About Richard Pipes:
"Islam's Battle with a Hostile World." By John Lloyd, Financial Times, January 11, 2003. A comparison of the careers of Richard and Daniel Pipes.
"Appreciations of Richard E. Pipes." By Historians, Government Colleagues, Former Students, Editors, Critics, et al., 43 in All. July 11, 2013. Collected by Daniel Pipes. As the full title explains, "Presented on his 90th Birthday. Presented, as befits an historian, in reverse chronological order."
"Richard Pipes, Historian of Russia and Reagan Aide, Dies at 94." By William Grimes, The New York Times, May 17, 2018. An obituary.
"'Saved from certain death' to change the course of history." By Jonathan Daly, The Jerusalem Post, May 28, 2018. An obituary by a former Ph.D. student and future biographer.
"'He Has Lived': Richard Pipes, 1923-2018." By Daniel Pipes, The Australian, June 2, 2018. An appreciation.
"The Intrepid Duo: Pipes, Father and Son." By Jiri Valenta and Leni Friedman Valenta. Gatestone Institute, May 20, 2019. A joint appreciation.
"Harvard University Memorial Service for Richard Pipes." September 21, 2018. A collection of tributes. For the service schedule, click here.
"Richard Pipes: A Video Biography." By the Museum of Cieszyn Silesia (Muzeum Śląska Cieszyńskiego), July 11, 2023. An appreciation on the 100th anniversary of Richard Pipes' birth by his hometown museum.
"A Jobłonki Celebration." By the State of Poland, September 18, 2023. The program of an event in New York City celebrating 16 individuals who "symbolize the historical and cultural ties as well as the indissoluble bond" of Poland and the United States.
By Richard Pipes:
"Developments in Russia, 1996-2000: Chronicling the Shift from Opportunity to Strongman." By Richard Pipes. IntellectualCapital.com, June 20, 1996 to March 23, 2000. A collection of 39 near-monthly columns that document an historian's appraisal of the evolution during the final Yeltsin years and initial Putin months.
"Russia and the Middle East: A tour d'horizon." By Richard Pipes and Daniel Pipes. City Hall Cieszyn, Poland. October 25, 2014. A joint talk by Richard and Daniel Pipes in Richard's hometown.
Senilia, or Poems in Prose. By Ivan Turgenev. Translated from the Russian and with an Introduction by Richard Pipes, 2012. Edited and with an Introduction by Jonathan Daly, 2019. Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard. This book is not on DanielPipes.org. However, Daniel Pipes found the manuscript in his father's study, scanned and OCR'd it, invited Jonathan Daly to edit and introduce it, and then arrange for it to be published on the Harvard University website.
By Irene Pipes
"Fleeting Thoughts on a Moscow Summer: Sardine Cans in the Freezer." A charming and dismaying description of daily life as the wife of a Russian historian trying to do archival research between June 2 and July 26, 1975.
About Irene Pipes
"Irene Pipes (1924-2023): An Appreciation." An obituary for my mother as well as a number of other appreciations.