The Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University annually publishes a survey of security issues that, roughly speaking, does for the Middle East what the International Institute for Security Studies' Military Balance does for the whole world. The difference, of course, lies in the level of detail. This volume's 250 pages of essays deal authoritatively with such subjects as Syrian efforts in Lebanon, terrorism, the Arab-Israeli air and naval balances, and the evolution of the Syrian armed forces. Then, 230 pages of tables and lists provide a uniquely informed and detailed accounting of weapons and manpower in the region from Morocco to Iran. Where else could one hope to find a listing of South Yemeni transport aircraft or Qatari armored personnel carriers? Clearly, the authors are well-informed; in addition, they draw on the collective expertise of the Israel Defense Forces, further enhancing their work's information and authoritativeness.
The Middle East Military Balance, 1987-1988
by Aharon Levran and Zeev Eytan
Boulder: Westview Press, 1988. 498 pp. $45
Reviewed by Daniel Pipes
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