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100 Results | Showing 91 - 100
How to End Terrorism:: With Moderate Islam (745 comments), New York Sun, December 5, 2006. Should airport security procedures include ethnic and religious ...
Jihad through History
May 31, 2005 ... the Myth of Moderate Islam [208 words], Dennis DuBois, Jul 13, 2005 11:44, 23452. 1, Jihad [70 words], Shakeel Shaikh, Nov 13, 2007 10:31, 23452.
Pipes's effective route to peace
Jun 22, 2003 ... "Moderate Islam is the solution." He has been forthright in his denunciation of Islamist extremism and relentless in calling attention to ...
"National Post" kowtows to Islamists, slanders Middle East Forum ...
Aug 26, 2017 ... ... moderate Islam is the solution. We also have a long history of cooperating with, employing, and financially supporting reform Muslims trying ...
A Misdirected Attack: Editorial
Aug 17, 2003 ... " He has consistently urged Arab Americans to shun radicalism and embrace moderate Islam. Pipes, who earned his doctorate at Harvard and has ...
Piggybacking on Terror
Aug 29, 2006 ... The threat of Moderate Islam [184 words], Thomas Cohen, Aug 29, 2006 16:35, 54285. Rise of Militant Islam with the help of Moderate muslims [83 ...
Truth on Terror
Oct 11, 2003 ... Pipes's signature phrase is "militant Islam is the problem, moderate Islam is the solution.") An appreciation for American stability and ...
Pipes' Dreams
Jul 18, 2002 ... Muslim leaders say that Pipes uses the false dichotomy of militant Islam and moderate Islam to eschew charges of racism. Pipes says that he is ...
Peace Pipes
Aug 19, 2003 ... As he's said, in a line oft-quoted by his supporters, "Militant Islam is the problem, and moderate Islam is the solution." Leading the ...
Turkey and the Jews
Sep 1, 1994 ... Erdoğan: "Turkey Is Not a Country Where Moderate Islam Prevails" · A New Axis: The Emerging Turkish-Israeli Entente. receive the latest by ...

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