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87 Results | Showing 81 - 87
Muslim Hours at Municipal Swimming Pools in the West
Jun 15, 2003 ... ... Ramadan. The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) has ... Tariq -- [120 words], GWK, Sep 16, 2009 21:14, 153840. gwk [205 ...
Oct 25, 2005 ... Tariq M Kahn, Dec 6, 2006 20:13, 28950. sense of time is important ... Happy Ramadan [24 words], Daisy, Oct 28, 2005 11:07, 27453. It is not ...
Did Michael Jackson Convert to Islam?
Dec 18, 2003 ... Our dear Mahfooz: Ramadan and Allah and more evidence [351 words] ... To Tariq: And what makes you believe the Quran that God is indeed Allah?
Barack Obama and Islam: An Ongoing Saga
Jan 19, 2009 ... ... Tariq Hussein, 25, in Ramallah. "Other than that it's all a ... Ramadan message: Presidential holiday messages tend to be platitudinous ...
CAIR: Islamists Fooling the Establishment
Two months later, when Secretary of State Colin Powell hosted a Ramadan ... RE: tariq [31 words], WeAreAllDanes! Mar 31, 2006 00:58, 40008. to WeAreAllDanes ...
All My Tweets - View all your tweets on one page.
... Ramadan to promote the elimination of #Israel. Let's hope that the ... Tariq, meaning 4 men of good reputation must witness his sex acts in flagrante ...
Niqabs and Burqas as Security Threats
Mar 7, 2002 ... Deputy information minister Tariq Azeem noted: "After all the ... during Ramadan at that! According to a report in Saturday's Shams ...

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