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Eric Yoffe can be a little too considerate

Reader comment on item: America's Crash Course on Islam

Submitted by Ken Besig (Israel), Sep 11, 2007 at 13:39

Eric Yoffe, the Reform Jewish leader, can and often is just a little too considerate regarding his and the Jewish Peoples' enemies. And far too often, he is vile and bitter to the extreme regarding those Jews who find his movement to be a little too liberal.

Unfortunately in this case, Rabbi Yoffe is either being deliberately obtuse, politically correct, polite, or is simply an ingnoramus. Certainly he knows quite well the murderous attitude of the fundamentalist Islamists towards our People, and how terribly often these attitudes have been translated into the actual murder of Jews. Thus instead of demanding that moderate Moslems forcibly reject and expel the real and dangerous extremists among them, he as Dr. Pipes points out, blames himself and his own People for causing Moslems to hate us.

Frankly I am happy that Dr. Pipes had the courage to publicly expose Rabbi Yoffe and the utterly absurd remarks the Rabbi made. With more exposure like this, the Reform movement he leads may choose to find another leader, or better yet, Rabbi Yoffe will see just how unlikely his position is and make an effort to become either more honest or better informed.

Shana Tova!


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Reader comments (191) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
4This American Crash Course on Islam Has Been Corrupted and Requires "Correction." [681 words]Joseph Guida MDAug 23, 2010 05:34177127
Homegrown, if in the Middle east [77 words]BronsonDec 25, 2008 04:36145838
islam light [32 words]MohamudFeb 4, 2008 04:29119556
2What I know about Islam [133 words]SammyNov 4, 2007 02:45113052
Freedom of Religion [216 words]Imam Ahmed Syeed Ali MuhammedMar 27, 2008 16:23113052
1a tree is judged by its fruits [432 words]SammyApr 7, 2008 05:33113052
1Smarty Imam, stop the lies of Islam [737 words]sure enough observerSep 4, 2008 21:58113052
reply to tree is judged by its fruits.. [84 words]M-MSep 29, 2008 03:28113052
Bad analogy [54 words]SammyNov 22, 2008 04:27113052
reply to sammy [65 words]M-MNov 22, 2008 23:28113052
Will driver know? [80 words]SammyNov 24, 2008 01:08113052
reply to sammy... [339 words]M-MNov 25, 2008 01:58113052
IMAM [99 words]btilly`Nov 25, 2008 19:42113052
to M-M on dubious logic [145 words]ASNov 26, 2008 06:42113052
A standard for everyone [188 words]SammyNov 26, 2008 17:10113052
To sammy on A standard for everyone [852 words]M-MNov 27, 2008 06:16113052
reply to AS ON DUBIOUS LOGIC!! [218 words]M-MNov 27, 2008 07:54113052
Know Jesus so you may know whom you worship. [120 words]JAMES GOTESDec 25, 2008 06:00113052
We got the point [281 words]SammyApr 16, 2009 20:05113052
Islam [83 words]FaisalOct 31, 2007 13:37112738
islam - tolerant ... [238 words]OliverOct 31, 2007 21:32112738
1Faisal doesn't follow his own advice !!! [113 words]JaladhiNov 2, 2007 15:16112738
Jaladhi : please follow Faisal's suggestion.. [109 words]JanakaApr 22, 2008 10:07112738
Is Islam Tolerant [78 words]H D DawraFeb 16, 2009 09:19112738
islam peace [25 words]Damodara hemmigeOct 23, 2014 10:06112738
1Most violence occurs when a country becomes 98% islamic [145 words]PrashantOct 24, 2014 23:21112738
nothing has changed [32 words]Phil GreendSep 23, 2007 23:46109541
Ahmadinejad in New York -- Columbia U and others Smarm in the name of "Open to Ideas" [850 words]Sofa SogoodSep 23, 2007 00:18109486
WHERE IS THE VOICE OF PRINCE OR IRANIAN KING IN EXILE [169 words]zari namdarSep 23, 2007 02:52109486
odious ominous objective vs.Columbia U.'s marsh-mellows [438 words]jennifer solisSep 23, 2007 23:27109486
Send Mr. Ahmadinejad a dead rat [30 words]Peter HerzSep 24, 2007 07:17109486
comments on nut job ahmadineejad [484 words]shaynaSep 24, 2007 16:17109486
He'd mistake it for a deceased relative [46 words]jennifer solisSep 24, 2007 17:25109486
Why does the freedom we stand for in the us attract those that hate freedom? [230 words]janet griggsSep 25, 2007 10:05109486
French Fried Eggs: Charlie Rose and Comments: Video Bomb Parades, Death Chants, Healthy Heavy Water [365 words]Sofa SogoodSep 25, 2007 15:19109486
Columbia and Ahmadinejad [727 words]gary fouseSep 25, 2007 17:01109486
Doom at our Doorstep [336 words]jennifer solisSep 26, 2007 01:08109486
Celebrities like John Voight could be so helpful -- they should be encouraged and invited [271 words]Sofa SogoodSep 22, 2007 16:51109462
Gulf States Buy 20% of NASDAQ - That's NOT OK [348 words]Sofa SogoodSep 22, 2007 12:57109452
Nanci Pelosi and the Press about the Stock Market.- Oil and Coal. [298 words]YnnatchkahSep 23, 2007 18:03109452
20% of NASDAQ bought by Gulf States - Blogs need to be Noisy About This SOON - Almost Nothing on the News [403 words]Sofa SogoodSep 25, 2007 04:30109452
Crash is the operative word - right into the wall [1125 words]SSSep 20, 2007 16:17109295
THE ANSWER IS "A CRASH COURSE IN ISLAM." [24 words]orange yonasonSep 19, 2007 16:09109221
A Breeze of hope in the citation: [289 words]YnnatchkahSep 19, 2007 12:08109215
Learning about Islam but not to contaminate with it [117 words]NessieSep 18, 2007 10:13109126
"We want Italy and not Itabia. Europe and not Eurabia." [92 words]laaSep 25, 2007 14:25109126
Eurabia is not a name invented by me [209 words]NessieSep 26, 2007 14:28109126
re. to cassie italy [168 words]laaaSep 27, 2007 13:33109126
You didn't give any response to me about all the subjects I put [131 words]NessieSep 29, 2007 04:41109126
reply [93 words]laaOct 2, 2007 16:58109126
Build a 'church' in a muslim country ... [30 words]OliverOct 30, 2007 22:48109126
oliver [14 words]laaNov 1, 2007 06:51109126
Crash Course in Islam - Page Torn From Israeli Textbook [227 words]M. ToveySep 17, 2007 23:56109101
More British course on Islam from close quarters [40 words]VijaySep 17, 2007 18:59109076
Swedish hiding course on Islam [298 words]VijaySep 17, 2007 18:55109073
Interesting aspect [66 words]Hari IyerSep 19, 2007 00:14109073
Islamic slaughtering of animals [243 words]DonSep 19, 2007 20:43109073
?? [14 words]AnswerSep 22, 2007 09:12109073
Take Your Head Out Of The Sand [18 words]jennifer solisSep 24, 2007 17:04109073
Here is your answer!!! [39 words]JaladhiSep 25, 2007 16:03109073
Answer [356 words]shaynaSep 25, 2007 16:14109073
The fear of Moslems [171 words]f.shaSep 15, 2007 18:13108939
WHAT? you've GOT to be KIDDING............... [391 words]jennifer solisSep 16, 2007 22:27108939
Misunderstanding [170 words]f.shaSep 17, 2007 20:11108939
Political correctness will take us down!!! [137 words]JaladhiSep 18, 2007 15:11108939
apology to Mr.f.sha [200 words]jennifer solisSep 18, 2007 15:51108939
Allow me to educate you about Islam [312 words]f.shaSep 18, 2007 20:29108939
Thank you, Mr. f.sha [250 words]jennifer solisSep 19, 2007 17:42108939
6Crash Course on Islam - Sitaram Goel and Ram Swarup are Must Read - http://voi.org/books.html [154 words]SinghaSep 14, 2007 13:21108859
India, Pakistan, and Islam [360 words]DonSep 15, 2007 01:16108859
LOL - Pakistan's demand for human rights for Indian Muslims!!! Can't stop laughing!!! [219 words]JaladhiSep 19, 2007 16:33108859
islamism [150 words]asterixSep 22, 2012 00:31108859
FYI [5 words]JSJan 10, 2013 05:27108859
Crash course on Islam. [22 words]DAVID R.GROESBECKSep 14, 2007 09:05108841
Please, continue! [29 words]KSep 14, 2007 17:14108775
Thank you TTS for giving a crash course on Islam and Muslim's motives!!! [126 words]JaladhiSep 15, 2007 16:06108775
2Open your eyes [188 words]Non-muslim minorityJan 31, 2012 21:12108775
IT MIGHT TAKE TWO [81 words]leo solomonSep 13, 2007 03:39108747
Rafasanjani and AhamadiNejads comments [69 words]KamranSep 13, 2007 16:33108747
Ahmadinijad issues threats to annihilate Israel on a daily basis!!! [114 words]JaladhiSep 14, 2007 12:04108747
What a relief... [126 words]donvanSep 14, 2007 12:53108747
Ahmadinijad issues threats to annihilate Israel on a daily basis!!! [58 words]KamranSep 19, 2007 23:32108747
Iran had prepared a plan to attack Israel [113 words]KamranSep 19, 2007 23:42108747
evidently not... [82 words]donvanSep 21, 2007 10:28108747
Defender of Ahmadinejad!!! [164 words]JaladhiSep 25, 2007 10:22108747
Who is defending AhmadiNejad [194 words]KamranSep 26, 2007 17:00108747
Ahmadinejad and his Imam calling for wiping out Israel!!! [163 words]JaladhiSep 26, 2007 20:40108747
Ahmadinejad Indoctrination [20 words]jennifer solisSep 29, 2007 16:15108747
WHICH PLANET DO YOU LIVE IN ,KAMRAN? [103 words]zari namdarSep 30, 2007 04:11108747
Ahmadinejads statements [57 words]KamranSep 30, 2007 22:52108747
Ahmadinejad Indoctrination [99 words]KamranSep 30, 2007 23:12108747
Are you serious, Kamran? - [110 words]jennifer solisOct 1, 2007 17:42108747
Rational Discourse? [267 words]jennifer solisOct 1, 2007 18:45108747
Anitsemetic statements [215 words]kamranOct 9, 2007 08:06108747
Winning the "War" [136 words]Rory WardSep 13, 2007 02:50108743
Got Rights?-Yes [1270 words]gary fouseSep 12, 2007 16:35108696
Well Said! [440 words]Sofa SogoodSep 13, 2007 10:31108696
Got Rights?-Yes [99 words]gary fouseSep 13, 2007 19:14108696
Can you hear the applause [14 words]John G. Spethman MDSep 14, 2007 11:16108696
Gary - What would they do if they knew? [187 words]Sofa SogoodSep 15, 2007 10:18108696
Got Rights? Thank you Sofa, [328 words]gary fouseSep 15, 2007 17:22108696
To Publicize or Not to Publicize [323 words]Sofa SogoodSep 17, 2007 05:19108696
Can the world win the war agianst the momins? [236 words]VinodguptSep 19, 2007 11:49108696
Strange Times are Ahead [436 words]Sofa SogoodSep 23, 2007 10:44108696
The Struggle for Unity Will Not Be Pretty [312 words]JoeSep 12, 2007 14:56108675
The problem is the Quran [305 words]Roger E. NasiffSep 12, 2007 14:20108670
Check and Balance [194 words]Aamir Ali AnsariSep 12, 2007 14:18108669
to Aamir Ali: Islam's image is Islam's creation and the solution lies in Islam. [1646 words]PlatoSep 14, 2007 04:02108669
exposure [199 words]jennifer solisSep 16, 2007 00:05108669
a humble request to Plato. [28 words]Omar KaziSep 17, 2007 12:29108669
To Jennifer: Thanks. Reading what is taught in Pakistani and Saudi schools is enlightening [153 words]PlatoSep 17, 2007 21:45108669
2To Omar Kazi: Why don't I become a Muslim? Read the Koran (113:2, 2:253) [175 words]PlatoSep 17, 2007 22:09108669
1true Islam? what is really true Islam? [77 words]dhimmi no moreSep 19, 2007 16:44108669
1But it is all about Islam our dear Aamir [174 words]dhimmi no moreSep 20, 2007 07:15108669
1Our dear Omar Qazi al-tablighee [133 words]dhimmi no moreSep 21, 2007 17:15108669
TO AAMIR ALI ANSARI :THE FOUNDER OF ISLAM [236 words]zari namdarOct 2, 2007 01:49108669
Bone Chilling recollection [127 words]KurtSep 12, 2007 13:32108667
Ali Sina's website hacked by Islamists [43 words]UsKannaSep 12, 2007 12:18108663
Thank You Uskanna about www.faithfreedom.org [24 words]YnnatchkahSep 12, 2007 16:34108663
implosion of Islam [81 words]RezaApr 9, 2008 07:18108663
So much I hope, Reza [60 words]YnnatchkahApr 10, 2008 02:35108663
LIBERAL INFLUENCE [59 words]leo solomonSep 12, 2007 12:15108662
A reason to be optimistic [273 words]GautieriSep 12, 2007 10:38108658
Islam is the problem [70 words]Mike BusaccaSep 12, 2007 10:09108656
Islam is not the problem.... [65 words]donvanSep 13, 2007 10:04108656
Murder as Motivation [230 words]jennifer solisSep 14, 2007 14:16108656
True.... [231 words]donvanSep 14, 2007 16:34108656
instruction vs. derangement [442 words]jennifer solisSep 15, 2007 18:32108656
I hear you, [121 words]DONVANSep 17, 2007 15:26108656
"catch-up time" [652 words]Lactantius JrSep 12, 2007 09:10108654
"Islam" and "islamism", a view from Europe [1275 words]François EiffelSep 12, 2007 09:06108653
Crash Course - Consequences of History Lessons Not Learned. [505 words]M. ToveySep 13, 2007 13:21108653
Hatred only brings hatred [551 words]Joe ChristianSep 12, 2007 08:46108649
"Be ye therefore doers of the Word and not hearers only." [517 words]Lactantius Jr.Sep 13, 2007 05:19108649
Nice try, Joe Christian [269 words]DonSep 13, 2007 07:55108649
Educated and Rich Muslims are the worst Jihadis!!! [184 words]JaladhiSep 13, 2007 21:43108649
Com'on Joe ... [18 words]OliverOct 30, 2007 23:08108649
I partially agree with Dr. Pipes' statement: [329 words]YnnatchkahSep 12, 2007 01:54108625
Learning From New [26 words]Howlin FreedomSep 11, 2007 22:51108614
Islam - Fragmented Ideology [109 words]VictoriaSep 11, 2007 22:29108611
LEFT - RIGHT - CENTER...A THREAT IS A THREAT [215 words]Martin SchwartzSep 11, 2007 20:27108607
Ameica's Crash Course on Islam [181 words]Donald W. BalesSep 11, 2007 20:00108604
WHO is the Strategic Enemy in This World-Embracing Conflict? [4375 words]Ron ThompsonSep 11, 2007 18:52108592
terror is just part of a strategy to achieve world hegemony [307 words]sheik yer'mamiSep 11, 2007 18:47108590
Thank you [74 words]David W. LincolnSep 11, 2007 18:01108580
Loved what Salim Mansur put... [15 words]YnnatchkahSep 11, 2007 16:58108571
There is thinking, and there is also THINKING... [705 words]Jascha KesslerSep 11, 2007 16:29108564
Understanding the enemy... [190 words]J.S.Sep 11, 2007 15:59108562
Who is the enemy? [193 words]rickSep 11, 2007 17:53108562
The "problem" is not just about "the violence" of radical Islam [254 words]J.S.Sep 12, 2007 16:37108562
Renaming the "war on terror" [53 words]Jewish SurvivalSep 11, 2007 15:52108561
Something else [122 words]David W. LincolnSep 12, 2007 17:33108561
1Political correctness to describe Islam and Muslims will be our downfall!! [185 words]JaladhiSep 11, 2007 15:52108560
Political correctness to describe Islam and Muslams will be our down fall. [63 words]VictoriaSep 11, 2007 22:49108560
President Bush Deceived By Islam [271 words]clarence paul puckettSep 12, 2007 01:39108560
To Jaladhi : [52 words]DeeSep 12, 2007 01:49108560
On the nail! [101 words]SadhasivSep 12, 2007 10:25108560
Quo bono [220 words]DONVANSep 11, 2007 15:15108555
Misunderstanding Islam as the cause of the terrorism [498 words]Rachel Garber, PhiladelphiaSep 11, 2007 15:15108554
Darfur [18 words]Concerned EuropeanSep 12, 2007 04:04108554
September 11th Is Why We Need Websites Such As Daniel Pipes [80 words]AnneMSep 11, 2007 15:13108553
The Chimera of "Winning" a War on Terrorism [567 words]MarciSep 11, 2007 15:10108552
Marci's Naivete [576 words]Mel LarawaySep 11, 2007 19:53108552
reformation [75 words]obilicSep 11, 2007 15:04108551
The reformation myth. [256 words]MontySep 12, 2007 06:18108551
It happened already [51 words]MarkSep 12, 2007 15:42108551
War on Terrorism [469 words]RickSep 11, 2007 14:48108547
Destroy the Radical Islamic Deathberg [499 words]Bill NarveySep 11, 2007 14:42108545
Radical Islam... [127 words]DONVANSep 12, 2007 15:03108545
1SAVE MUSLIMS AND THE WORLD FROM ISLAM [216 words]MarkJul 8, 2013 04:04108545
War on terror after 6 years. [309 words]janusz KowalikSep 11, 2007 14:27108544
learning about islam [166 words]G.VishvasSep 11, 2007 13:51108542
Eric Yoffe can be a little too considerate [198 words]Ken BesigSep 11, 2007 13:39108541
The truth about Islam [125 words]DelcambreSep 12, 2007 03:38108541
Too optimistic a statement [250 words]steveSep 11, 2007 13:35108539
2"Islam is an irredeemable death cult" [200 words]JaladhiSep 11, 2007 13:33108538
AN OFFER OF PEACE TO OSAMA BIN LADEN [356 words]Geno M.Sep 11, 2007 17:46108538
A different path [149 words]David W. LincolnSep 12, 2007 17:51108538
Rhetorical Backbone [302 words]Ron ThompsonSep 12, 2007 18:24108538
May be our leaders should remember - "what is good for the goose..." [238 words]JaladhiSep 13, 2007 14:09108538
Much needed response [151 words]Imam Ahmed Syeed Ali MuhammedMar 27, 2008 16:34108538
Self-Education on Islamism [206 words]Kat O'LearySep 11, 2007 13:04108537
absolutely [167 words]donvanSep 11, 2007 15:33108537
Faster, please... [95 words]MontySep 11, 2007 16:34108537
So true, Kat [232 words]DonSep 13, 2007 08:27108537
don watch out in Lahore [22 words]Omar KaziSep 17, 2007 12:38108537
Fine in Lahore...I think [352 words]DonSep 21, 2007 10:19108537
ISLAM [92 words]JohnnyOct 3, 2007 22:09108537

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