Like many others, Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has spoken repeatedly and forcefully about Israel Victory after Oct. 7. (For the others' statements, click here.)
- "Victory will take time. ... now we are focusing on one goal, and that is to unite our forces and storm ahead to complete victory."
- To soldiers "The entire people of Israel are behind you and we will deal harsh blows to our enemies to achieve victory. To victory!"
Benjamin Netanyahu addressing soldiers and telling them, "To victory!"
- "We will emerge victorious."
- "We have to win, above all we have to win. ... We need to stand together and we need to win. ... We must win together. ... We need ... unity across the board and continuous support as we prosecute and win this just war."
- "Israel will stand against the forces of barbarism until victory. I hope and pray that civilized nations everywhere will back this fight. Israel's fight is your fight because if Hamas and Iran's axis of evil win, you will be their next target. That's why Israel's victory will be your victory. ... Victory begins with moral clarity. It begins with knowing the difference between good and evil, between right and wrong. ... It means making a moral distinction between the deliberate murder of the innocent and the unintentional casualties that accompany every legitimate war." (4 mentions of "victory")
- "Israel's victory over Hamas would be a victory for the entire world."
- "My role is to lead this country and its people to a total victory over our enemies."
- Israel's victory will be a "clear message that will echo for generations. Our enemies will fail in destroying Israel. We will not give up until victory and until we reach all of the objectives we set—destroying Hamas, retrieving our hostages and restoring security to our civilians and children."
- "Israel and the IDF are operating in accordance with the highest standards of international law to avoid harming innocents. We will continue to do so until our victory."
- To foreign ambassadors: "There is no substitute for victory. This battle is your battle and our victory is your victory."
Netanyahu addressing ambassadors on Nov. 6, 2023.
"We have to win not only for our sake, but for the sake of the Middle East, for the sake of our Arab neighbors, you know what, for the sake of Gazans. ... We have to win to protect Israel. We have to win to safeguard the Middle East. We have to win for the sake of the civilized world. That's the battle we're fighting, and it's being waged right now. There is no substitute for that victory. ... If we don't win now, then Europe is next and you're next. And we have to win."
"This is a battle for civilization. It has to be won. We will win it, because we have no other choice. We don't have a future if we don't. ... we are not going to leave a reduced Hamas presence in Gaza."
"In fighting Hamas and the Iranian axis of terror, Israel is fighting the enemies of civilization itself. Victory over these enemies begins with moral clarity. ... Israel will stand against the forces of barbarism until victory. ... Israel's victory will be your victory. But make no mistake. Regardless of who stands with Israel, Israel will fight until this battle is won. And Israel will prevail." (4 mentions)
"We will continue until the end—until victory."
The war against Hamas will continue "until the end" and "total victory." Plus, the IDF had a policy of "clear victory" against Hamas.
"We're fighting a war of civilization against barbarism. I can say that when [Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and I] spoke, I expressed again our commitment, Israel's commitment, to achieve total victory against Hamas. And we think this is not only our war but in many ways your war because you are leading the forces of civilization in the world."
"We are continuing the war until the end. It will continue until Hamas is eliminated—until victory."
"Israeli citizens, We are deepening the war in the Gaza Strip. We will continue to fight until the complete victory over Hamas."
"I told President Biden yesterday that we will fight until absolute victory—however long that takes."
In the Knesset: "We aren't stopping and we won't stop until victory because we have no other land and no other path." The hostages' families responded with boos.
Relatives of hostages held by Hamas hold up a sign asking "What if it were your father" while Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks in the Knesset on Dec. 25, 2023.
"The war is continuing. We are fighting on all fronts. We have major successes but we have also paid a painful price. Achieving victory requires more time. ... [All Israelis] tell me the same thing: 'Continue until absolute victory.' In order to achieve absolute victory, in order to accomplish all of our goals, more time is required. ... We mourn our fallen heroes, our marvelous sons and daughters, those who have given their lives to defend our country and achieve our victory. ... we will continue to fight until the end – until victory. Together we will fight and with G-d's help, together we will win." (5 mentions)
"We are not stopping until victory."
"We will continue to fight the terrorists, we will continue to repel the lies, we will continue to maintain our right to defend ourselves and secure our future - until the absolute victory."
"We are on the path to victory and we will not stop until we achieve victory."
"We will continue to fight on land, at sea and in the air until total victory."
"We passed an immense war budget, which will enable the military and the security services to meet the goals of the war and achieve victory. Now I say this simply and with candor: Victory will yet take many long months, but we are determined to achieve it. ...
"While our soldiers are giving their lives in order to complete the victory over Hamas, I hear other voices which are trying to weaken them. There are those in the studios who claim: 'Victory is impossible'. I utterly reject this. Israel under my leadership will not compromise on less than total victory over Hamas, and we will win. I say this again, so that no one will be in doubt: We are striving for total victory, not just 'to strike Hamas' or 'to hurt Hamas', not 'another round with Hamas' but total victory over Hamas. ...
"we will not compromise on less than total victory. Total victory requires eliminating the terrorist leaders and destroying Hamas's military and governing capabilities. Total victory requires returning our hostages home. Total victory requires that Gaza be demilitarized, under Israel's full security control, with Israeli control over everything that enters Gaza. These are also the fundamental conditions for 'the day after'.
"But I would like to emphasize: 'The day after' is the day after the elimination of Hamas, and therefore victory comes first of all. It will be achieved only if we stay focused on achieving victory, and on staying united behind our heroic soldiers who are giving their lives to achieve it.
"We will yet have difficulties and challenges along the way, but after the terrible massacre of October 7, we have no other choice. This is a victory that we must achieve for the security of Israel, for our future and for true peace in our region.
"I promise here before our soldiers, I promise before the bereaved families who have lost what is dearer to them than anything, and I promise before the families of the hostages – we will not stop. We will not finish the war before returning our loved ones home; we will not finish the war before total victory. Together we will fight, and with G-d's help – together we will win." (15 mentions in a 700-word speech)
"We will not stop. We will not finish the war before returning our loved ones home, we will not finish the war before total victory. ... victory will take many long months, but we are determined to achieve it."
"The conditions being proposed by Hamas [for the release of Israeli hostages] underscore a simple point – there is no substitute for victory. Only total victory will ensure the elimination of Hamas and the return of all our hostages. ... I insist that after we achieve total victory, after we eliminate Hamas, there will no entity in Gaza that finances terrorism, educates for terrorism or sends terrorists."
"In the name of our heroes, for the sake of our lives, we will not stop fighting until absolute victory."
"A decisive victory means the elimination of Hamas, the return of our hostages, and we won't give up that goal. Therefore, on Tu Bishvat, here, next to the Gaza Strip, I say in the clearest way, there is no substitute for deepening our roots [in this land] and no substitute for complete victory over our enemies."
An aide to Netanyahu recounts how a young reservist stood up and asked him, "What do you expect from us?" To which Netanyahu replied, "Total victory." He went on state that "We have an opportunity to change the Middle East, but that requires total victory against Hamas."
"We will never forgive what the Hamas monsters did to our daughters and our sons; therefore, there is no alternative to total victory. We must win—and we will win."
"What I would like to say to the families, to you and to all citizens of Israel: The testament of the fallen is our mission. It is possible to summarize this mission in two words: Total victory. This is not 'another round', neither is it an exchange of blows, nor is it an operation – it is total victory. Nothing less. I am committed to it. Our fighters are committed to it and the overwhelming majority of the people is committed to it. We will not compromise on anything less than total victory.
I hear talk about all kinds of deals. I would like to make it clear: We will not conclude this war without achieving all of its goals. This means eliminating Hamas, returning all of our hostages and ensuring that Gaza never again constitutes a threat to Israel.
We will not withdraw the IDF from the Gaza Strip and we will not release thousands of terrorists. None of this will happen. What will happen? Total victory. This victory, as it is written, will be achieved 'Not by might and not by power but by My spirit says the Lord of Hosts.' [Zechariah 4:6]. ... I salute the fallen. I salute you and tell you – together we will fight and with G-d's help, together we will win."
A "United for Victory" graphic appears on the English-language version of the prime minister office' website.
"The only way that you're going to achieve ... victory over Hamas is by applying military pressure and that's what we're doing. ... We have to win in Gaza, we have to achieve total victory. Hamas cannot be left standing, coming out of the ruins with a V [for victory] sign. ... The war will take as long as it takes but it will result in total victory because this, our battle, is your battle and our victory is your victory. ... We need in Gaza not only a full victory against Hamas but demilitarization. ... A total victory over Hamas will impact this larger contest because people will see who's winning - Israel or Iran. ... We're committed to to achieve total victory. ... We have to go in there and achieve total victory. There is no substitute for total victory. ... I'm concentrating on one responsibility and that is to win this war and achieve total victory. ... I'm leading the charge for a total victory." (14 mentions)
Addressing the 8104th Battalion of the 179th Brigade:
"Several days ago, I received a cap with two words on it: 'Total victory.' This is the essence of our policy – total victory over Hamas. Total victory is essential because it ensures the security of Israel. Total victory is the only way in which we can ensure additional historic peace agreements, which await. Total victory will strike a mortal blow against the axis of evil: Iran, Hezbollah, the Houthis and – of course – Hamas. Therefore, there is no substitute for total victory.
One need only to think of what would happen without total victory: The displaced will not return, the next massacre will only be a matter of time and Iran, Hezbollah and others will simply celebrate here and destroy the Middle East; therefore, there is no substitute for total victory. ...
We are on the way to total victory and I want to tell you that we are committed to it and will not give up on it. We will not stop the war without achieving this goal of total victory. ... Be blessed and continue onward to total victory." (11 mentions)
From Israel's government spokesman for the Oct. 7 War:
For #totalvictory, PM @Netanyahu briefed the Government on 3 key steps to eliminate Hamas:
1) Destroy Hamas battalions (17/24 done)
2) Demilitarize areas where Hamas has fallen
3) Neutralize its underground military assetsToday's presser from the Prime Minister's Office:
— Eylon Levy (@EylonALevy) February 5, 2024
"Tonight I want to speak to you about total victory. Our security and the prospects of peace in the Middle East depend on one thing: total victory over Hamas. ...
peace and security require total victory over Hamas. We cannot accept anything else. Can you imagine what will happen if we don't have total victory?
Hamas leaders have already pledged they'll repeat the October 7th massacre over and over and over again. No nation can accept that; we certainly won't. Without total victory Iran and its terror proxies—Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and others—will be emboldened to subvert moderate states in the Middle East; they'll threaten the entire free world.
Only total victory will prevent that. And total victory is within our reach. ... Total victory over Hamas will not take years. It will take months. Victory is within reach. ...
Our security and the future of the Middle East require total victory. Total victory over Hamas can bring us additional gifts of peace. Our doctrine of peace through strength has already brought us the Abraham Accords, and total victory will help us bring more historical peace agreements. ... All those who yearn for peace should support our quest for total victory. Total victory for our security. Total victory for peace in the region. Total victory to secure our common future." (16 mentions in 900 words, 15 of them to "total victory")
Anshel Pfeffer in Ha'aretz:
"When asked by a reporter to explain what 'total victory' meant, [Netanyahu] launched into a bizarre allegory about breaking a glass 'into small pieces, and then you continue to smash it into even smaller pieces and you continue hitting them,' leaving no one any the wiser. There were a series of unsubstantiated boasts of how 'total victory is within touching distance,' and how Israel will achieve 'eternal disarmament of Gaza'. ...
'Netanyahu reads the polls. He knows that a majority of the Israeli public still believes in total victory over Hamas. He's sticking faithfully to the public's sentiment on that'. ...
With his constant refrain of 'continuing until total victory,' Netanyahu, like many other leaders before him, is living in a Churchillian fantasy."
"Victory is within reach."
"Victory is just around the corner."
Netanyahu spokesman Avi Hyman: "Now is not the time to be speaking about gifts to the Palestinian people, at a time when the Palestinian Authority themselves have yet to even condemn the October 7 massacre. Now is the time for victory, total victory over Hamas."
After a 99-11 vote in Israel's parliament endorsed a resolution that "absolutely rejects international diktat regarding the permanent arrangement with the Palestinians," Netanyahu commented: "The citizens of Israel and their representatives in the Knesset are more united today than before. We voted with a huge majority against a move that will endanger Israel and the achievement of peace before we achieve a complete victory against Hamas."
"Total victory is our goal and total victory is within reach."
The Harvard-Harris poll showing that 82 percent of the American public supports Israel "will help us continue the campaign until total victory."
Israel will "strike our enemies until total victory."
"In the future, we will learn all the lessons of October 7th. We will do so openly and fully. But today we have a clear goal: Achieving total victory in the war."
"The future of the Middle East, the future of many Muslims, the future of Gazans, is dependent on our victory. And we don't intend to give up. We're going to achieve this victory, I hope, with the solid support of the American government, as we've had up till now, and I hope it continues. But one way or the other, we're going to do it."
"The people of Israel overwhelmingly support the policies set forth by myself and my government. They overwhelmingly support the need for total victory. Overwhelmingly. ... They want a future of peace, a future of security that is purchased by a resounding victory."
"We have to have that victory. We can't have three-quarters of a victory. We can't have two-thirds of a victory, because Hamas will reconstitute itself. ... to the extent that the world thinks that America and Israel are united, that helps the war effort, and it helps our effort to achieve victory. ... I appreciated the support that President Biden and the administration have given us since the beginning of the war. I can only hope that it will continue to victory, because victory is at hand ... The victory will come as soon as — I think it will come sooner — the more united we are." (7 mentions)
Ophir Falk, an adviser to Netanyahu: "Detractors dismiss total victory as implausible, but the facts on the ground indicate otherwise. ...Hamas has four terror brigades in Rafah. That city is Hamas's last stronghold, and its defeat is a prerequisite for victory. Whoever pressures Israel to refrain from entering Rafah is preventing the destruction of Hamas and the freeing of Israel and Gazan civilians from Hamas's stranglehold. ... Total victory is within reach. Israel will finish the job. Anything less will endanger the rest of the civilized world."
"If we stop the war now, before all of its goals are achieved, this means that Israel will have lost the war, and this we will not allow. Therefore, we cannot, and will not, succumb to this pressure. On the contrary, this simple truth only strengthens our determination to continue rejecting the pressure, and fighting to the end – to total victory. ... We will withstand any pressure and with G-d's help, we will continue to fight together until total victory."
Early elections "would only jeopardize Israel's victory and the return of the hostages. They would only serve Hamas."
Speaking to U.S. members of Congress: "Our victory is your victory. And if we don't have a victory, this will have enormous implications for American security, for our common future. So we must win. ... I have three messages for you. The first is we're going to win. Absolutely. Victory is within reach. It's very close, and there is no substitute for victory." (5 mentions)
"Citizens of Israel, there is no war more just than this one, and we are determined to achieve total victory. ... it is precisely at this time, that an extremist and violent minority is trying to drag the country into a rift. There is nothing our enemies want more. They are hoping that an internal rift and baseless hatred will stop us on the cusp of victory. ... The decisive majority of the people is united on the need to continue fighting until victory. ... We will stand united. We will strike our enemies. We will eliminate Hamas. We will free our hostages and with G-d's help, we will bring total victory." (4 mentions)
"We are constantly working to achieve our goals, first and foremost the release of all our hostages and achieving a complete victory over Hamas. This victory requires entry into Rafah and the elimination of the terrorist battalions there." (2 mentions)
In response to a barrage of drones and missiles from Iran: "Together we will win."
After a three-week interlude: "We are determined and we are united in order to defeat our enemies and those who want to destroy us. ... If necessary, we will fight with our fingernails. But we have much more than fingernails and with that same strength of spirit, with G-d's help, together we will win."
"I am not ready to end the war before achieving of all its goals. If we surrender - the massacre of the seventh of October will be repeated as Hamas promises. I will not raise the flag of surrender. ... I hear the voices that deny the need to achieve victory. Victory was and remains our primary goal. I hear here and in the studios the voices of despondency that say there is no possibility of victory? A bunch of former generals who become commentators in the present, all kinds of politicians who were rejected by the public. If you want despondency - listen to those studios. If you want strength - listen to the soldiers. ... I will not despair, I will not surrender. I stand for our interests out of national responsibility. There is no substitute for absolute victory. There is a struggle between our desire to exist and our enemy's desire to destroy us." (4 mentions)
"Our victory is your victory. Our victory is the victory of Israel against antisemitism. It is the victory of Judeo-Christian civilization against barbarism. It is the victory of France." (6 mentions in 29 words)
"We must achieve our objectives, including victory. We will achieve it with God's help and with yours."
"We are committed to the testament of the fallen – to continue to absolute victory over Hamas. ... To whoever doubts the achieving of these goals, I reiterate: There is no substitute for victory. We will not end the war until we achieve all of these goals. ...
"Yesterday we read the weekly Torah portion of Shelach. Against those who sought to weaken Israel, Joshua and Caleb were adamant on the determination of the people and the necessity of victory."
PM Netanyahu flying on July 22, 2024.
On his way to Washington to address a joint session of Congress, also inaugurating the "Wings of Zion" prime minister's aircraft, Netanyahu had himself pictured with an English-language version of the "Total Victory" baseball cap that's been available for sale for some weeks in Israel.
Addressing the U.S. Congress:
"My friends, if you remember one thing, one thing from this speech, remember this: Our enemies are your enemies, our fight is your fight, and our victory will be your victory. Ladies and gentlemen, that victory is in sight. ... The war in Gaza could end tomorrow if Hamas surrenders, disarms and returns all the hostages. But if they don't, Israel will fight until we destroy Hamas' military capabilities and its rule in Gaza and bring all our hostages home. That's what total victory means, and we will settle for nothing less. ... Following our victory, with the help of regional partners, the demilitarization and deradicalization of Gaza can also lead to a future of security, prosperity and peace. ... We will fight until we achieve victory. Victory of liberty over tyranny, victory of life over death, victory of good over evil." (9 mentions)
On meeting Donald Trump, Netanyahu prominently displayed his "Total Victory" cap.
In response to Yoav Gallant, Israel's defense minister telling a classified meeting of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee that Netanyahu's talk of "total victory" over Hamas is "nonsense" and the "beating of war drums" not backed up by actions, Netanyahu's office responded with a statement:
"When Gallant adopts the anti-Israel narrative, he damages the chances to reach a deal to release the hostages. It would have been worthy of him to attack Sinwar, who refuses to send a delegation to the negotiations, and who was and remains the only barrier to a hostage deal. Israel has only one option: to achieve total victory, which means wiping out Hamas's military and governing capabilities and releasing our hostages – and this victory will be achieved. This is the clear directive of Prime Minister Netanyahu and the cabinet, and it is binding for everyone – including Gallant."
Netanyahu was asked to explain his April claim that Israel was a mere "step away from victory" against Hamas.
"What I meant to say [then] was that we were a step away from the critical thing that will pave our way to victory," Netanyahu told reporters during the English-language press conference, referring to the Rafah offensive that Israel launched in early May. I didn't think that we could have this victory if we didn't go into Rafah, and I withstood quite a bit of international pressure and American pressure [in order] to go into Rafah and to Philadelphi. Now, we're in a position to destroy Hamas militarily. There's still work to be done to destroy its governance capability," he continued. "I don't want to administer Gaza, but I want to take this away from Hamas."
"This war can come to an end now. All that has to happen is for Hamas to surrender, lay down its arms, and release all the hostages. But if they don't, we will fight until we achieve victory. Total victory. There is no substitute for it."
Speaking on the occasion of Yahya Sinwar's killing: "Today, we again showed the world the victory of the good over the evil. But the war, the war, my dear ones, is not yet finished. It is harsh and it takes a heavy price from us. I want to send from the bottom of my heart my condolences to those who have lost their loved ones. I want to embrace the families of our fallen heroes. Their ultimate sacrifice, including in these very days, brings us closer to victory."
Speaking on the occasion of firing Yoav Gallant: "Citizens of Israel, my highest obligation as prime minister of Israel is to ensure Israel's security and lead us to absolute victory."
Speaking on the occasion of a ceasefire agreement with Lebanon: "Citizens of Israel, I promised you victory, and we will achieve victory. ... I am determined to give our courageous soldiers every resource to keep them safe and bring us victory. ... Believe in our determination, believe in our path, in our commitment to victory. ... With God's help, we will establish security, we will rehabilitate the north and continue, united, until victory."
"I believe in victory. ... We were told by our friend [i.e., Joe Biden] - 'There is no need to respond [to the Iranian missile and drone attack], take the win. Be content with victory." I said 'This is not a victory. If they attack you, and they did not manage to kill anyone, God willing, the fact that you sit and do not respond - is certainly not a victory. There must be a response.' ... [I am asked,] 'What is the strategy?' The strategy is victory! Victory includes the release of the hostages, and we will achieve that as well. ... [The opposition gloomily says] 'We will not win, we cannot win. What is victory anyway?' Ladies and gentlemen, I adhere to the goals of the war. I adhere to the need to achieve a complete victory." (8 mentions)
"Citizens of Israel, I promised you victory, and we will achieve victory. ... I am determined to give our courageous soldiers every resource to keep them safe and bring us victory. ... Maybe we should start believing? Believe in our determination, believe in our path, in our commitment to victory. ... With God's help, we will establish security, we will rehabilitate the north and continue, united, until victory."
"I discussed [the current situation] last night with my friend, U.S. President-elect Donald Trump. We had a very friendly, warm, and important discussion. We discussed the need to complete Israel's victory."
"I was arguing for 'total victory' and they said there's no such thing as victory."
On lighting the Hanukkah candles: "Today we are lighting the first candle of Hanukkah to mark the victory of the Maccabees then, and also the victory of 'the Maccabees of today'."
Netanyahu reported on a "very friendly, very warm, and very important conversation" with Donald Trump, during which he asserted the need for Israel to "complete its victory."
"Israel will end the war by winning the war. Israel's victory will be America's victory."
On the installation of Eyal Zamir as the new chief of staff of the Israel Defense Forces: "The nation wants victory, and it is receiving, and will receive, victory."
Israel "will complete ... victory as soon as possible."
"A government under my leadership will not give up until it reaches victory."
Comment: Netanyahu also spoke about victory before Oct. 7, but not nearly with such frequency or intensity.