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100 Results | Showing 1 - 10
Bibliography – My Writings on Moderate Muslims
Dec 27, 2004 ... "Islam's Future [Can Be Modern]." New York Post, 13 August 2002. Replying to my critics to the above article. "[The Search for Moderate Islam:] ...
The Middle East Forum Debates Moderate Islam
Mar 30, 2014 ... Raymond Ibrahim's recent piece for CBN, "Why 'Moderate Islam' is an Oxymoron," has prompted questions because it contradicts my views and ...
What Antidote to Radical Islam?
Mar 3, 2015 ... ... moderate Islam, it is secularism." Murat Yetkin, editor-in-chief of Turkey's Hürriyet Daily News. He finds my solution old and discredited ...
[Finding Moderate Muslims:] Do you believe in modernity? :: Daniel ...
Nov 26, 2003 ... If militant Islam is the problem and moderate Islam is the solution, as I often argue, how does one differentiate between these two forms of ...
Moderate Islam: Western Ally or Western Myth?: A Debate :: Daniel ...
Dec 1, 2009 ... Can there be a truly moderate Islam compatible with liberal-democratic notions of human rights and democracy? Is "radical Islam" a modern ...
Is Islam the Problem? Is It the Solution?
Dec 27, 2005 ... Since about June 2002, I have offered an aphorism to sum up the war on terror: "Radical Islam is the problem; moderate Islam is the ...
Radical Islam as Its Own Antidote[, Argues Reuel Gerecht] :: Daniel ...
Jun 23, 2005 ... ... moderate Islam is the solution," Mr. Gerecht replies, "Moderate Muslims are not the answer." His view can be summarized as "Radical Islam is ...
Moderate Muslims
How to End Terrorism:: With Moderate Islam (745 comments), New York Sun, December 5, 2006. [The Search for Moderate Islam:] A Reply to Lawrence Auster (104 ...
[The Search for Moderate Islam:] A Reply to Lawrence Auster ...
Jan 28, 2005 ... At the core of his argument is the view that "moderate Islam cannot exist." To which I reply that Islam can be whatever Muslims wish to make ...
Radical Islam creates terrorism: Why should USA give Islam special ...
Mar 21, 2016 ... ... moderate" Islam, whether America's added to religious extremism globally – and who he's backing in the US presidential contest: Please tell ...

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