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Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog Archive

115 items listed.

Terrorists Read Me (56 comments) December 30, 2009
"An Arabist's Guide to Egyptian Colloquial" Now Online (191 comments) December 29, 2009
Janet Napolitano's Mentality (10 comments) December 28, 2009
Islamists and Public Transportation in the West (2 comments) December 10, 2009
Sheikh Obama and His Two Wars (62 comments) December 10, 2009
Niqabs and Burqas Banned at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (31 comments) December 8, 2009
Middle East Studies – A Dangerous Profession (16 comments) December 6, 2009
Bibliography – My Writings on Being Mangled by Leftists and Islamists (16 comments) November 30, 2009
The Swiss Ban on Minarets: A Possible Turning Point (96 comments) November 30, 2009
More on Maj. Nidal Hasan's Islamist Life (10 comments) November 21, 2009
Wasted U.S. Spending in Iraq (and Afghanistan): $53 billion and Counting (39 comments) November 21, 2009
Turkey Out of NATO: Other Voices (29 comments) November 9, 2009
The Middle Eastern Cold War: Updates (5 comments) November 9, 2009
Nidal Hasan – Initial Thoughts on the Ft. Hood Jihadi (8 comments) November 6, 2009
Berlin Wall Fell, Obama Stays Away (14 comments) November 6, 2009
Azerbaijan's Method of Dealing with Islamists November 3, 2009
Karzai's Brother and Washington's Kept Politicians (28 comments) October 28, 2009
That Nobel Peace Prize: Bashes Bush, Handcuffs Obama (27 comments) October 9, 2009
Avigdor Lieberman as Israel's Foreign Minister (3 comments) October 7, 2009
American Taxpayers Promote Islam on My Website (8 comments) September 6, 2009
American Taxpayer Money Spent on Eradicating Hebrew-Language Street Signs (46 comments) August 27, 2009
"Jewish" - Not the Same as "Pro-Israel" (78 comments) August 18, 2009
Reflections on the Sixth Fatah General Congress (10 comments) August 14, 2009
Islam and Western Militaries (33 comments) August 12, 2009
Calls to Settle Palestinians Living in Arab Countries (17 comments) August 11, 2009
New Frontiers in Islamism (50 comments) August 10, 2009
Glamorous Muslim Political Women (63 comments) August 9, 2009
Moshe Ya'alon's "Harsh" and "Heartless" Comment about the Palestinians (33 comments) August 8, 2009
Updates on the Jordan-Is-Palestine Thesis (9 comments) August 6, 2009
Western Conquerors or Liberators of Muslims? (10 comments) August 5, 2009
Middle East Studies, Changing for the Better (12 comments) July 29, 2009
Replacing the U.S. Constitution with the Koran (179 comments) July 24, 2009
Palestinians Blame Arab Leaders for the "Nakba" (19 comments) July 23, 2009
Victory – An Obsolete Concept? (47 comments) July 23, 2009
Jordanians vs. Palestinians (10 comments) July 20, 2009
Europe's Future, Newsweek's Fantasy (8 comments) July 20, 2009
Pakistan's Jewish Problem (18 comments) July 20, 2009
Mahram Despotism vs. Saudi Women (54 comments) July 19, 2009
Predicting Iraq's Bleak Future (21 comments) July 19, 2009
"ISNA Rejects All Expressions of Racism and Bigotry" (14 comments) July 10, 2009
U.S. to Israel: You Decide Nukes in Iran, We Decide Bedrooms in Jerusalem (33 comments) July 7, 2009
Salam Fayyad Says Yes to Jews Living in a Palestinian State? (55 comments) July 5, 2009
The 9/11 Families' Case Against the Saudi Princes – and Me (10 comments) June 30, 2009
CAIR Distributes 100,000 Korans; Overtly Proselytizes (39 comments) June 30, 2009
Conspiracy Theories in Iran's Unrest (14 comments) June 29, 2009
Ahmadinejad Threatens Obama (18 comments) June 28, 2009
Islamists Respond to Michael Jackson's Death (16 comments) June 27, 2009
Quneitra, Why in Ruins? (9 comments) June 27, 2009
The National Jewish Democratic Council and Me (5 comments) June 26, 2009
Washington to Tehran: You Can't Come to My Birthday Party (4 comments) June 25, 2009
Bibliography – My Writings on the Mujahedeen-e Khalq (3 comments) June 24, 2009
Ahmadinejad or Mousavi? (28 comments) June 20, 2009
Be Careful Investing in Islamic Financial Institutions (10 comments) June 16, 2009
Assessing Binyamin Netanyahu's Speech at Bar-Ilan University (45 comments) June 14, 2009
Assessing the Iranian Election June 13, 2009
Rooting for Ahmadinejad (47 comments) June 12, 2009
Fulsome U.S. Government Praise for UNRWA (2 comments) June 10, 2009
Do East and West Jerusalem Have the Same Weather? June 9, 2009
Islam in Obama's Cairo Speech (8 comments) June 4, 2009
Assessing Obama's Cairo Speech (113 comments) June 4, 2009
Bibliography – My Writings on Modern Warfare (9 comments) May 31, 2009
A History of Muslim Terrorism against Jews in the United States (80 comments) May 21, 2009
"The Jews Are Going, the Arabs Are Coming" (29 comments) May 17, 2009
Dhimmitude at British Midland Airways (18 comments) April 30, 2009
Finding Rashad Khalifa's Killer (35 comments) April 28, 2009
Drag Racing vs. Islamic Civilization? (5 comments) April 22, 2009
Islamists and the Left Working Together in Muslim-majority Countries (17 comments) April 15, 2009
Bibliography – My Writings on Left, Right, and Islamists (5 comments) April 15, 2009
India, the Most Pro-Israel Country (208 comments) April 3, 2009
Iran's Representative in the Knesset - Haneen Zuabi (44 comments) March 31, 2009
Harold Koh, Promoter of Shari'a? (50 comments) March 30, 2009
Moderate Muslims Slam CAIR, Congratulate the FBI (7 comments) March 30, 2009
Jerusalem Falls to British, "Great Rejoicing in the Christian World" (32 comments) March 30, 2009
America's Desultory Religious Reporting (33 comments) March 29, 2009
When Political Correctness Chokes Off Communications (27 comments) March 28, 2009
Non-Muslims Who Help Islamist Terrorists (16 comments) March 28, 2009
Bushfire Jihad (36 comments) March 26, 2009
Assessing the Egypt-Israel "Peace" Treaty, Thirty Years Later (10 comments) March 26, 2009
Will Netanyahu Keep His Word? (3 comments) March 20, 2009
Saudi Strong-arm Tactics in Virginia (26 comments) March 19, 2009
Charles Freeman and Me (6 comments) March 13, 2009
Did Binyamin Netanyahu Predict 9/11? (9 comments) March 8, 2009
The "Middle East Cold War" Reaches Morocco (17 comments) March 7, 2009
Was the Gaza Reconstruction Conference a Fraud? (17 comments) March 6, 2009
Welcome Back, Benny Begin and Uzi Landau (4 comments) March 3, 2009
Westerners in Trouble Who Convert to Islam (7 comments) March 2, 2009
Hillary Clinton Hammers Israel – And I Am "Shocked!" (32 comments) February 27, 2009
Berbers as Anti-Islamists and Anti-Arab Nationalists (27 comments) February 26, 2009
Atiq Malik, British Politician, Calls for Stoning Adulterous Muslim Women (20 comments) February 25, 2009
"Transfer" the Palestinians? Reasons Against (32 comments) February 25, 2009
Iranian Claims to Bahrain February 20, 2009
Al-Qaeda Strategist Decries Terrorism (4 comments) February 20, 2009
Saudi Scholar Nixes Biofuels as Un-Islamic (15 comments) February 20, 2009
Khomeini vs. Rushdie, Two Decades Later (3 comments) February 14, 2009
Bridges TV, a Wife's Beheading, and Honor Murder (137 comments) February 13, 2009
Who Won in Israel's Elections? (30 comments) February 11, 2009
Bar Refaeli – New Symbol of the "Good Israeli"? (6 comments) February 10, 2009
Florida for Israel (4 comments) February 5, 2009
U.K. Muslim Population Surges (80 comments) January 30, 2009
Turki al-Faisal, Leading Saudi Prince, Opines (2 comments) January 27, 2009
Israel's "Hannibal Protocol" to Prevent Soldier Kidnappings (3 comments) January 26, 2009
Give Up on the Two-State Solution? Other Ideas (19 comments) January 26, 2009
Obama, "Respect" and Muslims (32 comments) January 26, 2009
George Mitchell's Return to Middle East Diplomacy (35 comments) January 22, 2009
Bibliography – My Writings on Democrats, Republicans, and Israel January 20, 2009
The Gaza War's Boost to Avigdor Lieberman (11 comments) January 20, 2009
Instant Retribution in the Middle East (50 comments) January 20, 2009
Barack Obama and Islam: An Ongoing Saga (220 comments) January 19, 2009
Reflections on Obama's Inauguration (41 comments) January 19, 2009
CAIR Co-Hosts an Antisemitic Rally in Chicago (25 comments) January 19, 2009
Institutions Push Back Against Head Coverings (23 comments) January 15, 2009
Muslim Autonomous Zones in the West? (78 comments) January 12, 2009
Other Critics of Israeli Strategy in Gaza (19 comments) January 11, 2009
Europe's Growing Pro-Israel Sentiments (13 comments) January 8, 2009
Erdoğan Bares His Fangs (49 comments) January 5, 2009

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