Legacy of the Prophet: Despots, Democrats, and the New Politics of Islam
by Anthony Shadid
Boulder, Colo.: Westview, 2001. 340 pp. $26
Reviewed by Daniel Pipes
Middle East Quarterly
Translations of this item:
That a journalist, someone paid for careful observation, can reach such a conclusion betrays a psychological barrier to seeing realities as they are: For the record: Islamism is a utopian ideology that seeks to use the government and other institutions to establish a totalitarian domination over the lives of individuals. Islamists, like other political radicals, are ready to use whatever tools are at hand; so when violent attempts to take power appear to have reached a dead-end, they are quite ready to pursue the same ends through less violent means. This does not make them democrats nor does it render their movements tolerant and pluralist. Shadid and his fellow "of the Prophet" journalists do a grave disservice in closing their eyes to these plain facts.
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