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100 Results | Showing 91 - 100
Lion's Den Blog Archive from 2004
An Islamist Endorsement of Bernard Lewis, September 1, 2004. Whither Christian Zionism? September 1, 2004. Tariq Ramadan, the "Chicago Tribune," and Me (2 ...
The Jewish Discovery of Islam: Studies in Honor of Bernard Lewis by Martin Kramer Editor, Commentary, March 2000. Alevi Identity: Cultural, Religious and ...
Christopher Hitchens Rants Again
Aug 19, 2003 ... ... Bernard Lewis and Edward Said. In it, Hitchens ridiculed a point I had made in "The Media and the Middle East" about the focus of U.S. ...
The Intrepid Duo: Pipes, Father and Son
May 20, 2019 ... ... Bernard Lewis' words, 'Europe will be Islamic by the end of the century.'" Backing up Daniel Pipes is the National Center for Constitutional ...
Mirror Image: How the PLO Mimics Zionism
Sep 21, 1994 ... As Bernard Lewis writes, for Muslims the name Filastin "had never meant more than an administrative sub-district and [after the Crusades] it ...
On Arab Rejectionism
... Bernard Lewis, this was Islamic ground, "wrongfully taken ... and destined to be returned." Where Israel is concerned, there are two further insults: not ...
"How Dare You Defame Islam"
Bernard Lewis, the renowned scholar of Islam and the Middle East, has noted with asperity that whereas, in a majority-Christian country like the United ...
There Are No Moderates: Dealing with Fundamentalist Islam ...
As Bernard Lewis notes, "It is the Tempter, not the Adversary, that Khomeini feared in America, the seduction and enticement of the American way of life ...
Introduction - Militant Islam Reaches America - by Daniel Pipes
Almost simultaneous with that analysis, Bernard Lewis argued that militant Islam is engaged in no less than a "clash of civilizations" with the West ...
[Al-Hudaybiya and] Lessons from the Prophet Muhammad's ...
Sep 1, 1999 ... Bernard Lewis, 1950: "the murder of a Muslim by a Meccan for what appears to have been a purely private difference of opinion served as ...

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