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100 Results | Showing 41 - 50
Faces of American Islam[: Muslim Immigrants]
Sep 30, 2002 ... As one moderate Muslim leader, Muhammad Hisham Kabbani, has warned, extremists have "taken over 80 percent of the mosques" in the United ...
Has Islam Been Hijacked?
Jul 6, 2005 ... ... moderate Muslim, published an eloquent piece in the Wall Street Journal today, "Right Islam vs. Wrong Islam," in which he argues against ...
The Case of Christopher Bail: Academic Malfeasance
Sep 11, 2016 ... So I ask once more: What is a moderate Muslim? [39 words], Daniel Gurevich, Sep 12, 2016 15:30, 232633. Between what poles moderate Muslims ...
Aim the War on Terror at Militant Islam
Jan 6, 2002 ... Marilyn Bardsley, Aug 7, 2002 00:58, 1668. Empowering moderate Muslim groups [131 words], Amjad M. Khan, Apr 22, 2002, 23. Back to top of page.
Stephen Schwartz and the Center for Islamic Pluralism
Mar 25, 2005 ... In search of a moderate Muslim.. [77 words], donvan, Mar 19, 2007 12:43, 86919. Right on the mark [77 words], Jaladhi, Mar 19, 2007 18:18, 86919.
Pipes Objects to Fox in the Henhouse
Mar 19, 2004 ... CSID showcases moderate Muslim thinkers such as professor Abdulaziz Sachedina of the University of Virginia. However, many board members ...
Smoking Out Islamists via Extreme Vetting
Mar 21, 2017 ... Finally, today's moderate Muslim could become tomorrow's raging Islamist; or his infant daughter might two decades later become a jihadi ...
Omran Salman v. CAIR and MPAC
Aug 31, 2006 ... Comment: (1) It is encouraging to see a moderate Muslim come out against CAIR and MPAC, and doubly so to have the mainstream media publish him.
Muslims in the United States
[American Muslim Group for Policy Planning;] Another "Moderate" Muslim Group (37 comments), FrontPageMagazine.com, December 29, 2004. [The Boim Trial ...
Militant Islam's New Strongholds
Oct 22, 2002 ... Oct 23, 2002 14:35, 3220. Where are the moderate Muslim leaders? [374 words], Tom McCarthy, Oct 23, 2002 13:00, 3216. "moderate Muslims are 50 ...

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