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100 Results | Showing 61 - 70
Do Radical Islamists Run the Middle East?: Understanding the ...
Sep 12, 2006 ... Bernard Lewis's comments.. [264 words], J.S., Sep 15, 2006 15:29, 56064. Islamism and Islam [42 words] w/response from Daniel Pipes, Vinodgupt ...
A Brutal Friendship: The West and the Arab Elite :: Reviewed by ...
Bernard Lewis, the great scholar of Middle Eastern history, has often remarked that in the 1990s, "for the first time in centuries, the course of events in ...
Erdoğan: "Turkey Is Not a Country Where Moderate Islam Prevails ...
Jun 14, 2004 ... The panelists included former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak, Bernard Lewis of Princeton University, Congresswoman Jane Harman (Democrat of ...
Are Muslims Fatalists?
Sep 11, 2015 ... Rather, the question is: Are. Muslims more fatalistic than non-Muslims? 16 Bernard Lewis, The Middle East: A Brief History of the Last 2,000 ...
The Travails of Modern Islam
Aug 20, 2010 ... Indeed, Bernard Lewis wrote a book titled What Went Wrong? How do Muslims explain all this? Over the course of the past 200 years, there ...
In Europe, Remorse Has Turned to Masochism
Apr 27, 2010 ... Debating Bernard Lewis, "The Muslim Discovery of Europe". receive the latest by email: subscribe to daniel pipes' free mailing list. The above ...
Muslim Life in 2021, as Predicted in 1921
Feb 25, 2021 ... Thus did the infamous Stoddard see the shape of what was to come, 55 years before it was recognized in 1976 by Bernard Lewis. Stoddard could ...
Islam vs. Islamism (article)
May 13, 2013 ... Bernard Lewis published a book in 2001 titled What Went Wrong. Islamists loathe the West because of its being tantamount to Christendom, the ...
Militant about "Islamism": Daniel Pipes wages "hand-to-hand combat ...
Feb 15, 2005 ... ... Bernard Lewis. For both Kramer and Pipes, Lewis is the greatest twentieth-century representative of the group of Jewish scholars who "played ...
"Godless Saracens Threatening Destruction":: Christian Responses ...
Dec 21, 2020 ... As Bernard Lewis notes, "In Greece, the Muslims could be Arabs, Persians, Hagarenes, or even Assyrians; in Russia, they were Tatars; in ...

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