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Israelites, Take This to Tehran, the Sewer of Evil

Reader comment on item: Israel's War on Hamas: A Dozen Thoughts
in response to reader comment: Massive force

Submitted by der Alleswisser (United States), Dec 31, 2008 at 13:43

Israel, I hope this Gaza thing is just sweeping the evil from your doorstep before taking on the bearded buzzards of Tehran. You know that Lebanon is really HezbollaStan, and you need to deal with them. Islam is an existential threat to Israel, in the near term, and the West, in the long term. You now have maybe 30 million people, and you are surrounded by maybe 300 million Islamics, and the estimates I have seen show that about 30% are the hard core fanatical demonic Islamics. The rest are either frightened, a la Earnest Renan 150 years ago saying "The first victims of Islam are Muslims. .....The greatest gift that can be rendered to them is to save them from their religion.," or tacitly supportive, or a combination of the two, perhaps "sitting on the fence" to see which side wins in Samuel Huntington's Clash of Civilizations.

If you must use nuclear weapons against Hezbollastan, do so, you have every bit as much right to use them as America had to obviate an invasion of Japan, you face annihilation and extinction if you do not. If you must use nuclear weapons against Tehran, then do so, do not wait until Iran strikes your people, it is not fair to your people. You have no choice but to take immediate and drastic measures. Let the French cry, know you not that France has pandered to Islamics throughout their history, in the false belief that "They are evil, but an evil that we can control, we give them weapons and exploit their favor, they will commit terrorists acts elsewhere, these are our demons." Read "Eurabia: Land of Dhimmitude," by Bat Y'eor for a look at the duplicity and uselessness of the French, and keep in mind who gave your enemies Mirage jets and Exocet missiles to be used against you. Cast aside the French.

The American Dhimmicratic party, cast them aside, and they will take over January 20th, and as we hurtle thru the final hours of 2008, do not forget that one of your generals said "2008 is too late to wait, as Iran will become nuclear - tipped." You are hours from 2009, and then the countdown towards January 20th, and the inauguration of Barack Hussain Obama. BHO may be a good man, we must hope so, but you do not know who he is, and the risk is just too high.

I am very worried about BHO. One reason is all this Dhimmicratic drivel and whining about CIA wiretapping, and he is right in the middle of that. Gullible people like this are just what bin Laden, the Blind Sheik, all the advocates of Satan, find to be useful fools. CAIR has just issued what I heard over the radio RIGHT NOW a press release in North Carolina about how "America needs to have a Middle East policy that is not Israel - centered, but America - centered." CAIR is here, and Dhimmicrats are about to take control, and CAIR can very easily play the Dhimmicrats the fool, as the Alyatollah had a very useful fool in Jimmy Carter, and Arafat played William Jefferson Clinton as a perfect fool, who sent these evil people millions of dollars from benevolent trusting American taxpayers who were just too indolent to realize what dupes they were and what feckless corrupt immoral leadership they had elected. No amount of money will solve this problem of Islam that you are surrounded with, no amount of good will, no amount of concessions by Israel, giving them land back, and you get terrorist attacks for your largess and futile attempts to appease this Beast from Hell, Islam. Another warning sign from BHO is this thing of wanting to eliminate Gitmo. Dhimmicrats, and the French, have already obtained the release of many of the GITMO people (demonic humanoids?), as they are very good at pretending to just victims swept up in the violence, and not terrorists at all (Islamics are mankind's gold medal winners of deceit, as divinely ordained by al Taqiyya, or it is ok to lie cheat steal kill the Unbeliever, but not so the Believer.).

Read Serge Trifkovic in "Defeating Jihad," and find out that about 50 Gitmo releasees have been found dead on the battlefield, having to be killed since they went back to Jihad, and so the Dhimmicrats & French have the blood on their hands of those who fell to this evil before vanquishing it. Of course, they understand that they cannot be held accountable, at least not now, but once they meet their maker, they will have to face this. But Israel, this is too late to help you. You must take action as appropriate, as the Devil is at your doorstep. Right now there are many lawyers, and the Dhimmicratic party is the Lawyer party, who represent GITMO detainees. Read "Willful Blindness, a Memoir of the Jihad," by Andrew McCarthy, lead prosecutor of the Blind Shiek and fellow terrorists who carried out the first WTC attack in 1993, read how the Clinton administration were very useful fools indeed for these terrorists, treating an act of war as a legal matter, giving demonic evil humanoids the full constitutional rights of an American citizen.

And then consider this, BHO in the presidential debates, telling how WTC 1 attack was so successfully prosecuted and the bad guys in jail and what a wonderful success story was and how we need to keep doing this. And the Indolent American People vote for this in droves, Israel, January 20th, mark that day on your calendar.

And you do know about how Clinton gave his fellow lawyers a very big payday by letting them sue the tobacco companies for billions of dollars because people who smoked cigarettes got sick, nevermind that since the 1960's, by law, it has said on the side of every cigarette pack "don't smoke these things because they will kill you." Is this what BHO has in mind for the fellow lawyers of the Dhimmicratic party, big lawsuits, evil prevails as it did under Clinton with the Blind Sheik, lawyers walk off again with taxpayer money. Nevermind that they are destroying the nation, these are not the Democrats of HST, FDR, JFK....these are the Dhimmicrats of Freddie/Fannie Mae. These are not your friends, Israel, these are fools. When you hear Kalid Sheik Muhhamod and the other really evil ones at GITMO say, "We want to confess because we know BHO is going to give us a trial and we want to confess so that we can be Martyrs (Islam for "Murderers")", THEN YOU KNOW THAT SOMETHING IS VERY VERY WRONG.

Do not listen to the Amerian Dhimmicrats, GW Bush is your friend, a man of convictions, not at all the fool the Dhimmicrats portray him to be, but GW Bush transitions from office January 20th.

Brave new world, Israel, but to stay in it, avoiding extinction, you have some hard decisions to make. And, spit in the face of the French and the Dhimmicrats, they are not your friends, your biggest friend is your courage and conviction, and your ability to choose the right leaders, an ability America has lost.


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Reader comments (66) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
how much do they have to take [125 words]john humphreyJan 19, 2009 07:01148402
Indians understand & appreciate Israel [123 words]TruthalonetruimphsJan 7, 2009 06:07147260
To the Death [32 words]MikeJan 6, 2009 13:17147155
War in Gaza [25 words]David HarrisonJan 6, 2009 07:42147114
Israel vs. Hamas 1-5-09 [533 words]aimesJan 6, 2009 01:06147096
The Historic Time Dilation Effect of Arabia's Late Arrival into the Modern World [274 words]Jonathan PfefferJan 5, 2009 15:15147033
"Evolutionary process" in the Arab world, or eternal recipient of "enabling appeasement"? [456 words]jennifer solisJan 7, 2009 19:05147033
Your analysis. [92 words]LynnJan 8, 2009 09:38147033
Islamic militants and fascism [527 words]Jonathan PfefferJan 8, 2009 11:53147033
re: Israel war on Hamas: A dozen thoughts [103 words]Akshaye PurmanundJan 5, 2009 06:44146961
Mainstream Media is the Enemy of Humanity -- No One Asks Anymore WHY did Gazans Imprison Themselves in Gaza [802 words]Sofa SogoodJan 5, 2009 03:41146950
Hamas Mocked Israeli Restraint After Refusing to End the Semi-Cease Fire -- Now They Cry Disproportionate [251 words]Sofa SogoodJan 5, 2009 03:22146948
"Fear Grips Gaza" is the Headline. Total Hypocrisy of the "International Community" and Media who are the True Inciters and Enablers of the Continued Violence. [685 words]Sofa SogoodJan 5, 2009 02:21146940
Pallywood fake "Palestine sttories" by BDS - outrageous antisemitic blood-libels [164 words]NorahDec 23, 2021 16:53146940
PR not totally lost on Canadians [96 words]DDFJan 4, 2009 08:33146851
You got that right [176 words]Jonathan PfefferJan 5, 2009 15:44146851
CUPE Never Stops [67 words]DDFJan 8, 2009 20:10146851
Good Job Israel!!! [89 words]RictatorJan 4, 2009 04:25146828
Tactical Mistakes [228 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
FredJan 4, 2009 03:26146818
Terrorist organizations trying to win by terrorism and continuous attacks [127 words]Anne A.Jan 3, 2009 16:37146766
Getting it right [282 words]Rebecca MouldsJan 2, 2009 10:16146653
Gaza War [120 words]Dannel R. BallesterosJan 1, 2009 22:10146599
Eternal Wars wanted by world body ? [86 words]Gary RosenJan 11, 2009 19:10146599
the last war [156 words]mt safaJan 15, 2009 05:57146599
Hamas... [559 words]bloggulatorJan 1, 2009 15:34146577
Grammar [41 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Renee BouvierJan 1, 2009 12:55146562
To Renee Bouvier-What a conduct. [83 words]SvetlanatchkaJan 2, 2009 11:37146562
Questioning Grammar, Dear Svetlanatchka [231 words]Renee BouvierJan 7, 2009 16:29146562
The true nature of this war [235 words]HeracliusJan 1, 2009 10:59146550
If Most Arab regimes so fear Tehran.... [20 words]YnnatchkahDec 31, 2008 23:44146508
GREETINGS [11 words]BUNDESPOPELDec 31, 2008 18:09146480
The IDF has finally taken to YouTube [258 words]Dr RJPDec 31, 2008 16:00146475
Pallywoid industry: stages fake scenes "bad" supposedly IDF - it thrn sells the pics... [402 words]LeahDec 30, 2021 18:33146475
Czechs [14 words]JasonDec 31, 2008 15:31146471
Where is the Arab League? [152 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Stephanie ScreamerDec 31, 2008 15:22146470
Obama May be why this is coming to a head now [1412 words]der AlleswisserJan 1, 2009 14:37146470
PR [169 words]Mike BiberDec 31, 2008 12:45146454
Israel vs Hamas [72 words]DavidDec 31, 2008 12:33146450
Israel's war on Hamas [154 words]NachumDec 31, 2008 12:17146448
If Arabs Lay down their weapons... [23 words]Kleef MathiesenDec 31, 2008 10:41146434
PR [15 words]blogDec 31, 2008 06:02146410
Muslims Are Ready to Destroy the World [121 words]kamekishDec 31, 2008 04:33146400
Co-existence or Global Caliphate? [103 words]BarneyJan 1, 2009 12:32146400
None of this makes sense unless . . . [72 words]MordechaiDec 31, 2008 01:46146387
Israel vs. Hamas Terrorists [258 words]clarence puckettDec 31, 2008 01:17146386
The 800lb Gorilla [798 words]B. J. HopperJan 4, 2009 12:09146386
HowDo You Define Victory? [8 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
James BeerDec 30, 2008 23:05146380
Right on All Counts -- Especially #2 [393 words]GWKDec 30, 2008 22:16146379
Slanted views [219 words]silentminorityinUSofADec 30, 2008 19:16146351
fear of Iran? [22 words]CharlesDec 30, 2008 18:29146341
Israel needs to finish Hamas once and for all. [85 words]M.D'SouzaDec 30, 2008 18:10146338
yes, someone with sense [29 words]ranDec 31, 2008 22:16146338
I second this motion!---Hasta Lavista Hamas [273 words]Anne A.Jan 3, 2009 16:56146338
Massive force [182 words]Romesh ChanderDec 30, 2008 16:46146321
Fairly Predictable [209 words]Alan FoxDec 30, 2008 18:08146321
Israelites, Take This to Tehran, the Sewer of Evil [1200 words]der AlleswisserDec 31, 2008 13:43146321
Cluster bombs will do the trick [89 words]MikhailDec 31, 2008 14:02146321
'Proportional Response' [26 words]Higgs BosonDec 31, 2008 16:06146321
Sc\hock and Awe- Massive force! [58 words]AnneJan 3, 2009 17:02146321
Or, In Other Words [31 words]DDFJan 4, 2009 11:27146321
Public Relations Battle [295 words]Bob BrooksDec 30, 2008 16:34146319
Israel Allows Itself to take the blame, why ? [153 words]Stephen HughesDec 30, 2008 16:24146318
Spend a few minutes reading the Hamas Charter of 1988 - Same year as bombing of Pan Am 103 [96 words]Randy PhillipsDec 31, 2008 08:22146318
Now.. it's overkill..... [182 words]Marc VJan 6, 2009 11:56146318
Stand with Israel and be counted. [191 words]surJan 9, 2009 19:48146318

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