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Writings by Topic: Iraq

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208 items listed.


Publication Date
Islam in Iraq's Public life Cyriac K. Pullapilly, ed., Islam in the Contemporary World. Notre Dame, Ind.: Cross Roads, 1980, pp. 306-15. 1980
The MidEast River War Wall Street Journal September 25, 1980
Iran Is Likely to Go for Iraq's Jugular Business Week June 7, 1982
A Border Adrift:: Origins of the Iraq-Iran War (3 comments) The Iraq-Iran War: Old Conflict, New Weapons 1983
Back Iraq: It's time for a U.S. 'tilt' The New Republic April 27, 1987
The U.S. Should Target Iraq - for Friendship Newsday May 27, 1987
Why the U.S Should Bolster Iraq New York Times May 31, 1987
The Mideast's New No. 1 Problem New York Times November 29, 1987
U.S. War Aims [vs. Iraq] Washington Post January 13, 1990
What Kuwait Was Like (1 comment) Washington Post August 9, 1990
War Now - Or War Later New York Times October 23, 1990
Leaving Saddam Alone Is a Fool's Solution: Letter to the Editor Daily Telegraph (London) October 29, 1990
Demolishing 6 Middle East Myths (1 comment) Philadelphia Inquirer November 28, 1990
Will Saddam Back Down - Or Fight? (2 comments) Wall Street Journal December 20, 1990
U.S. War Aims [in Iraq] Washington Post January 13, 1991
Sex, Lies, and Holy Mecca Radio Jerusalem Post January 14, 1991
[The "Arab Street":] Why Arabs Aren't Rioting Wall Street Journal January 22, 1991
How Much Time Left on [Saddam] Hussein's Political Clock?: Political Forecast Los Angeles Times March 3, 1991
Lebanon's Damning Lesson on Linkage Wall Street Journal March 8, 1991
What Kind of Peace [to Follow the Kuwait War]? National Interest Spring 1991
Why America Can't Save the Kurds (2 comments) Wall Street Journal April 11, 1991
The House That Iraq Built: Letter to the Editor Washington Post June 2, 1991
Let the Iraqis Get Rid of Saddam Washington Post December 22, 1991
Saddam Hussein? On 2nd thought, it's better to keep him The Miami Herald December 29, 1991
One Year Later: Was Operation Desert Storm Worth It? (2 comments) Philadelphia Inquirer January 16, 1992
[Iraq and Iran:] The Tarbabies of American Politics National Review November 16, 1992
The Word from Baghdad... Middle East Council Wire December 16, 1992
Ambitious Iran, Troubled Neighbors (6 comments) Foreign Affairs 1993
Saddam: Dilemma for the West Miami Herald January 17, 1993
Interview with Tariq 'Aziz: The View From Baghdad Middle East Quarterly June 1994
[Saddam Hussein:] Stupid Is as Stupid Does (2 comments) Wall Street Journal October 11, 1994
Hot Spot: Turkey, Iraq, and Mosul (2 comments) Middle East Quarterly September 1995
Interview with Saad al-Bazzaz: An Insider's View of Iraq (8 comments) Middle East Quarterly December 1995
Heroes and Knaves of the Kuwait Crisis Restless Mind: Essays in Honor of Amos Perlmutter 1996
Interview with Rolf Ekéus: Dismantling Saddam's Arsenal Middle East Quarterly March 1996
Why Go It Alone [versus Iraq]? Washington Post December 3, 1997
Interview with Anthony Zinni: "Avoid a Military Showdown with Iraq" Middle East Quarterly September 1998
Interview with Richard Butler: Why Saddam Husayn Loves the Bomb Middle East Quarterly March 2000
After 'Desert Storm,' Barely a Footprint Was Left in the Sand Los Angeles Times August 4, 2000
Growing Arab Anger Won't Be Easy to Contain Wall Street Journal March 30, 2001
Interview with Khidhir Hamza: "I Can Forsee Saddam Controlling the Middle East" Middle East Quarterly Fall 2001
On to Baghdad?: Yes - The Risks Are Overrated (2 comments) New York Post December 3, 2001
[The United States Is] A Majority of One New York Post March 18, 2002
Saddam's Rap Sheet (46 comments) New York Post August 20, 2002
Brent Scowcroft is Wrong: We Must Attack Saddam (21 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com August 20, 2002
The Duel: Should Iraq be Attacked?: Pre-emptive or Presumptive ... Baghdad's In The Balance Australian Financial Review August 24, 2002
Bush@U.N. (9 comments) National Review Online September 13, 2002
[The Need to Name and] Know Thy Terrorists (178 comments) New York Post November 19, 2002
After Saddam? Remaking the Mideast: Fouad Ajami vs. Andrew J. Bacevich (45 comments) New York Post February 11, 2003
100 Bin Ladens on the Way? (81 comments) New York Post April 8, 2003
[Looting:] An Iraqi Tragedy (68 comments) New York Post April 22, 2003
A Strongman for Iraq? (80 comments) New York Post April 28, 2003
War as Social Work? (51 comments) New York Post May 6, 2003
Iraq's Weapons & The Road to War (48 comments) New York Post June 3, 2003
Obituary for Nizar Hamdoon (1944-2003) Middle East Quarterly Fall 2003
[Iraqi] WMD Lies: Was Saddam just bluffing? (46 comments) New York Post October 7, 2003
Let Iraqis run Iraq (36 comments) Jerusalem Post October 15, 2003
Bush the Radical (69 comments) Jerusalem Post November 12, 2003
The case for 'Iraqification' (38 comments) Jerusalem Post November 19, 2003
A tale of two crypts (20 comments) Jerusalem Post December 17, 2003
Islamic Law Rules In Iraq (44 comments) New York Sun March 2, 2004
The Roots of Iraq's Rebellion (91 comments) New York Sun April 13, 2004
[Samuel Huntington and] American Purposes In Iraq (33 comments) New York Sun April 27, 2004
Is an Iraqi Strongman Emerging? (31 comments) New York Sun May 4, 2004
'Walking Back the Cat' On Chalabi (16 comments) New York Sun June 22, 2004
Early Power Transfer Puts Focus on Iraq's Future: A Symposium Detroit News June 29, 2004
Saddam the Novelist (5 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com July 9, 2004
Christians Disappearing From Iraq (32 comments) New York Sun August 24, 2004
U.S. Needs To Learn Patience [in Iraq] (23 comments) New York Sun November 30, 2004
What If the United States Had Not Invaded Iraq (99 comments) Philadelphia Inquirer September 11, 2005
Civil War in Iraq? (250 comments) New York Sun February 28, 2006
About Those Iraqi WMD (58 comments) New York Sun April 25, 2006
Hugging Iraq's Leaders (72 comments) New York Sun May 2, 2006
In Iraq, Stay the Course - but Change It (112 comments) New York Sun October 24, 2006
Tempering Ambitions [in Iraq] (46 comments) National Interest November/December 2006
James Baker's Terrible Iraq Report (114 comments) New York Sun December 12, 2006
Salvaging the Iraq War (108 comments) New York Sun July 24, 2007
[Mosul and] Iraq's Next War (21 comments) Jerusalem Post October 31, 2007
Saddam's Damn Dam [i.e., The Mosul Dam] (49 comments) Jerusalem Post November 7, 2007
Obama's Mansion, Saddam's Money (202 comments) Philadelphia Bulletin October 29, 2008
Limping away from a Shattered Iraq (43 comments) National Post July 8, 2009
T. E. Lawrence, American Tactician (21 comments) History News Network January 18, 2010
White Elephant in Baghdad (26 comments) National Review Online March 30, 2010
Iraq - A Province of Iran? (393 comments) The Washington Times May 12, 2011
Tehran holds Obama re-election wild card [in Iraq] (22 comments) The Washington Times December 20, 2011
ISIS Rampages, the Middle East Shakes (88 comments) National Review Online June 12, 2014
Turkish Support for ISIS (90 comments) The Washington Times June 18, 2014
Hello, Kurdistan (26 comments) The Washington Times September 10, 2014
ISIS Justifies Its Yazidi Slaves (48 comments) National Review Online October 16, 2014
Iraq's Coming Apocalypse (19 comments) Washington Times March 13, 2016
ISIS is Collapsing (38 comments) Miami Herald April 19, 2016
Do Tyrants Heed Their Minions? A Look at Putin and Saddam (18 comments) Washington Times May 23, 2022
A Muslim Aliyah Paralleled the Jewish Aliyah: Part I, to 1948 Middle East Quarterly Summer 2024

Blog Posts

Publication Date
Saddam Hussein's Unreliable Family Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 11, 1995
Calling the World's Bluff on Saddam Hussein Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 30, 1997
Saddam Wears the World Down Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 30, 1998
Not Calling Islamism the Enemy (51 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 12, 2001
Saddam Hussein Is a Fascist Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 30, 2002
Endorsing the American-led Attack on Iraq Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 19, 2003
The U.S. Government Hires "Non-Muslims Only" Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 27, 2003
The Possibility of a Turkish Land-grab in Northern Iraq (1 comment) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 31, 2003
U.S. Objectives in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Beyond Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 8, 2003
Abandoning Iraq to Solve the Arab-Israeli Conflict (2 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 5, 2003
Are the Mujahedeen-e Khalq Terrorists? Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 22, 2003
Washington Puzzles over the Mujahedeen-e Khalq (17 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 17, 2003
"Iraqi Symphony Performs for Bush" (1 comment) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 9, 2003
Arab Responses to Saddam's Capture Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 14, 2003
Accounting for the Lack of Iraqi WMD Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 26, 2004
Let Iraqis Take Responsibility for Iraq Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 2, 2004
How Much Will the Iraqi Constitution Matter? Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 4, 2004
"The Largest Embassy Ever Run by any Country" (10 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 9, 2004
The Bush Administration, Member of OPEC Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 1, 2004
Saddam Hussein Made Me a Movie Star Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 12, 2004
Iraqi Christians Emigrate Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 28, 2004
Is the Iraqi Government an American Puppet? (5 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 7, 2005
Christian Peacemaker Teams: Blame Bush, not Islamists (15 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 30, 2005
Humor: Thomas Friedman's Iraq Predictions (5 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 16, 2006
Turkey to Invade Northern Iraq? (11 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 18, 2006
"Greater Syria" in the News (19 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 19, 2006
Passing as Shi'i in Iraq (15 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 15, 2006
President Bush Replies to My Iraq Critique (23 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 25, 2006
Saddam on death row (14 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 5, 2006
Iraq: "Could a New Strongman Help?" (17 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 12, 2006
Iraq and Kuwait Have a Recognized Border (3 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 23, 2006
Does Rumsfeld Favor Getting U.S. Troops out of Iraqi Inhabited Areas? (13 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 3, 2006
Bibliography – My Writings on U.S. Policy toward Iraq (6 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 12, 2006
The Latest about the Mosul Dam (33 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 30, 2007
Assessing the American-Led Effort in Iraq (8 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 16, 2007
Must U.S. Taxpayers Pay for Iraqi Electricity? (8 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 11, 2008
Pakistan Ties Iraq for Most Suicide Bombing Deaths (5 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 24, 2008
Laurie Mylroie's Shoddy, Loopy, Zany Theories – Exposed (18 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 30, 2008
Bibliography – My Writings on the Mujahedeen-e Khalq (3 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 24, 2009
Predicting Iraq's Bleak Future (21 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 19, 2009
Wasted U.S. Spending in Iraq (and Afghanistan): $53 billion and Counting (39 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 21, 2009
Iraq's Cosmetic Election (29 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 9, 2010
Operation Desert Storm Plus 20 (10 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 2, 2010
Democratic Iraq? (4 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 4, 2011
Embassy Baghdad in Decline (26 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 7, 2012
Resettling the Mujahedeen-e Khalq of Iraq (16 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 28, 2012
Has Baghdad Bob Moved to Tehran? (8 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 19, 2012
Reflections on the Invasion of Iraq (20 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 18, 2013
Who Gets the Most U.S. Foreign Aid? (5 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 24, 2013
Will ISIS Create an Artificial Drought in Iraq? Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 10, 2014
More on Turkish Support for ISIS (68 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 18, 2014
The Acute Danger of Iraqi Dams (18 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 1, 2014
ISIS Imposes a Partial Ban on Burqas (21 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 6, 2016
Why I Oppose the Referendum for an Independent Kurdistan Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 19, 2017


Publication Date
The Early Abbasid Caliphate: A Political History
by Hugh Kennedy
Middle East Studies Association Bulletin July 1982
Iraq after the Muslim Conquest (1 comment)
by Michael G. Morony
American Historical Review February 1985
The Iran-Iraq War: A Military Analysis
by Efraim Karsh
Orbis Fall 1987
Iraq Since 1958: From Revolution to Dictatorship
by Marion Farouk-Sluglett and Peter Sluglett
Orbis Spring 1988
The Iran-Iraq War and Western Security, 1984-87: Strategic Implications and Policy Options
by Anthony H. Cordesman
Orbis Spring 1988
A New Iraq?: The Gulf War and Implications for U.S. Policy
by Frederick W. Axelgard
Orbis Summer 1988
Saddam Hussein and the Crisis in the Gulf
by Judith Miller and Laurie Mylroie
Orbis Spring 1991
Human Rights in Iraq (6 comments)
by Middle East Watch
Orbis Spring 1991
Terrorist: The Inside Story of the Highest-Ranking Iraqi Terrorist Ever to Defect to the West (1 comment)
by Steven Emerson and Cristina del Sesto
Washington Post May 7, 1991
The Monument.
by Samir al-Khalil [pseudonym of Kanan Makiya]
Commentary June 1991
Saddam Hussein: A Political Biography (7 comments)
by Efraim Karsh and Inari Rautsi
Times Literary Supplement August 9, 1991
Kuwait and Iraq: Historical Claims and Historical Disputes (1 comment)
by Richard Schofield
Orbis Winter 1992
The Islamic Movement of Iraqi Shi'as (1 comment)
by Joyce N. Wiley
Orbis Summer 1992
The Iran-Iraq War: Chaos in a Vacuum
by Stephen C. Pelletiere
Orbis Fall 1992
The Iraq-Iran War: The Politics of Aggression (1 comment) Orbis Fall 1993
The Renewal of Islamic Law: Muhammad Baqer as-Sadr, Najaf, and the Shi'i International
by Chibli Mallat
Middle East Quarterly June 1994
Iraq's Road to War Middle East Quarterly June 1994
Martyr's Day: Chronicle of a Small War
by Michael Kelly
Middle East Quarterly June 1994
The Shi'is of Iraq
by Yitzhak Nakash
Middle East Quarterly September 1994
Iraq Since the Gulf War: Prospects for Democracy Middle East Quarterly March 1995
The Economy of Iraq: Oil, Wars, Destruction of Development and Prospects, 1950-2010
by Abbas Alnasrawi
Middle East Quarterly March 1995
The Gulf War Did Not Take Place (1 comment)
by Jean Baudrillard
Middle East Quarterly March 1996
Circle of Fear: My Life as an Israeli and Iraqi Spy (1 comment)
by Hussein Sumaida and with Carole Jerome
Middle East Quarterly March 1996
Iraq's Crime of Genocide: The Anfal Campaign against the Kurds (1 comment)
by Human Rights Watch
Middle East Quarterly June 1996
The Formation of Modern Syria and Iraq
by Eliezer Tauber
Middle East Quarterly June 1996
The United Nations and the Iraq-Kuwait Conflict, 1990-1996 Middle East Quarterly December 1996
The Jewish Exodus from Iraq, 1948-1951
by Moshe Gat
Middle East Quarterly September 1997
War in the Gulf, 1990-91: The Iraq-Kuwait Conflict and Its Implications
by Majid Khadduri and Edmund Ghareeb
Middle East Quarterly December 1997
Saddam's Word: Political Discourse in Iraq
by Ofra Bengio
Middle East Quarterly June 1998
The Making of the Gulf War: Origins of Kuwait's Long-Standing Territorial Dispute with Iraq
by H. Rahman
Middle East Quarterly June 1998
Common Ground on Iraq-Kuwait Reconciliation
by Sami al-Faraj and Laith Kubba
Middle East Quarterly March 1999
Endgame: Solving the Iraq Problem - Once and for All (1 comment)
by Scott Ritter
Washington Times April 14, 1999
Tyranny's Ally: America's Failure to Defeat Saddam Hussein
by David Wurmser
Middle East Quarterly September 1999
Ally to Adversary: An Eyewitness Account of Iraq's Fall from Grace
by Rick Francona
Middle East Quarterly March 2000
Saddam's Bombmaker: The Terrifying Inside Story of the Iraqi Nuclear and Biological Weapons Agenda (4 comments)
by Khidhir Hamza with Jeff Stein
Commentary June 2001


Venue Date
"The War Can Only Hurt American Interests": Interview with Daniel Pipes, Expert on the Middle East U.S. News & World Report October 13, 1980
Occupation and Liberation in Persian Gulf Foreign Policy Research Institute December 18, 1990
Two Cheers for Dual Containment United States Senate March 2, 1995
Don't Waste Your Bombs on Baghdad The Age (Melbourne) November 26, 1998
Iraq: What's Next? (34 comments) MSNBC Hardball with Chris Matthews August 14, 2002
Debating Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Democracy (4 comments) MSNBC's 'Buchanan and Press' August 27, 2002
The Iraq Dilemma (46 comments) ABC (Australia): Lateline October 4, 2002
Monitoring Iraqis Living in the United States (22 comments) CNN American Morning November 18, 2002
After Regime Collapse in Iraq (10 comments) ABC (Australia): Lateline April 11, 2003
Next Steps in Iraq (18 comments) MSNBC: Buchanan & Press April 23, 2003
President Bush to Address Future of Iraq (5 comments) CNN: Lou Dobbs Tonight May 24, 2004
US Hands over Power in Iraq (2 comments) ABC (Australia): Lateline June 28, 2004
An Interview with Daniel Pipes [in Quadrant] Quadrant September 2004
Civil war likely in Iraq: Pipes (61 comments) ABC (Australia): Lateline March 2, 2006
US led coalition no longer responsible for Iraq: Daniel Pipes ABC (Australia): PM March 28, 2006
Pipes calls war a success (107 comments) Pittsburgh Tribune-Review April 1, 2006
Arab Spring, Muslim Winter (10 comments) FrontPageMag.com December 2, 2011
Assessing the Situation in Iraq (5 comments) NewsRadio WGAN June 14, 2014
Implications of the ISIS Conquests in Iraq (5 comments) Middle East Forum Conference Call June 16, 2014
'We Should Stay Out' of Iraq Conflict (20 comments) ​Newsmax TV June 17, 2014
The New Caliphate and Other Topics DanielPipes.org July 23, 2014
ISIS Seizes Iraq's Largest Dam (3 comments) CNN August 3, 2014
Water War: Jihadists fight for control over Iraq's largest dams RT America August 6, 2014
Mosul Dam Re-conquered (4 comments) Stand Up with Pete Dominick, SiriusXM Radio August 19, 2014
Thinking about Kurdistan (19 comments) ​Real News, The Blaze​ September 12, 2014
Assessing the Battle for Tikrit, and Beyond (4 comments) PressTV, The Debate March 4, 2015

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