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Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog Archive

100 items listed.

Will Geert Wilders Show His Film on the Koran[, Fitna]? (215 comments) December 29, 2007
Did Divine Intervention Fell Ariel Sharon? (31 comments) December 27, 2007
Israeli Leftists Plead for Outside Pressure on Their Government (39 comments) December 26, 2007
Mike Huckabee's Unique Foreign Policy (22 comments) December 24, 2007
U.S.-Israel Tensions, Post-Annapolis December 23, 2007
Assessing the American-Led Effort in Iraq (8 comments) December 16, 2007
Follow-up on Los Angeles' Would-Be Terrorists (4 comments) December 14, 2007
NIE News: Nearly 2/3s of Americans Say It Leaves Them Less Safe (3 comments) December 13, 2007
Israeli Breakthrough at the United Nations! (5 comments) December 9, 2007
Bibliography – Writings on Turkey as Rival (4 comments) December 6, 2007
Riyadh Reorients to Moscow (10 comments) December 5, 2007
Recidivist Palestinian Terrorists (2 comments) December 4, 2007
Not Child's Play: The Teddy-Bear Intifada (51 comments) December 3, 2007
The Latest about the Mosul Dam (33 comments) November 30, 2007
"Dawah Kit for Mobile Phones" (5 comments) November 28, 2007
What's Wrong With the Annapolis Conference (20 comments) November 27, 2007
Mr. Palestine? (47 comments) November 26, 2007
Moshe Ya'alon: "To Be Coddled, Go Left" (2 comments) November 25, 2007
Muslim Populations in European Cities (17 comments) November 23, 2007
The Unthinkable Consequences of an Iran-Israel Nuclear Exchange (122 comments) November 21, 2007
"We Hope You Will Wear Your Hijab to School" (17 comments) November 20, 2007
Arab State Envoys Insult PLO Observer at the United Nations (2 comments) November 18, 2007
The Collapse of Palestinianism (5 comments) November 15, 2007
And Now, CAIR Plagiarizing? (8 comments) November 15, 2007
More CAIR Dirty Tricks against Me (8 comments) November 15, 2007
Foiled Terrorist Plots in the United States (2 comments) November 13, 2007
The American University in Cairo v. Israel (10 comments) November 11, 2007
The day after Annapolis (8 comments) November 7, 2007
Is Kenny Gamble Building a Muslim-only Enclave in Philadelphia? (12 comments) November 1, 2007
Parodying Khalil Gibran (20 comments) October 29, 2007
Rice Pudding (2 comments) October 26, 2007
Bibliography – My Writings on Islamic and Arabic Schools in the West (3 comments) October 23, 2007
The Most Amazing Book Editing Error? (6 comments) October 22, 2007
My Disrupted Talk at Wayne State University (2 comments) October 17, 2007
Michael Mukasey: No to Islamic Law in the United States (38 comments) October 17, 2007
Bibliography – My Writings on George W. Bush and the Arab-Israeli Conflict (4 comments) October 17, 2007
Newsweek's Jaw-Dropping Erratum (24 comments) October 15, 2007
Knights Templar Trial Records Made Public – After Seven Centuries (30 comments) October 12, 2007
Dreaming of Al-Andalus (17 comments) October 11, 2007
Will Annapolis Renew the "Peace Process"? (23 comments) October 10, 2007
Bush Returns to the "Religion of Peace" Formulation (13 comments) October 4, 2007
Has Israeli Deterrence Been Restored? (19 comments) September 20, 2007
Group Think in the Academy (5 comments) September 20, 2007
John Esposito and Me (28 comments) September 10, 2007
Learning from the Mearsheimer-Walt Fiasco (10 comments) September 9, 2007
Cut Gaza's power? (42 comments) September 6, 2007
Agreeing with Rudy Giuliani September 1, 2007
Foxbats Did Fly over Dimona (19 comments) August 24, 2007
Surfboards to Reduce Arab-Israeli Tensions? (23 comments) August 21, 2007
Might Europe's Muslims Hide Their Identity? (2 comments) August 21, 2007
The Worst Book of 2007? (20 comments) August 15, 2007
Will the Nation of Islam Disappear? (2 comments) August 10, 2007
Bibliography – My Writings on Burqas, Niqabs, Jilbabs, Chadors, Hijabs, and other Islamic Coverings (8 comments) August 1, 2007
Papal Aide Warns against Islamization (2 comments) July 27, 2007
Suicide Reversal? Polling the Muslim world (20 comments) July 26, 2007
An Iraqi Immigrant's Advice for Handling Islamists July 11, 2007
George W. Bush's Evolving Take on Islam June 28, 2007
Niqabs and Burqas Used Benignly (7 comments) June 12, 2007
More on the "Nile-to-Euphrates" Calumny (3 comments) June 12, 2007
The Catholic Church Demands Reciprocity from Muslims (1 comment) June 9, 2007
Israel and Syria going to war? (39 comments) June 7, 2007
New Frontiers in Counterterrorism Incompetence (1 comment) May 31, 2007
A Christian Caught in Mecca; What Fate Awaits Him? (55 comments) May 21, 2007
[Fort Dix and] Jihad in Jersey (110 comments) May 9, 2007
Jewish and Arab Demographics in Jerusalem (33 comments) May 9, 2007
What will the future political landscape look like in Israel in the aftermath of the Winograd report? (10 comments) May 2, 2007
Lodi's Pakistani Community (6 comments) April 27, 2007
My Disrupted Talk at UCLA (51 comments) April 13, 2007
One-Quarter of Israeli Arabs Deny the Holocaust (22 comments) March 18, 2007
Israeli Arabs in High Places (30 comments) March 17, 2007
Islamist Advice to Jews (19 comments) March 14, 2007
Israeli Arabs: An Existential Danger to Israel (20 comments) March 13, 2007
Tarek ibn Ziyad Academy – An Islamist Charter School in Minnesota? (32 comments) March 8, 2007
Other Taxpayer-Funded American Madrassas (52 comments) March 8, 2007
Majority-Muslim Governments Press for Islamic Law in the West (5 comments) March 8, 2007
The Arabist and Islamist Baggage of Arabic Language Instruction (11 comments) March 7, 2007
On New York's "Khalil Gibran International Academy" (173 comments) March 7, 2007
Dinesh D'Souza Walks on the Dark Side (30 comments) March 6, 2007
Tariq Ramadan, Magdi Allam, and Me - Updates (4 comments) March 5, 2007
The West's First Niqab-Covered Public Official? (11 comments) February 23, 2007
My Testimony before the House Subcommittee on Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations (79 comments) February 20, 2007
Explaining the Murder Rampage atop the Empire State Building (12 comments) February 18, 2007
Brandeis President Jehuda Reinharz and I Exchange Letters (2 comments) February 17, 2007
Pope Benedict XVI Changes His Tone (21 comments) February 16, 2007
Hilton Hotel's "Pilgrimage to Makkah" (19 comments) February 15, 2007
Canadian Islam Is Healthier (15 comments) February 14, 2007
Jehuda Reinharz of Brandeis University Replies (6 comments) February 14, 2007
Washington to Rescue Europe's Muslims? (11 comments) February 13, 2007
May Zulhaidi Omar Convert to Buddhism? (5 comments) February 6, 2007
UK Security Forces Disrupt Terror Plot Every Six Weeks (3 comments) February 4, 2007
My Disrupted Talk at the University of California-Irvine (93 comments) February 1, 2007
Bethlehem Christians Speak Out (9 comments) January 25, 2007
London's Police: Share Intelligence with Muslim Leaders? (4 comments) January 24, 2007
How the Niqab Will Enter British Schools (10 comments) January 22, 2007
My Debate with London Mayor Ken Livingstone (107 comments) January 22, 2007
Is the road map still relevant? (23 comments) January 17, 2007
"Palestinian Authority Enjoys New Media Center" (3 comments) January 14, 2007
Western Governments Veto Saudi Funding for Islam (15 comments) January 9, 2007
Admitting Israel's Unilateral Withdrawals from Lebanon and Gaza Were Mistakes (23 comments) January 9, 2007
The U.S. Department of Defense Woos Muslims (3 comments) January 6, 2007

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