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Another theory to advance...

Reader comment on item: Barack Obama, Google, and This Website
in response to reader comment: Obama used to be Muslim..., and so what?

Submitted by Homefront (Australia), Oct 7, 2008 at 22:45

I have another theory to advance concerning Obama. Sen. Barack Hussein Obama seems to be whatever he needs to be to get ahead politically in whichever state he is in at any given time. Hence in Indonesia (the world's most populous muslim nation) he is a Muslim in America he is a Protestant Christian (rather than a muslim like his father or a catholic like his mother).

There is one thing I think Carmen does not understand about the religious question hanging over Barack Obama. His professed identity is not so much the issue as is the likely disingenuous character of it. Obama's pastor of twenty years the Rev Jeremiah Wright's radical black liberation politics are as far from christianity (protestant or otherwise) as any congregation can be. He makes the culturally relativist Church of England and Uniting Church look like Roman Catholics. And yet it is his connection with this (to paraphrase Mark Steyn) "neosegregationist huckster" that he relies upon to assert that he is practicing protestant christian.

As a matter of personal preference I would be more likely to vote for Barack Hussein Obama had he chosen to remain a muslim or been a catholic. Both of these would have been electoral impediments that would at least give him the semblance if not the form of some character trait that might indicate a degree of honesty. JFK ran for president as a catholic and took a hit in the polls for it suffering unending political troubles for being a member of a religious group that enjoy the almost exclusive privilege of being the last respectable prejudice in the United States. Sen. Obama however being poll savvy is too slippery to allow anyone to hang a single negative that might conform to any of the traditional prejudices of the US on him. Obama has even disposed of all the papers he wrote throughout college which would probably be the final authority on his biographic musings on his early college political activities. This looks like an all but deliberate tactic to further occlude his past and calls into question just what the man has to hide.

Julia Stiles remarked of Josh Hartnett's character in the Othello remake "O" that she was immediately suspicious of a person who had no enemies and nothing bad said about them. Barack Obama seems to occupy the same perfect middle ground that Josh Harnett straddled. The latter eventually brought all around him to a bad end in an explosion of betrayal and murder. Sen. Obama's betrayal of his country may not ever be as dramatic as a Shakespearean villain's overt calumnies and murders but he will very likely soon be in a political position where his postmodern perspective takes the "free" out of the phrase "land of the free". A polity which has an executive whose principle supporters and influences include race baiters (Rev Wright and Michelle Obama his wife), Slum lords (Rezneck) and unrepentant Marxist terrorists (William Avery) is one which has descended to a level of both self loathing an insanity such as to make it unlivable.

In the end if Sen. Obama has a religion it is the discredited faith of social democracy. Europe has been destroyed demographically, culturally and economically by social democracy and about half of its nations will enjoy a future as political satellites of the Islamic Maghreb. The construction of a welfare state on the scale that Obama proposes mirrors Europe. The singular distinctive feature of the European Social Democratic model is the body politics inability to reverse or curtail any of the benefits the government has conceded to its bloated and over dependant citizenry. Hence when the French in their anger at years of socialist pandering to hostile lazy immigrants from the Maghreb elected Nicholas Sarkozy the latter found that he was effectively powerless in the face of the social democratic machine established by his socialist predecessors. Reducing unsustainable benefits would have led to a massive civil revolt across all strata of France. In this way electing Obama will likely be an irreversible step as the systems he wants to put in place will not be possible to dismantle by any prospective Republican successors.

And if you doubt my above assertion that Social Democracy is a faith then consider the following anecdote. In Australia we have had years of Labor Party (the Australian equivalent of the Democratic Party) dominance at all levels of state and municipal government and recently have elected a federal Labor government. Leftist dominance extends into the education system and bureaucracy from the top down and is now firmly entrenched in all our major institutions. The states on the whole have been poorly run with no new infrastructure being put in place, falling educational standards and exponentially expanding public service departments with no appreciable or quantifiable benefit to the Australian citizenry. We have a government that abuses family law tribunals to snatch private property out from the hands of relatives of the incapacitated, tribunals which monitor and curtail freedom of speech with civil and criminal sanctions if you are anywhere right of centre and a byzantine maze of bureaucracy that no ordinary citizen with average mental faculties can negotiate to obtain government assistance without first consulting a specializing lawyer.

Where does the blame for all of this madness lie? Well according to the significant other of a friend of mine and several senior government technocrats I have spoken to the reason why the system doesn't work lies in the hands of the unbelievers (i.e. myself). So those people who have been out of government, not employed by the government or even in receipt of any form of government assistance are responsible for the government's failure simply by not believing in the government's policies. I believe the Caliph Umar pushed similar paranoia about non muslims to explain the dysfunction of his own regime back in 7th century Arabia - no wonder these Leftist kooks get along so well with the Islamists. And Obama is one of them.

Obama is the most Manchurian manufactured and insubstantial candidate the American left have produced in over 40 years. America would have been better off under John Kerry than they likely will be under Barack Obama. The media have made our choice for us though and I suspect even though I have been praying hard for his failure that this black Jimmy Carter will soon be the Commander and Chief.

God help us all.



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Reader comments (38) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Inflluencing Hamas to release Gilad Shalit [47 words]legorkOct 11, 2008 23:13139976
Obama isn't a Christian either! [130 words]vickieOct 10, 2008 09:19139876
2The book "1000 Mistakes in the Quran" [53 words]namanOct 4, 2008 18:37139550
3www.1000mistakes.com - death warning. [107 words]Richard WerlinOct 14, 2008 14:47139550
Mistakes ! [159 words]RizOct 19, 2008 23:13139550
3The book "1000+ Mistakes in the Quran" - new edition incl. Jihad and 15 mistakes ACCEPTED BY ISLAM [100 words]namanDec 20, 2009 07:35139550
The book(s) 1000+ Mistakes in the Quran and 1000+ Comments to Jihad and its apartheid background. [88 words]namanJan 6, 2010 04:06139550
1000+ Mistakes in the Quran [48 words]NamanFeb 10, 2015 05:14139550
"Muslim or not?" [209 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Rev.Tony MedinaSep 8, 2008 00:53138106
wikapedia [23 words]rawdawgJul 21, 2008 02:33135451
Keep up the great work, Dr. Pipes! [7 words]ObjectivistJun 20, 2008 13:42132757
Obama used to be Muslim..., and so what? [97 words]carmenJun 18, 2008 16:51132521
Difference between religion, color and origin [255 words]Straight_Talk_LuigiJun 18, 2008 18:13132521
So what if Obama is ex-Muslim? [117 words]VijayJun 22, 2008 05:29132521
Deception [127 words]Brian HJun 23, 2008 03:44132521
Another theory to advance... [1076 words]HomefrontOct 7, 2008 22:45132521
So sad [66 words]Hurfa DurfJun 17, 2008 16:29132425
filtering E.g. [25 words]Brian HJun 16, 2008 21:23132319
Of course - Dr. Pipes' voice should be high on everyone's list [181 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
jennifer solisJun 15, 2008 01:35132156
Barack Obama, Google, and This Website [99 words]DebbieJul 9, 2008 23:36132156
Why have not heard any comments about the below listed subjects [140 words]William M. ShakespeareSep 14, 2008 12:59132156
Why I have not Heard any comments about the Below Listed subjects--response to Mr. Shakespeare [165 words]Debbie ShaferSep 16, 2008 22:24132156
Google search results [30 words]jonJun 14, 2008 05:48132085
filtering [26 words]Brian HJun 16, 2008 21:19132085
Welcome to the Googly Universe [122 words]NabiJun 12, 2008 14:21131903
Define Google [225 words]Lame CherryJun 12, 2008 01:01131839
Intellect and Reason will always win out [134 words]Gabrielle CroftsJun 11, 2008 20:55131808
Dr Daniel Pipes is neccessity of intellectual world [56 words]Amitabh TripathiJun 10, 2008 09:43131649
I agree 100% [60 words]Straight_Talk_LuigiJun 18, 2008 16:16131649
1No surprise [89 words]Rebecca MouldsJun 10, 2008 08:53131647
a visit to Google? [47 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
BenJun 10, 2008 01:32131624
Hard At Work [130 words]YnnatchkahJun 9, 2008 16:33131551
Mildly Stunned [107 words]CJrunJun 9, 2008 16:15131548
It speaks for itself [55 words]Mark PrestonJun 9, 2008 10:13131524
no, You don't need Google to inspire your hard work [29 words]KristaJun 9, 2008 08:00131517
Kol ha kavod! [13 words]AlJun 9, 2008 05:29131492
1Bravo! [56 words]gloriaJun 26, 2008 14:06131492
We should do our bits to expose the true nature of Islam [16 words]Sad MuslimNov 26, 2008 11:25131492

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