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100 Results | Showing 61 - 70
How the West Could Lose: [Pacifism, Self-hatred, Complacency ...
Dec 26, 2006 ... moderate Muslim, Mar 20, 2007 19:32, 87302. Moderate Muslim fails again! Noah Wilk, Mar 21, 2007 15:32, 87302. mauritania has got legal slavery ...
UCLA's Embarrassment: Prof. Abou El Fadl
Jan 7, 2015 ... ... moderate Muslim, he. wants Muslims to live by Islamic law (the Shari'a), the law that among other things endorses slavery, execution for ...
Red Mosque in Rebellion
Jul 17, 2007 ... Moderate Muslim is the one who calls for reforming Islam and purging Jihadi verses in Koran [19 words], Tikrit, Aug 30, 2007 05:40, 106955. wow ...
Two Weaknesses Could Undo the Islamist Movement
Jan 4, 2016 ... Moderate Muslim? [355 words] w/response from Daniel Pipes, Andrea, Jun 4, 2016 16:37, 229823. 2, There are only Muslims, not Islamists. [86 ...
Lion's Den Blog Archive from 2004
Finally, Cries from the Moderate Muslim Heart, September 5, 2004. An Islamist Endorsement of Bernard Lewis, September 1, 2004. Whither Christian Zionism ...
Vanquishing the Islamist Enemy
Oct 24, 2007 ... Britsh "moderate" Muslim leaders' comments [71 words], Vijay, Nov 11, 2007 10:11, 112968. What happens when moderate Muslims have children? [265 ...
Daniel Pipes: 'Israel Has No Policy'
Dec 10, 2010 ... No moderate Islam, no moderate Muslim!!! [321 words], Jaladhi, Dec 11, 2010 19:58, 180847. 1, Reform Islam [228 words], Gershom, Dec 12, 2010 17 ...
Where the Nazi "Big Lie" Endures
May 1, 2007 ... moderate Muslim, May 6, 2007 21:41, 91897. 2, Moderate Muslim, stop lying! [299 words], Moshe, May 8, 2007 09:47, 91897. 2, Reply to Moshe [11 ...
Are Muslim Americans Victimized?: Charges of widespread ...
[American Muslim Group for Policy Planning;] Another "Moderate" Muslim Group. receive the latest by email: subscribe to daniel pipes' free mailing list. The ...
Peace Pipes
Aug 19, 2003 ... After 9/11 he made the obvious point that the best hiding place for radical Muslims in the U.S. would be in moderate Muslim communities and in ...

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