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'Western values'

Reader comment on item: Going Out on a Trump-Plan Limb
in response to reader comment: Any formal recognition will be too superficial to matter

Submitted by Anon. (Israel), Apr 27, 2019 at 21:35

Such as feminism, transgenderism and so-called "Social Justice"? That might be even worse than what they have going on there right now and these "western values" are still in the process of going from bad to worse.


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Reader comments (3) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
No real Middle East Peace Deal in the near future. [195 words]Michael SJul 10, 2019 02:36251409
2Any formal recognition will be too superficial to matter [220 words]DaveApr 26, 2019 19:32249529
'Western values' [37 words]Anon.Apr 27, 2019 21:35249529

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