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100 Results | Showing 71 - 80
Omid Safi's Closed Classroom
Dec 3, 2004 ... 1) Bernard Lewis, 2)Samuel Huntington, 3)Fareed Zakaria, 4)David Frum, 5)Paul Wolfowitz, 6) Leo Strauss, 7) William Kristol, 8) William ...
Interview “My Critics Compare Me to Shakespeare”
scene-setting by Bernard Lewis in his The Middle East: A Brief History of the. Last 2,000 Years: he conjures up a commonplace coffee house in a country like ...
Militant Islam :: Reviewed by Daniel Pipes
He calls for this because he suspects that scholars who favor Israel (he specifically mentions Bernard Lewis) are not objective when it comes to Islam.
Orientalism :: Reviewed by Daniel Pipes
The case of Bernard Lewis, the eminent Princeton historian of Muslim peoples, exemplifies this problem. Lewis wrote this about thawra, the Arabic word for ...
Middle East politics
Middle East Quarterly, June 1995. The Shaping of the Modern Middle East by Bernard Lewis, Middle East Quarterly, December 1994. The Arab Movements in World War ...
Which Middle East Specialists Get Assigned and Read? :: Daniel ...
Feb 22, 2005 ... 1,090. Bernard Lewis, 356, 3,880. Daniel Pipes, 120, 2,710. Comments: (1) The old masters do indeed go largely unread. (2) The dissidents get a ...
Is Turkey in Europe?
Jul 3, 2013 ... Bernard Lewis [29 words], David W. Lincoln, Jul 6, 2013 13:30, 207708. 1, Missing The Point [65 words], Dave, Jul 6, 2013 12:31, 207704. 1 ...
Islam's Medieval Synthesis
... Bernard Lewis notes]:. Successive jurists made [sundry] accommodations with a deteriorating reality, until finally the whole system of juristic ...
Arguing over "The Danger Within: Militant Islam in America": Letters ...
His description of the Islamists' goal is in perfect accord with their core doctrine as described by the scholar Bernard Lewis: Islam divides the world into ...
Iran, a Coming Revolution?
Sep 18, 2002 ... Bernard Lewis says that, outside Israel and Turkey, Iran and Iraq are the only states in the Middle East where we are popular among ordinary ...

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