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Anti-Religious Vitriole Knows No Limits - Was Accorded as Free Speech in America for Freedom for All

Reader comment on item: Christopher Hitchens Rants Again

Submitted by M Tovey (United States), Jan 31, 2022 at 11:37

In the later day of opinions for the sake of 'free speech' as we are in now (See remarks in American media where an offended progressive author suggests revisiting freedom of speech protections for Media made years ago by Supreme Court in 1960's), the late Mr. Hitchens would have been more direct about his invectives against any moderated observations that had the appearance of contradicting his deeply held views of limited life that he could not control because he was not able to see past his own view of his own intellect. Some might have concluded he was living in his own dream world, but of such one might draw a conclusion that Mr. Hitchens was frustrated in that he could not obtain that control for he did not understand the why the world did not conform to his world-view model. He was not alone; neither are those who, appearing as his successors, that cannot realize the world is in a state of freefall for the lack of civility in defiance of those seeking peace in the face of tyranny. Mr. Hitchens was right at home blaming the religious implications that appear to undergird the causes of say, why the ayatollahs seek Israel's defeat for their own perceptions of Islamic religious rule, its own form of ambitions of power.


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Reader comments (9) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Hitchens vs Rickles: Offensive vs Funny [178 words]DaveAug 20, 2022 17:39285372
Anti-Religious Vitriole Knows No Limits - Was Accorded as Free Speech in America for Freedom for All [219 words]M ToveyJan 31, 2022 11:37278627
Life Lived in Invective Views of Hatred for a World That Did Not Conform to Self-imposed Expectations [145 words]M ToveyAug 22, 2022 16:46278627
4Oh for [288 words]HugoMay 22, 2012 07:18195787
1Note to Hugo: philo semites CAN dislike Judaism but they usually dont [378 words]ShishirApr 17, 2013 09:18195787
An excess of alchohol... [98 words]Mirko BodulDec 30, 2011 00:14192142
On the article on Hitchens [121 words]Gabrielle CroftsDec 29, 2011 08:30192128
4Christopher Hitchens [67 words]NickDec 20, 2011 15:07191894
A comment on Hitchens [39 words]Dr. Mark McAndrewDec 19, 2011 09:27191845

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