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100 Results | Showing 41 - 50
Why Palestinian Delusions Persist
Nov 13, 2017 ... Bernard Lewis notes that Muslims historically responded to the loss of territories in Europe with the expectation that these were "Islamic ...
What One Book Should You Read About . . . Islam?
Aug 15, 2003 ... Bookmarks asked experts in the field [Bernard Lewis, Daniel Pipes, John Esposito, Juan Cole, ad Ahmad Dallal] for their reading recommendations: ...
"The Longest and Most Vicious Confrontation": An Interview :: Daniel ...
Aug 30, 2016 ... ... Bernard Lewis. Is the present Islamic resurgence in continuity with the past or a different phenomenon resulting from different causes ...
Nation-building in Afghanistan, Iraq Was Never Going to Work ...
Sep 19, 2021 ... Bernard Lewis (L) and Fouad Ajami were brilliant scholars who misunderstood what Americans could accomplish in Afghanistan and Iraq. Americans ...
Islam and Its Discontents
Dec 11, 1983 ... This development has been explored in richer detail in Bernard Lewis' wonderful The Muslim Discovery of Europe, but Pipes' brief account is ...
A New Axis: The Emerging Turkish-Israeli Entente
... Bernard Lewis, Stanford Shaw) to soften its rough reputation. "We love American Jews," a Foreign Ministry official once told me, summing up a widespread ...
The Consequences of 9/11
Sep 27, 2002 ... (to use Bernard Lewis' phrase). Why did a civilization which was thriving, which was intellectually, religiously, and economically doing ...
Turkey and the Jews
Sep 1, 1994 ... ... Bernard Lewis, Stanford Shaw, and Avigdor Levy). A Foreign Ministry official who noted that Turkey's strongest advocates in the United ...
Middle East patterns
by Bernard Lewis ed. Middle East Quarterly, March 2000. Empires of the Sand ... by Bernard Lewis, Wall Street Journal, May 17, 1996. Children in the Muslim ...
In this world, the ideas of an English professor of Arab extraction at Columbia University,. Edward Said, carry more weight than those of Bernard Lewis, a ...

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