Counterterrorist specialists have made terrible blunders and I have documented some of them:
- "Bibliography - My Writings on the FBI.", April 14, 2006.
- "New Frontiers in Counterterrorism Incompetence.", May 31, 2007
Perhaps it's time to let the amateurs take over:
- "Zacarias Moussaoui Asked: Can an Airplane Pilot Shut off Oxygen to the Passengers?", April 29, 2005. Two alert flight instructors took a chance and nabbed the would-be 20th hijacker on 9/11.
- "In Praise of Routine Traffic Stops.", May 4, 2005. Lists some of the surprisingly many times when a nervous or negligent terrorist got caught because of some traffic infraction.
- "Suspicious Neighbors Prevent Terrorism.", November 24, 2005. Watching what goes on next door can make a big difference.
I offer some advice for readers how they can help counterterrorist efforts at:
- "What You Can Do To Help Win the War on Terror.", February 9, 2005. Nine suggestions for Everyman.
(November 24, 2005)