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Dynasty - Derived from Power - and How to Keep It

Reader comment on item: The Lure and Peril of Arab Presidential Dynasties

Submitted by M. Tovey (United States), Jun 15, 2011 at 13:29

In this observation, we get a quick glimpse of why it is that the subliminal undercurrent of the Muslim Brotherhood mindset seeks its own way to the goal of global Islamic denomination of the world independent of oligarchic regimes. That Arab League does not in practicality represent nor fosters a sense of the brotherhood's fundamentalist ideals; for the issues of dynasty and succession do not conform to the promoting of Islam worldwide. Maybe in that light, we see how Osama bin Laden struggled with his former Saudi benefactors, eventually resulting in his exile for the conflicts that represented.

The similarities of each of the regimes in that continuity of power appears central to their wielding of it, being supported by the oil revenues that provide some assurance of being able to retain that power; by those same similarities there is also a liability by which they find themselves in a defensive position against those of a more demonstrative fundamentalist Muslim sensibility who believe that power needs to be used in greater fashion to overtake the non-Muslim sector of the global community. Focal to that is the perceived greatest obstacle to achieving that, eliminating the single most source of their frustration of the global objective: Israel. America is included by many for its past support of Israel, but it is Israel (vis รก vis Jerusalem) that is the central target. The Sunni hold to that, but tacitly at times; the Shia hold to it implicitly.

Now a distinction is making itself quite apparent in the Islamic separation by the sub-set Sunni vs. Shia disparities, showing itself mostly in the Iranian Revolutionary ideology with the Iranian presidential affirmation of seeking the al-Madhi while there seems to be a more reserved view of such things coming from the likes of the regency of the KSA. That distinction does make itself apparent in the Biblical implications of the events coming shortly into view. As such, the pomp and prestige shown in the accompanying photograph of Dr. Pipes observation is about to have its resolve tested when shortly they will have to pledge total allegiance and submission of their realms to the Islamic cause or face the consequences of their failure to do so.


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Reader comments (5) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Mohammad had no son [28 words]alan in KSJun 19, 2011 14:49186469
1Muhammad had no sons [98 words]btillyJul 19, 2011 12:26186469
Western interference. [29 words]Naushad OmarJun 18, 2011 13:49186446
1Sadly Foolish [78 words]Jay1Jun 16, 2011 22:35186390
Dynasty - Derived from Power - and How to Keep It [369 words]M. ToveyJun 15, 2011 13:29186361

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