Radical Islamic Domestic Terrorists like Jafar Siddiqui should be deported from America...NOW!Reader comment on item: The FBI's Blindness to Radical Islam Submitted by E.Ray (United States), Nov 15, 2009 at 23:22 America cannot continue this policy of turning a blind eye to our enemy. They are invading this country slowly, some legally , some illegally but they are forming dormant cells all over this country and some actually go public with their plans to overthrow this government and install sharia law. They complain because they cannot crawl around on the ground in an airport praying and actually make a public protest out of it. Mr Siddiqui, I cannot go to Turkey and give a Christian Bible to anyone, without having my head removed. In the Phillipines, the muslim terrorists burn one Christian church after another. I was in Colombia this summer and we helped a young Colombian couple who wanted to start a church in their home town. They did and in two weeks this young father was found chopped into 30 pieces in garbage bags. His wife has a pair of infant twins and she had to leave everything behind as we helped her hide out in another village. Christians have no freedom in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Bangladesh, even in some parts of India. Terrorists like Siddiqui will not condem these actions or inactions, but he whines like a little girl about what he cannot do here in America. Daniel Pearl and the other Jewish prisoners all over the world are maimed, ransomed, have their tongues cut out. Our Jewish brothers have now been abandoned by our muslim President who tells the world that America is not a Christian nation. He is a liar, Obama is a muslim and I don't believe he is qualified to be the American president because I don't believe his birth certificate is an honest document and I don't believe he meant a word of his oath of office because I believe that he, just like all other muslim warriors are doing anything other than trying to destroy America. They want it to be ruled by sharia law, they plan to slowly enslave us as they have successfully invaded the European Continent and England. They are still fighting to regain what they lost during the crusades and when the Hebrews were given back their original homeland by the English after WWII. The Palestinians are mostly from Jordan or Syria. They won't take in their own brothers, but force them to live like nomads by forcing them into the West Bank or Gaza and continuing to try by gaining world sympathy to take the rest of Israel away. America, please wake up...don't allow the blood of our fathers to go for nought, by allowing these foreign Turks and Persians to slip into our country and change it into a soup of insanity like France is suffering through now. Talk to their government officials and they will tell you, they fear that France will be a muslim country by 2025. No more Chateau Bordeaux! But seriously, Abraham Lincolm said " At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide." This is exactly what is happening to this country at this moment...we are literally, Sleeping with the Enemy!We must have the guts to do what is necessary and make this country an English only country, insure that the rights of Christians are protected as well as the myriad of other sects and cults, who seem to have garnered the sympathy of the ACLU. We have been built as a country on the Judeo-Christian belief system and you can take a walk around Washington, D.C. to see it. The 10 Commandments and Christian symbols cover every building, our currency, it is in our Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Constitution of every individual state is worded the same way. Again as the peoples President, Abraham Lincoln said,"This Nation shall have a new birthof freedom-and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth." This same President after the Civil was over, arrested and imprisoned without charges or trial, 18,000 "Confederate Sympathizers" and suspended habeus corpus. Lincoln knew that an immediate threat must be met with immediate action. I believe we could easily arrest 20,000 islamic terror cell members within our borders, illegally and some legally. When I see Americans shot down in cold blood by a islamic terrorist, shouting allah akbar at Ft Hood recently, a airline pilot from Egypt who dove an airliner full of innocent men, women and children into the Atlantic ocean of the North East coast shouting the same thing and the 9-11 terrorist pilots...same words- allah akbar. God is Great...then they butcher innocent people. They said the same words when Daniel Pearl was decapitated and I have heard it shouted in countries all over the world as people set off suicide bombs or shot children in a market place. When will we wake up? America, it's up to you. Give me a forum...I will shout this over the airwaves and without fear. My fear lies in sitting back and watching this country be taken away from us by the saracens, the nomadic bedouins who before the 7th century were scattered all over the middle east and worshipped pagan idols, named wadd,hubal,manat and this was two thousand years after the Jews had come to know that there was only one true God, the I Am, Yahweh, Lord of Glory. Yet these wandering pagan reprobates refuse to admit that the Jewish empires of King David, Solomon or even Moses ever existed. The Egyptian historians must have lied too. As well as all the other historic documents that refer to the Hebrew nation for well over a thousand years before the word muslim ever came on the scene. So we have a group of Johnny come latelys invading our country, rewriting history and killing innocent people all over the world in every country. They demand to be treated well every where they go, yet their countries murder anyone who is not muslim. They even kill each other, shia and sunni murdering each other in the streets of their arab countries after they kill off all the orientals, Jews, Christians or whoever else their koran tells them are infidels. Come on folks,in the words of one of the many heroes this country : Lets Roll!
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