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100 Results | Showing 1 - 10
Bernard Lewis and Me
May 31, 2016 ... The historian Bernard Lewis celebrates his 100th birthday today. Three quotes establish his career. Martin Kramer, a former student of Lewis ...
Debating Bernard Lewis, "The Muslim Discovery of Europe": Letter ...
Apr 1, 1984 ... To the Editor: Bernard Lewis's book, The Muslim Discovery of Europe (1982), has not received fair treatment in the review by Richard Bulliet ...
The Jewish Discovery of Islam: Studies in Honor of Bernard Lewis ...
" In his diatribe, Said singled out Bernard Lewis, then the Cleveland E. Dodge Professor of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton, as the de-facto leader of ...
Semites and Anti-Semites :: Reviewed by Daniel Pipes
Jun 27, 1986 ... Anti-Semitism is an extremely sensitive subject, and when Bernard Lewis deals with it, he is very careful to define his terms.
The Islamic States of America?
Sep 23, 2004 ... Of course, that used to be the same reaction in Europe, and now it's become widely accepted that, in Bernard Lewis' words, "Europe will be ...
An Islamist Endorsement of Bernard Lewis
Sep 1, 2004 ... The debate has become far more vicious since September 11, 2001, and one sign of that has been that the eminent scholar Bernard Lewis ...
Review Reviewed Work(s): The Muslim Discovery of Europe by ...
capitalist economic development. JOHN P. MCKAY. University of Illinois,. Urbana-Champaign. NEAR EAS T. BERNARD LEWIS. The Muslim Discovery of Europe. New. York ...
"We Free Them or They Destroy Us"
Sep 13, 2006 ... Bernard Lewis spoke those memorable words to sum up the necessary goal of U.S. policy at a Hudson Institute conference two days ago.
Imperial Legacy: The Ottoman Imprint on the Balkans and the Middle ...
... Bernard Lewis, André Raymond, Dankwart Rustow) effectively does so. Brown, professor emeritus at Princeton University, has emerged in the last decade as the ...
The End of Two Illusions: Islam after the West :: Reviewed by Daniel ...
Jun 1, 2022 ... With Bernard Lewis, Orientalism has officially exited the realm of colonial reason and entered the twilight zone of its unreality—it is now ...

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