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100 Results | Showing 71 - 80
Conversation with Dr. Daniel Pipes
Mar 25, 2003 ... Militant Islam is the problem; moderate Islam is the solution. We have to get in there and reinterpret Islam with the Muslims. We have to ...
Anti-Islamists Petition the United Nations
Oct 30, 2004 ... [The Search for Moderate Islam:] A Reply to Lawrence Auster · Bibliography – My Writings on Moderate Muslims. receive the latest by email ...
Militant Islam's New Strongholds
Oct 22, 2002 ... It means that the enemies of the United States, moderate Islam, and of civilization itself are far more numerous and entrenched than previously ...
"My Critics Compare Me to Shakespeare"
Apr 1, 2024 ... ... moderate Islam is the solution," and I make a point of not judging religions. I blame this purposeful confusion on the Council on American ...
Muslims for Pipes: Editorial
Apr 21, 2003 ... Moderate Islam [242 words], Subidh, Jan 13, 2009 00:45, 147902. Moderate Islam [199 words], subidh, Oct 16, 2009 00:09, 147902. Let Truth be the ...
Smoking Out Islamists via Extreme Vetting
Mar 21, 2017 ... Although Leil Leibowitz in contrast sees Israel as "moderate Islam's ... This analysis derives from a chapter in What Is Moderate Islam? ed ...
Academic Malfeasance: Another Mangling of Views about Islam ...
Aug 5, 2017 ... ... moderate Islam is the solution" – and was quoted only yesterday to this effect in the Wall Street Journal. Nor is this view just an ...
There Are No Moderates: Dealing with Fundamentalist Islam ...
Moderate Islam - I don't think so ... [79 words], Oliver, May 21, 2008 16:53, 129440. moderate shari'moderate [246 words], stevefnp1, Jan 3, 2012 12:28, 129440.
"Transfer" the Palestinians? Reasons Against
Feb 25, 2009 ... Conversion of Muslims to a moderate Islam or other moderate religions is the only solution [742 words], Prashant, Mar 16, 2018 17:15, 242481. 1 ...
[Breivik and] Norway's Terrorism in Context
Jul 27, 2011 ... This position differs fundamentally from my own, which holds that "radical Islam is the problem, moderate Islam is the solution." While ...

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