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Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog Archive

73 items listed.

Have Israelis Finally Learned the Strategic Value of Territory? (40 comments) December 31, 2008
Australian Cultural Conservative Relies on Muslims (9 comments) December 30, 2008
Israel's War on Hamas: A Dozen Thoughts (66 comments) December 30, 2008
A Dutch Fissure in the Leftist-Islamist Alliance (14 comments) December 29, 2008
Violent Jihadis v. Lawful Jihadis (7 comments) December 24, 2008
Non-Muslim Politicians Immersed in the Koran (17 comments) December 22, 2008
Bibliography – My Writings on U.S. Policy toward Radical Islam (3 comments) December 21, 2008
Rashid Khalidi: Arab-American Professors in Good Shape (1 comment) December 20, 2008
Is the Middle East "Freer, More Hopeful, and More Promising"? (57 comments) December 5, 2008
James Howard Kunstler's Reactionary Futurology (5 comments) December 1, 2008
Russian Orthodox Churches in Saudi Arabia? (10 comments) November 26, 2008
Muslims Respond to a President Obama (36 comments) November 6, 2008
How to Catch Sleepers - Confirmed (3 comments) November 2, 2008
Obama's Connection to Sirhan Sirhan (68 comments) November 2, 2008
Muslims Traveling Apart October 31, 2008
Europe's Islamist Imperialists October 31, 2008
Might the Global Financial Crisis Impede Iranian Nuclear Plans? (6 comments) October 30, 2008
More on the Links between Obama and Saddam Hussein (2 comments) October 29, 2008
Asylum Granted to Escape Shari‘a (2 comments) October 22, 2008
More on the Links between Obama and Extremist Islam (35 comments) October 21, 2008
I Win Apologies, Retractions, and Corrections (23 comments) September 17, 2008
Blaming Israel September 5, 2008
"Allahu Akbar" Means What, Exactly? (4 comments) September 3, 2008
Barack Obama's Muslim Childhood: New Information (1 comment) August 28, 2008
Bibliography – My Writings on Barack Obama's Early Years as a Muslim (31 comments) August 28, 2008
Bagels in Dubai (36 comments) August 15, 2008
Extra! Leading New York Publisher Spikes Book Dealing with Islam! (50 comments) August 7, 2008
A Final Reply to Yoram Schweitzer (17 comments) August 3, 2008
Cairene Book Covers (19 comments) July 31, 2008
Samir Kuntar, A Free Man Again, But for How Long? (4 comments) July 22, 2008
Damascus Recognizes Lebanon as a Separate Country? July 22, 2008
More Insights into the Islamist-Leftist Alliance (10 comments) July 14, 2008
Islamic but Not Shar‘i? (6 comments) July 8, 2008
Public Ads for Islam in the West (8 comments) July 5, 2008
How Europe's Counterterrorism Laws Differ from America's (31 comments) July 3, 2008
Conspiracy Theories on the Left July 1, 2008
If Not [Arab-Israeli] Peace Now, What? (24 comments) July 1, 2008
Arguing against "Linkage," or Israel as MidEast Key (1 comment) June 12, 2008
Barack Obama, Google, and This Website (38 comments) June 9, 2008
Richard Silverstein Shoots Himself in the Foot (5 comments) June 6, 2008
John Hagee, the Holocaust, and Me: Thinking about Allies (50 comments) May 29, 2008
Bangladeshis Banned by Bahrain (12 comments) May 28, 2008
Abba Eban's Eloquence on Israel's 10th Anniversary (20 comments) May 8, 2008
Laurie Mylroie's Shoddy, Loopy, Zany Theories – Exposed (18 comments) April 30, 2008
Predicting the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election (141 comments) April 23, 2008
Exposed: Griffith University Grovels for Saudi Money (1 comment) April 22, 2008
Mecca Mean Time? (46 comments) April 21, 2008
Those Gentle Humanitarians at Fatah (6 comments) April 17, 2008
Learning in Arabic about Jews and Judaism (16 comments) April 10, 2008
Zakariya Zubeidi's Crushed Will To Fight (1 comment) April 4, 2008
SaveIsraelsChildren.com (22 comments) April 3, 2008
Middle Eastern Political Candor (15 comments) April 1, 2008
Are Zionism's Prospects So Bleak? (7 comments) March 26, 2008
Pakistan Ties Iraq for Most Suicide Bombing Deaths (5 comments) March 24, 2008
Hijabs on Western Public Women (512 comments) March 19, 2008
An International Law to Respect Religion? March 19, 2008
Churches in Saudi Arabia? (459 comments) March 18, 2008
The Organization of the Islamic Conference Gets Feisty (36 comments) March 15, 2008
"America's Chickens are Coming Home to Roost" (67 comments) March 13, 2008
Must U.S. Taxpayers Pay for Iraqi Electricity? (8 comments) March 11, 2008
Is the Solution to Hire More Muslim Journalists? (48 comments) March 4, 2008
Islamic Hotels, Forwarding Islamic Law (15 comments) March 3, 2008
A Second Islamist Organization Apologizes to Me (9 comments) March 3, 2008
Yossi Klein Halevi: Israel's Withdrawal from Gaza a "Disaster" (11 comments) March 2, 2008
Why was Abdullah Muhammad al-Ahdal Killed in 1989? (3 comments) March 2, 2008
Dismantle UNRWA March 1, 2008
Gaza to Egypt – Voices of Support (5 comments) February 27, 2008
Winston Churchill Compares "Mein Kampf" to the Koran (65 comments) February 21, 2008
Rudoph Giuliani's Presidential Campaign and Me January 29, 2008
Applying Philip Salzman's Theory (1 comment) January 24, 2008
"Saudi Arabia to End Wheat Growing" (16 comments) January 9, 2008
Bibliography – My Writings on Arabs Appreciating Israel (9 comments) January 2, 2008
Sudden Jihad Syndrome – It's Now Official (52 comments) January 2, 2008

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