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100 Results | Showing 21 - 30
Islam vs. Islamism (article)
May 13, 2013 ... They point to Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's deriding the very idea of a moderate Islam. Their killer question is, "Was ...
Reuel Gerecht: Militant Islam is the Answer?
Sep 12, 2004 ... My signature statement since 9/11 has been that "Militant Islam is the problem and moderate Islam is the solution." To which Gerecht ...
Bolstering Moderate Muslims
Apr 17, 2007 ... Moderate Islam! Is this a joke! As I am posting, serious incidents in EGYPT. [158 words], Egyptian Christian, Apr 26, 2007 10:31, 90729.
On Being Borked: How foes distorted my record
Aug 26, 2003 ... moderate Islam is the solution" has virtually become my mantra. But these are novel and complex ideas. As a result, my enmity toward ...
Will Islam Survive Islamism?: More Muslims fear and reject a radical ...
Nov 15, 2021 ... Going from quietest to most radical, they are: moderate Islam, irreligiosity, apostasy, and conversion to other religions. All have an ...
How to End Terrorism:: With Moderate Islam
With Moderate Islam. by Daniel Pipes New York Sun (jpg) December 5, 2006. Translations of this item: Arabic · Chinese (S) · Danish · Dutch · French · German.
Washington Finally Gets It on Radical Islam
Apr 25, 2005 ... ... moderate Islam. Federal aid is going to restore mosques, save ancient Korans, even build Islamic schools...individual CIA stations overseas ...
Advancing U.S. National Interests Through Effective ...
Jan 30, 2002 ... ... moderate Islam? By looking around the world and bringing to bear our strengths against militant Islam. We've done it in Afghanistan, where a ...
The Rushdie Rules, 25 Years Later
Nov 2, 2014 ... ... moderate Islam can — there'll never be a moderate Islam. So let's put aside the actions of people. Why can there not be a moderate Islam?
Dr. Pipes' views on Islamic Terrorism and Turkey
"Moderate Islam is the solution. Militant Islam is the problem. It is ... I think what we need to do is to encourage, sponsor, prompt, prod voices of moderate ...

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