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100 Results | Showing 51 - 60
Londonistan Follies
May 16, 2003 ... None other than that famous moderate, Tariq Ramadan. Apparently chosen by the Home Office, it reports to the home secretary and prime ...
Smoking Out Islamists via Extreme Vetting
Mar 21, 2017 ... In 2000, I praised a book by Tariq Ramadan; four years later, I ... Should the state ban food consumption during Ramadan and penalize ...
Arguing over "Moderate Islamists" with Joshua Muravchik: Letter to ...
May 1, 2008 ... Tariq Ramadan provides a useful symbol of this disagreement: excluded from the United States on account of his support for terrorism, he is ...
The Danger Within: Militant Islam in America [and Its Dreams of ...
Nov 1, 2001 ... ... Tariq Ramadan [77 words], dhimmi no more, Oct 29, 2017 09:00, 240910. Tariq Ramadan is the 6th pillar of Islam? [61 words], dhimmi no more, Nov ...
[The Issue of Compulsion in Religion:] Islam is What Its Followers ...
Sep 28, 2004 ... Tariq, Jun 20, 2007 16:19, 26556. managing your view by your own way [32 ... Tariq Ramadan [122 words], Dave Kabay, Sep 29, 2004 01:09, 17449.
Identifying Moderate Muslims
Nov 23, 2004 ... Fortunately, the authorities kept both Tariq Ramadan and Yusuf Islam out of the United States, but Khaled Abou El Fadl got through and, worse, ...
Ban the Burqa, Allow the Burkini
Aug 23, 2016 ... Tariq Ramadan Exposed. receive the latest by email: subscribe to daniel pipes' free mailing list. The above text may be cited; it may also be ...
Why Revoke Tariq Ramadan's U.S. Visa? (85 comments), New York Sun, August 27, 2004. The Maldives and the Professor (1 comment), Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog ...
"A Room Full of American Muslim Citizens"
Dec 30, 2004 ... ... Tariq Al Suweidan, Tariq Ramadan, Ingrid Mattson, Jamal Badawi, and Riyadh Ul Haq. Dec. 28, 2005 update: There were no border-crossing ...
Muslims in the United States
Tariq Ramadan Gives Up – Then Tries Again (42 comments), Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog, December 14, 2004. Were Investors in "Bridges TV" Misled? (10 ...

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