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100 Results | Showing 81 - 90
Imperial Israel: The Nile-to-Euphrates Calumny
A moderate Jewish response to a moderate Muslim (commenter Hatim Zaghloul) [93 words], Max Rogel, Apr 26, 2005 08:44, 21822. 2, Reasonable Arguments [410 words] ...
Arguing over "Moderate Islamists" with Joshua Muravchik: Letter to ...
May 1, 2008 ... Muravchik and Szrom take issue with my term "moderate Muslim," calling it "perhaps unfortunate," and equating it with people who are "not ...
Oklahomans Say No to Sharia
Nov 16, 2010 ... Mythical moderate Muslim does not exist!!! [101 words], Jaladhi, Dec 1, 2010 21:34, 180379. 125, Intoxicated liberties well at work! [48 words] ...
The Enemy Has a Name
Jun 19, 2008 ... The "moderate" Muslim business [55 words], Ianus, Jun 24, 2008 02:43, 132585. how long still? [148 words], G.Vishvas, Jun 24, 2008 06:12, 132585.
A Saudi Prince's Threat to the Obama Administration
Jan 26, 2009 ... Nozzi: Was your dear Prophet a moderate Muslim? [143 words], Plato, May 11, 2009 09:25, 149979. Nozzi: Why do you trust unclean kaffir ...
The London Markaz
Nov 27, 2005 ... 27, 2006 update: As moderate Muslim opposition to the Markaz builds, the Times (London) quotes Irfan al-Alawi, Europe director of the Center ...
More on Those Alcohol-shy Taxi Drivers
Oct 10, 2006 ... The moderate muslim? [256 words], caleb white, Oct 13, 2006 03:35, 59961. Reply to "Moderate Muslim" [479 words], Safraz, Oct 15, 2006 22:07 ...
Finding Moderate Muslims - More Questions
Oct 5, 2005 ... Who is a moderate Muslim? Muslims who oppose theocracy, who seek ... Before enlisting an apparently moderate Muslim group in the war on ...
Don't Bring That Booze into My Taxi
Oct 10, 2006 ... More Moderate Muslim Madness [166 words], CatoRenasci, Oct 11, 2006 08:59, 59575. 1, Self-segregation [268 words], Pat, Oct 12, 2006 09:21 ...
Will Europe Resist Islamization?: [The Actions of Magdi Allam and ...
Apr 3, 2008 ... Mixing Up of Issues Here - Moderate Islam and Moderate Muslim [330 words], Singha, Apr 5, 2008 23:24, 124607. Nature of Islamic beliefs [53 ...

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