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Writings by Topic: Arab-Israel conflict & diplomacy

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629 items listed.


Publication Date
A Decent Gaza Is Possible: But first, the Palestinians must lose Washington Times June 19, 2024
My Six-Step Plan for a Two-State Solution Boston Globe April 4, 2024
Building a Decent Gaza Middle East Quarterly Spring 2024
Netanyahu's Bold, Realistic Plan for "the Day After Hamas" Wall Street Journal March 3, 2024
The Rapid Return of Israel's Disastrous Policy Middle East Quarterly Winter 2024
Israel Has Quickly Reverted to Its Bad Old Policies Washington Times November 17, 2023
Hamas vs. Gazans Washington Times November 8, 2023
Poll: Has Israel Really Changed? Washington Times October 25, 2023
Islamism vs. The West: 35 Years of Geopolitical Struggle New York: Wicked Son October 23, 2023
A Decent Outcome Is Possible in Gaza Wall Street Journal October 17, 2023
Israel's Opportunity to Destroy Hamas: The security establishment has feared engagement in Gaza more than the terror group's rule. Saturday's attack may change that. Wall Street Journal October 7, 2023
Disarming Hamas Is an Illusion Middle East Quarterly Fall 2023
Israel's Partial Victory: The Arab States Tiptoed Away (54 comments) Commentary December 2022
Israel Is the Least-Stolen Land: Letter to the Editor (31 comments) Wall Street Journal June 19, 2022
Israeli Victory, Palestinian Prosperity: Letter to the Editor (54 comments) Wall Street Journal July 21, 2021
Poll: Israelis Want Victory, Preferably without Paying the Price (29 comments) Israel Hayom June 8, 2021
Who Won, Israel or Hamas? (24 comments) Jerusalem Post June 7, 2021
Give War a Chance: Arab Leaders Finesse Military Defeat (26 comments) Middle East Quarterly Summer 2021
Can the Koran Solve Israel's Political Impasse? (32 comments) Israel Hayom April 22, 2021
Israel and the Temple Mount's Five Muslim Rivals (40 comments) Israel Hayom February 7, 2021
Are Israeli Arabs Finally Moderating? (8 comments) Washington Times December 23, 2020
The IDF Opts for Victory (8 comments) Jerusalem Post November 25, 2020
Is Israel Victory Still Needed?: Yes, it offers the only path to end Palestinian rejectionism (24 comments) Jerusalem Post October 7, 2020
Convincing Anti-Zionists that the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict Is Over (28 comments) Washington Times September 7, 2020
Feeling Optimistic about Israel and the Emirates (18 comments) National Interest August 14, 2020
Explaining Israel's Timid Security Establishment (22 comments) Israel Hayom June 27, 2020
Annexing the West Bank Would Hurt Israel (46 comments) New York Times May 7, 2020
Tel Aviv's Mayor vs. the Middle East Forum (11 comments) Israel Hayom February 22, 2020
Israeli Arabs Say No to Palestine (23 comments) Jerusalem Post February 4, 2020
Reservations about the Trump Peace Plan (35 comments) Washington Times January 29, 2020
Will Arab Anti-Zionism Revive?: The Tunisian Case (10 comments) Jerusalem Post January 6, 2020
Should Israel Invade Gaza? (19 comments) Washington Times September 23, 2019
Poll: Israelis Find the Security Establishment "Too Timid" (11 comments) Jerusalem Post July 23, 2019
Anticipating Trump's "Deal of the Century" (33 comments) Washington Times April 9, 2019
Trump's Mideast 'Deal of the Century' May Be a Raw One for Israel: His plan is a closely held secret, but the signals look worrying for supporters of the Jewish state. (12 comments) Wall Street Journal January 24, 2019
Tectonic Shifts in Attitudes toward Israel (81 comments) Washington Times December 27, 2018
Pushing for an Israeli Victory Is the Only Way to End the Conflict with the Palestinians (34 comments) Ha'aretz December 2, 2018
Why Israelis Shy from Victory (72 comments) Middle East Quarterly Fall 2018
Poll: Israel Victory Gains Strength (123 comments) Israel Hayom July 3, 2018
Israel Has Nothing to Fear from Trump's Plan? (31 comments) Israel Hayom May 27, 2018
Why Palestinians Need an Israel Victory (82 comments) Australian March 24, 2018
The US-Israel Honeymoon May Not Last (36 comments) Washington Times February 6, 2018
Why Palestinian Delusions Persist (42 comments) Israel Hayom November 13, 2017
Poll: Palestinian Rejectionism is Weakening (11 comments) Israel Hayom August 7, 2017
A Palestinian Victory at the Temple Mount (25 comments) Wall Street Journal July 26, 2017
Poll: Israelis Want Victory (21 comments) Jerusalem Post July 12, 2017
End the False Israeli-Palestinian Parity (15 comments) Israel Hayom July 5, 2017
What If: Fifty Years After the Six-Day War (15 comments) Washington Times June 5, 2017
Palestinian Statehood Is Acceptable ... Eventually (29 comments) Israel National News May 21, 2017
Achieving Israel Victory with Martin Sherman (28 comments) Israel National News May 14, 2017
Breaking the Palestinians' Will to Fight (27 comments) Mosaic April 10, 2017
Jordan at the Precipice (22 comments) Washington Times March 8, 2017
Arguing over "The Way to Peace: Israeli Victory, Palestinian Defeat": Letters to the Editor (5 comments) Commentary March 2017
The Three-Way Option: Arab States, Israel, Palestinians (34 comments) Israel Hayom January 25, 2017
The Way to Peace: Israeli Victory, Palestinian Defeat (99 comments) Commentary January 2017
This Is the Moment for an Israeli Victory (26 comments) National Review Online December 31, 2016
A Palestinian Defeat is Good for All (6 comments) JNS.org December 28, 2016
The Left vs. Israel (15 comments) Washington Times May 30, 2016
A Quiet Clash at the Swedish Foreign Ministry (32 comments) The Washington Times November 13, 2014
Lessons of the War in Gaza (59 comments) National Review Online August 9, 2014
Why Does Hamas Want War? (56 comments) National Review Online July 11, 2014
Jews Living in Palestine? (41 comments) Israel Hayom February 6, 2014
Obama Turns on Israel (62 comments) National Review Online November 8, 2013
Is Netanyahu Turning Left? (29 comments) The Washington Times July 5, 2013
Obama to Palestinians: Accept the Jewish State (56 comments) The Washington Times March 26, 2013
Obama's Anti-Zionism (48 comments) The Washington Times January 22, 2013
Gaza's Not the Key, Philadelphi Is (101 comments) National Review Online November 27, 2012
Foreword: Understanding Female Suicide Bombers (2 comments) The Smarter Bomb, Women and Children as Suicide Bombers October 2012
Israel at Peace (30 comments) The Dorchester Review Spring/Summer 2012
"Eventually, All Humans Will Be Palestine Refugees" (40 comments) The Washington Times February 21, 2012
Ending the Palestinian "Right of Return" (57 comments) National Review Online January 17, 2012
Not Stealing Palestine but Purchasing Israel (141 comments) National Review Online June 21, 2011
What Is Israel's Next Move In The New Middle East? (90 comments) Moment Magazine May/June 2011
Turkey in Cyprus vs. Israel in Gaza (412 comments) The Washington Times July 20, 2010
Trust the Palestinian Authority? (35 comments) National Review Online July 6, 2010
Obama, Israel & American Jews: The Challenge (20 comments) Commentary June 2010
Accepting Israel as the Jewish State[: Public Opinion in Four Arab Countries] (113 comments) National Review Online May 11, 2010
My Peace Plan: An Israeli Victory (147 comments) National Post April 29, 2010
The Solace of Poor U.S.-Israel Relations (41 comments) National Review Online April 13, 2010
When Israel Stood Up to Washington [in 1981] (63 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com April 6, 2010
Netanyahu's Quiet Success (59 comments) Jerusalem Post September 30, 2009
One Cheer for Obama's Arab-Israeli Policy (84 comments) Jerusalem Post September 16, 2009
Peace Process or War Process? (47 comments) Middle East Quarterly Fall 2009
Obama and Israel, Into the Abyss (80 comments) Philadelphia Bulletin July 21, 2009
A Rapid and Harsh Turn against Israel (170 comments) Jerusalem Post June 4, 2009
Obama and Netanyahu Meet: What's Next? (69 comments) Jerusalem Post May 18, 2009
Palestinians Who Helped Create Israel (52 comments) Jerusalem Post March 26, 2009
That Surreal Gaza Reconstruction Conference (86 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com March 3, 2009
Explaining Israel's Strategic Mistakes (47 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com January 28, 2009
Israel's Strategic Incompetence in Gaza (162 comments) Jerusalem Post January 11, 2009
Solving the "Palestinian Problem" [with the No-State Solution] (166 comments) Jerusalem Post January 7, 2009
PLO Acknowledges: Still at War with Israel (62 comments) Hudson Institute October 28, 2008
Must Counterinsurgency Wars Fail? (87 comments) Washington Times September 14, 2008
Samir Kuntar and the Last Laugh (91 comments) Jerusalem Post July 21, 2008
Israel's Predicament at 60: World's worst neighbourhood (449 comments) National Post May 6, 2008
How to Turn Gaza Over to Egypt (109 comments) Jerusalem Post February 7, 2008
Give Gaza to Egypt (127 comments) Jerusalem Post January 30, 2008
Bush Promotes a Palestinian "Right of Return" (105 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com January 14, 2008
Palestinians Who Prefer Israel (92 comments) Jerusalem Post January 2, 2008
The Palestinian Economy in Shambles: Good (34 comments) Jerusalem Post December 27, 2007
Accept Israel as the Jewish State? (96 comments) Jerusalem Post November 29, 2007
Washington Protects the Terror Masters [in Courtrooms] (52 comments) Jerusalem Post November 15, 2007
Annapolis [Conference] Blues (69 comments) Jerusalem Post October 24, 2007
Arab-Israeli Fatalities Rank 49th (79 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com October 8, 2007
MidEast Countries Threatened with Extinction (124 comments) New York Sun August 7, 2007
Two Palestines, Anyone? (100 comments) New York Sun June 19, 2007
Israeli Jets vs. Iranian Nukes (188 comments) New York Sun June 12, 2007
The Soviets' Six-Day War (57 comments) New York Sun May 29, 2007
Where the Nazi "Big Lie" Endures (109 comments) New York Sun May 1, 2007
Israel's Domestic Enemy (115 comments) New York Sun December 19, 2006
Rethinking the Egypt-Israel "Peace" Treaty (130 comments) New York Sun November 21, 2006
Strange Logic in the Lebanon War (139 comments) New York Sun August 15, 2006
Hold Damascus Responsible [for Hezbollah Violence in Southern Lebanon] (191 comments) New York Sun August 1, 2006
Israel Has a War to Win (542 comments) Los Angeles Times July 20, 2006
Israel's Unnecessary War in Lebanon (288 comments) New York Sun July 18, 2006
"[Symposium] On the Strip: Where To Go from Gaza?" (123 comments) National Review Online June 29, 2006
Mr. Olmert Visits Washington (73 comments) New York Sun May 16, 2006
How Israel Can Win (219 comments) New York Sun April 4, 2006
Israel Shuns Victory (166 comments) New York Sun March 28, 2006
[The Hamas Victory and] Prospects for Peace (66 comments) Time Magazine February 6, 2006
Why Hamas['s Electoral Victory] Leaves Me Neutral (47 comments) New York Sun January 31, 2006
[Kofi Annan and] Eliminating Israel Politely (92 comments) New York Sun December 13, 2005
[Israel's Gaza Withdrawal:] A Democracy Killing Itself: Sharon deaf to his own words; Withdrawal 'is a recipe for war' (146 comments) USA Today August 15, 2005
"Today Gaza, Tomorrow Jerusalem" (138 comments) New York Sun August 9, 2005
Business as Usual in the Palestinian Authority [after Arafat's Death] (18 comments) New York Sun May 17, 2005
Pro-Israel Palestinians (22 comments) New York Sun May 10, 2005
The Forcible Removal of Israelis from Gaza (60 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com April 11, 2005
Ariel Sharon's Folly (113 comments) New York Sun April 5, 2005
"The Hell of Israel Is Better than the Paradise of Arafat" (22 comments) Middle East Quarterly Spring 2005
Which Way Will Abbas Go? (53 comments) New York Sun January 11, 2005
Palestinian Word Games (84 comments) New York Sun January 4, 2005
Palestinians Don't Deserve Additional Aid (55 comments) New York Sun December 21, 2004
Arafat's Bedroom Farce (64 comments) New York Sun November 10, 2004
Arafat's Last Threat to Israel? (33 comments) New York Sun November 9, 2004
[Dennis Ross on] Strange Twists in Syrian-Israeli Diplomacy (2 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com August 6, 2004
There Is No "Daniel Pipes Plan" for the Israeli Withdrawal from Gaza: Daniel Pipes Responds IsraelNationalNews July 11, 2004
Israel's Wayward Prime Ministers (43 comments) New York Sun June 29, 2004
Anti-Israel Terror Backfires (36 comments) New York Sun April 20, 2004
Sharon Loses His Way On Israeli 'Settlements' (21 comments) New York Sun February 10, 2004
Hezbollah's Victory, Israel's Decline (69 comments) New York Sun February 3, 2004
Reading Sharon's Mind (49 comments) New York Sun December 23, 2003
Why Oslo's Hopes Turned to Dust (99 comments) New York Post September 9, 2003
[UNRWA:] The Refugee Curse (70 comments) New York Post August 19, 2003
"A Shot at Peace": Can the U.S. Enforce the "Road Map"? (45 comments) New York Post July 8, 2003
U.S. to Israel: Do As We Say ... (63 comments) New York Post July 1, 2003
Throwing out the [Arab-Israeli] Rulebook (40 comments) New York Post June 17, 2003
[The Road Map:] Learning from Oslo (80 comments) New York Post June 10, 2003
Arguing over "Does Israel Need a Plan?": Letters to the Editor (15 comments) Commentary May 2003
Bush on Israel: Heartburn for All (60 comments) New York Post March 4, 2003
Polls, Palestinians and the Path to Peace (77 comments) New York Post February 18, 2003
Does Israel Need a [Peace] Plan? (67 comments) Commentary February 2003
To End the [Palestinian] Violence (46 comments) New York Post January 7, 2003
Nightmare on Temple Mount (47 comments) New York Post September 4, 2002
Israel is Winning (65 comments) New York Post August 6, 2002
Bush is rewarding [Palestinian] terrorism (59 comments) National Post June 25, 2002
[Michael Oren's] "Six Days of War" (44 comments) New York Post June 4, 2002
[Is Israel] Winning by retreating? (25 comments) New York Post May 22, 2002
Hope for the Middle East [as Palestinians Face Defeat] (34 comments) Slate May 21, 2002
Arafat's Failure May Offer Seeds of Hope (26 comments) Los Angeles Times May 6, 2002
Lost Diplomats Just Step on the Gas (23 comments) New York Post May 6, 2002
[An Israeli] Withdrawal Won't Work (9 comments) Wall Street Journal April 15, 2002
Missing: Realistic Take on Arafat [by George W. Bush] (1 comment) Los Angeles Times April 5, 2002
The Only Solution [for Israel] is Military - II (3 comments) New York Post April 2, 2002
[U.S. Government Statements on the Arab-Israeli Conflict:] Confusing the Matter (1 comment) New Republic Online April 1, 2002
[The Abdullah Plan:] It's About Nothing New Republic Online March 27, 2002
[Camp David II &] Shoot-the-Moon Diplomacy New York Post March 4, 2002
The Only Solution [for Israel] is Military - I (1 comment) New York Post February 25, 2002
Arabs Still Want to Destroy Israel (66 comments) Wall Street Journal January 18, 2002
Israel May Be Winning New York Post December 17, 2001
Arafat's Suicide Factory (5 comments) New York Post December 9, 2001
Arabs Have Never Accepted Israel (1 comment) Wall Street Journal Europe December 3, 2001
The Muslim Claim to Jerusalem (295 comments) Middle East Quarterly September 2001
First, Accept Israel Los Angeles Times August 31, 2001
[Building a Wall and Israel's] Quick-Fix Mentality (1 comment) Jerusalem Post August 29, 2001
Double Delusion [by Israelis and Arabs] Jerusalem Post August 22, 2001
[Suicide Bombers:] A Father's Pride and Glory (6 comments) Jerusalem Post August 15, 2001
Preventing War: Israel's Options Jerusalem Post July 18, 2001
Mitchell Report Missed It (3 comments) Washington Times May 30, 2001
[One Year Later:] Israel's Lebanon Lesson Jerusalem Post May 23, 2001
The [Israeli] Left's Ongoing Oslo Delusion Jerusalem Post April 25, 2001
The [Beneficial] Sharon Effect Jerusalem Post March 28, 2001
Lift the "Siege" [on the Palestinian Authority]? Jerusalem Post March 14, 2001
Arguing over "Intifada II": Letters to the Editor Commentary March 2001
Land for What?: How the peace process brought Israel to the brink of war American Spectator March 2001
Is Sharon dangerous? [No] (1 comment) Jerusalem Post January 31, 2001
The Oslo Process: An Israeli Choice [and Not an American One] Jerusalem Post January 3, 2001
The Winds of War Jerusalem Post December 20, 2000
Be My Guest, Israel's Elections Won't Make Much of a Difference Los Angeles Times December 11, 2000
US must buck up Israel Jerusalem Post December 6, 2000
Intifada II: What the U.S. Should Do [Buck Israel Up] Commentary December 2000
No Longer a Weakling: [Steps Israel Must Take to Shed That Image] Jerusalem Post November 22, 2000
There Is an Alternative [to Israel Making Concessions: It's Called Deterrence] Jerusalem Post November 8, 2000
Oslo's Nine Lives Jerusalem Post October 25, 2000
Stop Pressing Israel to Make Concessions (1 comment) Los Angeles Times October 17, 2000
Palestinian euphoria, Israeli myopia Jerusalem Post October 11, 2000
The Season of Using Force in the Mideast Has Arrived[ for Palestinians and Israelis] Los Angeles Times October 6, 2000
Is Ehud Barak a right-winger? (1 comment) Jerusalem Post September 27, 2000
The Year the Arabs Discovered Palestine [Short version] (30 comments) Jerusalem Post September 13, 2000
Are the Palestinians Acting Like Zionists? Jerusalem Post September 6, 2000
[Camp David II and] A Perverse Dynamic at Work Jerusalem Post August 2, 2000
[Washington Should Be] Learning from Failure: What Will Arabs Sacrifice For Peace? (1 comment) New York Post July 26, 2000
Jerusalem Means More to Jews Than to Muslims (22 comments) Los Angeles Times July 21, 2000
They had a name for it[: Appeasement] (3 comments) Jerusalem Post July 5, 2000
Getting Syria wrong Jerusalem Post June 21, 2000
[Assad's Death Offers] A Chance for Peace Washington Post June 11, 2000
[Israel's Withdrawal from Lebanon:] A Pivotal Moment (2 comments) Jerusalem Post June 7, 2000
Interview with Conor Cruise O'Brien: The State of the Zionist State Middle East Quarterly June 2000
[The Boim Trial:] A New Way to Fight Terrorism Jerusalem Post May 24, 2000
Why Hafiz al-Asad Does Not Want a Treaty with Israel Washington Institute for Near Eastern Policy May 19, 2000
Don't leave the SLA dangling in the wind Jerusalem Post April 25, 2000
A lesson courtesy of the Turks (1 comment) Jerusalem Post April 12, 2000
Israel Magically Turns Its Defeat in Lebanon into Victory Jerusalem Post March 31, 2000
True Syrian intentions (1 comment) Jerusalem Post March 17, 2000
Israel's [Fatigue and Its] Moment of Truth (6 comments) Commentary February 2000
Is a Syria-Israel Treaty Good for the United States? Middle East Forum Wire January 28, 2000
Tax dollars to Syria? Washington Times January 26, 2000
A Copernican View [of Syria] Jerusalem Post January 25, 2000
No Time to Cajole [Syria] Jerusalem Post December 21, 1999
Skepticism on Syria-Israel Talks Christian Science Monitor December 16, 1999
"The Lamentations in Zionist Society Can No Longer Be Ignored" Azure Winter 5759/1999
The Word of Hafez al-Assad Commentary October 1999
A Good Career Move: Antonius, Arafat, Said Become Palestinian (2 comments) Jerusalem Post September 7, 1999
[Al-Hudaybiya and] Lessons from the Prophet Muhammad's Diplomacy (17 comments) Middle East Quarterly September 1999
Assad Isn't Interested (1 comment) Jerusalem Post August 29, 1999
The Road to Damascus: What Netanyahu Almost Gave Away [to Asad in 1998] (2 comments) New Republic July 5, 1999
Whom To Root for in Israel[, Netanyahu or Barak]? IntellectualCapital.com May 13, 1999
Lebanon Turns into Israel's Vietnam Wall Street Journal March 10, 1999
Interview with Martin Indyk: "I Must Be Optimistic about Arab-Israeli Relations" Middle East Quarterly March 1999
A Unilateral [Palestinian] Declaration of Statehood will be Costly: Pondering Palestinian Statehood (3 comments) Harvard Mosaic Winter 1999
Why Israelis Ignore Palestinian Infractions Forward December 25, 1998
Arab Rejectionism: For the Record Washington Post March 13, 1998
Interview with Osama El-Baz: "Expect Arab-Israeli Peace in Two Years" Middle East Quarterly December 1997
On Arab Rejectionism Commentary December 1997
Polls: American Jewish Critically Realistic about Israel Forward October 17, 1997
Solutions Remain Elusive in the Middle East [for U.S. Secretaries of State] Wall Street Journal Europe September 9, 1997
Egypt's Problem with Ranan Lurie (1 comment) Middle East Quarterly September 1997
If I Forget Thee: Does Jerusalem Really Matter to Islam? (21 comments) New Republic April 28, 1997
Arafat and Netanyahu: A Study in Style and Substance Philadelphia Inquirer August 15, 1996
Interview with Dennis Ross: Living the Peace Process Middle East Quarterly June 1996
Syria's Battle on All Fronts New York Times April 23, 1996
A Second Intifada: Letter to the Editor Forward February 16, 1996
Just Kidding: Syria's Peace Bluff New Republic January 8 & 15, 1996
25 Years of Assad's Syria: Ready for Peace?" The Washington Institute for Near Eastern Policy October 23, 1995
Two-Faced Yasir Weekly Standard September 25, 1995
Poll: The Arabs' Wall of Rejection Has Collapsed Wall Street Journal June 8, 1995
Syria's people may not want peace Jewish Exponent November 25, 1994
Clinton in Syria: He sends Assad the wrong signal Boston Globe October 30, 1994
Press Hafez al-Assad To Go the American Route (1 comment) Wall Street Journal October 27, 1994
Mirror Image: How the PLO Mimics Zionism (4 comments) National Interest Fall 1994
Assad: As Good as His Word? Jerusalem Post September 3, 1994
The Vision of Shimon Peres Middle East Forum Wire May 23, 1994
The PLO'a Liars and Murderers Have Not Changed Forward May 6, 1994
The End of the Reign of Optimism in the Middle East Washington Times March 16, 1994
Interview with Martin Indyk: Perspective from the White House Middle East Quarterly March 1994
Imperial Israel: The Nile-to-Euphrates Calumny (28 comments) Middle East Quarterly March 1994
Palestinians Who Praise Israel (2 comments) Forward February 11, 1994
Trust Assad? Not Yet New York Times January 18, 1994
Assad Opposes the Oslo Accords Forward December 24, 1993
Implications of the Rabin-Arafat Accord (1 comment) Forward September 24, 1993
[Oslo Accords:] Arafat Said Yes, But Most Palestinian Leaders Say No (2 comments) Wall Street Journal Europe September 22, 1993
Both Sides of Their Mouths: Arab Leaders' Private vs. Public Statements Jerusalem Post August 4, 1993
Whatever Has Become of Arafat's PLO? Washington Times June 6, 1993
Palestinians Sometimes Praise the Jewish State Jewish Times May 6, 1993
Syria: A Partner for Peace?: Has Assad had a change of heart or merely a chance of tactics? Washington Jewish Weekly October 20, 1991
Syria is the Key ABC (Madrid) September 30, 1991
Is Damascus Ready for Peace? Foreign Affairs Fall 1991
Why Syria's Offer Is Serious Wall Street Journal July 26, 1991
Lebanon's Damning Lesson on Linkage Wall Street Journal March 8, 1991
Israel, America, and Arab Delusions (8 comments) Commentary March 1991
Demolishing 6 Middle East Myths (1 comment) Philadelphia Inquirer November 28, 1990
President Arafat? [and the Jordan-Is-Palestine Issue] (6 comments) National Interest Fall 1990
Should Israel Annex the West Bank?: Letter to the Editor Commentary August 1990
Another Flawed Palestinian-Israeli "Peace" Plan: This one from an Israeli general National Review June 25, 1990
Don't Despair - Middle East Peace Is Still Possible: An Outside-In Approach to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict (3 comments) Wall Street Journal June 15, 1990
The Problem with MidEast "Peace Processing" Middle East Insight May/June 1990
Syria is the Key to Mideast peace Philadelphia Inquirer May 1, 1990
Can the Palestinians Make Peace? (3 comments) Commentary April 1990
Debate over the West Bank and American Interests: Letters to the Editor Commentary March 1990
Is the West Bank a Vital American Interest? Commentary November 1989
Syria or the Palestinians? Congress Monthly May/June 1989
Declaring Statehood: Israel and the PLO (11 comments) Orbis 1989
Dim Prospects for Palestinian State (1 comment) Indianapolis Star December 26, 1988
Is Jordan Palestine? (66 comments) Commentary October 1988
Now, the P.L.O. Must Put Up or Shut Up New York Times August 3, 1988
Imagine a Palestinian State: A Nightmare for the Arabs and for Israel (2 comments) New York Times April 25, 1988
Why Arab States Retreated from Battling Israel Foreign Policy Research Institute April 8, 1988
The Unacknowledged [Jordan-Israel] Partnership National Interest Winter 1987/88
The Mideast's New No. 1 Problem New York Times November 29, 1987
Arab vs. Arab over Palestine (1 comment) Commentary July 1987
Two Bus Lines to Bethlehem (5 comments) National Interest Winter 1986/7
Palestine for the Syrians? (8 comments) Commentary December 1986
Isolate Syria New York Times October 29, 1986
The Scourge of Suicide Terrorism (12 comments) National Interest Summer 1986
Mrs. Peters' Palestine: Letter to the Editor New York Review of Books March 27, 1986
Anatomy of Success: U.S. Diplomacy in the Arab-Israeli Conflict Middle East Insight Sep./Oct. 1983
How Important Is the PLO? (3 comments) Commentary April 1983
Understanding the Palestinian Issue (3 comments) International Insight Nov./Dec. 1982
Why Won't the Arabs Help the Palestinians? (1 comment) Wall Street Journal August 20, 1982
Where are the Arab ‘brothers' now? (1 comment) Chicago Tribune August 8, 1982
Qaddafi vs. Israel: A History of Futility The New Leader August 25, 1980
Philippine Lessons for Israel Jerusalem Post August 7, 1980
Camp David: Farseeing Diplomacy or Neocolonialism?: The key to lasting peace Christian Science Monitor April 25, 1979
Egyptian Attitudes Toward Peace [with Israel] Genesis 2 February 1974
The Arab Refugees (1 comment) [Harvard] Progressive Students for Israel December 1970

Blog Posts

Publication Date
More on Israel's Rapid Return to Disastrous Policy Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 1, 2023
Comments on a Decent Gaza Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 17, 2023
Discussion of the Voluntary Emigration of Gazans Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 14, 2023
Post-Oct. 7 Calls for Israel Victory Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 7, 2023
Post-Oct. 7 Statements in Favor of Destroying Hamas Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 7, 2023
What Would Ben-Gurion Do? (12 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 28, 2020
Making Sense of Palestinian Logic (13 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 4, 2019
Going Out on a Trump-Plan Limb (3 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 26, 2019
If Trump Wants to Divide Jerusalem into Three (14 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 24, 2018
Enjoy the Jerusalem Embassy – But Don't Get Giddy (33 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 15, 2018
"Arabs and Muslims Will Never Accept Israel as the Jewish State" (25 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 2, 2018
The Six-Day War: Personal Recollections (6 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 5, 2017
Hints of Trump's Forthcoming Palestinian-Israeli Plan (23 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 25, 2017
Bibliography – My Writings on Israel Victory (2 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 26, 2017
Obama, Kerry and Netanyahu Go Visceral (29 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 30, 2016
Are Millions Worldwide Protesting Israeli Actions? (22 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 19, 2014
Surprising Support for Israel, not Hamas (39 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 11, 2014
Pretending Tel Aviv Is the Capital of Israel (38 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 3, 2014
"Kerry Is Just Not in Touch with Reality" (35 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 9, 2014
Israel's Stunning Response to Palestinian Aggression (20 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 23, 2013
No News Twenty Years after the Oslo Agreement (12 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 13, 2013
Thoughts on the Release of 104 Palestinian Murderers (25 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 27, 2013
Netanyahu Turning Left? More Opinions (4 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 9, 2013
No Disagreement between Hamas and Fatah (11 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 15, 2013
Reflections on Current Hamas-Israel Hostilities (83 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 15, 2012
Bibliography – My Writings on Israeli Arabs Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 29, 2012
Bibliography – My Writings on Secret Syrian-Israeli Diplomacy Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 14, 2012
Netanyahu Again Offers the Golan Heights to Syria? (16 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 14, 2012
Anarchy Surrounds Israel (21 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 18, 2012
Gilad Shalit and Doing Business with Terrorists (94 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 18, 2011
Declaring a Palestinian State, Yet Again (20 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 3, 2011
UNRWA, Favored by Israel Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 6, 2011
Israel: Part Itself from the Palestinians? (6 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 21, 2011
Extras about Zionists Purchasing Israel, Not Stealing Palestine (27 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 21, 2011
Obama vs Netanyahu, Round Three (65 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 24, 2011
Obama's Failed Middle East Speech (73 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 19, 2011
A Turning Point in the Arab-Israeli Conflict? (58 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 15, 2011
"Free Gaza" Flotilla Defeats the Israel Defense Forces (103 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 31, 2010
William Quandt's Embarrassing Memo (8 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 24, 2010
European Union to Cut Aid for the Palestinian Authority? (9 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 24, 2010
Thoughts on the Start of Israeli-Palestinian "Proximity Talks" (23 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 10, 2010
The Unique Assault on Israel (14 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 29, 2010
Why Do Israelis Permit Hezbollah to Acquire Scuds? (22 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 28, 2010
Anti-Israel ≠ Pro-Palestinian Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 8, 2010
Keeping Track of the U.S.-Sponsored Palestinian Militia (4 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 19, 2010
Palestinians in Blockbuster Movies (2 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 12, 2010
American Taxpayer Money Spent on Eradicating Hebrew-Language Street Signs (46 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 27, 2009
Moshe Ya'alon's "Harsh" and "Heartless" Comment about the Palestinians (33 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 8, 2009
Updates on the Jordan-Is-Palestine Thesis (9 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 6, 2009
Palestinians Blame Arab Leaders for the "Nakba" (19 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 23, 2009
Salam Fayyad Says Yes to Jews Living in a Palestinian State? (55 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 5, 2009
Quneitra, Why in Ruins? (9 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 27, 2009
Assessing Binyamin Netanyahu's Speech at Bar-Ilan University (45 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 14, 2009
"The Jews Are Going, the Arabs Are Coming" (29 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 17, 2009
Iran's Representative in the Knesset - Haneen Zuabi (44 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 31, 2009
Jerusalem Falls to British, "Great Rejoicing in the Christian World" (32 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 30, 2009
Assessing the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty, Thirty Years Later (10 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 26, 2009
Was the Gaza Reconstruction Conference a Fraud? (17 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 6, 2009
"Transfer" the Palestinians? Reasons Against (32 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 25, 2009
Israel's "Hannibal Protocol" to Prevent Soldier Kidnappings (3 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 26, 2009
Give Up on the Two-State Solution? Other Ideas (19 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 26, 2009
Other Critics of Israeli Strategy in Gaza (19 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 11, 2009
Europe's Growing Pro-Israel Sentiments (13 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 8, 2009
Have Israelis Finally Learned the Strategic Value of Territory? (40 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 31, 2008
Israel's War on Hamas: A Dozen Thoughts (66 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 30, 2008
Blaming Israel Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 5, 2008
"Allahu Akbar" Means What, Exactly? (4 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 3, 2008
A Final Reply to Yoram Schweitzer (17 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 3, 2008
Samir Kuntar, A Free Man Again, But for How Long? (4 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 22, 2008
If Not [Arab-Israeli] Peace Now, What? (24 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 1, 2008
Arguing against "Linkage," or Israel as MidEast Key (1 comment) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 12, 2008
Zakariya Zubeidi's Crushed Will To Fight (1 comment) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 4, 2008
Yossi Klein Halevi: Israel's Withdrawal from Gaza a "Disaster" (11 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 2, 2008
Gaza to Egypt – Voices of Support (5 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 27, 2008
Bibliography – My Writings on Arabs Appreciating Israel (9 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 2, 2008
U.S.-Israel Tensions, Post-Annapolis Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 23, 2007
Recidivist Palestinian Terrorists (2 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 4, 2007
What's Wrong With the Annapolis Conference (20 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 27, 2007
Mr. Palestine? (47 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 26, 2007
The Unthinkable Consequences of an Iran-Israel Nuclear Exchange (122 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 21, 2007
Arab State Envoys Insult PLO Observer at the United Nations (2 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 18, 2007
The American University in Cairo v. Israel (10 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 11, 2007
The day after Annapolis (8 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 7, 2007
Rice Pudding (2 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 26, 2007
Bibliography – My Writings on George W. Bush and the Arab-Israeli Conflict (4 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 17, 2007
Will Annapolis Renew the "Peace Process"? (23 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 10, 2007
Has Israeli Deterrence Been Restored? (19 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 20, 2007
Cut Gaza's power? (42 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 6, 2007
Surfboards to Reduce Arab-Israeli Tensions? (23 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 21, 2007
More on the "Nile-to-Euphrates" Calumny (3 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 12, 2007
Israel and Syria going to war? (39 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 7, 2007
Jewish and Arab Demographics in Jerusalem (33 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 9, 2007
Israeli Arabs: An Existential Danger to Israel (20 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 13, 2007
Is the road map still relevant? (23 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 17, 2007
Admitting Israel's Unilateral Withdrawals from Lebanon and Gaza Were Mistakes (23 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 9, 2007
What Went Wrong with James A. Baker, III? (66 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 5, 2006
Gaza cease-fire (33 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 28, 2006
The Egypt-Israel "Peace" Treaty: Updates (1 comment) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 21, 2006
Hizbullah Rearms in South Lebanon (9 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 12, 2006
"Six Arab States Join Rush To Go Nuclear" (2 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 4, 2006
Should Israel invade Gaza? (9 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 25, 2006
Should Israel support Abbas against Hamas? (1 comment) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 4, 2006
Should Israel initiate talks with Syria? (1 comment) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 26, 2006
Moshe Sharon Explains Middle Eastern Realities (30 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 15, 2006
Israeli Arabs in the Shadow of the Hizbullah-Israel War (7 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 10, 2006
Is Palestinian Terrorism against Israel "Civilized"? (3 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 1, 2006
The Arab Argument over Hizbullah (5 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 26, 2006
Israelis Show How to Do Counterterrorism (8 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 21, 2006
Saudis Condemn Hamas and Hizbullah (8 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 13, 2006
Thoughts on the Israeli Incursion into Gaza (41 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 28, 2006
Israel Does Not Need Palestinian Recognition? (26 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 15, 2006
Further on Israel's Winning Its War (22 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 4, 2006
Will Prosperity End Palestinian Enmity to Israel? (21 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 28, 2005
The Gods and the Arab-Israeli Conflict (55 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 13, 2005
Mahmoud Abbas Condemns Suicide Attacks Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 10, 2005
Fourteen Terrorist Attacks a Day against Israel (7 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 29, 2005
Bibliography – My Writings on Israel's Gaza Withdrawal Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 15, 2005
Jordan to the West Bank, Egypt to Gaza: The Three-State Solution (13 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 27, 2005
The Wisdom of Ehud Olmert – A Dreamy Return to Oslo (11 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 9, 2005
The West Accepts Hamas (1 comment) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 26, 2005
"Hamas is Worse than Israel, Worse than Sharon" (32 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 13, 2005
Sharon's Gaza Withdrawal – Made in Washington? Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 11, 2005
Ariel Sharon, Far-Leftist Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 11, 2005
Why I Use the Term "West Bank," not "Judea and Samaria" Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 4, 2005
The Boim Case, a Key to Fighting Terrorism (1 comment) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 11, 2004
Going to Israel? Go to Jail (15 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 6, 2004
Neturei Karta, Paid Agent of Israel's Enemies (13 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 25, 2004
Canada's Pro-Israel Muslims (3 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 30, 2004
Who Set Fire to Al-Aqsa Mosque in 1969? Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 21, 2004
Israel Is Defeating Palestinian Terrorism Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 22, 2004
European Elected Officials: Arabs Should Destroy Israel Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 16, 2004
Colin Powell's Endless Patience Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 30, 2004
A New Netanyahu vis-à-vis Syria? (2 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 8, 2004
The Oslo War (2 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 27, 2003
How Many Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims Accept Israel? (8 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 24, 2003
Pretending There's a Country Called "Palestine" (63 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 13, 2003
No Possible Israeli Military Victory: Victor Davis Hanson Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 15, 2003
Walid Shoebat: "Palestinian turns from radical Muslim to true Zionist" (306 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 5, 2003
The Futile Aqaba Summit Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 4, 2003
Recognizing Israel as the Jewish State: Statements, Actions, Analyses (84 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 25, 2003
Abandoning Iraq to Solve the Arab-Israeli Conflict (2 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 5, 2003
Happy Birthday, Abdullah Plan (5 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 17, 2003
The Treaty of Hudaybiya as a Model for Muslims (2 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 11, 2002
Patterns of Palestinian Violence Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 8, 2002
Denying the Jewish Connection to Jerusalem (17 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 15, 2002
More on the Muslim Claim to Jerusalem (110 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 1, 2001
What Was Binyamin Netanyahu Ready to Concede on the Golan Heights? (11 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 13, 2001
Why Did Palestinian Violence Start in 2000? Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 28, 2000
Assad Won't Cut Israel a Break in Lebanon Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 8, 2000
Kuwait's Warning for Israel Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 8, 2000
Do Arabs Believe in Linkage? (2 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 8, 2000
Arafat and the Treaty of Hudaybiya - The Controversy (1 comment) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 10, 1999


Publication Date
Reclamation: A Cultural Policy for Arab-Israeli Partnership
by Joseph Braude
Middle East Quarterly Fall 2023
Palestine 1936: The Great Revolt and the Roots of the Middle East Conflict
by Oren Kessler
Middle East Quarterly Fall 2023
Arabs and Jews in the Ottoman Empire: Two Worlds Collide
by Alan Dowty
Middle East Quarterly Fall 2023
In the Lion's Den: Israel and the World (6 comments)
by Danny Danon
Middle East Quarterly Fall 2022
Palestine Betrayed (54 comments)
by Efraim Karsh
National Review May 17, 2010
Palestine: A Guide (1 comment)
by Mariam Shahin and Photography by George Azar
Middle East Quarterly Spring 2006
Palestine 1948: War, Escape and the Emergence of the Palestinian Refugee Problem (5 comments)
by Yoav Gelber
Middle East Quarterly Winter 2002
Ploughing Sand: British Rule in Palestine, 1917-1948 (1 comment)
by Naomi Shepherd
Middle East Quarterly September 2000
Sacred Landscape: The Buried History of the Holy Land since 1949 (1 comment)
by Meron Benvenisti
Middle East Quarterly March 2000
The Israeli-Syrian Dialogue: A One-Way Ticket to Peace?
by Uri Sagie
Middle East Quarterly March 2000
Compromising Palestine: A Guide to the Final Status Negotiations
by Aharon Klieman
Middle East Quarterly March 2000
The Forgotten Millions: The Modern Jewish Exodus from Arab Lands Middle East Quarterly September 1999
The Brink of Peace: The Israeli-Syrian Negotiations (1 comment)
by Itamar Rabinovich
Weekly Standard November 16, 1998
Negotiating Arab-Israeli Peace: Patterns, Problems, Possibilities
by Laura Zittrain Eisenberg and Neil Caplan
Middle East Quarterly September 1998
Israel's Covert Diplomacy in Lebanon
by Kirsten Schulze
Choice May 1998
Fabricating Israeli History: The "New Historians." (10 comments)
by Efraim Karsh
Middle East Quarterly September 1997
Egypt's Road to Jerusalem: A Diplomat's Story of the Struggle for Peace in the Middle East
by Boutros Boutros-Ghali
Middle East Quarterly September 1997
Islamic Endowments in Jerusalem under British Mandate
by Yitzhak Reiter
Choice May 1997
The Origins of the Arab-Israeli Arms Race: Arms, Embargo, Military Power and Decision in the 1948 Palestine War (1 comment)
by Amitzur Ilan
Middle East Quarterly March 1997
An Historical Encyclopedia of the Arab-Israeli Conflict Middle East Quarterly December 1996
Syria and Israel: From War to Peace-making
by Moshe Ma'oz
Middle East Quarterly June 1996
Politics of Diplomacy: Revolution, War and Peace, 1989-1992
by James A. Baker III and with Thomas M. DeFrank
Middle East Quarterly June 1996
The Carrot and the Stick: Israel's Policy in Judaea and Samaria, 1967-68
by Shlomo Gazit
Middle East Quarterly March 1996
Beyond the Basilica: Christians and Muslims in Nazareth
by Chad F. Emmett
Middle East Quarterly December 1995
Intimate Enemies: Jews and Arabs in a Shared Land
by Meron Benvenisti
Wall Street Journal September 29, 1995
Through Secret Channels (1 comment)
by Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen)
Middle East Quarterly September 1995
U.S.-PLO Dialogue: Secret Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution (1 comment)
by Mohamed Rabie
Middle East Quarterly September 1995
Israel's Border Wars, 1949-1956: Arab Infiltration, Israeli Retaliation, and the Countdown to the Suez War
by Benny Morris
Middle East Quarterly September 1994
The Grand Mufti: Haj Amin al-Hussaini, Founder of the Palestinian National Movement (38 comments)
by Zvi Elpeleg
Middle East Quarterly June 1994
Revolution Until Victory?: The Politics and History of the PLO
by Barry Rubin
Washington Times April 24, 1994
Peace With Security: Israel's Minimal Security Requirements in Negotiations with Syria
by Ze'ev Schiff
Orbis Winter 1994
Palestinians: The Making of a People (11 comments)
by Baruch Kimmerling and Joel S. Migdal
Commentary April 1993
The Passionate Attachment: America's Involvement with Israel, 1947 to the Present (4 comments)
by George W. Ball and Douglas B. Ball
Washington Times December 6, 1992
Arabs and Jews in Israel (2 comments)
by Sammy Smooha
Orbis Fall 1992
Syria and the Middle East Peace Process
by Alasdair Drysdale and Raymond A. Hinnebusch
Orbis Spring 1992
Abu Nidal: A Gun For Hire (2 comments)
by Patrick Seale
Wall Street Journal February 18, 1992
The Road Not Taken: Early Arab-Israeli Negotiations
by Itamar Rabinovich
Newsday October 6, 1991
Living Together Separately: Arabs and Jews in Contemporary Jerusalem (1 comment)
by Michael Romann and Alex Weingrod
Commentary August 1991
Arafat: In the Eyes of the Beholder (1 comment)
by Janet Wallach and John Wallach
Wall Street Journal January 7, 1991
Behind the Myth: Yasser Arafat and the Palestinian Revolution (1 comment)
by Andrew Gowers and Tony Walker
Wall Street Journal January 7, 1991
The $36 Billion Bargain: Strategy and Politics in U.S. Assistance to Israel (3 comments)
by A. F. K. Organski
Commentary January 1991
Every Spy a Prince: The Complete History of Israel's Intelligence Community (4 comments)
by Dan Raviv and Yossi Melman
Orbis Winter 1991
Beirut Fragments: A War Memoir (1 comment)
by Jean Said Makdisi
World and I October 1990
Inside the PLO: Covert Units, Secret Funds, and the War Against Israel and the United States
by Neil C. Livingstone and David Halevy
National Review April 30, 1990
From Beirut to Jerusalem (12 comments)
by Thomas L. Friedman
Commentary September 1989
Israel, the West Bank and Gaza:: Toward a Solution (9 comments)
by The Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies Study Group
Orbis Fall 1989
The West Bank and Gaza: Israel's Options for Peace (9 comments)
by The Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies Study Group
Orbis Fall 1989
The Mufti of Jerusalem: Al-Hajj Amin al-Husayni and the Palestinian National Movement (5 comments)
by Philip Mattar
Orbis Summer 1989
Palastina im Umbruch, 1856-1882: Untersuchungen zur wirtschaftlichen and sozio-politischen Entwicklung
by Alexander Scholch
Orbis Spring 1989
Israel's Fateful Hour
by Yehoshafat Harkabi
Wall Street Journal March 6, 1989
Collusion Across the Jordan: King Abdullah, the Zionist Movement, and the Partition of Palestine
by Avi Shlaim
Orbis Summer 1988
Palestinian Rights and Losses in 1948: A Comprehensive Study
by Sami Hadawi and Atef Kubursi
Orbis Summer 1988
Double Jeopardy: PLO Strategy toward Israel and Jordan
by Asher Susser
Orbis Summer 1988
Blaming the Victims: Spurious Scholarship and the Palestinian Question Orbis Summer 1988
The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 1947-1949
by Benny Morris
Orbis Summer 1988
The Geopolitics of Israel's Border Question (1 comment)
by Saul Cohen
Orbis Summer 1988
Jordan and the 1967 War
by Samir A. Mutawi
Orbis Winter 1988
Futile Diplomacy: Volume I: Early Arab-Zionist Negotiation Attempts, 1913-1931
by Neil Caplan
Orbis Fall 1987
Volume II: Arab-Zionist Negotiations and the End of the Mandate
by Neil Caplan
Orbis Fall 1987
Under Siege: P.L.O. Decisionmaking During the 1982 War
by Rashid Khalidi
Wall Street Journal January 15, 1986
The Blood of Abraham (6 comments)
by Jimmy Carter
Commentary June 1985
Fire In Beirut: Israel's War In Lebanon with the PLO
by Dan Bavly and Eliahu Salpeter
Journal of Strategic Studies December 1984
Operation Peace for Galilee: The Israeli-PLO War in Lebanon
by Richard A. Gabriel
Journal of Strategic Studies December 1984
The War for Lebanon, 1970-1983
by Itamar Rabinovich
Journal of Strategic Studies December 1984
From Time Immemorial: The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict Over Palestine (53 comments)
by Joan Peters
Commentary July 1984
Debating Helena Cobban's "The Palestinian Liberation Organisation": Letters to the Editor Washington Post June 10, 1984
The PLO and the Politics of Survival
by Aaron David Miller
Middle East Insight Aug./Oct. 1983
The West Bank Story New Leader May 3, 1982
The Arab States and the Palestine Conflict
by Barry Rubin
Commentary February 1982
The Question of Palestine
by Edward Said
New Leader December 17, 1979


Venue Date
What Winning Means in Gaza ILTV Israel News June 20, 2024
Hamas Can Be Defeated as ISIS Was Rebel News (Canada) June 12, 2024
Israel's Seven-Front War: Gaza American Jewish University June 3, 2024
Israel's Hostage Lobby Vanquished Its Victory Lobby L'Informale April 29, 2024
Interpreting an Israeli "Total Victory" in Gaza Atlantico Quotidiano April 5, 2024
Assessing Blinken's Latest MidEast Trip TVP (Poland) March 22, 2024
Enrichment Won't End Palestinian Rejectionism Michael Medved Show March 19, 2024
"Perversity Wins Hamas Global Sympathy" Global Review March 11, 2024
The Day After in Gaza: Options and a Recommendation Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs February 4, 2024
"The Actual Battlefield Matters More Than Opinions About It": Reflections on the Hamas-Israel War L'Informale (Italy) January 30, 2024
Making Sense of the Hamas-Israel War Middle East Forum January 15, 2024
"Someone in Tehran Seems to Want a Fight": Puzzling over the Red Sea Confrontation La Stampa (Italy) December 30, 2023
Why Are the Houthis Disrupting International Trade? The Dispatch December 19, 2023
The Israel-Hamas Hostage Deal: A Good Idea? TVP (Poland) November 24, 2023
Assessing the Terrible Israel-Hamas Hostage Deal L'Informale November 23, 2023
Israel Must Win Al Jazeera English November 19, 2023
Assessing the Ongoing Hamas-Israel War TVP World (Poland) November 12, 2023
Can Blinken's Middle East Trip Succeed? TVP (Poland) November 4, 2023
Debating Civilian Casualties in Gaza TVP (Poland) November 1, 2023
Israel and the Civilized World at War: A panel discussion David Horowitz Freedom Center October 27, 2023
Historical Background of the Israel-Hamas War TVP (Poland) October 25, 2023
What Is Hamas? TVP (Poland) October 18, 2023
The People of Gaza are Tired of Being Forced to Play the Victim WIND (Chicago) October 18, 2023
Obliterating Hamas in Gaza Is Israel's Only Option Now National Post October 16, 2023
Gazans' Unique Experience L'Informale October 13, 2023
Where Israel's Security Establishment Went Wrong Global Review (Germany) October 12, 2023
The Hamas-Israel War: Looking Ahead John Solomon Reports October 11, 2023
Background to the Hamas Jihad against Israel WFEA 1370AM, Manchester, N.H. October 9, 2023
Assessing the Hamas Attack on Israel TVP (Poland) October 8, 2023
The Same Old Middle East Global Review October 2, 2023
Israel Victory, A Preview EMET September 13, 2023
The Oslo Accords: Lessons Learned Middle East Forum September 13, 2023
Iranian Questions about Israel PressTV (not) August 4, 2023
Violence Is Not the Biggest Palestinian Threat to Israel (7 comments) JNS TV February 2, 2023
How Can Israel Win the Palestinian Conflict?: Historian Explains (47 comments) Jerusalem Post January 7, 2023
Middle East Geopolitics: Some Predictions (79 comments) GeoPolitica (Romania) January 2022
Islamism and the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: Predictions (11 comments) Israel Today November 5, 2021
The Key Issue of Hamas vs. Israel: Will There Be a Fifth Round? (31 comments) Global Review (Germany) May 27, 2021
Israel's Policy Should Be Victory (33 comments) L'Informale May 16, 2021
Reflections on the UAE-Israel Joint Statement (7 comments) Fox News August 24, 2020
Implications of the Israel-UAE Joint Statement (3 comments) Atraaf (in Urdu) August 16, 2020
Israel's Arab Vote, Secular Versus Orthodox and Recognizing Palestine (2 comments) Albawaba September 24, 2019
The Israel Victory Project: Interview with Daniel Pipes Galey Israel December 4, 2018
The Need for Israel Victory (1 comment) Israel Sheli, Jerusalem November 29, 2018
Why Israel Needs to Win and the Palestinians to Lose (1 comment) Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies November 27, 2018
Israel's Victory - A Different Way to Think About Prospects for Peace in the Middle East Secure Freedom Radio July 18, 2018
Interview: U.S. Embassy Move May Bring Regrets (15 comments) Canadian Jewish News June 15, 2018
Daniel Pipes Discusses the U.S. Embassy Move and the end of the Iran Deal Code Red May 25, 2018
Netanyahu and Trump's Relationship "Could Fracture" Sky News Australia March 5, 2018
President Trump's "Ultimate Deal": Is Israeli-Palestinian Peace Possible? (14 comments) Heritage Foundation January 11, 2018
Achieving Peace Through Israeli Victory (29 comments) FrontPageMag January 2, 2018
The Temple Mount Crisis: A New Round of Palestinian-Israeli Confrontation Caixin August 1, 2017
Reframing the Arab-Israeli Conflict (6 comments) L'Informale (Italy) July 17, 2017
Will Trump Turn Against Israel? (12 comments) Rebel Media March 27, 2017
In Clausewitz's Shadow (11 comments) L'Informale December 22, 2016
From the Decline of Islamism to Israel's Victory: A Conversation with Daniel Pipes (1 comment) JBS (Jewish Broadcast Service) October 20, 2016
How Much Should Israel Fear ISIS? (6 comments) Israel Broadcasting Authority July 12, 2016
Daniel Pipes: "I don't know of a single Jewish Israeli who wants the warfare to go on!" (14 comments) Şalom (Turkey) August 27, 2014
Why Does Hamas Want War? (TV) (3 comments) Sun News Network, The Source with Ezra Levant July 17, 2014
Pushing for a Hamas-Israel Ceasefire (35 comments) Sun News Network, Straight Talk with Jerry Agar July 16, 2014
Debating the Morality of Israel & Hamas in Battle: with Hafsa Kara-Mustapha (45 comments) PressTV, The Debate July 11, 2014
20 Years after Oslo EMET Conference October 3, 2013
Twenty Years After Oslo Ayn Rand Institute September 10, 2013
Right wing hardliners gaining ground in Israel (20 comments) Press TV, Middle East Today December 28, 2012
Debate about possible war between Israel and Hamas (41 comments) PressTV November 12, 2012
More Thoughts on Newt Gingrich and the Palestinians (17 comments) Sun News Network (Canada) December 14, 2011
The Motives Behind Palestinian Leader's Effort to Gain Statehood at U.N. (67 comments) Fox News: Lou Dobbs Tonight September 23, 2011
Analysis of the Israel-Palestinian peace talks (4 comments) C-SPAN September 2, 2010
Will Israel-Palestinian peace talks be successful? (8 comments) Talk Radio News Service September 2, 2010
Pipes: Flotilla Raid a War for World's Future (76 comments) CBN: The 700 Club June 3, 2010
Why Israel must win the war against the Palestinians (16 comments) Shalom TV May 12, 2010
The Threat to Israel's Existence (4 comments) Google New York May 28, 2009
Israel's Dilemma: Was the Gaza War a Choice or Necessity? (2 comments) Al-Jazeera English January 13, 2009
Israel and Clear Victory (123 comments) "Facing Jihad" Conference December 14, 2008
Arab-Israeli Conflict: Peace Process or War Process? Ford Hall Forum, Boston March 27, 2008
The Threat To Israel's Existence: Why it's Back, What it Means (5 comments) Wayne State University October 8, 2007
Next Steps in Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process (39 comments) Hearing of the Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia of the House Foreign Affairs Committee February 14, 2007
Involve Syria and Iran in the Lebanon War? (4 comments) CNN: Lou Dobbs Tonight August 10, 2006
Israel-Hezbollah Conflict (1 comment) C-SPAN July 28, 2006
Fierce Fighting Between Israel and Hezbollah CNN: Lou Dobbs Tonight July 19, 2006
Interview: ‘I watch with frustration as the Israelis don't get the point' (54 comments) Jerusalem Post June 9, 2006
The Palestinian-Israeli War: Where It Came From, and How to End It (40 comments) The Commonwealth March 2006
The Palestinian-Israeli war – where did it come from, how to end it Commonwealth Club of San Francisco November 16, 2005
Expert predicts more violence in Gaza (24 comments) National Post September 29, 2005
Pipes criticises Middle East leaders (42 comments) ABC (Australia): Lateline February 9, 2005
Peace plan won't work, think tank says (12 comments) ABC (Australia): PM February 9, 2005
Israeli Disengagement Plan (4 comments) "Insight" (CNN International) April 14, 2004
Negotiations with the Palestinians Keep Failing Because the Arabs Still Think They Can Win: To Prove They Can't, Expert Says, Give War a Chance The Jewish Voice and Opinion April 2004
Understanding the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict (6 comments) Middle East Forum Wires March 23, 2004
Where's the Arab "Street"? (2 comments) CNN: Lou Dobbs Moneyline May 8, 2003
Middle East Debate: Should Washington Actively Promote an Israeli-Palestinian Peace Settlement? (12 comments) Council on Foreign Relations May 2, 2003
Two Years of Intifada (21 comments) Up All Night - BBC Radio 5 Live September 29, 2002
The Aftermath of Attack in Gaza: It's tragic, but then, this is war (50 comments) Philadelphia Inquirer July 25, 2002
Israeli Warplanes Strike Target in Gaza Strip (1 comment) CNN Newsnight with Aaron Brown July 22, 2002
What Should Bush Say in Speech Regarding Establishment of Interim Palestinian State? (7 comments) CNN: "Talkback Live" June 24, 2002
Will Yasser Arafat try to stop suicide bombings? (12 comments) MSNBC Hardball with Chris Matthews May 9, 2002
The Saudi Plan Radio Times (WHYY Philadelphia) March 6, 2002
Military defeat of Palestinians is the solution to the conflict Jerusalem Post Radio February 28, 2002
Arab-Israeli diplomacy: What went wrong? Ashland University February 11, 2002
Conversation with ... Daniel Pipes: Middle East expert to speak in New Haven Connecticut Jewish Ledger June 1, 2001
Can Israeli-Palestinian Peace Ever Be Achieved? CNN WorldView October 1, 2000
Clinton-Assad Meeting Fails CNN March 26, 2000
How Fares the Peace Process?: A Debate Middle East Quarterly December 1997

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