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100 Results | Showing 61 - 70
More on the Burkini Ban
Aug 25, 2016 ... Tariq Ramadan Exposed. receive the latest by email: subscribe to daniel pipes' free mailing list. The above text may be cited; it may also be ...
Islamist Turkey vs. Secular Iran?
Nov 30, 2010 ... Tariq Ramadan and the useful idiots [27 words], dhimmi no more, Jan 11, 2011 07:51, 181493. 7, Hate Turkish style [415 words], dhimmi no more ...
Smoking Out Islamists via Extreme Vetting - by Daniel Pipes
Jan 27, 2024 ... In 2000, I praised a book by Tariq. Ramadan; four years later, I argued for his exclusion from the United States. In 2003, I condemned a ...
US policy
Why Revoke Tariq Ramadan's U.S. Visa? (85 comments), New York Sun, August 27, 2004. State (Dept.) of Confusion [when It Comes to Palestinian Terror against ...
Lion's Den Blog Archive
Whither Christian Zionism? September 1, 2004. Tariq Ramadan, the "Chicago Tribune," and Me (2 comments), August 31, 2004. Canada's Pro-Israel Muslims (3 ...
About DanielPipes.org
Provide autobiographical information, both serious ("Tariq Ramadan, the Chicago Tribune, and Me)" and whimsical ("Mr. Pipes Comes to America"). Recount ...
Muslim "No-go Zones" in Europe?
Dec 2, 2015 ... Is Tariq Ramadan Lying [about Magdi Allam]?. receive the latest by email: subscribe to daniel pipes' free mailing list. The above text may be ...
Two German Interior Ministers vs. Islamism
Jan 3, 2006 ... Why Revoke Tariq Ramadan's U.S. Visa? The Muslims are Coming! The Muslims are Coming! receive the latest by email: subscribe to daniel pipes ...
Two Decades of the Rushdie Rules
Oct 1, 2010 ... ... Tariq Ramadan). However done, were Islamists to achieve a Shar'i order, they would effectively replace Western civilization with Islamic ...
My Debate with London Mayor Ken Livingstone
Jan 22, 2007 ... Ken Livingstone, Tariq Ramadan and hidden agendas [12 words], Alan, Jan 24, 2007 17:57, 74413. BBC & CNN International & Londoners & Other ...

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