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An ex-Muslim

Reader comment on item: CAIR: 'Moderate' friends of terror
in response to reader comment: BEWARE OF ISLAM DON'T TAKE IT LIGHTLY

Submitted by Mohsen Qaed (Bahrain), Jan 25, 2010 at 21:40

So, I was born and grew up in Islamic country ( Bahrain ) to Muslim parents surrounded by a religious father ... Throughout my life, I considered myself to be a Muslim, and I maintained a large arsenal of uninformed apologies, explanations, and blind denials to promote and defend Islam. I had relied exclusively on what I heard from my Father, my relatives, my Muslim friends, and the Islamic media.

As a Muslim I vigorously denied the existence of thousands of Gods claimed by other religions, but I was irritated when someone denied the existence of my God. I had an emotional attachment to my belief. My beliefs are now based on logic and reasoning and not emotional feelings.

As living in an Islamic society, I was mindlessly and blindly in demand to pray and worship mysterious God!!!

Well, I was a victim like millions of other Muslims who've been brain washed. By false promises and exaggeration Claim. I have recently found out that I was so gullible who believed some myths, and have known that religion been created by some religious and political to control people and keep them in line .they knew that the best idea to control primitive people was to surround them by religion. To convince them that God had given them verses. it's obvious that religion is viciously oppressive ideology that stifles progress and individual freedoms....on the one hand, God is supposed to be all-powerful, all-knowing, all-loving, all-wise, and on the other hand he is savage, brutal. God of extermination, genocide, assassination, Murder, hate, terror, torture, brutality, slavery and rape.

It's extremely confusing to people who are looking for the right path. Hard for them to get rid and cut off the seed of the false dogma that were planted in their minds, and been passed from generation to generation. I myself emancipated my mind, cleared my head and eradicated the ... dogma that contaminated my mind, my head, and my whole life.

Finally I could escape from the tyranny of Islam, and now I can see with total clarity that Islam is myth ... !!!

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Reader comments (212) on this item

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Title Commenter Date Thread
1Brandeis University gets a big fat F for revoking their invitation to Ayaan Hirsi Ali [132 words]dhimmi no moreApr 11, 2014 16:46214435
6In defense of CAIR [175 words]LilaMay 21, 2010 15:50173205
8CAIR [50 words]JohnJun 14, 2010 20:15173205
4you are dead wrong.....John [191 words]Abu TalhaOct 17, 2010 04:38173205
11One more victim of Arabian imperialism [134 words]dhimmi no moreOct 19, 2010 18:59173205
2no comments...dhimmi [193 words]Abu TalhaOct 20, 2010 01:45173205
2One more victim of Arabian imperialism and it is our dear abu salha the wannabe Arab [520 words]dhimmi no moreOct 20, 2010 19:12173205
2what to tell you dhimmi... [201 words]Abu TalhaOct 24, 2010 03:45173205
4ayat al-sayf and ayat al-irhab [317 words]dhimmi no moreOct 25, 2010 18:50173205
dhimmi.......any thing new ......can we be friends.... [241 words]Abu TalhaOct 27, 2010 03:25173205
4Our dear Abu Talha tells us that there is no violence in the Qur'an! Sohanallah [1039 words]dhimmi no moreOct 29, 2010 06:56173205
1What Detracts From Arguments [351 words]RedOct 30, 2010 22:39173205
1now i get it..... [285 words]Abu TalhaOct 31, 2010 03:39173205
4In memory of the victims of islamic terrorists that killed in cold blood Christians in the Catholic Church in Baghdad [620 words]dhimmi no moreNov 1, 2010 20:12173205
1What arguments? [437 words]dhimmi no moreNov 1, 2010 20:18173205
... comments by Dhimmi, the enemy of islam.. [59 words]MohammedApr 21, 2011 10:33173205
2Our dear Muhammad the victim of Islam and Arabian imperialism [417 words]dhimmi no moreApr 22, 2011 06:45173205
3Another victim of Arabian imperialism and the "I'm a convert" topos [100 words]dhimmi no moreApr 22, 2011 07:06173205
from a 'victim' [101 words]lilaApr 23, 2011 18:45173205
3Another victim of Arabian imperialism and the "I'm a convert" topos and why the delusions [377 words]dhimmi no moreApr 24, 2011 07:16173205
To darling dhimmi [106 words]LilaApr 26, 2011 00:45173205
6Our dear Lila is running away why is that? [646 words]dhimmi no moreApr 27, 2011 07:00173205
1Indoctrination into Islam [87 words]Sara SchmidtAug 19, 2014 14:25173205
ISLAAM [37 words]Sister RuhinaMar 14, 2010 09:42170124
You May be Wrong [307 words]N'zingah Al-ShamsSep 5, 2009 16:41161119
Which Waahab is the so-called British spy refering to? [50 words]ImamJun 21, 2009 10:06157716
question [19 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Abadul AllahSep 11, 2008 09:33138279
1Peaceful? [100 words]DominicApr 3, 2008 15:02124543
1Response to Dominic [59 words]MaryMay 23, 2008 01:13124543
Response to Dominic [249 words]M. ZeewariJul 24, 2008 22:33124543
Facts not Fantasy [55 words]Tom DundeeMar 13, 2010 19:06124543
Traps - Not Hardly [63 words]Tom DundeeMar 13, 2010 19:12124543
Great Puppet Rulers Cause the Islam Turning Upside Down [73 words]mIQDADMay 31, 2010 11:54124543
2cair, get them out [135 words]PenelopeMar 22, 2008 19:01123283
2Cair-Moderate friends [94 words]Debbie ShaferJun 30, 2008 09:49123283
1who let the "snakes" in? [110 words]CarebearJan 21, 2009 02:13123283
2Superiority not Equality [32 words]Tom DundeeMar 13, 2010 19:16123283
2Superiority not Equality- We are well aware of the Radicalism- response to Tom Dundee [201 words]Anne- USAMar 14, 2010 08:44123283
1Any proof... [33 words]Abu TalhaOct 17, 2010 04:54123283
1Islam is at War [38 words]Tom DundeeOct 28, 2010 22:08123283
Holy Land Foundation [89 words]MohamadFeb 11, 2008 21:02119959
Mistrial and Retrial of Holy Land Foundation [78 words]ablazzFeb 12, 2008 17:09119959
1Cair Tries To Silence Free Speech [96 words]tabingins911Dec 1, 2007 20:32115554
1America the Beautiful [326 words]BobDec 1, 2007 19:25115552
To BOB!! [378 words]shamimApr 1, 2008 00:36115552
What is Islam [34 words]Superior, WisconsinDec 20, 2008 19:59115552
You followed a proud American tradition. [37 words]Tom DundeeMar 13, 2010 19:24115552
Islam [29 words]Tom DundeeMar 13, 2010 19:27115552
1Shamim [131 words]KhadijaApr 6, 2010 05:33115552
Reply to khadija [70 words]shamimMay 5, 2010 02:02115552
5Sharia law in US??? [263 words]BobAug 23, 2010 09:47115552
What Is Islam & What Is Wahabism (So-Called Islamic Extremism) [90 words]HammadOct 24, 2007 07:59112238
There is no group in the world which calls themselves WAHABI!!! [64 words]AbdullahDec 13, 2009 10:50112238
What's in a name? [76 words]Tom DundeeMar 13, 2010 19:21112238
There is no difference between two. [25 words]Tom DundeeMar 13, 2010 19:32112238
What is Islam - guess again [137 words]Glinna BrownAug 28, 2007 02:17107091
MSNBC segment with I. Hooper [221 words]White FemaleJul 25, 2007 18:20104793
1You got it right!!! [100 words]JaladhiAug 10, 2007 10:54104793
C.A.I.R. calls others racist [82 words]Phil GreendMay 28, 2007 23:1195079
Radical Islamists [58 words]Joe SlowikApr 18, 2007 09:1589638
Cair and American Muslims...Perfect Together [228 words]Dennis Barlow Sr.Apr 2, 2007 22:0288460
I took another aproach to Islam - Read the Quran [148 words]DinoDec 15, 2008 05:0088460
Jesus or Mohammed? [65 words]H MillerMar 26, 2007 17:5188011
1A single verse Jesus(PBUH) describing himself as God [180 words]Adeel AhmedAug 13, 2008 06:5588011
2Bible references for Jesus Christ is God [45 words]Wayne TalbotSep 28, 2009 20:5988011
1Response to Adeel [915 words]Dan WNov 10, 2009 19:3588011
1Siraj Wahaj [6 words]moderate MuslimMar 22, 2007 23:4087737
CAIR and American Lives [536 words]James P. MallettNov 27, 2006 15:4067504
1CAIR's half-truths and lies [334 words]SkansJul 21, 2006 15:1450473
CAIR's half truths and lies [75 words]F FryeSep 14, 2006 14:4550473
new article on CAIR [54 words]Harry GlazerJul 3, 2006 09:3148778
1CAIR is the enemy in the United States & Canada! [384 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Dale EhrgottMay 30, 2006 20:3646735
1Absolutely correct [186 words]J. ClaryDec 9, 2006 00:4446735
My opinion of your article. [55 words]Ken SilvermanApr 15, 2007 03:0546735
RECIPROCITY [91 words]AMERICAN CITIZENSep 10, 2007 16:2846735
Boot them where? [123 words]MaryMay 23, 2008 01:2946735
Arise America [78 words]NwachinemereMay 4, 2006 11:4444853
Anti CAIR [103 words]DavidApr 5, 2006 08:0642434
CAIR [23 words]Clifford IshiiApr 3, 2006 20:5142274
Request from Senate on US Establishment's Connections to CAIR [198 words]William Robert JackMar 20, 2006 20:0740846
Why cannot CAIR be eliminated [43 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
BK NolanJan 12, 2006 13:5231516
What Damage Can be Expected for Cair on July 16 [138 words]B.K. NolanJul 11, 2007 20:0731516
late question or follow up on CAIR [355 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Jim RishMay 7, 2008 20:1731516
Yet you want Israel to surrender to a Cairite "Palestine" [60 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
David Ben-ArielDec 1, 2005 18:2029280
Of all they have in the Koran, they focus intensely on killing and lying [320 words]PeteNov 30, 2005 09:0629133
Hurricanes of Rage [98 words]Eugene FurbinNov 23, 2005 07:1728755
Wahhabism is not to blame [289 words]soulstoppaSep 27, 2005 06:4826343
Revealing islamo-arab history....Lessons [129 words]columbusSep 12, 2005 14:1125720
2They come in sheeps clothing, inwardly they are ferocious as wolves [669 words]Faqi HussainSep 1, 2005 21:5325351
1The command of "pretend to be friendly" [127 words]Jagdish RajAug 31, 2005 13:4025285
May Allah guide the deceived folks. [280 words]Ibrahim RamadanApr 11, 2006 11:5625285
7Jesus was not a prophet [74 words]Walter AllenNov 13, 2006 15:2825285
Jesus was a Prophet [419 words]Abu DeedatNov 16, 2006 13:5925285
The Jesus I know is not a mere prophet [267 words]Walter AllenNov 21, 2006 11:4925285
Jesus was a Prophet [862 words]Abu DeedatNov 22, 2006 15:3025285
Articulate gibberish Mr.Deedat but Jesus is still more than a prophet. [161 words]Walter AllenNov 25, 2006 21:0425285
1Poor soul, Ibrahim [208 words]DonNov 30, 2006 11:1225285
I Think Its Otherwise [100 words]abdullahMar 31, 2007 17:2625285
The Dagger of Islam [667 words]Boe26mMar 31, 2007 19:1925285
backwards? [44 words]SpikeApr 19, 2007 18:4825285
Completely wrong [40 words]OrtApr 9, 2014 22:3525285
Islamo-Psychopathology [166 words]columbusJul 24, 2005 15:1823751
Reply for bas_it@hotmail.com [178 words]Candida BlevinsJul 15, 2005 20:0823517
CAIR's Agenda seen by a Muslim [137 words]Ibrahim Abdul Mu'minMay 25, 2005 11:3122411
Ibrahim Hooper, a.k.a. Doug Hooper [37 words]KSTP EmployeeMay 10, 2005 18:4222051
Countering Wahhabism (Salafism) [24 words]Clifford IshiiJan 10, 2005 22:1519576
I have started an anti-CAIR group in South Carolina [169 words]PBDec 19, 2004 15:1019039
Can't we all just get along? [121 words]Basil MuradDec 15, 2004 05:5119004
Illegal Use of Public Funds -- 2004 CAIR, MSAs Using public funds to Promote Anti-semitism and Terrorism - Brit Yvonne Ridley makes the MSA speakers circuit [188 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
EmilyJun 13, 2004 14:4715662
5BEWARE OF ISLAM DON'T TAKE IT LIGHTLY [140 words]Ralph FergosonMay 29, 2004 08:4615413
5An ex-Muslim [351 words]Mohsen QaedJan 25, 2010 21:4015413
totally agree with him [8 words]MohammedMar 17, 2012 11:3115413
Elderhostel hosts terrorists [281 words]Madelyn ZelmanMar 25, 2004 21:1314376
Militant Islam has to go.... [350 words]John FristDec 28, 2002 15:025234
agee 100% [15 words]miclemas davyOct 19, 2006 06:455234
islamic extremism in the uk [100 words]Darran ClarkeJun 9, 2019 17:235234
Advice to Americans [144 words]Musa MuhummedDec 7, 2002 17:374470
Muslim Riots in Nigeria [44 words]Greg BNov 25, 2002 19:294201
Islam needs reformation [35 words]DJNov 22, 2002 19:534159
Treasonable statements, plus [108 words]SergeNov 14, 2002 23:023930
Separation of Church and State [60 words]WingyNov 14, 2002 19:533927
Council on Infidel Relations [124 words]Caroline DupontSep 24, 2002 18:142617
Comment on "Stop Interrupting" by M. Joyce [43 words]A. AhmadoSep 13, 2002 22:362465
1One Nation Under God [161 words]AM3R1CANJul 7, 2002 11:321179
Moderate Islam [115 words]Roald ZelichonokJul 7, 2002 02:191176
Identity [60 words]HazelJul 3, 2002 21:211152
Politically Motivated [113 words]Kashif AhmedJun 24, 2002 14:05920
Khalid Duran and CAIR [29 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Susan C.Jun 18, 2002 17:39847
CAIR's double standards [151 words]Jacob, the CoptJun 6, 2002 08:55561
CAIR's Double Standards [150 words]Jacob, the CoptJun 6, 2002 08:53560
Rep.Cynthia McKinney's relationship to CAIR [337 words]Dush RamachandranMay 13, 2002 13:48343
In total agreement with statement [140 words]Greg GuessApr 7, 2006 03:31343
In agreement [62 words]Gregory GuessFeb 28, 2009 10:09343
Re: Who is "Ibrahim Hooper" [166 words]Michael JoyceMay 3, 2002 206
True stripes [37 words]Joseph RoloffApr 29, 2002 139
No choice [38 words]Alan WeitzmanApr 28, 2002 123
1Islam will flourish [193 words]bas_it@hotmail.comApr 28, 2002 122
HOPE IS LOST [312 words]darrenSep 1, 2006 19:10122
Just a thought [94 words]Bill LandsburgApr 26, 2002 114
Saudi royal direct marketing [195 words]Carmen Waggoner, Ph.D.Apr 25, 2002 109
CAIR SHMAIR [104 words]JohnApr 25, 2002 108
Stop interrupting! [335 words]Michael JoyceApr 24, 2002 103
CAIR's censorship campaigns [57 words]Islamic MonitorApr 24, 2002 97
"Reverse profiling" [153 words]WilksApr 24, 2002 96
Reprints? [25 words]Dr. Jerome D. HaroldApr 24, 2002 94
Kissed the earth [60 words]Steven HessApr 24, 2002 93
CAIR should be closed up [120 words]GraceApr 23, 2002 90
CAIR's "victim" mentality [234 words]MargieApr 23, 2002 89
Do not Stare or Glare- Spit [37 words]rajeshNov 14, 2006 22:5789
Thankful [25 words]ArthurApr 23, 2002 87
CAIR and its anti-Israel rhetoric [91 words]BRPApr 23, 2002 86
"Either you are with us, or you are against us." [122 words]Peter CaseyApr 23, 2002 85
FoxNews and CAIR [86 words]Sally VaciApr 23, 2002 80
CAIR's incitement to murder Khalid Duran [211 words]Susan C.Apr 23, 2002 79
16Wahhabism and "Confessions of a British spy" [343 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Jack DaviesApr 23, 2002 78
More detailed reasons to dismiss the Hempher text [4 words]T LopakhinDec 20, 2006 06:4978
The Problem Of Current Fanaticism Created By West [372 words]Hammad AlQadriAug 25, 2007 05:5178
Ahlu Sunnah wal Jamaah instead of Wahabism [25 words]Abdul Wahid Osman BelalOct 24, 2007 01:2278
true story [71 words]askarJan 1, 2009 00:1378
Thanks [53 words]AbdiMay 1, 2009 03:5778
muslim who want to pratice true Islam should read this book [54 words]ABDUL QAWIDec 16, 2009 16:3878
Careless! [62 words]JWDec 6, 2014 15:0278
Moderates coerced into accepting the radical point of view [165 words]Lila ReismanApr 23, 2002 77
It is time for the USA to get into the war [165 words]Randy HittApr 23, 2002 75
CAIR not acting in the interest of America [91 words]Bobby LoApr 23, 2002 74
NO ISLAM [71 words]T. J.Dec 17, 2006 03:0074
CAIR trying to silence honest media figures [142 words]Shoshona BiemanApr 23, 2002 73
First-hand experience with CAIR's apologetics [191 words]Patrick MallonApr 23, 2002 72
The problem with Ibrahim Hooper [76 words]SusanApr 23, 2002 71
The truth in our war with radical Islam [57 words]Carolyn HortonApr 23, 2002 70
The mainstream media carries little of this [55 words]Paul StreurApr 23, 2002 69
TV hosts' lack of common sense [85 words]Regan HuffmanApr 23, 2002 68
Changed my view of CAIR [111 words]Muhammad SiddiquiApr 22, 2002 67
Exploitation of our Democracy [91 words]Baruch FriedlanderApr 22, 2002 65
Courage to speak out [26 words]Samuel J. SavitzApr 22, 2002 63
1No noble civilization of Islam [124 words]Fouad ShawkiApr 22, 2002 62
Blindness of the media [53 words]Allan ErlbaumApr 22, 2002 61
CAIR, the Wahabis and Ikhwani [168 words]RG FultonApr 22, 2002 60
Correction [16 words]Sherif IbrahimJul 15, 2010 15:0460
1el-ikhwan and el-azhar [138 words]dhimmi no moreJul 16, 2010 06:3860
Arabs behind Oklahoma City bombing? [34 words]Dale EmdeApr 22, 2002 59
middle east behind oklahoma attack [57 words]donJan 15, 2007 00:0959
A group supporting terrorism? [120 words]Lianne FormanApr 22, 2002 58
Like most militant Islamists in the world [71 words]Irwin J VedermanApr 22, 2002 57
Contact elected officials [143 words]Stuart RoseApr 22, 2002 56
Muslims need better representation [110 words]Niklas HallbergApr 22, 2002 55
The guts to write [19 words]ScoopermanApr 22, 2002 54
1Coming to grips with ideology of Islamism [152 words]Edward M Robbins, JrApr 22, 2002 53
A Star Tek simile for CAIR [96 words]Jerrold A. WeissmanApr 22, 2002 52
Balanced and well-stated [93 words]John SwailsApr 22, 2002 50
Crusade of Christendom against militant Islam [98 words]Lawrence KammApr 22, 2002 48
Freeze CAIR's assets [48 words]Marcel W. ZytoApr 22, 2002 47
CAIR should be listed as a terrorist organization [55 words]Richard KrugerApr 22, 2002 46
1Islam IS a terror organization [739 words]T W CresswellSep 13, 2008 12:4346
We must support and praise CAIR [169 words]Amin HusainiApr 22, 2002 42
Support terror? [49 words]DonNov 30, 2006 11:1742
Extremely impressed [63 words]Ray BarrettoApr 22, 2002 40
What has the US govenment done [46 words]marcus kaplanApr 22, 2002 38
Cair offshoot in Tulare County, California [48 words]Michael SmithApr 22, 2002 37
CAIR and Jamil Al-Amin [134 words]Eric GartmanApr 22, 2002 36
6Who is "Ibrahim Hooper"? [75 words]Timothy N. HunterApr 22, 2002 34
Who is Ibrahim Hooper [12 words]MortaryanSep 15, 2006 04:0634
Ibrahim Hooper, AKA Douglas Hooper [168 words]Superior WisconsinAug 16, 2008 19:4734
1There is no such thing as "moderate" muslims [6 words]BroncoJan 9, 2009 15:0134
What Happened w/ This Guy ? [13 words]RobinMay 3, 2011 23:0534
CAIR Leader [18 words]Tim HunterMay 4, 2011 20:2634
Pursue CAIR to stop support of terrorism [65 words]Mark TylerApr 22, 2002 29
Press for political action [76 words]Mike FriedmanApr 22, 2002 27
The fight to get the truth out [191 words]T. PutnamApr 22, 2002 24
CAIR as it is: A front organization for terrorism [131 words]TW ChildsApr 22, 2002 22
CAIR's involvement with American politicians [67 words]M.E. WhitcombApr 22, 2002 21
Other items about CAIR [77 words]Ethan CoreyApr 22, 2002 18

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