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The past, redux

Reader comment on item: UK Security Forces Disrupt Terror Plot Every Six Weeks

Submitted by David W. Lincoln (Canada), May 29, 2007 at 00:33

The saying, "Perfidious Albion" has a lot of truth to it, but those who want to bring about Londonistan and Great Britain under Sharia - they picked up where the British left off when it comes to perfidiousness. They are nothing but brigands, and the bellowing for their rights is ludicrous.


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Reader comments (3) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Pluralism [146 words]YnnatchkahMay 29, 2007 02:4895095
The past, redux [51 words]David W. LincolnMay 29, 2007 00:3395091
Why stop them? [48 words]kingMay 28, 2007 19:2095065

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