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Writings by Topic: Islam

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194 items listed.


Publication Date
How Muslims Can Catch Up (48 comments) Washington Times July 21, 2022
Islam's Surprising Impact on Daily Life (28 comments) Middle East Quarterly Winter 2022
Can the Koran Solve Israel's Political Impasse? (32 comments) Israel Hayom April 22, 2021
Muslim Life in 2021, as Predicted in 1921 (5 comments) Gatestone Institute February 25, 2021
"Godless Saracens Threatening Destruction":: Christian Responses to Islam and Muslims (62 comments) Middle East Quarterly Winter and Spring 2021
When Muslims Leave the Faith (20 comments) Wall Street Journal August 6, 2020
America's Early Apologists for Islamism: The Saga of "Islam Centennial Fourteen" (9 comments) Washington Times November 20, 2019
Are Muslims Fatalists? (33 comments) Middle East Quarterly Fall 2015
Islam Bulldozes the Past (36 comments) The Washington Times March 20, 2015
The Caliphate Brings Trauma (20 comments) Aydınlık Daily (Turkey) August 25, 2014
Caliph Ibrahim's Brutal Moment (38 comments) The Washington Times August 5, 2014
How Islamic Are Muslims? (48 comments) National Review Online July 28, 2014
Islam's Inadvertent Patterns (244 comments) Washington Times March 10, 2014
Arguing over "Can Islam Be Reformed?": Letters to the Editor (199 comments) Commentary October 2013
Can Islam Be Reformed?: History and human nature say yes (226 comments) Commentary July/August 2013
The U.S. Government Compiles a Bibliography (29 comments) The Washington Times May 23, 2013
Islam vs. Islamism (article) (179 comments) The Washington Times May 13, 2013
Uncovering Early Islam (588 comments) National Review Online May 16, 2012
Islam's Cartoon Missionaries (42 comments) National Review Online April 17, 2012
Barack Obama through Muslim Eyes (469 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com August 25, 2008
Is Turkey's Government Starting a Muslim Reformation? (428 comments) Jerusalem Post May 22, 2008
Preface (30 comments) Soufi ou mufti? Quel avenir pour l'islam? November 15, 2007
Islamic Economics: What Does It Mean? (260 comments) Jerusalem Post September 26, 2007
Ban Islam? (1111 comments) New York Sun August 29, 2007
In 1796, U.S. Vowed Friendliness With Islam (157 comments) New York Sun November 7, 2006
[Pew Poll on] How Muslims Think (408 comments) New York Sun June 27, 2006
What Jewish Ties to Jerusalem? (111 comments) New York Sun June 20, 2006
Muslim Zionism (127 comments) New York Sun June 6, 2006
The Clash to End All Clashes?: Making sense of the cartoon jihad (256 comments) National Review Online February 7, 2006
Pope Benedict XVI and the Koran (1097 comments) New York Sun January 17, 2006
The Mystical Menace of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (215 comments) New York Sun January 10, 2006
Is Allah God? (2034 comments) New York Sun June 28, 2005
Jihad through History (69 comments) New York Sun May 31, 2005
[The Search for Moderate Islam:] A Reply to Lawrence Auster (104 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com January 28, 2005
Identifying Moderate Muslims (128 comments) New York Sun November 23, 2004
[The Issue of Compulsion in Religion:] Islam is What Its Followers Make of It (374 comments) New York Sun September 28, 2004
[Khobar Rampage:] "Don't Be Afraid, We Won't Kill Muslims" (56 comments) New York Sun June 8, 2004
Female Desire and Islamic Trauma (119 comments) New York Sun May 25, 2004
[The RAND Corporation and] Fixing Islam (52 comments) New York Sun April 6, 2004
Hating Valentine's Day (164 comments) New York Sun February 17, 2004
Study the Koran? (243 comments) New York Sun January 20, 2004
[Finding Moderate Muslims:] Do you believe in modernity? (212 comments) Jerusalem Post November 26, 2003
[Moderate] Voices of Islam (621 comments) New York Post September 23, 2003
[Fixing] Islam's Image Problem (114 comments) New York Post July 29, 2003
Debate: Islam and Democracy (69 comments) PBS "Wide Angle" July 15, 2003
What One Book Should You Read About . . . Islam? Bookmarks July-Aug. 2003
Arguing over "Jihad and the Professors": Letters to the Editor (26 comments) Commentary February 2003
What is Jihad? (1068 comments) New York Post December 31, 2002
PBS, Recruiting for Islam (352 comments) New York Post December 17, 2002
Jihad and the Professors (221 comments) Commentary November 2002
Islam's Future [Can Be Modern] (621 comments) New York Post August 13, 2002
The Evil Isn't Islam (1276 comments) New York Post July 30, 2002
A New Round of Anger and Humiliation: Islam after 9/11 (52 comments) Our Brave New World 2002
God and Mammon: Does Poverty Cause Militant Islam? (25 comments) National Interest Winter 2002
The United States Government: Patron of Islam? (15 comments) Middle East Quarterly January 2002
What's True Islam? Not for the U.S. Government to Say (25 comments) New York Post November 26, 2001
Comment on "Political Islam and the Roots of Violence": In "The Influence of Faith: Religious Groups and U.S. Foreign Policy" Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 2001, pp. 149-51. 2001
The Temple Mount's Indian Counterpart (176 comments) Jerusalem Post January 17, 2001
Military Slaves: A Uniquely Muslim Phenomenon (17 comments) The Arming of Slaves from the Ancient World to the American Civil War November 16-18, 2000
Daniel Pipes Explains 'Islamism' (5 comments) The Minaret September 2000
Who was the Prophet Muhammad? (168 comments) Jerusalem Post May 12, 2000
Islam and Islamism: Faith and Ideology (81 comments) National Interest Spring 2000
[Al-Hudaybiya and] Lessons from the Prophet Muhammad's Diplomacy (17 comments) Middle East Quarterly September 1999
Islam, Islamism, and Western Policy (3 comments) National Post August 7, 1999
You Need Beethoven to Modernize (15 comments) Middle East Quarterly September 1998
[Jerusalem:] Not So Holy City (1 comment) Spectator November 22, 1997
If I Forget Thee: Does Jerusalem Really Matter to Islam? (21 comments) New Republic April 28, 1997
Is Daniel Pipes "A Friend of Muslims"?: Letter to the Editor Journal of Palestine Studies Winter 1996
Rebutting Abdurahman Alamoudi: Letter to the Editor Washington Report on Middle East Affairs Jan./Feb. 1995
Castro's Cuba: Fact or Fiction?: Letter to the Editor (1 comment) Wall Street Journal April 26, 1988
Understanding Islam in Politics The Middle East Reader 1986
Louis Farrakhan Is Not a Muslim (183 comments) Washington Post July 2, 1984
Reply to Ernest Gellner: Letter to the Editor New Republic December 26, 1983
Islam's Medieval Synthesis (1 comment) In the Path of God: Islam and Political Power 1983
Muslim Ambivalence [about Modernization]: Conclusion to Part II In the Path of God: Islam and Political Power 1983
The Jewish-Muslim Connection: Traditional Ways of Life (68 comments) Present Tense Autumn 1981
The Politics of Muslim Anti-Semitism (9 comments) Commentary August 1981
A Directory of Modern Islam Michael Curtis, ed., Religion and Politics in the Middle East 1981
Can Poor Muslim-American Relations be Improved? Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society July 1980
Mawlas: Freed Slaves and Converts in Early Islam Slavery & Abolition 1980
Black Soldiers in Early Muslim Armies (10 comments) International Journal of African Historical Studies 1980

Blog Posts

Publication Date
Churchill, Hitler, and Islam (17 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 24, 2017
Bibliography – My Writings on the Caliphate (3 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 1, 2017
ISIS Is Not Islamic? (70 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 10, 2014
Muslims Turn away from Islamism (27 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 15, 2014
Islam Banned in Angola? (1 comment) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 23, 2013
Prominent Non-Muslims Decide What Islam Is and Is Not (53 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 10, 2013
Islamic Reforms Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 1, 2013
Jews and Muslims Switch Sides (16 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 24, 2012
Islam vs. History (173 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 2, 2012
The "Islamic Fashion Festival" Goes to Milan (34 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 26, 2011
Islam's Key Quartet (13 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 1, 2011
Muslims Insulting Non-Muslims Tourists (16 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 29, 2010
Ah, the Joys of Polygamy (12 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 21, 2010
Attempts to Ban Islam or the Koran Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 11, 2010
Islam and Western Militaries (33 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 12, 2009
Islam in Obama's Cairo Speech (8 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 4, 2009
Obama, "Respect" and Muslims (32 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 26, 2009
Muslims Respond to a President Obama (36 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 6, 2008
Winston Churchill Compares "Mein Kampf" to the Koran (65 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 21, 2008
Will Geert Wilders Show His Film on the Koran[, Fitna]? (215 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 29, 2007
Bush Returns to the "Religion of Peace" Formulation (13 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 4, 2007
A Christian Caught in Mecca; What Fate Awaits Him? (55 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 21, 2007
Pope Benedict XVI Changes His Tone (21 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 16, 2007
Hilton Hotel's "Pilgrimage to Makkah" (19 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 15, 2007
May Zulhaidi Omar Convert to Buddhism? (5 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 6, 2007
Muslims "Lagging Behind" (54 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 29, 2006
The United States Government, Still the Patron of Islam (47 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 6, 2006
More Messianism from Ahmadinejad (14 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 20, 2006
Moshe Sharon Explains Middle Eastern Realities (30 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 15, 2006
Conversions in Israel (184 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 13, 2006
Muslim-Controlled Governments Subsidize Conversions of Kafirs (40 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 28, 2006
Separation of Civilizations (27 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 10, 2006
More on Mahdaviat in Current Politics (3 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 14, 2006
"Honor Killings" of Muslim Males (8 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 5, 2005
"Islam" Does Not Mean "Peace" (192 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 9, 2005
Is Allah God? - Continued (921 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 14, 2005
"Jihad" on Trial (2 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 15, 2005
Islam's Inexorable Changes Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 5, 2005
Palestinian Predicts: United States to Perish in 2007 Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 29, 2005
Are Christians Infidels (Kafirs)? (7 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 21, 2005
Valentine's Day in the Muslim World (21 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 14, 2005
Strange Sex Stories from the Muslim World (339 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 29, 2004
Bibliography – My Writings on Moderate Muslims (22 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 27, 2004
The Banality of Christian-Muslim Violence Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 25, 2004
The U.S. Government Builds Mosques and Madrassahs (18 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 24, 2004
Valentine's Day in Mecca (8 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 18, 2004
Islamists Endorse Muslims Owning Slaves (55 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 7, 2003
Misyar – Temporary Marriage in Sunni Islam (46 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 22, 2003
Arafat and the Treaty of Hudaybiya - The Controversy (1 comment) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 10, 1999


Publication Date
Slavery, Abolition, and Islam: Debating Freedom in the Islamic Tradition
by Haroon Bashir
Middle East Quarterly Spring 2025
Possessed by the Right Hand: The Problem of Slavery in Islamic Law and Muslim Cultures
by Bernard K. Freamon
Middle East Quarterly Spring 2025
A History of the Muslim World: From Its Origins to the Dawn of Modernity
by Michael A. Cook
Middle East Quarterly Fall 2024
Overcoming Orientalism: Essays in Honor of John L. Esposito (7 comments)
by Tamara Sonn and ed.
Middle East Quarterly Fall 2022
Jews and the Qur'an (13 comments)
by Meir M. Bar-Asher. Trans. from French by Ethan Rundell.
Middle East Quarterly Spring 2022
Christian Martyrs under Islam: Religious Violence and the Making of the Muslim World (3 comments)
by Christian C. Sahner
Middle East Quarterly Winter 2022
A Culture of Ambiguity: An Alternative History of Islam (9 comments)
by Thomas Bauer
Middle East Quarterly Winter 2022
Fertility and Faith: The Demographic Revolution and the Transformation of World Religions (2 comments)
by Philip Jenkins
Middle East Quarterly Fall 2021
A Prophet Has Appeared: The Rise of Islam through Christian and Jewish Eyes, A Sourcebook (12 comments)
by Stephen J. Shoemaker
Middle East Quarterly Fall 2021
The Prophet's Heir: The Life of Ali ibn Abi Talib (6 comments)
by Hassan Abbas
Middle East Quarterly Summer 2021
Faces of Muhammad: Western Perceptions of the Prophet of Islam from the Middle Ages to Today (2 comments)
by John V. Tolan
Middle East Quarterly Summer 2021
Muslim Studies
by Ignaz Goldziher
DanielPipes.org April 8, 2009
Shaping the Current Islamic Reformation Middle East Quarterly Winter 2004
The Malady of Islam
by Abdelwahab Meddeb
Middle East Quarterly Winter 2004
Tolerance and Coercion in Islam: Interfaith Relations in the Muslim Tradition
by Yohanan Friedmann
Middle East Quarterly Winter 2004
The Oxford Dictionary of Islam Middle East Quarterly Winter 2004
Religion and State: The Muslim Approach to Politics
by L. Carl Brown
Middle East Quarterly September 2001
Islamic Interpretations of Christianity (2 comments) Middle East Quarterly September 2001
The Muslim Jesus: Sayings and Stories in Islamic Literature (2 comments)
by Tarif Khalidi
Middle East Quarterly September 2001
The Koran: A Very Short Introduction
by Michael Cook
Middle East Quarterly September 2001
Islam: A Short History (2 comments)
by Karen Armstrong
Middle East Quarterly September 2001
Female Genital Mutilation: A Guide to Laws and Policies Worldwide (10 comments) Middle East Quarterly June 2001
The Quest for the Historical Muhammad (2 comments) Middle East Quarterly September 2000
The Jewish Discovery of Islam: Studies in Honor of Bernard Lewis
by Martin Kramer Editor
Commentary March 2000
Alevi Identity: Cultural, Religious and Social Perspectives (11 comments) Middle East Quarterly March 2000
Muslims and Christians Face to Face (3 comments)
by Kate Zebiri
Middle East Quarterly June 1999
Islam: The Arab Imperialism (7 comments)
by Anwar Shaikh
Middle East Quarterly June 1999
Women and the Koran: The Status of Women in Islam (11 comments)
by Anwar Hekmat
Middle East Quarterly June 1998
Islamic Legal Interpretation: Muftis and Their Fatwas (2 comments) Middle East Quarterly June 1997
Islamic Homosexualities: Culture, History, and Literature (1 comment)
by Stephen O. Murray, Will Roscoe, et al
Middle East Quarterly June 1997
Muslim Politics (1 comment)
by Dale F Eickelman and James Piscatori
Choice September 1996
Political Science: An Islamic Perspective (1 comment)
by Abdul Rashid Moten
Choice May 1996
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World
by John L. Esposito editor
Middle East Quarterly September 1995
The Hadj: An American's Pilgrimage to Mecca (3 comments)
by Michael Wolfe
Middle East Quarterly September 1994
The Hajj: The Muslim Pilgrimage to Mecca and the Holy Places (3 comments)
by F. E. Peters
Middle East Quarterly September 1994
The Shi'is of Iraq
by Yitzhak Nakash
Middle East Quarterly September 1994
Law as Metaphor: From Islamic Courts to the Palace of Justice
by June Starr
Choice June 1992
The Islamic Movement of Iraqi Shi'as (1 comment)
by Joyce N. Wiley
Orbis Summer 1992
The Just Ruler (al-sultan al-adil) in Shiite Islam: The Comprehensive Authority of the Jurist in Imamite Jurisprudence
by Abdulaziz Abdulhussein Sachedina
Choice April 1989
Eighteenth-Century Renewal and Reform in Islam Orbis Summer 1988
The Vanished Imam (1 comment)
by Fouad Ajami
Wall Street Journal May 7, 1986
Slaves on Horses: The Evolution of the Islamic Polity (2 comments)
by Patricia Crone
Journal of Near Eastern Studies, April 1986
Der Islam in der Gegenwart: [Islam in the Present] Middle Eastern Studies April 1985
Islam: Continuity and Change in the Modern World
by John Obert Voll
Middle East Journal Autumn 1983


Venue Date
"My Critics Compare Me to Shakespeare" Sociology of Islam April 2024
We Now Talk More Openly About Islam (5 comments) Centre for Independent Studies November 11, 2019
The Rise of Western Civilizationism Secure Freedom Radio June 6, 2018
"The Longest and Most Vicious Confrontation": An Interview (5 comments) L'Informale (Italy) August 30, 2016
Islam and Islamism (4 comments) Free Thinking Film Society, Toronto May 22, 2013
Islam vs. Islamism (lecture) (4 comments) Free Thinking Film Society, Ottawa May 13, 2013
Islam and Islamism in the Modern World: An interview with Daniel Pipes (35 comments) The American Spectator February 2013
Discussion of Islam 4BC Drive with Gary Hardgrave (Brisbane) August 19, 2011
The Travails of Modern Islam (17 comments) Future Directions International, Perth August 20, 2010
Interview with the Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry (18 comments) Israel My Glory Magazine July/August 2010
Free Speech and the Danish Cartoons: A Panel Discussion Ayn Rand Institute April 11, 2006
A Muslim reformation? (34 comments) Global Television (Canada): Global Sunday September 28, 2003
The Future of Islam Christian Coalition of America February 15, 2003
Islam: Religion of Peace? (5 comments) Conservative Political Action Conference February 1, 2003
Debating PBS's "Muhammad" Documentary (65 comments) MSNBC 'Countdown: Iraq' with Lester Holt December 18, 2002
Daniel Pipes in conversation ABC Radio (Australia): The Religion Report September 18, 2002
Rethinking Islam The Connection (NPR) September 10, 2002
How Central Is Muslim Anti-Semitism? (60 comments) Fox News: "On the Record with Greta Van Susteren" June 24, 2002
American Policy toward Islam Georgetown University, Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding September 23, 1999
Distinguishing between Islam and Islamism (292 comments) Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) June 30, 1998

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