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100 Results | Showing 1 - 10
[Finding Moderate Muslims:] Do you believe in modernity? :: Daniel ...
Nov 26, 2003 ... Being A Moderate Muslim [188 words], HaSsan, Jul 26, 2005 03:07, 23819. fight extremism [19 words], lavinia, Sep 30, 2006 22:37, 23819. 2, I ...
[Fixing] Islam's Image Problem
Jul 29, 2003 ... Jul 2, 2004 05:25, 15870. Let's call it what it is: [233 words], David C, May 14, 2004 22:36, 15225. No such animal as a moderate Muslim [146 ...
Vanquishing the Islamist Enemy and Helping the Moderate Muslim ...
Sep 23, 2008 ... Vanquishing the Islamist Enemy and Helping the Moderate Muslim Ally. by Daniel Pipes University of Tulsa September 23, 2008 ...
Finally, Cries from the Moderate Muslim Heart
Finally, Cries from the Moderate Muslim Heart. by Daniel Pipes Sep 5, 2004 updated May 28, 2007. Where are Muslim cries of despair at what is being done in ...
Bibliography – My Writings on Moderate Muslims
Dec 27, 2004 ... Examples of real and faux Muslim moderates. "Western Governments Define the Moderate Muslim." DanielPipes.org, 3 September 2005. A critique ...
Bolstering Moderate Muslims
Apr 17, 2007 ... ... moderate Muslim networks." If this sounds familiar, perhaps it is ... moderate Muslim ruling party, not to run for president ...
Do Moderate Muslims Exist?: Academic Malfeasance
Apr 22, 2019 ... ... moderate Muslim"? A search of the archive at DanielPipes.org turns up 5 article titles and 6 blog titles including the words "moderate Muslim ...
[Moderate] Voices of Islam
Sep 23, 2003 ... The "Moderate Muslim" Dichotomy [176 words], Mike Ramirez, Sep 23, 2003 17:41, 11440. The Moderate Muslim Dichotomy memo by Mike Rameriz 11/23 ...
Moderate Muslims March in Phoenix
Apr 30, 2004 ... Moderate Muslim Gatherings [26 words], Tanru, May 1, 2004 20:11, 14992. moderate muslim: a misnomer [149 words], k. abraham, May 1, 2004 16:30 ...
Moderate Muslims
Western Governments Define the Moderate Muslim (1 comment), Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog, September 3, 2005. Free Muslims March against Terror (28 comments) ...

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