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100 Results | Showing 51 - 60
CAIR: 'Moderate' friends of terror
Apr 22, 2002 ... Moderate Islam [115 words], Roald Zelichonok, Jul 7, 2002 02:19, 1176. Identity [60 words], Hazel, Jul 3, 2002 21:21, 1152. Politically ...
Moderate Muslims
Moderate Islam: Western Ally or Western Myth?: A Debate (46 comments), Middle East Forum, December 1, 2009. Azerbaijan's Method of Dealing with Islamists ...
The Clash to End All Clashes?: Making sense of the cartoon jihad ...
Feb 7, 2006 ... What is moderate "Islam"? [175 words], Janet Ann, Feb 9, 2006 18:08, 34198. To Janet Ann; the comic reader [443 words], Bilal, Nov 25, 2006 00: ...
A Strongman for Iraq?
Apr 28, 2003 ... Moderate Islam [84 words], Bruce Gilboord, Apr 28, 2003 18:46, 8742. I respectfully disagree [385 words] w/response from Daniel Pipes, Bill ...
Arguing over:"Who is the Enemy?": Letters to the Editor
If moderate Islam is to become a political force, it must separate itself from the radical anti-Zionism in the face of which it has been silent and impotent.
Tariq Ramadan, Magdi Allam, and Me - Updates
Mar 5, 2007 ... ... moderate Islam is the answer," Ramadan's distortion of my analysis is a profound one. (2) Obviously, I challenge him to document his ...
Identifying Moderate Muslims
Nov 23, 2004 ... There is good news to report: The idea that "militant Islam is the problem, moderate Islam is the solution" is finding greater acceptance ...
Is Tariq Ramadan Lying [about Magdi Allam]?
Mar 5, 2007 ... ... moderate Islam. Addressing the mayor, I suggested (as can be read in the transcript, "Radical Islam vs. Civilization") that moderate Islam.
Reframing the Arab-Israeli Conflict
Jul 17, 2017 ... ... moderate Islam is the solution." I see the Islamist movement peaking in 2012 and facing deep problems. Yes, it still has plenty of successes ...
Finally, Cries from the Moderate Muslim Heart
Sep 5, 2004 ... [The Search for Moderate Islam:] A Reply to Lawrence Auster · Bibliography – My Writings on Moderate Muslims. receive the latest by email ...

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