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Reader comments (288) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
2appeasement does not work on fanatics [85 words]Phil GreendJun 2, 2007 08:1695763
1The Indian Govn should understand this [54 words]IndianSep 29, 2010 12:4095763
Did Muslims ever fear Israel? [282 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
InfidelAug 28, 2006 02:3454118
Au contraire, Mr. Pipes [128 words]Joe kaffirSep 26, 2006 06:1954118
Terribe population explosion [25 words]anomlowDec 13, 2010 08:1654118
US Congress approval of Israeli attack on Lebanon [57 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
brooks evansAug 5, 2006 23:4151760
Lacking PR [147 words]Susan WeinsteinAug 2, 2006 14:5551531
Israel's conundrum [348 words]InfidelSep 26, 2006 15:3551531
further "evil" zionist action [147 words]anirbanAug 1, 2006 04:3551367
Shame on Israel and The US for supporting massive aggression against civilians (i.e. terrorism) [172 words]ElijahJul 30, 2006 13:4051245
Shame on Lebanese government [128 words]VijayJul 30, 2006 18:4151245
massive aggression against civilians [120 words]anirbanJul 31, 2006 10:2751245
Elijah the hypocrite [335 words]JasonJul 31, 2006 11:4451245
Worse Aggression Is Hezbollah Using Innocents To Make World Turn Against Isreal And USA [145 words]AnneMJul 31, 2006 12:1351245
Well said Jason! [22 words]VladAug 2, 2006 13:2151245
Jason [22 words]DeanoAug 5, 2006 06:5651245
you are so right [45 words]demaAug 5, 2006 10:3851245
Utter rubbish [236 words]TerryFeb 26, 2007 18:1751245
I will echo that, well said. However, I don't think the uninformed will bother ... [111 words]kmanJan 3, 2009 17:0151245
andrew@akgold.com [71 words]Andrew K GoldJul 28, 2006 17:1051092
Rules of Israel, No Rules for Hizbullah [176 words]InfidelJul 26, 2006 15:5650918
RULES OF ENGAGEMENT! [486 words]RonSep 25, 2006 07:2250918
ROE in Iraq [762 words]russell wohlfordNov 24, 2006 11:1850918
An Old Sergeant Salutes You Russel Wohlford [66 words]Seamus MacNemiJun 17, 2007 14:1150918
RE LEBANON [149 words]HETAL PATELJul 26, 2006 03:5550851
Gimme My House [60 words]Gimme My HouseDec 4, 2007 16:0650851
We need courageous Intellectual Legends like Prof. Daniel Pipes in every country [155 words]HarryJul 25, 2006 01:3250782
Why Israel is not using Bunker Busters , Laser Bombs & Tactical Nukes against these Murderers [142 words]PhilipJul 25, 2006 01:2350780
Israel not using bunkers... [67 words]SUSAN foxJul 28, 2006 12:1350780
Kofi and UN Demand Protocol for Israel's Response [99 words]InfidelAug 28, 2006 01:5050780
The problem [570 words]E.OJul 23, 2006 06:5750641
Israel must appoint Ambassadors like ABBA EVAN [146 words]ShalomJul 25, 2006 01:4250641
Nobel prizes for terrorists [65 words]PDMJul 28, 2006 13:3150641
What are the alternatives? [94 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Phil HornJul 22, 2006 11:3050576
Phil Horn, how true [178 words]SaladinJul 23, 2006 01:5650576
If we expel them where would they live??? [50 words]yehudaAug 2, 2006 17:3950576
Saladin and Phil put it right, but not the way they think ... [414 words]NonsenseAug 3, 2006 08:4050576
nonsense, [79 words]SaladinAug 7, 2006 05:0350576
You missed the logic... [61 words]NonsenseAug 7, 2006 16:5250576
nonsense, [8 words]SaladinAug 8, 2006 03:1650576
No? (to Saladin) [67 words]NonsenseAug 8, 2006 17:1650576
In Response To Nonsense- The Irish Rules Of Engagement [82 words]Seamus MacNemiJun 17, 2007 14:4650576
To Mr. Saladin [26 words]Seamus MacNemiJun 17, 2007 14:5550576
When you are right, you are right! [96 words]Mordechai DessaurJul 22, 2006 07:5950566
Get rid of the doves! [200 words]Jay Van CampJul 21, 2006 16:5550484
Canada is naive [205 words]Susan foxJul 28, 2006 11:5450484
Observation [38 words]Barry MillerJul 21, 2006 11:3750454
Consolation [64 words]MosheJul 22, 2006 14:5950454
Israel's wars [118 words]Bob langfelderJul 20, 2006 17:5250365
Spiritual Rebirth In Israel [64 words]Seamus MacNemiJun 17, 2007 15:1850365
Israel's Unnecessary War [493 words]kim segarJul 20, 2006 14:3650331
Excellent and succinct analysis, very good judgement. [57 words]bernard rossJul 20, 2006 11:2550307
Deterrence for the wrong purpose. [345 words]Harry FriedmannJul 20, 2006 04:2550276
2Israel:Speak Softly And Carry A Big Stick. A Very Necessary War Unfolds. [114 words]Franken HarpoJul 20, 2006 02:4450270
Everyone is a "hawk" when someone else is doing the fighting... [127 words]Rick HouseJul 19, 2006 22:0050253
Yes , we are ready to fight for the defense of Israel but We are not allowed to join IDF [54 words]FreedomJul 21, 2006 09:1550253
Realistic? [41 words]Kevin MJul 21, 2006 12:5650253
Rick, whatever your views on current situation [19 words]SaladinJul 22, 2006 05:2450253
Wrong, Kevin! [405 words]a Filipino liberalJul 26, 2006 04:2550253
Filipino's Twisted Sense of Logic [184 words]InfidelAug 28, 2006 20:1750253
Rear echelon hawks [47 words]TerryFeb 26, 2007 17:5750253
In Answer to Mr. Rick House---Been There Done That. [36 words]Seamus MacNemiJun 17, 2007 15:3650253
Fighting For Israel [62 words]Seamus MacNemiJun 17, 2007 15:4250253
dilemma [416 words]john h. rubelJul 19, 2006 21:5450251
You are so right! [18 words]RonJul 20, 2006 23:0850251
Israel has to fight because its enemies leave no other alternatives! [88 words]MosheJul 25, 2006 04:2950251
Israel's situation is analogous to the west's as a whole [147 words]Reuben HorneJul 19, 2006 21:2450244
The Bottom Line in All This [154 words]goforitJul 19, 2006 21:2450243
Israel at war [33 words]chayajaneJul 19, 2006 19:3850239
It is Israel's necessary war. [1018 words]hedi enghelbergJul 19, 2006 18:1550232
new article by hedi enghelberg (the war on terror) [1457 words]hedi enghelbergOct 9, 2006 12:0650232
Don't miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity [88 words]IRVINOJul 19, 2006 18:1550231
1Anti Terrorism Day : A resolve to fight Terror everywhere [78 words]TakshakJul 19, 2006 18:0850230
A good analysis, but... [98 words]Lars NielsenJul 19, 2006 15:5850212
Be aware of Virtual Jehadis like Harrak , Shahaad , Salaadin ! They are dangerous [116 words]Gaurav PurohitJul 19, 2006 17:0250212
Trouble for the world to come!!!. [72 words]ahmad zafireJul 19, 2006 17:2350212
Either win or lose [117 words]B. AlotaibJul 19, 2006 15:3350211
Its an oppurtunity to Wipe out Hizbullah & Hamas [127 words]Dinesh SharmaJul 19, 2006 13:4450206
Chew on the words "terrorism" and "freedom" all you want [185 words]Sammy JaderJul 20, 2006 06:0350206
Yossi Sarid Diagnoses the real Cause of the Conflict [468 words]Edip YukselJul 19, 2006 11:4950202
How about Eichmann [53 words]Yuval Brandstetter MDJul 20, 2006 08:2350202
I think there is wisdom in what you say. [207 words]Sophia GatesJul 20, 2006 21:5250202
Sophia, i sincerely hope that the readers are not reminded of Marie Antoinette after reading your comments [140 words]SaladinJul 22, 2006 05:3950202
The Witchhunt and "The Strategic Liability" [925 words]Sophia GatesJul 22, 2006 16:5250202
Saladin and more Islamic Nonsense [329 words]InfidelJul 22, 2006 17:1750202
Infidel... [91 words]SaladinJul 27, 2006 16:1750202
Saladin Practices Taqiyya [204 words]InfidelJul 29, 2006 17:4350202
Infidel, once again you have proved yourself... [86 words]SaladinJul 30, 2006 04:1850202
Saladin, the cheap intrigue! [478 words]MosheAug 1, 2006 06:4250202
Moshe [99 words]SaladinAug 2, 2006 15:5450202
What??? [104 words]Wrong againAug 3, 2006 12:4150202
Pathetic nonsense! [54 words]MosheAug 3, 2006 16:0350202
Moshe, you are astonishingly perceptive [30 words]SaladinAug 8, 2006 03:2450202
What Was The Crime Of The Jews? [101 words]Seamus MacNemiJun 19, 2007 03:2350202
Unfortunate Lebanon [178 words]Paul K.Jul 19, 2006 10:3150199
Lebanon Will Be Helped In The Long Run [37 words]AnneMJul 20, 2006 14:0650199
Will Israel Learn [142 words]MichaelJul 19, 2006 10:2450198
Dr.Pipes, you have no idea how right you are! [313 words]Kenneth S. BesigJul 19, 2006 09:4850196
Support Dr.Daniel Pipes as candidate for Next Prime Minister of Israel [133 words]George RobertsJul 19, 2006 17:1050196
One State Solution [70 words]Frederick BainhauerJul 19, 2006 09:3750193
Israel will win the present War , but what about the Demographic war by Palestinian Women [62 words]RajeshJul 19, 2006 17:2650193
Any solution? [298 words]Sophia GatesJul 19, 2006 22:3550193
2Muslim Population Explosion Throughout the World to Achieve Their Goal [92 words]JaladhiJul 20, 2006 17:0350193
Muslim Women [9 words]johnJan 9, 2009 04:4450193
Humble pie? [21 words]Maura CollinsJul 19, 2006 08:5350191
right on [64 words]allan liebermanJul 19, 2006 08:1350187
? [607 words]Mu'een Ud DeenJul 19, 2006 05:5450172
Servant You Say [107 words]Another InfidelJul 20, 2006 03:5750172
Mu'een admonishes disobedient Jews [276 words]InfidelJul 20, 2006 12:5450172
Race???? [46 words]PCMadnessJul 21, 2006 01:3650172
Right time [84 words]samson bellJul 19, 2006 03:5350163
Israel's Unnessary war? [220 words]Maurice PicowJul 19, 2006 03:4050162
Looking here, looking there,looking everywhere for leaders [59 words]Robert AJul 19, 2006 03:2750161
I am totally in agreement with every minute detail [379 words]E. ShloushJul 19, 2006 02:0250155
That Lucky Golan Heights [288 words]JayJul 19, 2006 01:4250150
Jews: The worlds biggest losers. [308 words]Tom PensylJul 19, 2006 01:3750149
Dr. Daniel Pipes : ' A Guardian of Zion who neither slumbers nor sleeps' [136 words]Ben van de PolderJul 19, 2006 01:1450148
Israel Is In The Right! [74 words]RonJul 19, 2006 00:2150144
Make it worth the Muslims time to back way off [223 words]The Rightwing CowboyJul 18, 2006 22:5950139
Irish Christian Cowboy... [33 words]Kevin MJul 19, 2006 19:1850139
Scientists should do research and find and alternate to Petroleum [103 words]KiranJul 20, 2006 11:0250139
Israel's Unnecessary War [446 words]Fazal CurmallyJul 18, 2006 22:2850138
World Assembly of Muslim Youth : Meeting and Recruiting ground for Potential Terrorists [91 words]TushaarJul 19, 2006 17:3450138
The War Against the Islamists [395 words]Douglas BoggsJul 18, 2006 22:1250137
Israeli appeasement [59 words]KevinJul 18, 2006 21:4950133
But Now It's Necessary [402 words]BlackspeareJul 18, 2006 21:1550132
perceived weakness of Israel began in 1990 [84 words]Stephen KarassJul 18, 2006 21:1450131
SUPPORT OUR FRIEND [89 words]JOHN MANITTAJul 18, 2006 21:1450130
"You accepted Shame to avoid war now you have both"--Winston Churchill [14 words]Paul RinderleJul 18, 2006 20:5450129
Israel needs to read the Old Testament [97 words]Stewart GoodJul 18, 2006 20:5350128
Peace Through Strength [199 words]Bill StoreyJul 18, 2006 20:4550127
The bottom line and the bottom without line [127 words]HarrakJul 18, 2006 20:3050123
How to characterize the repeated retreats since Oslo [72 words]Stuart SchoenburgJul 18, 2006 19:4350119
What is the end game strategy? [154 words]Mel WeintraubJul 18, 2006 19:3250118
EDUCATION AND INTOLERANCE [234 words]Howlin FreedomJul 19, 2006 09:1950118
Deterrence is a Joke [281 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Dan RusenJul 18, 2006 19:1550115
The problem of "benevolent projection"? [282 words]PRODOSJul 18, 2006 18:3050109
So true [92 words]oldstudentJul 19, 2006 08:1050109
Wrong Target [335 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Prof. Paul EidelbergJul 18, 2006 18:1050107
A great 15 seconds on Fox News [52 words]Paul RinderleJul 18, 2006 18:0350106
You are So Right [64 words]LDCJul 18, 2006 19:0150106
Saudi Arabian Interests?! [52 words]Kevin MJul 18, 2006 19:4450106
Where are our modern "real" leaders [84 words]Frank MoscowitzJul 18, 2006 18:0150104
Where are Leaders? [10 words]LDCJul 18, 2006 19:0350104
1All out War is the solution [257 words]Ralph C Whaley MDJul 18, 2006 17:3350102
Yes!! [2 words]LDCJul 18, 2006 19:0550102
All out War based on religion [15 words]Anubhav SinghJul 19, 2006 02:1750102
Where is the Israeli leadership? What are they thinking?!! [99 words]Robin Sue LandsburgJul 18, 2006 17:2250099
Right On! [137 words]Marvin PerelmanJul 18, 2006 17:1350098
I disagree Mr. Pipes, Israel needs to continue its calculated posturing and agression... [318 words]Rick HouseJul 18, 2006 17:1150097
America's parallel actions to Israeli appeasement [158 words]Harvey WenickJul 18, 2006 17:0650095
I would just add... [154 words]Alyn StarkmanJul 18, 2006 16:4650088
3Iran, Lebanon, Gaza, Hasbollah and Hamas and the other quiet Arab countries - our enemies. [357 words]Charles H. KeysJul 18, 2006 16:4250087
My Comment about the Israeli War [149 words]Rey Bryan G. MarabeAug 15, 2006 08:2450087
The truth. [148 words]ThomasMay 22, 2013 04:0150087
Policy of Reciprocity Toward Sponsors [169 words]A.KarloffJul 18, 2006 16:4250086
Israel have right to defend herself [281 words]Faqir chandJul 18, 2006 16:3650084
Arabs Supporting Israel against Hezbollah? I must be Dreaming! [504 words]DennisJul 18, 2006 16:3250082
The Lesson of Israel [388 words]Roy WeinbergJul 18, 2006 16:2150080
second comment [113 words]Mona HeikalJul 18, 2006 18:0250080
Friends and neighbors [309 words]Adam SymonsJul 18, 2006 16:1050078
No more appeasement [271 words]Daphne BurdmanJul 18, 2006 16:0550077
Israel's Unnecessary War [2 words]Mort ReichekJul 18, 2006 16:0350076
Agree... [70 words]J.S.Jul 18, 2006 15:5750075
Land for peace=DEATH [206 words]Mark BellmJul 18, 2006 15:5050074
Would reason finally set us free? [323 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
savetmanJul 18, 2006 15:4950073
Start now to avoid future regrets [152 words]Phyllis StraussJul 18, 2006 15:4650072
Time to Stand Up and Support Israel- for them, for the U.S. and for the Globalized Community of Nations [32 words]Michael BussioJul 18, 2006 15:3650070
Israel's Challenge: From Arab 'Nationalism' to Jihadist 'Globalism' [421 words]JoeJul 18, 2006 15:3350069
Look At Jewish History [42 words]Y. Jewel FogelJul 18, 2006 15:2350068
Excellent column. [91 words]Marlyne AbramsonJul 18, 2006 15:2050066
Israel's Hedging [122 words]Stephen MachtJul 18, 2006 15:1350064
Only Military Superiority of Israel can ensure peace in Middle East [136 words]InfidelJul 18, 2006 15:1050063
Toughness and resolve [167 words]Ziva DahlJul 18, 2006 15:0350062
Israel-arab wars [25 words]Bernard EdelsteinJul 18, 2006 15:0150061
Israeli options [320 words]joeJul 18, 2006 15:0150060
Israel should make demilitarised zones in Southern Lebanon , West Bank and Gaza [131 words]RoshanJul 18, 2006 14:5750059
Blaming the Victims [16 words]Mona HeikalJul 18, 2006 14:5550057
Are Hezbollah and Hamas the victims? [91 words]MosheJul 19, 2006 12:1350057
blind eyes [319 words]Mona HeikalJul 20, 2006 12:1450057
Come on Mona, we are not morons! [391 words]MosheJul 21, 2006 05:0350057
Nor are we monsters! [866 words]Mona HeikalJul 21, 2006 19:5750057
You are right: you are not monsters... [705 words]MosheJul 23, 2006 06:3250057
But you are barbarians! [386 words]Mona HeikalJul 23, 2006 18:5050057
Mona dear, go do your homework! [143 words]MosheJul 25, 2006 03:4550057
Etiquette for Jews Living With Muslims [339 words]InfidelJul 25, 2006 22:5450057
It is your homework, cool one [221 words]Mona HeikalJul 26, 2006 06:1250057
See the difference yourself [252 words]Mona HeikalJul 26, 2006 09:0150057
Reply to Respected Mona Heikal [651 words]FreedomloverJul 26, 2006 10:1850057
A reply to the respected who send me [1169 words]Mona HeikalJul 26, 2006 20:4150057
Mona Darling, another piece of homework for you! [780 words]MosheJul 27, 2006 14:3950057
Accurate History [16 words]InfidelJul 27, 2006 17:3850057
What do you mean by a homework? yet...be realistic... [255 words]Mona HeikalJul 28, 2006 03:1450057
Excellent Reply by Brother Moshe [65 words]FreedomloverJul 28, 2006 13:4350057
Mona darling, are you serious? [328 words]MosheJul 29, 2006 16:3150057
no need to be a barbarian [107 words]joeJul 29, 2006 17:1950057
I would like to debate [81 words]DebateAug 8, 2006 17:3450057
Debate, don't expect too much! [46 words]MosheAug 9, 2006 03:1650057
I'd like to debate too... [63 words]Mona HeikalAug 10, 2006 11:4950057
OK [283 words]Mordecai SegallAug 10, 2006 18:4850057
Welcome back Mona! [132 words]MosheAug 11, 2006 04:3250057
Mona, another simple wording of the question for your attention. [46 words]MosheAug 11, 2006 07:0350057
Mona yokk! [41 words]MosheAug 13, 2006 04:0550057
blind eyes [5 words]bethanyAug 16, 2006 18:2350057
Mona Darling, another piece of homework for you! [5 words]BeethovenOct 24, 2006 10:1750057
Its natural Law. [213 words]RenchJul 18, 2006 14:5450056
It is not simple act of Terror , its declaration of War against Israel [603 words]Samarth GuruJul 18, 2006 14:5050054
Israeli Denials [94 words]Paul RinderleJul 18, 2006 14:4750053
destruction of islamo facist terrorists [78 words]Claire BlumJul 18, 2006 14:4450052
Counterproductive pressure [100 words]VANJul 18, 2006 14:3850051
Israel needs to finish the job. [121 words]Michael GinatJul 18, 2006 14:3250049
most of the world is anti-semitic!! [35 words]HarrakJul 18, 2006 20:1350049
Response to Harrak [282 words]Michael GJul 19, 2006 22:2950049
Most of the Civilised World [66 words]ThaparJul 20, 2006 10:3550049
Thapar and Michael Irony [53 words]HarrakJul 20, 2006 17:2550049
ISRAEL DEFENSE METHOD [49 words]s.vldimerJul 18, 2006 14:2950048
Too Late [35 words]LDCJul 18, 2006 19:1050048
What Israel can do ? [264 words]PeaceJul 19, 2006 16:2950048
Middle ground [94 words]Ted BelmanMar 2, 2010 21:5050048
no appeasement [51 words]AlanJul 18, 2006 14:2350047
Well articulated [157 words]Eli KonortiJul 18, 2006 14:1550046
Agreed - with one caveat [249 words]Alan N.Jul 18, 2006 17:5050046
Paradise is in the shadow of the sword [73 words]grandpaJul 19, 2006 09:4350046
gathering storm. [57 words]daniel edwardsJul 18, 2006 14:0650044
The Alternative [21 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Edward MarksJul 18, 2006 14:0650043
When will this war with the Arabs end? [58 words]MosheJul 18, 2006 14:0550042
Very true [12 words]TerryFeb 26, 2007 18:1950042
Muslim/Terrorists VS Infidels [305 words]NariJul 18, 2006 14:0450041
Compare Dr. Pipes... [74 words]LDCJul 18, 2006 13:5450040
Woodshed [110 words]IsraelJul 18, 2006 13:3350038
Strength is Vital, But Not Sufficient [631 words]Sophia GatesJul 18, 2006 13:3150037
Excellent article but... [46 words]Professor Richard MillmanJul 18, 2006 13:2850036
The Heart of the Matter [313 words]MichaelJul 18, 2006 13:2350035
how true [18 words]j w majorsJul 18, 2006 13:2250034
RE: Israels dilemma [179 words]Donald Grant CheesmanJul 18, 2006 13:1950033
How sad that you are right [176 words]NickJul 18, 2006 13:1750032
Stiff Nick [49 words]HarrakJul 20, 2006 17:2950032
Editor needed [42 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
John LothJul 18, 2006 13:1150030
Dead On ! [138 words]Harold BarlettJul 18, 2006 13:0950029
On target as usual [180 words]Richard L. RubensteinJul 18, 2006 13:0850028
Israel's Magical Thinking [168 words]Bob BarancikJul 18, 2006 13:0450026
appeasement, "peace now," and "unilateral withdrawal" must die for Israel to live [467 words]Rena CohenJul 18, 2006 13:0350025
Propaganda is a HUGE problem [187 words]Sophia GatesJul 19, 2006 00:5850025
Need to prove to Bush [67 words]Melvin A. FechterJul 18, 2006 12:5150022
A good analysis, but a couple of comments [145 words]Andy B.Jul 18, 2006 12:4950021
Altruism is the Problem [332 words]Alan N.Jul 18, 2006 12:4550020
Dead if you do, dead if you don't [387 words]ChristinaJul 18, 2006 12:2550018
Let's not dialogue [141 words]lindaJul 18, 2006 12:2150017
Glaring truths [205 words]Dave GoodwinJul 18, 2006 12:1650015
Get this Article Published in Israel [38 words]MattJul 18, 2006 12:1650014
A question. [154 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
L YoungJul 18, 2006 12:1150013
Unnecessary war [25 words]steve gureJul 18, 2006 12:0950012
From the desk of Joshua Trevino - [806 words]Paul ZJul 18, 2006 11:5850009
Israel's failed attempts to end war. [515 words]MosheJul 18, 2006 11:5750008
Deterrence : The logic of the last war: Would you recommend trench digging ? [245 words]Jon - a brit in EurolandJul 18, 2006 11:5650006
Not So Fast [98 words]LDCJul 18, 2006 19:1550006
Treat the Arabs Like The U.S. Treated Japan in WWII [93 words]Greg TaylorJul 18, 2006 11:4950005
The terrible truth of the Oslo and disengagement crimes [163 words]SHmuel HaLeviJul 18, 2006 11:4850004
I fear that you are right [112 words]Shayne ZuckerJul 18, 2006 11:4750003
Root cause is the teachings of Islam [94 words]Abdul RahmanJul 19, 2006 16:5950003
Double Standards of West and Future Consequences [331 words]RonaldJul 20, 2006 12:0250003
Israel's realism and Dr Pipes's unrealism [230 words]Ian MordantJul 18, 2006 11:4750002
what for? [66 words]MichaelJul 18, 2006 11:3649997
Democracy implies responsibility [119 words]PavelJul 18, 2006 11:3249995
Sobering [25 words]Bruce BirnbergJul 18, 2006 11:2349993
Returning to the point where Israel detoured [171 words]David W. LincolnJul 18, 2006 11:2049992
no appeasement [29 words]Barbara GoldbergJul 18, 2006 11:1749991
Thank You [4 words]LDCJul 18, 2006 19:1649990
Unfortunately Mr. Pipes is Right [138 words]Jonathan KeilerJul 18, 2006 11:0449989
Appeasement [24 words]Joe EshkerioJul 18, 2006 11:0049988
How War is Won [31 words]Stewart GableJul 18, 2006 10:4549987
Israel's constant mistake [207 words]peter silverJul 18, 2006 10:3549985
You Can Pay Me Now or Pay Me Much More Later [128 words]Aubie Baltin Ph.DJul 22, 2006 09:5449985
Is Mr. Pipes missing the big picture? [75 words]PDMJul 18, 2006 10:3449984
peace keeping force [186 words]garyJul 18, 2006 00:4449963
Re: Israel's Attack on Lebanon [207 words]GerardoJul 17, 2006 21:2149953
reply to Gerardo [79 words]P.S.Jul 19, 2006 00:1449953
Wow,you sound familiar! [180 words]RonJul 19, 2006 00:4449953
Israel's Attack on Lebanon [355 words]Gerardo Larrea FrenchJul 19, 2006 20:5049953
You cannot judge what war is unless you have been a veteran [236 words]GerardoJul 19, 2006 21:5749953
Now just a minute.............. [112 words]RonJul 20, 2006 23:0149953
On the American civilians being killed by Iraqis [94 words]a Filipino liberalJul 26, 2006 04:3549953
You Misunderstood Me! [166 words]RonJul 26, 2006 23:1849953
Filipino, You are correct now [122 words]InfidelAug 29, 2006 23:2049953
Fine, then [750 words]a Filipino liberalSep 19, 2006 05:5649953
Filipino liberal, Israel Stop Retaliating [217 words]InfidelSep 25, 2006 20:0449953

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