Oil Windfalls: Blessing or Curse?
by Alan Gelb and associates
A World Bank Research Publication. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988. 357 pp. $32.50
Reviewed by Daniel Pipes
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Drawing conclusions from past mistakes, Gelb emphasizes two main points. First, "spending levels should have been adjusted to sharp rises in oil income far more cautiously than they actually were." Specifically, he suggests that about two-thirds of the windfall should have been saved abroad. (Kuwait was the only state that came remotely near to achieving this.) Second, plans to consume money in 1980 should not assume that oil will bring $100 a barrel in 1990; instead, spending policy should be "based on less than the expected price trend." Sage advice, to be sure - and all too likely to be brushed aside in the euphoria of the next commodity boom.
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