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56 Results | Showing 1 - 10
Sudden Jihad Syndrome – It's Now Official
Jan 2, 2008 ... The attempt by Mohammed Taheri-azar in March 2006 to drive a rented Jeep Cherokee onto a plaza at the University of North Carolina in Chapel ...
[Naveed Haq and] "Sudden Jihad Syndrome" in Seattle
Aug 8, 2006 ... NY Sun title: "Seattle Rampage Is a Case of 'Sudden Jihad Syndrome'"] At about 4 p.m. on July 28, on the eve of the Jewish sabbath, a Muslim ...
Sudden Jihad Syndrome (in North Carolina)
Sudden Jihad Syndrome (in North Carolina). by Daniel Pipes New York Sun March 14, 2006. Translations of this item: Arabic · Chinese (S) · French · German.
More on Naveed Haq, Seattle's Sudden Jihadi
Aug 8, 2006 ... I could not squeeze every fact and idea into my article today on Naveed Haq, "'Sudden Jihad Syndrome' in Seattle," so here are some ...
[Fort Dix and] Jihad in Jersey
May 9, 2007 ... Sudden Jihad Syndrome ignored by Media? [378 words], Duane, Jun 17, 2007 13:06, 98873. Bravo [156 words], Joshua, Jun 20, 2007 17:35, 98873. The ...
Trump: You Should Ban Islamists, Not Muslims
Dec 11, 2015 ... ... Jihad." The negative responses, domestic and international ... Sudden Jihad Syndrome [155 words], Dale Ehrgott, Dec 15, 2015 01:44 ...
Sudden Jihad or "Inordinate Stress" at Ft. Hood?
Nov 9, 2009 ... We recall a prior episode of sudden jihad syndrome in the U.S. military, as well as the numerous cases of non-lethal Pentagon jihadi plots ...
[Naveed Haq and] "Sudden Jihad Syndrome" in Seattle (256 comments), New York Sun, August 8, 2006. Sudden Jihad Syndrome (in North Carolina) (447 comments), New ...
What is Jihad?
Dec 31, 2002 ... ... Sudden Jihad Syndrome – It's Now Official." Apr. 11, 2024 update: The Middle East Forum's Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi defines not jihad but ...
Terror & Denial [by Hadayat at LAX]
Jul 9, 2002 ... ... Sudden Jihad Syndrome. See the explanation at "Sudden Jihad Syndrome (in North Carolina)." ______. Related Topics: Counter-terrorism ...

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