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Writings by Topic: Terrorism

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213 items listed.


Publication Date
Melbourne's Petite, Shy, Honors-Student Jihadi (29 comments) Quadrant (Sydney) December 2018
Islamist Violence Will Steer Europe's Destiny (17 comments) Washington Times October 10, 2016
America's Hidden Jihad (52 comments) Washington Times December 23, 2015
Why the Paris Massacre Will Have Limited Impact (98 comments) Philadelphia Inquirer November 17, 2015
Willfully Ignoring the Jihad against America (2 comments) DanielPipes.org June 15, 2015
ISIS Attacks the West (15 comments) The Washington Times May 22, 2015
How Terrorism Harms Radical Islam (55 comments) The Washington Times January 9, 2015
Terrorism Defies Definition (53 comments) The Washington Times October 24, 2014
Yasin al-Qadi, a "Specially Designated Global Terrorist," Threatens Me DanielPipes.org July 1, 2014
Education by Murder in Boston (54 comments) The Washington Times April 24, 2013
Denying Islam's Role in Terror: Explaining the Denial (55 comments) Middle East Quarterly Spring 2013
Islamist Assassinations in the West (28 comments) Gatestone Institute February 25, 2013
It's Not Road Rage, It's Terrorism (100 comments) National Review Online April 3, 2012
Another Islamist Soldier Turns Terrorist in Texas (50 comments) The Washington Times August 2, 2011
[Breivik and] Norway's Terrorism in Context (122 comments) National Review Online July 27, 2011
Britain's New Export: Islamist Carnage (71 comments) National Review Online August 3, 2010
Faisal Shahzad, Jihadi, Explains Terrorism (61 comments) National Review Online June 25, 2010
The System "Worked Really Very, Very Smoothly" in Detroit? (109 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com December 28, 2009
Maj. Nidal Hasan's Islamist Life (78 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com November 20, 2009
Sudden Jihad or "Inordinate Stress" at Ft. Hood? (242 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com November 9, 2009
The Limits of Terrorism (162 comments) Jerusalem Post April 22, 2009
Still Asleep After Mumbai (901 comments) Jerusalem Post December 10, 2008
The West's Islamist Infiltrators (190 comments) Philadelphia Bulletin August 12, 2008
Which Has More Islamist Terrorism, Europe or America? (90 comments) Jerusalem Post July 3, 2008
Washington Protects the Terror Masters [in Courtrooms] (52 comments) Jerusalem Post November 15, 2007
[Brandon Mayfield and] Preempt Terrorists, Or Not? (87 comments) Jerusalem Post October 8, 2007
American Intifada (302 comments) National Post June 19, 2007
Piggybacking on Terror (185 comments) New York Sun August 29, 2006
The Fatal Stabbing of Angelo Frammartino, Palestinian Apologist (64 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com August 28, 2006
[London Airline Plot] Plans Destroyed: A terror plot foiled; experts react. (200 comments) National Review Online August 11, 2006
[Naveed Haq and] "Sudden Jihad Syndrome" in Seattle (256 comments) New York Sun August 8, 2006
Sudden Jihad Syndrome (in North Carolina) (447 comments) New York Sun March 14, 2006
Fifth Columns?: Letter to the Editor New Republic January 2006
No American Muslim Terrorists? [A Reply to Spencer Ackerman] (95 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com December 12, 2005
More Converts to Terrorism (82 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com December 7, 2005
Converts to Terrorism (93 comments) New York Sun December 6, 2005
Palestinians Taste a Dose of Their Own Medicine (98 comments) New York Sun November 15, 2005
Stupid Terrorists (51 comments) New York Sun October 4, 2005
L.A.'s Thwarted Terror Spree (47 comments) New York Sun September 6, 2005
How Terrorism Obstructs Radical Islam (115 comments) New York Sun August 23, 2005
What Do Terrorists Want? [A Caliphate and Shari'a] (317 comments) New York Sun July 26, 2005
British Opinion Surveys from an Islamist Hell (106 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com July 25, 2005
Weak Brits, Tough French (120 comments) New York Sun July 12, 2005
The Next London Bombing (72 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com July 11, 2005
[London Terrorism:] British "Covenant of Security" with Islamists Ends (93 comments) New York Sun July 8, 2005
Hamas vs. America (31 comments) New York Sun May 3, 2005
Convicting [Ali al-Timimi,] the "Paintball Sheikh" (28 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com May 2, 2005
Zacarias Moussaoui Asked, Can an Airplane Pilot Shut off Oxygen to Passengers? (24 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com April 29, 2005
Denying [Islamist] Terrorism (96 comments) New York Sun February 8, 2005
"24" and Hollywood's Discovery of Radical Islam (105 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com January 6, 2005
[Theo van Gogh and] "Education By Murder" in Holland (126 comments) New York Sun November 16, 2004
[Beslan Atrocity:] They're Terrorists - Not Activists (175 comments) New York Sun September 7, 2004
Why Did American Airlines 587 Crash? (81 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com August 30, 2004
State (Dept.) of Confusion [when It Comes to Palestinian Terror against Israel] (9 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com July 19, 2004
[Khobar Rampage:] "Don't Be Afraid, We Won't Kill Muslims" (56 comments) New York Sun June 8, 2004
Anti-Israel Terror Backfires (36 comments) New York Sun April 20, 2004
[The Khadrs:] Canada's First Family of Terrorism (78 comments) New York Sun March 16, 2004
Capturing Osama (29 comments) New York Sun March 9, 2004
Hezbollah's Victory, Israel's Decline (69 comments) New York Sun February 3, 2004
But He Was Good to His Mother: Murdering for Militant Islam (57 comments) Jerusalem Post December 3, 2003
Fulbright's Terrorist Tie (17 comments) New York Post October 20, 2003
[Militant Islam:] No Less a Threat (9 comments) Jerusalem Post August 29, 2003
Maher Hawash: The Terrorist Next Door (62 comments) New York Post August 12, 2003
Al-Qaeda's Limits (17 comments) New York Post May 28, 2003
Arabia's Civil War (32 comments) Wall Street Journal Europe May 14, 2003
Signal to Syria: Straighten Up (16 comments) New York Post May 13, 2003
100 Bin Ladens on the Way? (81 comments) New York Post April 8, 2003
[Hasan Akbar and] Murder in the 101st Airborne (146 comments) New York Post March 25, 2003
Terrorist Profs (53 comments) New York Post February 24, 2003
The Enemy Within [and the Need for Profiling] (154 comments) New York Post January 24, 2003
The Snipers: Crazy or Jihadis? (103 comments) New York Post October 29, 2002
[Beltway Snipers]: Converts to Violence? (157 comments) New York Post October 25, 2002
[Hesham Hedayet and] Border Agencies in Denial (34 comments) New York Post October 16, 2002
[Pakistani Christians and] A War Against What? (373 comments) New York Post October 1, 2002
"Death to America" (295 comments) New York Post September 8, 2002
Israel is Winning (65 comments) New York Post August 6, 2002
Terror & Denial [by Hadayat at LAX] (243 comments) New York Post July 9, 2002
A New Round of Anger and Humiliation: Islam after 9/11 (52 comments) Our Brave New World 2002
State's Terror Untruths (33 comments) New York Post May 28, 2002
Are We Safer? (43 comments) New York Post April 30, 2002
[An Israeli] Withdrawal Won't Work (9 comments) Wall Street Journal April 15, 2002
The Terror-Aiding Prof[: Sami Al-Arian] (1 comment) New York Post February 4, 2002
Attack U.S. and Win Aid (2 comments) New York Post January 28, 2002
Why Does Terrorism Exist in Today's World? Experts Explain Austin American-Statesman September 30, 2001
Bin Laden and Herndon, Virginia (1 comment) Jerusalem Post June 20, 2001
[Islamism:] The New Global Threat (1 comment) Jerusalem Post April 11, 2001
[Islamist Terrorism:] The New Enemy Wall Street Journal Europe August 27, 1998
Interview with Steven Emerson: Get Ready for Twenty World Trade Center Bombings Middle East Quarterly June 1997
Deportation Prospects to Lebanon and Syria: Prepared for the case, Government of Canada vs. Mahmoud Mohammad Issa Mohammad DanielPipes.org March 1994
The World's Richest Terrorists On Camera October-November 1990
Terrorism: The Syrian Connection (11 comments) National Interest Spring 1989
Why Asad's Terror Works and Qadhdhafi's Does Not (2 comments) Orbis 1989
Assad's Cunning Game (2 comments) Washington Post November 4, 1986
The Scourge of Suicide Terrorism (12 comments) National Interest Summer 1986
More Americans May Die in Lebanon New York Times January 27, 1985
Undeclared War: Iranian Terrorism Hijacks U.S. Influence The New Republic January 7, 1985
It Wasn't "Terrorism": Letter to the Editor Washington Post January 6, 1984
"No One Likes the Colonel": Qaddafi's Failure (2 comments) American Spectator March 1981

Blog Posts

Publication Date
The Liverpool Bomber and Fake Muslim Conversion to Christianity (15 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 21, 2021
Making Sense of the Ankara Bombing (12 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 12, 2015
I Give Up: There Is No Terrorism, There Are No Terrorists (79 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 2, 2015
Adding Turkey to the "State Sponsors of Terrorism" List (8 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 28, 2014
"Antisemite Max Blumenthal Incites Murder of Three in Kansas" (26 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 14, 2014
Islamists the Biggest Terror Threat to U.S.: Poll (13 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 28, 2013
Muslim Acts of Beheading in the West (94 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 23, 2013
Lessons from the FBI's Most Wanted Terrorist List (25 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 30, 2013
Bibliography – My Writings on Denying the Jihadi Component in Terrorism Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 24, 2013
The Arab World – Incubator of Innovation in Terrorism (9 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 29, 2010
The Palestinian Authority Celebrates Terrorists Who Killed Israelis (32 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 3, 2010
Terrorists Read Me (56 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 30, 2009
More on Maj. Nidal Hasan's Islamist Life (10 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 21, 2009
Nidal Hasan – Initial Thoughts on the Ft. Hood Jihadi (8 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 6, 2009
A History of Muslim Terrorism against Jews in the United States (80 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 21, 2009
Finding Rashad Khalifa's Killer (35 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 28, 2009
Non-Muslims Who Help Islamist Terrorists (16 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 28, 2009
Bushfire Jihad (36 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 26, 2009
Did Binyamin Netanyahu Predict 9/11? (9 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 8, 2009
Al-Qaeda Strategist Decries Terrorism (4 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 20, 2009
Israel's "Hannibal Protocol" to Prevent Soldier Kidnappings (3 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 26, 2009
Samir Kuntar, A Free Man Again, But for How Long? (4 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 22, 2008
Laurie Mylroie's Shoddy, Loopy, Zany Theories – Exposed (18 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 30, 2008
Pakistan Ties Iraq for Most Suicide Bombing Deaths (5 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 24, 2008
Sudden Jihad Syndrome – It's Now Official (52 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 2, 2008
Follow-up on Los Angeles' Would-Be Terrorists (4 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 14, 2007
[Fort Dix and] Jihad in Jersey (110 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 9, 2007
Explaining the Murder Rampage atop the Empire State Building (12 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 18, 2007
UK Security Forces Disrupt Terror Plot Every Six Weeks (3 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 4, 2007
Islamists Threaten Civil War in Great Britain – A Smart Idea? (17 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 11, 2006
Polling American Islamists (3 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 9, 2006
Seattle Responds to Its Jihadi, Naveed Haq (43 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 9, 2006
More on Naveed Haq, Seattle's Sudden Jihadi (25 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 8, 2006
Marx and Moussaoui at the British Library (3 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 6, 2006
Is Palestinian Terrorism against Israel "Civilized"? (3 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 1, 2006
Tracking Jamaat ul-Fuqra Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 29, 2006
U.S. Judge Permits Scrutiny of Muslim Convert's Name (2 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 25, 2006
American Law Enforcement Really Does Profile Muslims – The Siraj Case (30 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 2, 2006
Do Attacks on Soldiers Constitute Terrorism? (3 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 15, 2006
More on the North Carolina Jihadi, Mohammed Taheri-azar (19 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 14, 2006
Further Converts to Terrorism (18 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 7, 2005
More Stupid Terrorists (11 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 4, 2005
Fourteen Terrorist Attacks a Day against Israel (7 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 29, 2005
The London Bomber's Suicide Video (1 comment) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 1, 2005
350 Bombs in an Hour – A Vision of the Terrible Future? (1 comment) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 18, 2005
Can Infidels be Innocents? (4 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 7, 2005
Lodi, California Mysteries: Umer and Hamid Hayat (6 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 11, 2005
Troubles at Islamic Schools in the West (8 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 29, 2005
Hamas Trains Terrorists in Syria Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 29, 2005
More Incidents of Denying Islamist Terrorism (5 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 8, 2005
State Acknowledges Its Terror Untruths Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 21, 2004
The BBC Announces: There Is No Terrorist Threat (13 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 15, 2004
Nezar Hindawi's Attempt to Blow up an El Al Airplane (3 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 13, 2004
Islamist Paintball, Anyone? (17 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 10, 2004
Is the Blind Sheikh Trying to Die? (5 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 23, 2004
Canada's Immigration Chaos, Mahmoud Mohammad, and Me (15 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 13, 2004
Does a "Covenant of Security" Protect the United Kingdom? (4 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 9, 2004
Jihadis Spare Muslims, Murder Infidels (19 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 8, 2004
Failed Attempts at Mega-Terrorism (3 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 27, 2004
The Khadrs, Canada's First Family of Terrorism, in the News (72 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 9, 2004
The Bombing in Madrid and Its Consequences Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 18, 2004
The French Government's Railroad Problem Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 5, 2004
More Pentagon Jihadis (4 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 12, 2004
United States of America vs. Abdurahman Muhammad Alamoudi (1 comment) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 29, 2003
The United States at War with Hamas and Hezbollah (6 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 28, 2003
Muslim Support for Bin Laden (4 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 11, 2003
CAIR's Legal Tribulations: The Terrorism Charges (11 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 27, 2003
Walid Shoebat: "Palestinian turns from radical Muslim to true Zionist" (306 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 5, 2003
British Muslims – A Global Threat (18 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 22, 2003
The Causes of Terrorism: It's Not about Money (13 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 24, 2002
Niqabs and Burqas as Security Threats (148 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 7, 2002


Publication Date
Kidnapped in Yemen: One Woman's Amazing Escape from Captivity
by Mary Quin
Middle East Quarterly Winter 2006
Zacarias, My Brother: The Making of a Terrorist (1 comment)
by Abd Samad Moussaoui with Florence Bouquillat
Middle East Quarterly Winter 2004
The Poet Game: A Novel
by Salar Abdoh
Middle East Quarterly Winter 2002
The New Jackals: Ramzi Yousef, Osama Bin Laden, and the Future of Terrorism (2 comments)
by Simon Reeve
Washington Times December 5, 1999
Abu Nidal: A Gun For Hire (2 comments)
by Patrick Seale
Wall Street Journal February 18, 1992
Terrorist: The Inside Story of the Highest-Ranking Iraqi Terrorist Ever to Defect to the West (1 comment)
by Steven Emerson and Cristina del Sesto
Washington Post May 7, 1991
Inside the PLO: Covert Units, Secret Funds, and the War Against Israel and the United States
by Neil C. Livingstone and David Halevy
National Review April 30, 1990
Holy Terror: Inside the World of Islamic Terrorism (6 comments)
by Amir Taheri
Commentary April 1988
The International Dimension of Palestinian Terrorism
by Ariel Merari and Shlomi Elad
Orbis Winter 1988
The PLO: The Rise and Fall of the Palestine Liberation Organization (1 comment)
by Jillian Becker
Commentary November 1984


Venue Date
What Is Hamas? TVP (Poland) October 18, 2023
20 years later. Islamism is the greatest threat (5 comments) Idź Pod Prąd TV (Poland) September 11, 2021
A Perspective on Muslims and France: An Interview (1 comment) Anadolu Ajansı (Turkey) November 10, 2020
NYC Attack Strengthens Resistance to Islamism (2 comments) Rebel Media November 3, 2017
How Middle East Terrorism Affects India (7 comments) India Foundation, New Delhi March 15, 2017
Terror attacks in Turkey (4 comments) Press TV January 1, 2017
Jihad Awakens Europe (20 comments) Gatestone Institute July 15, 2016
"Charlie Hebdo shocked France. But that shock wore off." (3 comments) The Rebel January 7, 2016
"Terrorists Are Warriors, Not Criminals" (3 comments) Don Kroah show, hosted by David Stokes July 14, 2014
Islamic religion: motive for terror? (16 comments) Radio 4BC, Australia May 27, 2013
Terrorism in Boston and Would-be Terrorism in Toronto Newstalk 1010, Toronto April 28, 2013
What's Behind the Boston Terror Attack? (12 comments) NBC10@Issue, Philadelphia April 28, 2013
Islam under fire in Texas army shooting Radio Netherlands Worldwide November 6, 2009
Symposium: Holiday Jihad? (22 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com December 14, 2007
Combatting the Ideology behind Islamist Terrorism: Speech at the 7th International Conference of the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (3 comments) Interdisciplinary Center of Herzliya September 10, 2007
Who's Behind Hezbollah?: The Role of Syria and Iran (1 comment) Heritage Foundation July 26, 2006
Victory over Terror? (1 comment) FrontPageMagazine.com February 24, 2006
Can the Terrorists be stopped? MSNBC: Connected Coast to Coast November 10, 2005
Britain and France (10 comments) The Situation, MSNBC July 9, 2005
Dr. Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum discusses the reluctance of the media to call Islamic perpetrators of terror " (7 comments) CNBC: Kudlow & Cramer September 7, 2004
Arabs Confront Terrorism (1 comment) Voice of America: "On the Line" May 22, 2003
Where's the Arab "Street"? (2 comments) CNN: Lou Dobbs Moneyline May 8, 2003
Dr. Pipes' views on Islamic Terrorism and Turkey (6 comments) Voice of Atatürk March 2003
Is Middle East Studies a Safe-haven for Terrorists? (5 comments) CNNfn: Lou Dobbs Moneyline February 25, 2003
The Impact of Militant Islam Radio Times (WHYY Philadelphia) September 24, 2002
One Year Later: Militant Islam (4 comments) Washington Post September 11, 2002
Israeli Warplanes Strike Target in Gaza Strip (1 comment) CNN Newsnight with Aaron Brown July 22, 2002
War against Radical Islamists (27 comments) CNNfn: Lou Dobbs Moneyline June 13, 2002
Jihad: The Fight Over Meaning: Harvard student's commencement speech on jihad causes controversy (51 comments) ABC News Nightline June 4, 2002
Missile Defense and the Terrorist Threat American Jewish Congress October 22, 2001
Why Does Terrorism Exist in Today's World? Austin American-Statesman September 30, 2001
Reflections on 9/11 on 9/11 "Extension 720," WGN Radio, Chicago September 11, 2001
"Most People Who Have Suffered from Islamism are Muslims" Rediif.com December 4, 2000
PLO Wealth Senate Judiciary Committee July 25, 1990

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