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Reader comment on item: Predicting the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election

Submitted by Gabby from australia here (Australia), Nov 6, 2008 at 05:43

Dear Dr Pipes,

Hi I am Gabby from Australia here. I have been coming daily to this website for many years and i think that your usual ability to accurately predict outcomes and trends is still very accurate. I believe in you, absolutely.

Dr Daniel Pipes, you as did I , never believed so many people, millions, in america could be so fooled by so slick an operator as the Obama campaign team. I am shell shocked someone so blatantly fraudulent and false could sleaze his way into President.

Remember ww2? Hitler was the same type, a cult of personality and slick propaganda of goebbels, Stalin, Lenin, they all lied didn't they and gullible people still followedd them, the ends justifies the means. Anyone remember how they rise to power ended up? I do.

God help America under Obama.

So it is to history which I now go to, in order to make sense of the election of a man born in kenya not america, to the highest political office in america and whom now is commander in chief of the usa armed forces- let me say here most sincerely, God Save/ better help America.....( see affadavits by Berg Verses Obama) to a man whom is an avid racist, anti american, hater of whites and jews- he must be after all he sat in the pews for 20 yrs to a black racist black empowerment ideologue rev wright didnt he?

He had to dinner convicted terrorists and PLO spokesperson when PLO was a Terrorist organisation didnt he. You can tell he will appease iran and all other terrorist supporting regimes.

He has never proved he was actually born in hawaii in order to meet the consitutional requirements of the USA Constitution.

Obama-he admits his brothers and sisters all are muslims, yet he admits his dad and step dad was muslim. Yet, still he persisted and continued to persist with the lie he was not amuslim nor ever was which is orwellian in the extreme of denialibility. "plausible or believable deniability". Majority of his borhters and sisters are still in poverty in Kenya.

If you tell a lie often enough it will be told as fact. You just need to read read about the koran to know its all lies. "War is deceit muhammad said". Well America is at war, and teh greatest liar has been elected. Indeed , War is deceit.

His cousin ODINGA in Kenya he gave a million dollars to and helped advise and electioneer for "cuz"odinga is a rabid jihadst whom has forced shariah law on the population of 90 per cent non muslims in that land. The rest of his kenyan family celebrated his victory as "obama is a son of kenya" son indeed, he was born in Kenya in front of his black african kenyan muslim grandmother who admitted it during a telephone call to a certain Bishop. His family still are por in kenya, I wonder with bro obama as president how many free citzenships will he hand out- ODinga? his brothers and sisters aunties uncles, why stop there. Let the whole fricken tribe in. Bet he will.

The fact he has pulled it off and fraudulently can do this without censure and without exposure in media shows indeed america has come a long way hasnt it. The fact that he was able to garner such support is largely due to grass roots activism and the free pass by most media outlets for his cult of personality electioneering. He promised much and told little of how he would do this. Many So called Intellectuals left behind clear thought and reasoning, the ability to think of long terms effects and rammifications of this election.

Where ideologues left behind rationality and embraced popularism and media frenzy which painted obama as some type of messiahism. They failed to show the american public his own role in the financial destruction of the financial institutions such as Fanny Maes etc.

He managed because people in america are hurting from deaths in iraqs and afghanistans wars, they are hurting financially with alot of money wiped off savings of americans. The collapse of Fanny s. That Obama was central in Cinton allowing loans by cashed up fannys to poor and high risk loan recipients which in turn caused the bankruptcy of that once fine and successful money lender is an eternal shame to Obama.

In years gone past it was the journalists whom were supposed to be unbiased, supposed to have ethics and supposed to investigate fully to ensure that the people of usa were given the truth. Times indeed for the truth telling from journlists and non bias in reporting are now long gone. He who pays the piper indeed calls the tune. I think had Nixon and Watergate happened now it would never have been exposed.

The state of Journalism in America is poor and sad. If Obama had as many bad connections in Australia as he has shown poor judgement in usa, he would not have had a rats arse chance in hell of getting elected to a local p and f meeting let alone president because Australian media would have torn him to pieces.

Obama is a Muslim, was always a muslim and will always be a muslim. He will always hate america, will always sympathise with americas enemies and will give vast amounts of monies to americas enemies because in doing so he will get to destroy america from within at the highest office.

America deserves what it votes for. They get precisely what they vote for.

The faulty politics of multi culturalism has been shown in germany france and britain to destroy the civilisations. They are in Europe too far destroyed to turn back the clock now. Euroarabia it is in europe, and thats exactly how it will h appen there unlesss grass roots activism starts to get people organised to fight the invasions of muslims and non americans into america illegally or legally. African and islamic nations and enemies of america want to invade america to take over and it will do so unless americans born raised and bred stop it.

America now faces this same american destiny if the left wing ideologues continue to fool the majority of americans and will forever change for the worse america and the once great nation that it was.

will Obama also continue to support late term murder abortions, a lack of a right to life, giving money to enemies, appeasement, winding back the usa military and its ability to gather credible intelligence on enemies as Bill Clinton did???, making significant cuts to americas ability to defend itself....you bet he will. The left believe that there is no threat to america from radical jihadism and radical islam just ask fat face moore.

All muslims are the enemy because you cannot tell which of them are sleepers , which of them will turn on the hands that feed them, you cannot accurately tell which muslims are in truth moderate and which pretend it.

God Save America. It just got what it wanted now it will have to face teh untolled consequences of an appeasement gutless weak man who never served in military a day in his life Obama as the Commander in Chief and a congress and senate dominated by controlling democrats who want a socialist paradise.

Poor Reagan, he would be rolling in his grave to think that america he helped to build up and defend is undone from within so well, in an orwellian like publicity cult of personae backed by unknown financial donors.

For those who dont believe it - wait and see how he does for the next 8 years.

I will pray for oyu all.

I believe that America will have many future 911's if he is permitted to destroy the military presence of usa in the world and create power vacuums in middle east and abandon Israel as he will do I am sure of that.

I believe that enough bloggers and enough academics will one day wake up I just hope before it is too late.

I believe in you Dr Daniel Pipes, I always have and forever willl

sincerely yours



Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (141) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Bewilderment [80 words]Leonard BoasbergDec 1, 2008 22:53144260
Predictions [41 words]Talia KatzNov 12, 2008 11:29142785
The Phenomenon of Crowds Around American Political Leaders And Advocates [843 words]Alice Ann SternNov 11, 2008 17:22142732
Secret Service could NOT confirm cries of "kill him!" [393 words]AmericanVoterNov 20, 2008 16:50142732
Dear American Voter, November 20, 2008 at 16:50 [245 words]Alice Ann SternNov 21, 2008 11:55142732
Ms. Stern also cannot confirm cries of "kill him" vs. Obama [420 words]AmericanVoterNov 26, 2008 03:00142732
All Daniel Pipes needs is...a warm puppy [155 words]jennifer solisNov 29, 2008 15:00142732
Hey Ann Stern, maybe you should join those ex-pats [114 words]james from CanadaDec 5, 2008 17:49142732
-- Dear Jenny Solis [77 words]Alice Ann SternDec 8, 2008 19:12142732
Non-citizens care less about America? [411 words]jennifer solisDec 10, 2008 13:45142732
Comment to "James from Canada" [192 words]jennifer solisDec 10, 2008 14:42142732
Obama is the result of George Bush Jr. [106 words]G.VishvasNov 11, 2008 12:11142714
Check the facts [135 words]AnonymousNov 9, 2008 22:07142556
Anonymous, Get the facts before claiming others losers. [417 words]CarlitaNov 10, 2008 16:26142556
"anonymous" [159 words]jkmanNov 11, 2008 01:34142556
Good gads [55 words]jennifer solisNov 11, 2008 13:49142556
I to I [65 words]anonymousNov 17, 2008 15:05142556
Getting the facts with an islamist [117 words]CarlitaNov 18, 2008 15:52142556
Anonymous does NOT have the facts [981 words]HistorianNov 21, 2008 15:46142556
Excellent post, "Historian" [41 words]jennifer solisNov 29, 2008 15:20142556
"Anonymous", you have to have at least one eyeball open to see "eye to eye".. [166 words]kmanDec 9, 2008 16:13142556
1You couldn't register foreign births in Hawaii in 1961 [53 words]KevinDec 20, 2008 18:34142556
Yes, Americans could easily travel to Pakistan in the 80's [161 words]KevinDec 22, 2008 07:49142556
Where did those McCain birth certificates come from? [182 words]KevinDec 22, 2008 08:08142556
One more think on the Travel to Pakistan story [50 words]KevinJan 22, 2009 21:43142556
Should he not, the implications are breathtaking as Dr. Pipes said: [126 words]YnnatchkahNov 9, 2008 10:21142526
Should he not the Implications are breathtaking [72 words]AnneDec 3, 2008 23:47142526
Something more scary than Obama [75 words]jennifer solisNov 8, 2008 12:29142469
Predictions [95 words]Patricia ZentaraNov 6, 2008 22:27142332
shoi [139 words]Peter schneiderNov 9, 2008 18:42142332
For Peter Schneider [256 words]Patricia ZentaraNov 10, 2008 21:51142332
reality check [108 words]sestamibiNov 6, 2008 20:25142322
sup [66 words]joe the flubberNov 9, 2008 18:28142322
Bewildered? [34 words]VictorNov 6, 2008 12:15142259
What a shame [9 words]CarlosNov 6, 2008 12:00142257
regarding post polling musings [1371 words]Gabby from australia hereNov 6, 2008 05:43142235
What an beautiful testimonial, Gabby [8 words]YnnatchkahNov 7, 2008 01:20142235
ouch [159 words]Peter valeNov 9, 2008 18:35142235
NO, America does NOT DESERVE this [230 words]Joe kaffirNov 12, 2008 01:21142235
We deserve the better of two men [131 words]T.banksNov 17, 2008 15:10142235
That's the problem Mr. Peter vale [238 words]jkmanNov 18, 2008 02:50142235
T. banks [206 words]jkmanNov 18, 2008 15:38142235
Perfidy on the Horizon. [242 words]Joe KaffirNov 23, 2008 18:53142235
Myself a Viet N. vet, "staggering" - hardly ... [268 words]kmanDec 9, 2008 18:57142235
All topics covered very well and thoroughly. [217 words]kmanDec 9, 2008 19:12142235
The way the US is going [40 words]GilanNov 6, 2008 04:55142232
Canada [82 words]Maggie thompseonNov 9, 2008 18:48142232
No question that the best days of the USA are behind her - what Israel must do [301 words]james burkeNov 10, 2008 09:13142232
Response to Maggie [235 words]GilanNov 11, 2008 04:00142232
Muslim Prime Minister of Israel?? [234 words]SusanNov 12, 2008 23:53142232
I can't believe you're saying this [77 words]Sean PetersonNov 16, 2008 06:01142232
I am very pro America; in fact Thank G_d there is an America [246 words]james burkeNov 21, 2008 13:33142232
First SIgn of Trouble ?? Ignorant Americans voted for the party that caused this financial disaster !! [129 words]james from CanadaNov 25, 2008 07:37142232
Thank you for being candid, Daniel Pipes. [111 words]CindyNov 6, 2008 04:37142231
Rough seas ahead [159 words]Rebecca MouldsNov 6, 2008 00:25142207
"Zombie-like allegiance" [204 words]jennifer solisNov 8, 2008 13:25142207
please [55 words]Malcom jonesNov 9, 2008 18:51142207
You are wrong [296 words]Rebecca MouldsNov 10, 2008 16:15142207
Malcom jones...please wake up [379 words]jkmanNov 18, 2008 02:17142207
It now seems it was inevitable [298 words]saraNov 5, 2008 19:10142176
Rest Assured you will not be proven wrong. [51 words]JamesNov 6, 2008 08:34142176
Mu'slam reaction.. [66 words]donvanNov 6, 2008 12:44142176
sup [32 words]brainlessNov 10, 2008 07:47142176
Brainless... [86 words]donvanNov 11, 2008 20:27142176
Scared [145 words]John MondailNov 16, 2008 05:47142176
Not really... [70 words]donvanNov 17, 2008 16:34142176
What Will This Mean for Israel and Iran? [30 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
AlexNov 5, 2008 16:10142159
we have three months [68 words]yuval brandstetterNov 6, 2008 00:22142159
Iran is a target [119 words]vpNov 8, 2008 02:42142159
Obama Threatens Iran [61 words]VPNov 8, 2008 02:49142159
serious [41 words]Peter mondailNov 10, 2008 04:02142159
let me refer you [100 words]yuval Brandstetter MDNov 13, 2008 13:22142159
iran [211 words]peter mondailNov 17, 2008 04:32142159
Its not the man, its the regime [203 words]yuval Brandstetter MDNov 21, 2008 15:43142159
Bewildered [70 words]HeklaNov 5, 2008 16:07142157
How many of us had the same confidence? [397 words]YnnatchkahNov 5, 2008 13:16142142
I saw it coming [37 words]VpNov 8, 2008 02:45142142
Who will be the first to test Obama? [23 words]Terry86Nov 5, 2008 12:37142136
Of course Nuclear Jehadi Attack on US will test Obama ... [181 words]TerryNov 6, 2008 13:31142136
answer [13 words]Mark peterNov 9, 2008 18:43142136
In the same boat [134 words]StephanieNov 5, 2008 12:22142133
stephan [98 words]John algowitzNov 10, 2008 11:44142133
Hit a nerve? [416 words]StephanieNov 11, 2008 19:07142133
So proud. [65 words]LynnNov 12, 2008 07:33142133
reply [306 words]stephanNov 16, 2008 05:41142133
please [193 words]stephanNov 16, 2008 05:57142133
Defining terms [177 words]StephanieNov 17, 2008 17:41142133
08' election [20 words]anniNov 4, 2008 09:52142017
Emboldened... [158 words]donvanNov 5, 2008 12:04142017
Destroying United States [77 words]KayNov 1, 2008 20:48141753
Corrupt Obama [117 words]KayOct 31, 2008 13:17141648
Destroying United States [411 words]NariOct 29, 2008 17:44141359
political intervention [97 words]David JohnstonSep 29, 2008 23:32139346
Americans, Lead the World to a Boundaryless Society [98 words]Shyam BhatawdekarMay 28, 2008 12:47130326
Americans, Lead the World to a Boundaryless Society [89 words]KalpanaMay 30, 2008 12:46130326
muslim american for president ? [194 words]Phil GreendMay 11, 2008 18:29128409
10takia, the hidden secret of islam [50 words]patrik quinnJun 10, 2008 19:07128409
lie as cultural phenomena in islam [40 words]takia takiaJun 10, 2008 20:38128409
Muslim American for President--Phil [180 words]Debbie ShaferJul 28, 2008 17:18128409
Obama, omana the flim flam man [104 words]Rocky SMay 11, 2008 01:27128347
B.Hussein Obama -- a Main Stream Media boosted candidate. [30 words]M.D'SouzaMay 9, 2008 13:12128218
The Obama Surprise [351 words]john w mcginleyMay 5, 2008 20:58127826
Obama, God Forbid [36 words]Mare WolksteinMay 5, 2008 11:01127763
Precious [96 words]SusanNov 13, 2008 00:07127682
name issues [47 words]SirNov 16, 2008 16:17127682
proud [70 words]P. jonesNov 16, 2008 16:38127682
Forget the "hussein" part? WHY!?!?! [260 words]jkmanNov 18, 2008 15:58127682
Obama and Odinga [33 words]USMC85412002-2006May 3, 2008 21:47127610
Obama's Election [257 words]gravenimageNov 6, 2008 16:30127610
scared [26 words]T.banksNov 17, 2008 15:12127610
Scared of What ? [104 words]Joe KaffirNov 23, 2008 19:06127610
Obama will not, cannot win. [14 words]Adam EylatMay 2, 2008 18:25127491
Obama and the Muslams [87 words]donvanJun 16, 2008 11:24127491
I hope you are right [47 words]james burkeJul 6, 2008 09:08127491
This working class vote won't go to him [207 words]SteveSMay 2, 2008 11:55127457
America is not ready for a Black President [239 words]Ken BesigMay 2, 2008 06:06127433
I Disagree, the democrats have made this a Black vs white issue, not America [446 words]saraMay 2, 2008 16:34127433
re. Obama [73 words]nanohistoryApr 30, 2008 14:09127270
re: nanohistory [144 words]athelingMay 4, 2008 18:34127270
These reasons and polls suggest a McCain victory [200 words]Peter KauffnerApr 28, 2008 23:02127131
I am voting for Obama [142 words]An American VoterApr 28, 2008 13:21127079
An America with their hand held out [595 words]jennifer solisApr 28, 2008 19:39127079
I'm so glad I'm not an american [159 words]B. WilliameApr 29, 2008 09:44127079
Pastor Wright will not shut up [80 words]jennifer solisApr 28, 2008 06:16127040
Feel Good Policy [21 words]Charles NickalopoulosApr 27, 2008 16:38126984
Saddened me to pieces, yet we always know the truth. [101 words]YnnatchkahApr 25, 2008 00:20126767
I can't say I agree [123 words]Straight_Talk_LuigiApr 24, 2008 01:37126656
I agree with Dr Pipes - USA is not ready for an Obama-nation [196 words]James BurkeApr 25, 2008 06:47126656
Military Leaders [62 words]Michael SmolenskyApr 26, 2008 22:23126656
Obama is Mortally Wounded [86 words]athelingApr 27, 2008 12:03126656
Michael is Right - I used the incorrect word [113 words]James BurkeApr 28, 2008 06:46126656
OBAMA 08 [156 words]The AmericanMay 3, 2008 09:10126656
re: The un-American [50 words]athelingMay 4, 2008 18:39126656
Obama immersed in the race hustle [16 words]Robert LynnMay 5, 2008 10:53126656
Sadly, this is indeed the majority of American voters [83 words]Björn GieslerMay 8, 2008 10:31126656
Bumper Sticker Arguments [165 words]Bob CormackMay 18, 2008 23:53126656
Reply [33 words]Tristan JonesMay 22, 2008 02:08126656
To: "The American" [85 words]Paulette AnneJun 3, 2008 00:54126656

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