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Muslim terrorists in Pakistan

Reader comment on item: No American Muslim Terrorists? [A Reply to Spencer Ackerman]

Submitted by n.krishna (India), Dec 13, 2005 at 03:32

...How Pakistan, after being destroyed in its occupied Kashmir area of Indian land, the muslim terrorists crossed over to India and started killing Hindus. Why such a genocide of Hindus is still going on is still a mystery to me. The world should join together to eliminate the terrorist muslims.

At the time of Katrina, some Mullahs were calling it the LAANAT (curse) of Allah on those Kafir-Christians (Infidel-Christians), for their not being Moslems.

The present earthquake in Pakistan on 8th October 2005 has killed most of the muslim terrorist training camps. In spite of the earthquake, the muslim terrorists from Pakistan has crossed over to India and killed 10 Hindus on 9-10-2005. Pakistan is the epicentre of global terrorism and is a factory that produces muslim terrorists for killing non muslims which they call as Holy War.

Pakistanis are world's biggest drugs and women and nuclear arm traffickers. Pakistan is a medieval nation where rape, honour killing is a routine thing. It is the world's premier university of Islamic terrorism and militancy. Even as earthquake-hit lakhs of people in Kashmir in India, Pakistani muslim terrorist are making use of the distracted Indian army at the line of control between India and Pakistan and entered Indian territory. With the help of Indian muslims these Pakistani muslim terrorists have carried out many major terrorist attacks against Indian civilians including serial bomb blasts in New Delhi. Some 16 Pakistani terrorist muslims were killed inside India and recovered huge quantity of RDX being smuggled in to India to blow up Installations inside Indian territory during the first few days after the earth quake. . Muslim terrorists from Pakistan had taken advantage of the earth quake and pushed in many hardcore Pakistani muslim suicide bombers in to India. The following URLs will give a history of Pakistani aggression on India using politicians as well as the sequence of various terrorist acts that is going on till date.

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had allowed in 1983, the opening of the Pakistani cocaine/ISI bank BCCI, against the advise of the Indian Intelligence agencies. BCCI collapsed with 16 billion dollar loss in 1991. Manmohan was on the pay roll of Pakistan's ISI. (http://parliamentofindia.nic.in/ls/lsdeb/ls10/ses1/0514099101.htm ).

Abedi the Pakistani who started the BCCI happened to be a major donor to the Indira Gandhi Memorial Foundation, later controlled by Sonia Gandhi. The first Indira Gandhi Peace Prize was awarded to Yasser Arafat, with money donated by ISI through Abedi. (http://www.fas.org/irp/congress/1992_rpt/bcci/01exec.htm ). Sonia Gandhi alias Antonia Maino from Italy who now controls the congress party was working in 1966 for an ISI operative Salman Thassir in London and Thassir had an office in Dubai as well. It is now confirmed that Indira Gandhi and Sonia were on the payroll of KGB. Sonia collected the Saddam oil bribe as per UN. Thus one can see that India is controlled by 2 ISI agents of Pakistan. Thus in spite of muslim terrorist attack all over India funded and supported by Pakistani muslim terrorists, Manmohan is now giving $25 million worth of help to the Pakistani earth quake victims.

Muslims in India under a sick TB patient Jinnah started the direct action in 1946 which was nothing but bloody terrorism in which they killed more than 5000 Hindus for the creation of Pakistan. This continued till the creation of Pakistan the land of the pure muslims and millions of Indians were killed in the process. During partition one million Indians were killed. After getting 30% of the land mass, muslims continued to live in India and is carrying out muslim terrorism on a daily basis with the help of Pakistani ISI agents.

Some 60,000 Hindus were killed by this muslim terrorism since independence. In Pakistan Hindus were ethnically cleaned from 23% to below !%. In 1971 Pakistani army killed as many as two million Hindus in East Bengal. Muslims are mentally sick. Everyone is a terrorist with very few exceptions. Traveling in Train or plane or in public road is a terrorizing thing in India, and we are worried whether a suicide terrorist is sitting near us. Almost for a year the muslim terrorists in Hyderabad were picking up Hindus from bus stops by offering lift in a car, and kill them slitting their throats. Hundreds were killed like this few years back. None of the 52 Muslim countries give Hajj subsidy. But India provides the Hajj subsidy for Indian muslims which was increased by a factor of 12by the BJP government. This appears to be because the muslims go and kiss the Siva lingam of Kaaba, which was an earlier Hindu temple. We are happy that there is a slight reduction in the muslim population in Pakistan due to earth quake, and world should work in methods to sterilize the muslim population to eliminate Islamic terrorism. Otherwise the fast breeding muslims will take over the West.

Koran 9:5 says "Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, torture them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war." Peace is taboo in Islam. (Koran 2:216). Allah commands, "Fight until persecution, which is worse than slaughter, (Koran, 2:191) is no more and religion is all for Allah." (Koran 8:39). Thus, Islam is a religion of the sword with the blade forever at the throat of any unbeliever. This is holy war for them. Koran is Muhammad's constitution invented for fighting, ravaging innocent humanity, stealing the world's possessions, raping hapless women and using these as lawful & good! Koran 8:69. Allah depicts Muhammad, boasts for being a terrorist. Allah claims that he deceives humanity, assassinates humanity, slays humanity, dupes humanity, robs humanity, enslaves women and Children, commits murder, genocide, sadistic tortures, terrorism, warmongering, etc. simply on the pretext that one worships other god than Allah. Muslims are breeding very fast and claims that they will take over the world and convert everyone to Islam

September 03, 2005, Jihadists, 'Allah punished New Orleans'

American STEVE ELISHA Colorado Springs, CO, US comments on the earthquake

October 8, 2005, A magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck Pakistan, India, and Afghanistan, at 8:50 a.m. local time today, according to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The epicenter of the earthquake was located near Muzaffarabad, the capital of Pakistani-administered Kashmir, and approximately 60 miles north-northeast of Islamabad.

October 9, 2005 Members of Pakistani muslim terrorist group Lashkar-e-Taiba, charity cum terrorist group Jamat-ud-Dawa, etc were killed in the devastating earthquake that struck Pakistan occupied India's Kashmir area.

October 10, 2005 The earthquake on Saturday 8-10-05, caused a massive damage to major terrorist outfits running training camps in Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir (PoK), security sources said in New Delhi on Monday. According to central security agencies, the camps of terrorist outfits like Jaish-e-Mohammed, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Tehrek-ul-Mujahideen (TuM), Hizbul Mujahideen and Al-Badar had been damaged to a great extent. All these areas fall within a radius of 10 kilometres from the epicentre of weekend's tremor. The sources said a wireless intercept of TuM on Monday said one of the outfit's building around Muzaffarbad had been damaged and some terrorists were buried under it. They said majority of the training camps were located near the epicentre of the quake with Lashkar's office and hospital in Muzaffarabad being completely razed to ground. The Harkat-ul-Mujahideen's training centre and Balkote and Batrasi, Jaish-e-Mohammed's camp at Auttuck, Al-Badar's at Oghi, Lashker's at Mansera and recruitment camp of Hizbul Mujahideen at Jungle-Magal had been damaged to a great extent.

October 10, 2005 Islamic militants kill Hindus taking advantage of Kashmir earthquake. It is a lesson for the world.. While one hundred thousand people are either killed or injured in the region by the earth quake, the Pakistani muslim terrorist outfit Hizbul Mujahideen, entered Indian territory in quake hit Kashmir killed ten members of two Hindu families by slitting their throats in the typical muslim terrorist style in Rajouri district of Jammu and Kashmir on October 9th night. The muslim militants first entered a Hindu residence of Munshi Ram in Kandi village of Budhal tehsil, had food and then killed by slitting the throat of Mushi Ram his two sons, a brother and nephew including a woman, by slitting their throats. The Pakistani muslim terrorists then went to Mohra Gabbar village and killed five Hindus and injured another.

October 12, 2005 Two were killed when a muslim suicide bomber detonated a body strapped bomb at Police Commissioner's Task Force Office at Begumpet. in Hyderabad, India, .

13 October 2005, Srinagar in Jammu and Kashmir, a muslim woman terrorist was blown to pieces when the Improvised Explosive Device (IED) in Pulwama district today.

13 October 2005 The muslim 'Suicide bomber' in Hyderabad yet to be identified

October 14 2005, JAMMU, A Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) militant today surrendered before Army after an encounter at village Yardu of Doda district while about 50 Hindus today migrated from Gool to Sangaldan following threats by the muslim militants.

October 14, 2005 Pak intelligence agency ISI sponsored the muslim terrorist suicide bomb blast in Hyderabad, India, on 12-10-05. The suicide muslim bombers torso was completely burnt and his severed head and legs were collected for identification.

October 14:2005 JAMMU, Hindus were ethnically cleaned after earth quake. About 50 Hindus today migrated from Gool to Sangaldan following threats by the militants.Lashkar militant surrenders in Doda, Note: About 4 lakh Hindus were driven out by the muslim in J&K and they are living in tents for the last 15 years in Delhi etc.
Terror in quake-hit J&K unacceptable

October 21, 2005US has termed as unacceptable acts of terrorism committed in Jammu and Kashmir in the wake of the killer earthquake.

Plight of Hindus in Pakistan Many of the Hindu temples have been desecrated or destroyed or converted into godowns. The famous Ram Bagh garden in Karachi has been changed as Azam Bagh. Shraddhananda Park in Sukkur has been changed as Gazi Abdul Rashid Park, after the name of the killer of Swami Shradhananda. Illegal encroachments on Hindu temples, molestation and abduction of Hindu girls and forcible conversion to Islam, demanding of huge ransoms in kidnap cases and frequent arrests of Hindus on false charges are the order of the day in Pakistan. The population of Hindus which stood at one crore in 1947 has come down to 17 lakhs at present, while the muslims in India rose from 3 crores at 1947 to 15 crore now.

October 27, 2005, India offers Pakistan $25m in aid

October 28, 2005, Geoffrey Clarfield for National Post, Canada, Forcing Kashmiri Hindus into exile, to create an Islamic Kashmir. On Oct. 10, just two days after an earthquake killed tens of thousands in South Asia, Islamist terrorists belonging to Hizb ul-Mujahideen and Lashkar e-Tolba killed 10 Hindu civilians in the Rajouri district of Indian-controlled Kashmir. The attacks were part of an orchestrated campaign designed to cleanse Kashmir of its indigenous Hindus and bring the area entirely under Muslim governance -- either through a union with Pakistan, or as an independent, Sharia-based Islamic state. Apparently, not even the massive devastation wrought by Mother Nature has slowed the terrorists' murderous campaign.

October 30, 2005 Forcing Hindus into exile, Kavita Chhibber –

October 29 , 2005, Over 60 feared dead in Delhi blasts By Sify Newsdesk It is subsequently confirmed (7-11-2005) that Muslim terrorists from Pakistan aided by Indian muslims struck in the capital in a big way on the eve of Hindu festival day of Diwali triggering three explosions in two markets and near a bus killing 62 people and injuring over 200 Hindus including some foreigners

November. 9 2005 Diwali Delhi blast trail leads to Doda. A militant arrested at Banihal in Jammu was brought to Delhi this evening to face interrogation over his alleged involvement in the pre-Diwali blasts that killed 61 people in the capital. Security forces traced the links of the militant outfit behind the serial blasts which took place in New Delhi on October 29 with the arrest of 22-year-old LeT commander Ghulam Mohi-Ud- Din Lone from Banihal in Doda district.

October 31, 2005 NEW DELHI: Is India waiting for some one else to declare Pakistan a terrorist state? The fact of the matter is that India is the country worse hit by terrorism -- sponsored by none other than Pakistan. Over 50,000 people have been killed in terrorist-related violence in India since 1994. It is a shame that India should offer $25 million to Pakistan -- a country that uses its funds to raise terrorists and send them into India to kill its people.

November 2, 2005 Srinagar, A Pakistani suicide muslim terrorist detonated a powerful car bomb explosion at Nowgam area on the Kashmir city outskirts near the old residence of his predecessor Mufti Mohammad Sayeed killing at least 10 persons and wounding about 15 others. The killed includes a 10-year-old boy, a female pedestrian, three Jammu and Kashmir police personnel, including a sub-inspector, and the Pakistani muslim terrorist. And the responsibility for the attack was claimed by Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM). This is the second car bomb explosion in Kashmir in less than six days.

November 13, 2005, New Delhi, A muslim pharmaceutical sales executive who is the ringleader in the synchronized bomb blasts that struck the Indian capital late last month has been arrested.. He is a member of the Pakistan-based Kashmiri militant group Lashkar-e-Toiba (LET).

November 14, 2005 Srinagar 4 dead, 13 hurt in Srinagar militant attack. Militants today struck in the Lal Chowk nerve centre of the city here killing two CRPF men and two civilians, while wounding 13 others including a foreign journalist, official sources said. Thursday,November 17, 2005 Lal Chowk attacker says he was trained in PoK

November 15, 2005 Srinagar, J&K ex-minister escapes bid on life, Three killed, 45 hurt in grenade attack. Senior PDP leader and a former minister escaped a bid on his life when militants hurled a grenade in his public meeting killing three persons and injuring 45 others at Tangmarg, 40 km from here, this afternoon. Elsewhere a constable was killed by muslim militants, while the security forces had seized a large quantity of arms and ammunition during search operations in Jammu and Kashmir since yesterday. Meanwhile, with the killing of one suicide militant and the arrest of his associate, both belonging to Lashkar-e-Toiba outfit, the suicide attack in central Lal Chowk area concluded after about 25 hours here this afternoon. Four security personnel were injured in the operations that were launched afresh this morning after laying siege of the area last evening, taking the number of injured persons to 17. The attack, which began at 3 p.m. yesterday, claimed four lives. Two CRPF personnel and two civilians were killed while 13 others were injured. The two Pak militants in early 20s had infiltrated into the valley from Rajwar area of north Kashmir after the recent earthquake, the Director-General of Jammu and Kashmir Police, Mr Gopal Sharma, told mediapersons here.

November 16, 2005, Srinagar, Four persons were killed and 60 people, were injured in a suicide car bomb attack in Srinagar when Pakistani muslim militants rammed a car laden with explosives.near the corporate headquarters of state-owned Jammu and Kashmir bank this morning.

November 21, 2005, SRINAGAR Pak militant killed, three kg RDX recovered in J&K A Pakistani militant belonging to Jaish-e-Mohammad outfit was killed and three others, including two policemen, injured in separate incidents in Jammu and Kashmir where security forces recovered three kg of RDX. .

November 22, 2005, At least five persons were injured on Tuesday, when muslim militants exploded a grenade and opened fire outside the Jammu and Kashmir bank in Srinagar.



The Legacy of Jihad: Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-Muslims read the book by Andrew G Bostom


From Tapes a Chilling Voice of Islamic Radicalism in Europe


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (95) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
3Increased Islamic attacks [105 words]StasMay 31, 2012 18:47195953
Not in the MSM news [102 words]deicidraMar 3, 2012 22:12193854
1Irfan Kathwari Foundation Funds PBS Islam Puff-Piece [124 words]StanDec 13, 2006 13:5869401
1Take article and story lines to advertisers of TV shows like "Friends" [140 words]Deborah ChavezDec 25, 2005 17:3330553
2No American Terrorists?.. Art. No.3196 [64 words]S.C.PandaDec 22, 2005 05:2230402
1most hatred community [34 words]ravi rudraaJul 26, 2014 14:0730402
1How educated Muslims lie about the violent nature of Islam [235 words]KarenApr 29, 2022 22:1930402
Karen, you are talking too logical. [28 words]PrashantApr 29, 2022 23:0130402
1Re: Talks against Muslims [604 words]Anonymous from IndiaDec 21, 2005 17:2530371
1Very good comments [62 words]Truth will triumphJan 3, 2007 18:0130371
Dhimmitude from India...more like.. [49 words]AkashJul 1, 2007 18:5730371
1Most of the anti Muslim diatribes [232 words]N.J.Oct 20, 2009 01:3830371
Muslim talks about secularism only where they are minors [41 words]AmanOct 31, 2012 02:1530371
Oklahoma City Bombing [48 words]Sharon KowalskiDec 19, 2005 11:2830183
Oklahoma City Bombing [93 words]Patrick T. AltmanDec 16, 2005 19:2630095
Ackerman's few! a few not even needed [129 words]Ed BrophyDec 15, 2005 13:0730011
1WHITE SUPREMECIST V ISLAMIC TROUBLE IN AMERICA [195 words]Asim AhmedDec 15, 2005 09:4429990
@Asim Ahmed [23 words]SFC MACOct 18, 2010 09:2929990
Evolution or Eviction [165 words]AZA346Dec 14, 2005 21:3029974
1Americans and Europeans are still asleep [126 words]L. EbrahimDec 14, 2005 14:2429959
Thank you- L.Ibraham-re tranlation from arabic [140 words]Ed BrophyDec 15, 2005 13:4929959
Kahane murdered also [97 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Bruce BoymanDec 14, 2005 13:3629957
Marco/L.A. gangs vs. arab gangs [296 words]P.O.D.Dec 14, 2005 05:2429931
re: article on American muslim terrorists [10 words]sheilaDec 13, 2005 20:4129911
Armanious family, motive contradictions [193 words]Merry WhitneyDec 13, 2005 13:1429877
I know [9 words]AnonDec 29, 2005 19:2929877
Australian race riots brewing for two decades. [559 words]MarcoDec 13, 2005 08:5529864
American Muslim Terrorists? [309 words]Ed GordonDec 13, 2005 06:1429861
5Muslim terrorists in Pakistan [2756 words]n.krishnaDec 13, 2005 03:3229854
1To Krishna, Paradise is guaranteed for those who slay and are slain [361 words]HishamDec 14, 2005 17:0929854
1reply to NKRISHNA - hindu terrorism [50 words]Asim AhmedDec 15, 2005 09:4929854
65To Asim: Muslims killed 80 million hindus in 500 years (Durant and Elst) [634 words]A.AhmedDec 15, 2005 14:5029854
3Response to Asim Ahmed: Hindu massacres by muslims in India [77 words]John S.Dec 15, 2005 15:1229854
Response to John S [74 words]F AlamDec 16, 2005 15:1829854
Response to F Alam, Quran prescribes retaliation [148 words]John SDec 19, 2005 12:0029854
Response to F.Alam [128 words]Daniel HassanDec 20, 2005 04:2029854
Response to Daniel Hassan [51 words]F AlamDec 22, 2005 15:0429854
reply to asim ahmed [291 words]jamal_USofADec 30, 2005 07:4129854
1when compared to the Bloody-violent track record of Islam.....Hinduism is snow white. [33 words]NjiJan 6, 2006 19:2229854
Glass houses should NOT throw stones [43 words]NajiJan 6, 2006 19:4329854
Response to F.Alam [77 words]S.ThiagarajanAug 20, 2006 08:5829854
Pipes please listen [310 words]liloOct 5, 2006 15:3729854
agreement with lilo [298 words]valleydogMar 16, 2008 13:5129854
Tired of muslim excuses [89 words]TiredofmuslimexcusesDec 1, 2008 11:2229854
1No American Muslim Terrorists? [58 words]johnApr 24, 2009 08:5329854
hindu kush [56 words]rezwan ahmedSep 13, 2009 20:4929854
retaliation [19 words]barryFeb 14, 2010 21:0529854
Facts not being publicised [103 words]andresFeb 19, 2012 01:3229854
Rubbish [27 words]ShakApr 10, 2013 12:1329854
Prophet Muhammad's comments on setting fire on muslims house [191 words]SalimOct 18, 2014 16:4429854
All Terrorists Muslims? [89 words]Joseph WallaceDec 12, 2005 17:1729835
Re: Mr. Wallaces' comment [86 words]DanDec 13, 2005 11:0629835
Re: Dan's Comments [54 words]Joseph WallaceDec 13, 2005 15:0129835
read this---anti terror [95 words]arunDec 15, 2008 18:3129835
I beg to differ sir... [138 words]Sourav RoyJun 12, 2010 11:5729835
Who or What is responsible for bring in all these Muslims? [380 words]Yehoshua ZellerDec 12, 2005 17:1229834
Reply to Yehoshua Zeller [1242 words]Mu'een Ud DeenDec 13, 2005 09:2129834
Confirmation and support to Yehoshua Zeller [48 words]L. EbrahimDec 14, 2005 15:0329834
Reply to Mueen Ud Deen [124 words]L. EbrahimDec 14, 2005 15:2929834
Yehoshua Zeller and L. Ebrahim lets not go down to their level [178 words]AllonehhobDec 14, 2005 17:1129834
To Allonehhob, appeasement does not work [56 words]Abdullah A.Dec 15, 2005 12:3929834
A clarification for Allonehhob [79 words]L. EbrahimDec 16, 2005 16:5229834
A Good Rebuttal to Ackerman [74 words]David JacobDec 12, 2005 17:0729833
Americans are in denial [50 words]Nonie DarwishDec 12, 2005 16:4529830
RE: No American Muslim Terrorists? [187 words]JOvertonDec 12, 2005 16:3629827
Homegrown or immigrant Muslim terrorists [47 words]Donald W. BalesDec 12, 2005 16:3329826
How Many Terrorists Are Coming? [155 words]Richard BrooksDec 12, 2005 16:2729825
36US born son of Ethan Allen furniture CEO Farooq Kathwari - died fighting Jihad [434 words]Ben van de PolderDec 12, 2005 15:5629822
Ben Van de P [29 words]P.O.D.Dec 13, 2005 00:2729822
us born son of Ethan Allen ceo [268 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
ElaineMar 24, 2006 13:0129822
1Farooq Kathwari - hidden hand in Kashmir violence [119 words]K.R.KJan 22, 2007 18:4429822
HE IS NOT DEAD. I MET HIM TODAY [24 words]LAURA ZAPATAApr 11, 2007 14:2729822
Muslim fanatisism [15 words]MotialsAug 19, 2008 12:2329822
more kathwari and co. [213 words]d.e.a.Nov 18, 2008 21:0829822
Spencer Ackerman is a damned liar and a deliberate propagandist [133 words]rayraSep 5, 2010 16:1229822
CEO of Ethan Allen [55 words]AmeyOct 10, 2013 10:5229822
Secrecy [215 words]JaneDec 12, 2005 15:5029821
The Worm Turns in Australia - The Battle of Cronulla Beach [1099 words]Reuben HorneDec 12, 2005 15:3829819
Muslim assassin? [13 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Howard SchamestDec 12, 2005 15:3629818
Except what? [30 words]William FielderDec 12, 2005 15:1729816
Oklahoma bombing [33 words]Maureen ThompsonDec 12, 2005 14:2229814
Does That Include "Sleeper Cells"? [66 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
AlexDec 12, 2005 13:5629813
The Armanious family massacre [32 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Joseph WallaceDec 12, 2005 13:4029810
The Armanious family was not killed by Muslims [29 words]Ed KehmDec 12, 2005 13:4629810
Was Armanious Family killed by Muslims? [87 words]Gamaliel IsaacDec 12, 2005 16:0429810
Armanious may have been killed by Muslims after all [338 words]Karl EricsonDec 13, 2005 02:5929810
Armanious Family massacre update [67 words]John GintyDec 15, 2005 10:0129810
Muslim Marauders [152 words]Jay Martin BennettDec 12, 2005 12:5629807
The will not to believe [68 words]David W. LincolnDec 12, 2005 12:4329806
Muslims in America & Noam Chomsky [80 words]Elaine Fiedman NugentDec 12, 2005 12:3029805
Re:Stop being too intellectually naive. [227 words]TTSDec 12, 2005 11:5029804
Just Attend a Pipes Campus Speech [159 words]JoeDec 12, 2005 11:3729803
Islam/terror [851 words]kim segarDec 12, 2005 11:2329801
Being aware of the danger our mist. [97 words]John ManittaDec 12, 2005 11:1329799
Thanks [143 words]SondraDec 11, 2005 19:2629780

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