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100 Results | Showing 61 - 70
An Arab Prince Denounces Islamism
Dec 10, 2014 ... As I often say, radical Islam is the problem and moderate Islam is the solution. Now, we may add another influential leader, indeed a crown ...
Radical Departure: Is the country's most controversial Middle East ...
... moderate Islam is the solution." According to Pipes, there's a distinct difference between Islam the religion and Islamism the ideology. The former, says ...
It's Not a Clash of Civilizations, It's a Clash between the Civilized ...
Radical Islam, sometimes called Islamism, is the problem, he said, moderate Islam is the solution. Dr. Pipes made his remarks as part of a debate against ...
Southeast Asia
Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog, October 8, 2005. Erdoğan: "Turkey Is Not a Country Where Moderate Islam Prevails" (54 comments), Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes ...
moderate Islam can once more find strength, and I predict this will happen, though I have no idea when. Sixty years in our direction, sixty away; things.
I Am a "Crusader"?
Feb 24, 2005 ... ... moderate Islam is the solution." For me to support moderate Muslims to self-organize would not seem to be big news; nor, given my years of ...
That Failed Philadelphia "Islamic Jew-Hatred" Bus Ad
May 27, 2015 ... ... moderate Islam is the solution. Non-Muslims and patriotic Muslims ... Moderate Islam is a mythical concept and doesn't exist! [120 ...
Topics for Talks by Daniel Pipes
Mr Pipes argues that radical Islam is the problem and moderate Islam the solution.. Lawful Islamism – A Greater Threat than Terrorism Putting on the mantle ...
Has Islam Been Hijacked?
Jul 6, 2005 ... ... moderate Islam the solution) but I disagree with his static notion that there is such a thing as a correct version of Islam that the ...
Islam's Future [Can Be Modern]
Aug 13, 2002 ... Moderate Islam? [56 words], Clifford Ishii, Jul 16, 2003 17:26, 10048. Evolution of ideas [245 words], Ahmad Hassan, Jul 7, 2003 03:52, 9902.

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