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100 Results | Showing 51 - 60
Middle Eastern Studies: What Went Wrong?
For his intellectual candor, Bernard Lewis is assaulted by Edward Said, who depicts Lewis's work as "polemical," "not scholarly," and "political propaganda.
Lessons from the FBI's Most Wanted Terrorist List
Apr 30, 2013 ... That's a pretty good indication of what Bernard Lewis' 1990 article famously called "Muslim rage" and why Islam-related issues have such ...
Middle East studies
Bernard Lewis and Me (12 comments), Israel Hayom, May 31, 2016. UCLA's Embarrassment: Prof. Abou El Fadl (16 comments), FrontPageMagazine.com, January 7, 2015.
Hating America's Success
Oct 12, 2004 ... Debating Bernard Lewis, "The Muslim Discovery of Europe". receive the latest by email: subscribe to daniel pipes' free mailing list. The above ...
What's True Islam? Not for U.S. [Government] to Say
Nov 26, 2001 ... Bernard Lewis, the leading American scholar of Islam, puts it less diplomatically: "it is surely presumptuous for those who are not Muslims ...
The [Suicide] Jihad Menace
Jul 27, 2001 ... The Assassins' suicide soldiers' mission, as explained by the historian Bernard Lewis, had a distinctly familiar flavor: "by striking down ...
Do Europe's Nations Have National Characters?
Jan 28, 2022 ... 98. [15] It rhymes in Turkish: "Ingiliz dinisiz, Fransïz jansïz, Engerus menhus, Rus ma'kus, Alman biaman." Quoted in Bernard Lewis, The ...
Jews and Judaism
The Jewish Discovery of Islam: Studies in Honor of Bernard Lewis by Martin Kramer Editor, Commentary, March 2000. The Politics of Christian Zionism, 1891-1948 ...
Middle East patterns
by Bernard Lewis ed. Middle East Quarterly, March 2000. Nation and Religion in the Middle East by Fred Halliday, Choice, November 2000. The Malady of Islam by ...
An American in Search of the English National Character :: Daniel ...
Jan 23, 2021 ... [17] Quoted in Bernard Lewis, The Muslim Discovery of Europe (New York: W. W. Norton, 1982), p. 174. [18] Muhammad Basha al-Makhzumi ...

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