments) Orbis 1989
Dim Prospects for Palestinian State (1 comment) Indianapolis Star December 26, 1988
How the U.S. Should Handle Arafat (1 comment) New York Times December 20, 1988
I Was a U.N. Delegate: Where "the game is the game" (8 comments) DanielPipes.org November 1988
Is Jordan Palestine? (66 comments) Commentary October 1988
On "Prankster From Tripoli": Letter to the Editor Chronicles of Culture September 1988
U.S. Warmed to Zia, as It Must to Successor Los Angeles Times August 18, 1988
Qaddafi's Daughter New York Times August 14, 1988
Now, the P.L.O. Must Put Up or Shut Up New York Times August 3, 1988
Radical Politics and the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (2 comments) International Journal of Middle East Studies August 1988
Is Iran To Blame for the Airliner Incident? Philadelphia Inquirer July 7, 1988
Action in World Hot Spots Should Tell President Soviets Haven't Changed Los Angeles Times June 3, 1988
Afghanistan: Respect the Pessimists But Heed the Optimists Commentary May 1988
Castro's Cuba: Fact or Fiction?: Letter to the Editor (1 comment) Wall Street Journal April 26, 1988
Imagine a Palestinian State: A Nightmare for the Arabs and for Israel (2 comments) New York Times April 25, 1988
Will Soviets Get Out to Get Back In [of Afghanistan]? Los Angeles Times April 14, 1988
Why Arab States Retreated from Battling Israel Foreign Policy Research Institute April 8, 1988
Qadhdhafi's Diminished Vision Orbis Spring 1988
American Jews and Israel - A Symposium Commentary February 1988
The Unacknowledged [Jordan-Israel] Partnership National Interest Winter 1987/88
The Kuwaiti Exception (6 comments) American Spectator January 1988
The Mideast's New No. 1 Problem New York Times November 29, 1987
U.S. Support for Kuwait: Letter to the Editor Wall Street Journal July 9, 1987
Arab vs. Arab over Palestine (1 comment) Commentary July 1987
Why the U.S Should Bolster Iraq New York Times May 31, 1987
The U.S. Should Target Iraq - for Friendship Newsday May 27, 1987
Back Iraq: It's time for a U.S. 'tilt' The New Republic April 27, 1987
Chad's Victory Over Libya Is Also a Victory for the U.S. Wall Street Journal April 14, 1987
Breaking the Iran/Contra Story Orbis Spring 1987
Syria After Assad (1 comment) World and I February 1987
U.S. Diplomatic Success and Failure in the Middle East Committee for the Free World 1987
Damascus and the Claim to Lebanon (1 comment) Orbis Winter 1987
Two Bus Lines to Bethlehem (5 comments) National Interest Winter 1986/7
Palestine for the Syrians? (8 comments) Commentary December 1986
Kuwait's Terrorism Policy Sets an Example (2 comments) Wall Street Journal November 18, 1986
The Soviets Play Defense in the Middle East A Search for Solutions: U.S.A.-U.S.S.R.: Proceedings of a Conference November 17, 1986
Assad's Cunning Game (2 comments) Washington Post November 4, 1986
Isolate Syria New York Times October 29, 1986
Why Labor-Likud Coalition Endures Philadelphia Inquirer October 14, 1986
Seen one superpower, seen 'em all Baltimore Morning Sun July 6, 1986
Syria: The Cuba of the Middle East? (3 comments) Commentary July 1986
Shooting Down Terrorism: Letter to the Editor Policy Review Summer 1986
Syria's Imperial Dream: Foreign adventures shore up Assad's regime New Republic June 9, 1986
Fundamentalist Muslims Between America and Russia (3 comments) Foreign Affairs Summer 1986
The Scourge of Suicide Terrorism (12 comments) National Interest Summer 1986
Libyan Raid Didn't Employ Vietnam's Lessons (2 comments) Wall Street Journal April 23, 1986
Mrs. Peters' Palestine: Letter to the Editor New York Review of Books March 27, 1986
Understanding Islam in Politics The Middle East Reader 1986
But Don't Forget Syria National Interest Fall 1985
It's Syria That Counts in the Middle East Wall Street Journal August 13, 1985
East and West in the Middle East Middle East Focus March 1985
"Death to America" in Lebanon (6 comments) Middle East Insight March/April 1985
More Military Aid for Saudi Arabia? Washington Times February 11, 1985
More Americans May Die in Lebanon New York Times January 27, 1985
Undeclared War: Iranian Terrorism Hijacks U.S. Influence The New Republic January 7, 1985
Turkey is Not in Europe Heritage Foundation 1985
Cairo Diarist: Under Construction (1 comment) New Republic December 17, 1984
Dealing With Qaddafi: In this case, it may be the right thing to do. Washington Post October 26, 1984
Deep-Rooted, If Confusing, Laws in the Mideast: Letter to the Editor New York Times October 5, 1984
Mideast Isn't Seen in Left-Right Terms (1 comment) Wall Street Journal September 27, 1984
Breaking All the Rules: The Middle East in U.S. Policy (2 comments) International Security Fall 1984
The Rise of Muslim Fundamentalism (3 comments) St. Louis Post Dispatch August 22, 1984
Louis Farrakhan Is Not a Muslim (183 comments) Washington Post July 2, 1984
U.S., Put Pressure On Sudan's President New York Times June 25, 1984
IN MEMORIUM: Joe Fletcher DanielPipes.org June 16, 1984
Debating Helena Cobban's "The Palestinian Liberation Organisation": Letters to the Editor Washington Post June 10, 1984
The Media and the Middle East (15 comments) Commentary June 1984
Debating Bernard Lewis, "The Muslim Discovery of Europe": Letter to the Editor American Historical Review April 1984
Peace or pro-American government in Lebanon? Christian Science Monitor February 13, 1984
U.S., Pressure Gemayel New York Times January 23, 1984
It Wasn't "Terrorism": Letter to the Editor Washington Post January 6, 1984
The Rise of the Sa'dis in Morocco The Maghreb Review 1984
Next Steps in Lebanon American Policy in the Middle East 1984
The Middle East: Continuing the Conservative Revolution Mandate for Leadership II: Continuing the Conservative Revolution January 1984
Reply to Ernest Gellner: Letter to the Editor New Republic December 26, 1983
U.S. and Soviet Roles in the Middle East Moscow Symposium November 1983
Anatomy of Success: U.S. Diplomacy in the Arab-Israeli Conflict Middle East Insight Sep./Oct. 1983
Islamic Law: A Primer (1 comment) In the Path of God 1983
Three French Invasions of Egypt (1 comment) In the Path of God: Islam and Political Power 1983
Mecca, Medina, and the Origins of Eighteenth-Century Islamism In the Path of God: Islam and Political Power 1983
Islam's Medieval Synthesis (1 comment) In the Path of God: Islam and Political Power 1983
Male-Female Relations in Islamdom and Christendom (1 comment) In the Path of God: Islam and Political Power 1983
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: (Al-Mamlaka al-'Arabiya as-Sa'udiya) The World Encyclopedia of Political Systems and Parties 1983
[Lebanon:] The Real Problem (1 comment) Foreign Policy Summer 1983
How Important Is the PLO? (3 comments) Commentary April 1983
Muslim Ambivalence [about Modernization]: Conclusion to Part II In the Path of God: Islam and Political Power 1983
Mamluk Survival In Ottoman Egypt (1 comment) Journal of Turkish Studies 1983
The Third World Peoples of Soviet Central Asia (1 comment) The Third World: Premises of U.S. Foreign Policy 1983
A Border Adrift:: Origins of the Iraq-Iran War (3 comments) The Iraq-Iran War: Old Conflict, New Weapons 1983
Understanding the Palestinian Issue (3 comments) International Insight Nov./Dec. 1982
How Allah's Blessing Has Become the Curse of Wealth Australian October 9, 1982
Why Won't the Arabs Help the Palestinians? (1 comment) Wall Street Journal August 20, 1982
Where Are the Arab "Brothers" Now? (1 comment) Chicago Tribune August 8, 1982
The Curse of Oil Wealth (10 comments) Atlantic July 1982
Iran Is Likely to Go for Iraq's Jugular Business Week June 7, 1982
Increasing Security in the Persian Gulf [Despite Neutralism] ORBIS Spring 1982
Politics on the Campus: A Symposium Counterpoint: The University of Chicago's Conservative Quarterly Spring 1982
Libya's Interventions [in Africa]: Letter to the Editor Christian Science Monitor February 2, 1982
Rapid, Violent Change Dooms Fragile OPEC Regimes Chicago Maroon January 22, 1982
Oil Wealth and Islamic Resurgence Islamic Resurgence in the Arab World, edited by Ali E. Hillal Dessouki (New York: Praeger, 1982, pp. 35-53) 1982
Muslim Patterns in International Politics Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society December 1981
Will Sadat Follow the Shah? Independent News Alliance September 22, 1981
The Jewish-Muslim Connection: Traditional Ways of Life (68 comments) Present Tense Autumn 1981
The Politics of Muslim Anti-Semitism (9 comments) Commentary August 1981
Understanding the Middle East: A Guide to Common Terms International Insight July/Aug. 1981
A Directory of Modern Islam Michael Curtis, ed., Religion and Politics in the Middle East 1981
Saudi Arabia's Foreign Policy: The Cautious Course (1 comment) Saudi Arabia: Beneath the Veil 1981
"No One Likes the Colonel": Qaddafi's Failure (2 comments) American Spectator March 1981
Qaddafi's Little Libya Plays Great Power Games Wall Street Journal February 19, 1981
The Hostages[ in Tehran]: Ronald Reagan Inherits a Tangled Legacy Los Angeles Times January 11, 1981
Islamic Affairs: Letter to the Editor Asiaweek December 26, 1980
Why the Iranian Militants Will Free the Hostages Business Week December 8, 1980
Pity the Poor Oil States – Raped by Riches Chicago Sun-Times December 5, 1980
[Iran:] Our National Honor Is at Stake: We should have no dealings with Iran until it frees 52 Los Angeles Times December 4, 1980
Beware, a Hostage Deal Might Hurt the U.S. New York Times October 29, 1980
Hostages Are Snarled in Iran's Factionalism: Carter's Hope Ignores the Reality of Political Life in a Divided Nation Los Angeles Times October 8, 1980
The MidEast River War Wall Street Journal September 25, 1980
Qaddafi vs. Israel: A History of Futility The New Leader August 25, 1980
Philippine Lessons for Israel Jerusalem Post August 7, 1980
Oil Wealth Confers New Dignity on Islam Chicago Tribune July 29, 1980
Iran's Good Fortune Washington Post July 10, 1980
Can Poor Muslim-American Relations be Improved? Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society July 1980
Khomeini, the Soviets and U.S.: Why the Ayatollah fears America (1 comment) New York Times May 27, 1980
"This World is Political!!": The Islamic Revival of the Seventies (1 comment) Orbis Spring 1980
Islam in Iraq's Public life Cyriac K. Pullapilly, ed., Islam in the Contemporary World. Notre Dame, Ind.: Cross Roads, 1980, pp. 306-15. 1980
Mawlas: Freed Slaves and Converts in Early Islam Slavery & Abolition 1980
Black Soldiers in Early Muslim Armies (10 comments) International Journal of African Historical Studies 1980
Libyan and Saudi Muscle New York Times November 8, 1979
"Five and dime" solution?: Letter to the Editor Chicago Tribune June 7, 1979
The Strategic Rationale for Military Slavery The Journal of Strategic Studies 2 (1979): 34-46 May 1979
Camp David: Farseeing Diplomacy or Neocolonialism?: The key to lasting peace Christian Science Monitor April 25, 1979
Weakened Economy Poses Big Problems for the Egyptians Wall Street Journal March 23, 1979
The Islamic revolt's threat to the Soviets Business Week March 19, 1979
Why Did Military Slavery Exist? Turkish Studies Association Bulletin March 1979
Turks in Early Muslim Service (8 comments) Journal of Turkish Studies / Türklük Bilgisi Araştirmaları 1978
Egypt's Phony Socialism DanielPipes.org October 4, 1976
Inspired by Life in Cairo: Aphorisms, 1976-77 DanielPipes.org 1976-77
1776 and Institutional Selection DanielPipes.org July 4, 1976
Egyptian Attitudes Toward Peace [with Israel] Genesis 2 February 1974
Be Prepared to Seize Arab Oil: Letter to the Editor Boston Herald-Traveler and Record American November 5, 1973
Shutting Down Harvard's Counter Teach-In DanielPipes.org March 27, 1971
Rebellion in Eritrea: Letter to the Editor New York Times February 4, 1971
The Arab Refugees (1 comment) [Harvard] Progressive Students for Israel December 1970
Harvard's Closing: Letter to the Editor New York Times May 14, 1970
Harvard Was Intimidated: Letter to the Editor Boston Record American May 13, 1970
Introduction [to the Issue] Social Science Forum Spring 1969

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