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Writings by Topic: Radical Islam

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535 items listed.


Publication Date
Why Jihadists Wage War on Christmas (and Other Holidays) Wall Street Journal January 5, 2025
Islamism vs. The West: 35 Years of Geopolitical Struggle New York: Wicked Son October 23, 2023
A Century of the Muslim Brotherhood: Taking Stock (55 comments) Middle East Quarterly Fall 2022
Why the Death Edict on Salman Rushdie?: The death edict was neither about rivalries nor geopolitics (22 comments) National Interest August 23, 2022
The Case for Banning Burqas and Niqabs (17 comments) Focus on Western Islamism April 23, 2022
The Need for a Focus on Western Islamism (29 comments) Focus on Western Islamism February 1, 2022
The Religious Roots of Turkey's Currency Crisis (27 comments) Wall Street Journal December 29, 2021
Will Islam Survive Islamism?: More Muslims fear and reject a radical version of Islam (40 comments) Washington Times November 15, 2021
Khaled Abou El Fadl on Judeo-Christian Values: Academic Malfeasance (3 comments) American Thinker June 7, 2020
Shaken Out of Complacency by COVID-19? (26 comments) Washington Times April 8, 2020
Melbourne's Petite, Shy, Honors-Student Jihadi (29 comments) Quadrant (Sydney) December 2018
Dhimmis No More: Christians' Trauma in the Middle East (80 comments) The Future of Religious Minorities in the Middle East January 2018
Trump's Saudi Speech: Pretty Good (42 comments) National Review Online May 21, 2017
What Do Jihadis Want? The Caliphate (21 comments) Global Terrorism: Challenges and Policy Options, ed. by Dhruv C. Katoch and Shakti Sinha (New Delhi: Pentagon Press), pp..88-91 2017
A White House Initiative to Defeat Radical Islam (55 comments) Washington Times February 20, 2017
Ban the Burqa, Allow the Burkini (65 comments) Philadelphia Inquirer August 23, 2016
Future Surprises that Could Shock the World: A Symposium (20 comments) International Economy Summer 2016
Explaining Islamism (and ISIS) to Barack Obama DanielPipes.org June 15, 2016
ISIS is Collapsing (38 comments) Miami Herald April 19, 2016
Two Weaknesses Could Undo the Islamist Movement (32 comments) Boston Globe January 4, 2016
America's Hidden Jihad (52 comments) Washington Times December 23, 2015
Why the Paris Massacre Will Have Limited Impact (98 comments) Philadelphia Inquirer November 17, 2015
A "Pig" Incident in Jerusalem (34 comments) Israel Hayom July 28, 2015
Willfully Ignoring the Jihad against America (2 comments) DanielPipes.org June 15, 2015
ISIS Attacks the West (15 comments) The Washington Times May 22, 2015
Why Politicians Pretend Islam Has No Role in ISIS (57 comments) The Washington Times March 9, 2015
Is Sisi Islam's Long-Awaited Reformer? (35 comments) National Review Online January 19, 2015
How Terrorism Harms Radical Islam (55 comments) The Washington Times January 9, 2015
An Arab Prince Denounces Islamism (42 comments) The Washington Times December 10, 2014
Is CAIR a Terror Group? (24 comments) National Review Online November 28, 2014
ISIS Justifies Its Yazidi Slaves (48 comments) National Review Online October 16, 2014
The Caliphate Brings Trauma (20 comments) Aydınlık Daily (Turkey) August 25, 2014
Turkish Support for ISIS (90 comments) The Washington Times June 18, 2014
ISIS Rampages, the Middle East Shakes (88 comments) National Review Online June 12, 2014
Islamism with a Human Face? (53 comments) The Washington Times May 20, 2014
Islamism's Likely Doom (75 comments) The Washington Times July 22, 2013
Islam vs. Islamism (article) (179 comments) The Washington Times May 13, 2013
Islamist Assassinations in the West (28 comments) Gatestone Institute February 25, 2013
Better Dictators than Elected Islamists (72 comments) The Washington Times December 11, 2012
Turkey's Islamist Turn, 10 Years Later (36 comments) Wall Street Journal November 13, 2012
Islamism's Unity in Tunisia (30 comments) National Review Online October 30, 2012
A Muhammad Cartoon a Day (145 comments) FoxNews.com September 21, 2012
It's Not Road Rage, It's Terrorism (100 comments) National Review Online April 3, 2012
Another Islamist Soldier Turns Terrorist in Texas (50 comments) The Washington Times August 2, 2011
Americans Wake Up to Islamism (292 comments) National Review Online September 7, 2010
Britain's New Export: Islamist Carnage (71 comments) National Review Online August 3, 2010
Faisal Shahzad, Jihadi, Explains Terrorism (61 comments) National Review Online June 25, 2010
Islamist Turkey Overreaches (99 comments) National Review Online June 8, 2010
How Islamists Came to Dominate European Islam (95 comments) National Review Online May 25, 2010
Why Would Anyone Want to Blow Up Times Square? (156 comments) National Review Online May 5, 2010
Islamism 2.0 (176 comments) Jerusalem Post November 25, 2009
Maj. Nidal Hasan's Islamist Life (78 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com November 20, 2009
Sudden Jihad or "Inordinate Stress" at Ft. Hood? (242 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com November 9, 2009
Niqabs and Burqas - The Veiled Threat Continues (410 comments) Jerusalem Post September 2, 2009
The Limits of Terrorism (162 comments) Jerusalem Post April 22, 2009
Does Turkey Still Belong in NATO? (532 comments) Philadelphia Bulletin April 6, 2009
Obama Would Fail Security Clearance (379 comments) Philadelphia Bulletin October 21, 2008
Counting Islamists (772 comments) Jerusalem Post October 8, 2008
[The Islamist-Leftist] Allied Menace (150 comments) National Review July 14, 2008
Arguing over "Moderate Islamists" with Joshua Muravchik: Letter to the Editor Commentary May 2008
Preface (30 comments) Soufi ou mufti? Quel avenir pour l'islam? November 15, 2007
Teach Arabic or Recruit Extremists? (59 comments) New York Sun September 5, 2007
Red Mosque in Rebellion (330 comments) New York Sun July 17, 2007
When Conservatives Argue about Islam (86 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com July 6, 2007
Shoeless George Bush: Discusses Islam at the Islamic Center in Washington, D.C. (234 comments) New York Sun July 3, 2007
Two Palestines, Anyone? (100 comments) New York Sun June 19, 2007
The Travails of Brooklyn's Arabic Academy (205 comments) New York Sun May 22, 2007
How to End Terrorism:: With Moderate Islam (745 comments) New York Sun December 5, 2006
NATO Fights the Jihadis (137 comments) New York Sun October 3, 2006
Intimidating the West, from Rushdie to Benedict (333 comments) New York Sun September 26, 2006
Nike and 9/11 (99 comments) New York Sun September 12, 2006
U.S. Improvising on Security Five Years After 9/11 (97 comments) New York Sun September 5, 2006
Piggybacking on Terror (185 comments) New York Sun August 29, 2006
"At War with Islamic Fascists" (341 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com August 14, 2006
[Naveed Haq and] "Sudden Jihad Syndrome" in Seattle (256 comments) New York Sun August 8, 2006
Arabs Disavow Hizbullah (215 comments) Jerusalem Post July 26, 2006
Trouble in Londonistan (683 comments) New York Sun July 11, 2006
Does the [New York] Police Department Profile? Should It? (110 comments) New York Sun June 13, 2006
Subsidizing the Enemy (139 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com April 28, 2006
Cartoons and Islamic Imperialism (837 comments) New York Sun February 7, 2006
[The Hamas Electoral Victory:] Democracy's Bitter Fruit (195 comments) National Post January 27, 2006
[William Blum and] Al-Qaeda's Leftist Brigade (84 comments) New York Sun January 24, 2006
Two German Interior Ministers vs. Islamism (137 comments) New York Sun January 3, 2006
More Converts to Terrorism (82 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com December 7, 2005
Converts to Terrorism (93 comments) New York Sun December 6, 2005
Bush Declares War on Radical Islam (276 comments) New York Sun October 11, 2005
L.A.'s Thwarted Terror Spree (47 comments) New York Sun September 6, 2005
Why Corporations Fund Radical Islam (76 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com September 2, 2005
Islamists, Get Out (216 comments) New York Sun August 30, 2005
How Terrorism Obstructs Radical Islam (115 comments) New York Sun August 23, 2005
CAIR Founded by "Islamic Terrorists"? (122 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com July 28, 2005
What Do Terrorists Want? [A Caliphate and Shari'a] (317 comments) New York Sun July 26, 2005
[The Canadian Islamic Congress:] An Islamist Apology (73 comments) New York Sun July 19, 2005
Radical Islam as Its Own Antidote[, Argues Reuel Gerecht] (36 comments) New York Sun June 23, 2005
Is Turkey Going Islamist? (74 comments) New York Sun June 7, 2005
Washington Finally Gets It on Radical Islam (41 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com April 25, 2005
Can Hezbollah and Hamas Be Democratic? (56 comments) New York Sun March 22, 2005
Denying [Islamist] Terrorism (96 comments) New York Sun February 8, 2005
Radical Islam's Hypocrisy: The Ehrgott and Okashah Cases (70 comments) New York Sun January 18, 2005
"24" and Hollywood's Discovery of Radical Islam (105 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com January 6, 2005
Spreading Islam in American Public Schools (237 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com November 24, 2004
[Theo van Gogh and] "Education By Murder" in Holland (126 comments) New York Sun November 16, 2004
Why Revoke Tariq Ramadan's U.S. Visa? (85 comments) New York Sun August 27, 2004
[Abdurahman Alamoudi: A] Slick Islamist Heads to Jail (21 comments) New York Sun August 3, 2004
CAIR's Phony Petition [about Nick Berg] (18 comments) New York Sun July 13, 2004
[Khobar Rampage:] "Don't Be Afraid, We Won't Kill Muslims" (56 comments) New York Sun June 8, 2004
Support the lesser evil [in Saudi Arabia] (21 comments) The Australian May 31, 2004
Why Is CAIR Suing Anti-CAIR? (56 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com April 6, 2004
The U.S. Institute of Peace Stumbles (66 comments) New York Sun March 23, 2004
[The Khadrs:] Canada's First Family of Terrorism (78 comments) New York Sun March 16, 2004
Stealth Islamist: Khaled Abou El Fadl (35 comments) Middle East Quarterly Spring 2004
Hamas in Florida Classroom (27 comments) New York Sun January 27, 2004
Study the Koran? (243 comments) New York Sun January 20, 2004
[Khaled Abou El Fadl] and Radical Chic: Letter to the Editor The Weekly Standard January 12, 2004
Canadian Islamists host [William W. Baker,] a neo-Nazi (20 comments) WorldNetDaily.com January 7, 2004
Islamists Police the Classroom [at the University of South Florida] (32 comments) WorldNetDaily.com January 2, 2004
"But He Was Good to His Mother": Murdering for Militant Islam (57 comments) Jerusalem Post December 3, 2003
Fulbright's Terrorist Tie (17 comments) New York Post October 20, 2003
Pentagon Jihadis (43 comments) New York Post September 29, 2003
Turkey's Radical Turn? (17 comments) New York Post August 5, 2003
[Lee Harris on Why the U.S. is] Discarding War's Rules (79 comments) New York Post July 22, 2003
Al-Qaeda's Limits (17 comments) New York Post May 28, 2003
Arabia's Civil War (32 comments) Wall Street Journal Europe May 14, 2003
[Hasan Akbar and] Murder in the 101st Airborne (146 comments) New York Post March 25, 2003
Here's what [Hussam Ayloush of] CAIR doesn't say about me - or its record (19 comments) Orange County Register December 22, 2002
Government for Sale [to the Saudis]: Outlaw Saudi payoffs to high U.S. officials (75 comments) New York Post December 3, 2002
[The Need to Name and] Know Thy Terrorists (178 comments) New York Post November 19, 2002
The Snipers: Crazy or Jihadis? (103 comments) New York Post October 29, 2002
[Beltway Snipers]: Converts to Violence? (157 comments) New York Post October 25, 2002
Militant Islam's New Strongholds (95 comments) New York Post October 22, 2002
[Pakistani Christians and] A War Against What? (373 comments) New York Post October 1, 2002
"Death to America" (295 comments) New York Post September 8, 2002
Something Rotten in Denmark? (2094 comments) New York Post August 27, 2002
Iran in Crisis (30 comments) New York Post July 23, 2002
Terror & Denial [by Hadayat at LAX] (243 comments) New York Post July 9, 2002
[The American Muslim Council:] 'Mainstream' Muslims? (937 comments) New York Post June 18, 2002
Harvard Loves Jihad (71 comments) New York Post June 11, 2002
CAIR: 'Moderate' friends of terror (212 comments) New York Post April 22, 2002
Arguing over:"Who is the Enemy?": Letters to the Editor (1 comment) Commentary April 2002
The Terror-Aiding Prof[: Sami Al-Arian] (1 comment) New York Post February 4, 2002
Arguing over "The Danger Within: Militant Islam in America": Letters to the Editor (5 comments) Commentary February 2002
Aim the War on Terror at Militant Islam (21 comments) Los Angeles Times January 6, 2002
God and Mammon: Does Poverty Cause Militant Islam? (25 comments) National Interest Winter 2002
Who Is the Enemy? (7 comments) Commentary January 2002
Johnny Walker Green (1 comment) New York Post December 24, 2001
Arafat's Suicide Factory (5 comments) New York Post December 9, 2001
Victory [in Afghanistan] Shifts the Muslim World (3 comments) New York Post November 19, 2001
'We're Going to Conquer America' (16 comments) New York Post November 12, 2001
The Curious Case of Jamil Al-Amin (25 comments) American Spectator November-December 2001
Fighting Militant Islam, Without Bias (13 comments) City Journal November 2001
The Danger Within: Militant Islam in America [and Its Dreams of Domination] (185 comments) Commentary November 2001
Bin Laden Is a Fundamentalist: A Reply to David F. Forte (1 comment) National Review October 22, 2001
Muslims Love Bin Laden (6 comments) New York Post October 22, 2001
What Bush got right - and wrong [in his speech] Jerusalem Post September 26, 2001
[American Muslims for Jerusalem: Radical] Islam's American lobby (10 comments) Jerusalem Post September 20, 2001
Legitimizing Extremist Groups in U.S.: Letter to the Editor The Forward September 14, 2001
Protecting Muslims while Rooting out Islamists (2 comments) Daily Telegraph (London) September 14, 2001
Rolling Back the Forces of Terror Wall Street Journal August 13, 2001
[The Modern Islamist:] Shakespeare with Shari'a (1 comment) Jerusalem Post August 8, 2001
The [Suicide] Jihad Menace (15 comments) Jerusalem Post July 27, 2001
[Khalid Durán] An American Rushdie? (4 comments) Jerusalem Post July 4, 2001
Islamism Is Very Much Alive: Letter to the Editor. National Interest Summer 2001
Bin Laden and Herndon, Virginia (1 comment) Jerusalem Post June 20, 2001
Terrorism on Trial (2 comments) Wall Street Journal May 31, 2001
Islamists - Not Who They Say They Are (16 comments) Jerusalem Post May 9, 2001
[Islamism:] The New Global Threat (1 comment) Jerusalem Post April 11, 2001
Daniel Pipes Explains 'Islamism' (5 comments) The Minaret September 2000
American Islamists and Lieberman (1 comment) Jerusalem Post August 16, 2000
Is Islamism Compatible with Democracy? (3 comments) Insight on the News August 14, 2000
Islam and Islamism: Faith and Ideology (81 comments) National Interest Spring 2000
In Muslim America: A Presence and a Challenge[ – The Anti-Americanism of U.S. Converts to Islam] (9 comments) National Review February 21, 2000
"How Dare You Defame Islam" (59 comments) Commentary November 1999
Where Can You Pray in Peace in the Middle East? (2 comments) Jewish Exponent September 23, 1999
[Al-Hudaybiya and] Lessons from the Prophet Muhammad's Diplomacy (17 comments) Middle East Quarterly September 1999
Look Closer at Group [CAIR] behind the Accusations (1 comment) Minneapolis Star Tribune August 24, 1999
Islam, Islamism, and Western Policy (3 comments) National Post August 7, 1999
It Matters What Kind of Islam Prevails Los Angeles Times July 22, 1999
Needed: Muslims against Terror[ - and Not Salam Al-Marayati] (3 comments) Forward July 16, 1999
American Muslims vs. American Jews (9 comments) Commentary May 1999
Islam's Big Threat in America [to the Jews] (6 comments) Forward April 30, 1999
Salman Rushdie's Delusion, and Ours [about His Safety] (2 comments) Commentary December 1998
[Islamist Terrorism:] The New Enemy Wall Street Journal Europe August 27, 1998
Islamism: What Policy? Middle East Forum April 8, 1998
Dale F. Eickelman's Apologetics for Fundamentalist Islam: Letter to the Editor Wilson Quarterly Spring, 1998
Interview with Ahmad Yusuf: "Hamas Is a Charitable Organization" (1 comment) Middle East Quarterly March 1998
Interview with Boutros Boutros-Ghali: "I Support the Algerian Government" Middle East Quarterly September 1997
Interview with Steven Emerson: Get Ready for Twenty World Trade Center Bombings Middle East Quarterly June 1997
Interview with Anwar N. Haddam: An Islamist Vision for Algeria Middle East Quarterly September 1996
The Threat of Fundamentalist Islam Muslim Politics Report #5, Council on Foreign Relations January-February 1996
The Western Mind of Radical Islam (13 comments) First Things December 1995
Interview with Mohammad Mohaddessin: "There Is No Such Thing as a Moderate Fundamentalist" Middle East Quarterly September 1995
There Are No Moderates: Dealing with Fundamentalist Islam (71 comments) National Interest Fall 1995
Economics Does Not Cause Radical Islam (1 comment) Washington Post July 2, 1995
Dealing With Fundamentalist Islam Turkish Times April 15, 1995
[Left & Right on Communism & Islamism:] Same Difference (3 comments) National Review November 7, 1994
The Second Battle of Algiers Baltimore Jewish Times September 30, 1994
Islamic Fundamentalists are the New Big Threat to the West (4 comments) Philadelphia Inquirer September 16, 1994
Identifying Friend and Enemy In the Complex Islamic World The Northern Centinel September 1994
Algerian Time Bomb: Why it matters to us Washington Post August 11, 1994
Liberals and Conservatives Debate Fundamentalist Islam (1 comment) Forward July 22, 1994
No Longer Persona Non Grata: Dinner at the Algerian Ambassador's Residence Middle East Forum Wire July 1, 1994
[Turkey vs. Iran and] Islam's Intramural Struggle (3 comments) National Interest Spring 1994
The New Anti-Semitism (2 comments) My Brother's Keeper: World Conference on Anti-Semitism and Prejudice in a Changing World 1992
[The "Arab Street":] Why Arabs Aren't Rioting Wall Street Journal January 22, 1991
Rushdie Fails to Move the Zealots: Intolerance: Capitulation by the author of "The Satanic Verses" gets him nowhere. (15 comments) Los Angeles Times December 28, 1990
The Muslims are Coming! The Muslims are Coming! (52 comments) National Review November 19, 1990
"Satanic" Edict Still Bedevils Free Speech (1 comment) Wall Street Journal September 26, 1989
Iran after Khomeini (2 comments) World and I August 1989
The Ayatollah, the Novelist [Salman Rushdie], and the West (9 comments) Commentary June 1989
Fundamentalist Muslims Between America and Russia (3 comments) Foreign Affairs Summer 1986
"Death to America" in Lebanon (6 comments) Middle East Insight March/April 1985
The Rise of Muslim Fundamentalism (3 comments) St. Louis Post Dispatch August 22, 1984
Mecca, Medina, and the Origins of Eighteenth-Century Islamism In the Path of God: Islam and Political Power 1983
Oil Wealth and Islamic Resurgence Islamic Resurgence in the Arab World, edited by Ali E. Hillal Dessouki (New York: Praeger, 1982, pp. 35-53) 1982
Oil Wealth Confers New Dignity on Islam Chicago Tribune July 29, 1980
"This World is Political!!": The Islamic Revival of the Seventies (1 comment) Orbis Spring 1980
Islam in Iraq's Public life Cyriac K. Pullapilly, ed., Islam in the Contemporary World. Notre Dame, Ind.: Cross Roads, 1980, pp. 306-15. 1980
Libyan and Saudi Muscle New York Times November 8, 1979

Blog Posts

Publication Date
Siraj Wahhaj Seeks My Validation (15 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 12, 2020
The SPLC Finds Niqabs and Kippahs Equally Threatening (17 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 6, 2016
ISIS Imposes a Partial Ban on Burqas (21 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 6, 2016
More on the Burkini Ban (17 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 25, 2016
Another Voice Predicting Islamism's Doom (63 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 23, 2016
Republicans Call Islamism the Enemy Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 14, 2016
ISIS' Imminent Demise (47 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 5, 2015
What Antidote to Radical Islam? (68 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 3, 2015
Images, not Words, Most Disturb Islamists (19 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 15, 2015
The Muslim Brotherhood's Place in Islamist Politics (16 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 23, 2014
Monitoring the Caliphates' Spread (9 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 6, 2014
More on Turkish Support for ISIS (68 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 18, 2014
Will ISIS Create an Artificial Drought in Iraq? Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 10, 2014
Islamism's Trajectory (39 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 24, 2014
Sisi's Incompetent Anti-Islamist Campaign (41 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 24, 2014
Global Ramifications of the Anti-Muslim Brotherhood Campaign in Egypt (29 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 1, 2013
Islamism in Disarray (56 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 2, 2013
What to Want in Egypt (37 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 29, 2013
Must Islamists Be Autocratic? (17 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 19, 2013
Should Egypt's Morsi Stay or Go? (28 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 1, 2013
Islamism's Decade of Spreading Polio (20 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 1, 2013
Hizbullah's Travails in a Graphic (13 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 27, 2013
Muslim Acts of Beheading in the West (94 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 23, 2013
Lessons from the FBI's Most Wanted Terrorist List (25 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 30, 2013
Excluding Jews and Others from Law Courts (53 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 11, 2013
Islamist Media Digitally Cover Up Prominent Western Women (16 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 25, 2013
Bibliography – My Writings on Denying the Jihadi Component in Terrorism Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 24, 2013
Jihad or Criminality? (98 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 24, 2013
Morsi vs. Hamas, Hamas vs. Morsi (7 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 21, 2013
Russia, China & Israel against Islamism? (33 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 3, 2012
Twenty Years of Illusion about Islamism (124 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 2, 2012
Will No-Interest Banking Undo Turkey's Economy? (5 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 10, 2012
"Syria After Asad": Sunnis vs. Alawis (10 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 30, 2011
Reflections on an Islamic Center in Lower Manhattan (165 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 16, 2010
More on Islamist Turkey Overreaching (5 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 8, 2010
Should We Believe Rashad Hussain? (24 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 17, 2010
Keith Ellison, Where Are You? (123 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 16, 2010
Islamists and Public Transportation in the West (2 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 10, 2009
More on Maj. Nidal Hasan's Islamist Life (10 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 21, 2009
Azerbaijan's Method of Dealing with Islamists Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 3, 2009
New Frontiers in Islamism (50 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 10, 2009
Replacing the U.S. Constitution with the Koran (179 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 24, 2009
"ISNA Rejects All Expressions of Racism and Bigotry" (14 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 10, 2009
A History of Muslim Terrorism against Jews in the United States (80 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 21, 2009
Islamists and the Left Working Together in Muslim-majority Countries (17 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 15, 2009
Bibliography – My Writings on Left, Right, and Islamists (5 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 15, 2009
America's Desultory Religious Reporting (33 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 29, 2009
Non-Muslims Who Help Islamist Terrorists (16 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 28, 2009
Al-Qaeda Strategist Decries Terrorism (4 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 20, 2009
Saudi Scholar Nixes Biofuels as Un-Islamic (15 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 20, 2009
Khomeini vs. Rushdie, Two Decades Later (3 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 14, 2009
CAIR Co-Hosts an Antisemitic Rally in Chicago (25 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 19, 2009
Erdoğan Bares His Fangs (49 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 5, 2009
Bibliography – My Writings on U.S. Policy toward Radical Islam (3 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 21, 2008
More Insights into the Islamist-Leftist Alliance (10 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 14, 2008
A Second Islamist Organization Apologizes to Me (9 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 3, 2008
Why was Abdullah Muhammad al-Ahdal Killed in 1989? (3 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 2, 2008
Sudden Jihad Syndrome – It's Now Official (52 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 2, 2008
"Dawah Kit for Mobile Phones" (5 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 28, 2007
Bibliography – My Writings on Islamic and Arabic Schools in the West (3 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 23, 2007
The Worst Book of 2007? (20 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 15, 2007
George W. Bush's Evolving Take on Islam Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 28, 2007
[Fort Dix and] Jihad in Jersey (110 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 9, 2007
My Disrupted Talk at UCLA (51 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 13, 2007
Islamist Advice to Jews (19 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 14, 2007
Tarek ibn Ziyad Academy – An Islamist Charter School in Minnesota? (32 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 8, 2007
The Arabist and Islamist Baggage of Arabic Language Instruction (11 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 7, 2007
The West's First Niqab-Covered Public Official? (11 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 23, 2007
My Debate with London Mayor Ken Livingstone (107 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 22, 2007
CAIR's Los Angeles Fundraiser (5 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 23, 2006
Paul Goodman, MP, Analyses Radical Islam (42 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 15, 2006
The 751 No-Go Zones of France (152 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 14, 2006
Hizbullah Rearms in South Lebanon (9 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 12, 2006
An Unveiling: Separate, but Acceptable? (41 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 25, 2006
President Bush Replies to My Iraq Critique (23 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 25, 2006
The Pentagon Looks at the Koran (113 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 27, 2006
Kamil Pasha, NYPD's Undercover Agent to the Islamists (1 comment) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 25, 2006
Al-Qaeda Invites Me to Join Its Ranks (92 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 2, 2006
Lawful Islamism on the Ascent in Majority-Muslim Countries (4 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 28, 2006
CAIR and the Council on Foreign Relations Endorse Mearsheimer/Walt (14 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 18, 2006
Passing as Shi'i in Iraq (15 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 15, 2006
More on the Term "Islamic Fascists" (35 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 14, 2006
Marx and Moussaoui at the British Library (3 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 6, 2006
Toronto: When an Islamist Informs on Islamist Terrorists (12 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 31, 2006
America's Wahhabi Lobby Protects Hizbullah (4 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 27, 2006
The Arab Argument over Hizbullah (5 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 26, 2006
U.S. Judge Permits Scrutiny of Muslim Convert's Name (2 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 25, 2006
Israelis Show How to Do Counterterrorism (8 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 21, 2006
What To Do With Un-Deportable Aliens? (13 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 14, 2006
Saudis Condemn Hamas and Hizbullah (8 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 13, 2006
"Muslim Group Targets Jewish Holidays" (17 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 7, 2006
British Government Worries about Radical Islamic Teachings at Universities (14 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 15, 2006
Zuhdi Jasser and "Monitoring Islamist Media" (16 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 11, 2006
American Law Enforcement Really Does Profile Muslims – The Siraj Case (30 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 2, 2006
Admitting Censorship due to Islamist Intimidation (72 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 20, 2006
Danish Cartoon Aftershocks (13 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 15, 2006
Canada's Muslims Provide "Strategic Advice on Relations with the Muslim World" (16 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 7, 2006
Destroy Egypt's Antiquities? (24 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 3, 2006
More on the North Carolina Jihadi, Mohammed Taheri-azar (19 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 14, 2006
Bibliography – My Writings on Salman Rushdie and the Rushdie Rules (34 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 2, 2006
Additional Thoughts on "Winning the Propaganda War" (6 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 27, 2005
Is Omar Alghabra of Canada's Liberal Party an Islamist? (80 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 19, 2005
The Caliphate: Updates (50 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 12, 2005
Further Converts to Terrorism (18 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 7, 2005
The London Markaz (149 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 27, 2005
Prosecuting Racism in Great Britain (1 comment) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 22, 2005
Muslim Taxi Drivers vs. Seeing-Eye Dogs (137 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 14, 2005
Homaidan Ali Al-Turki, Colorado Slave-holder (57 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 22, 2005
Islam Dispatches Santa Claus, the Bible, and Winnie the Pooh (25 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 3, 2005
Finding Allah in Unlikely Places (513 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 16, 2005
The Burqa Wars (86 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 25, 2005
Mainstream Reporter Coaches Sami Al-Arian Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 23, 2005
A Hot Summer in Scotland Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 22, 2005
350 Bombs in an Hour – A Vision of the Terrible Future? (1 comment) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 18, 2005
Can Infidels be Innocents? (4 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 7, 2005
More Survey Research from a British Islamist Hell (18 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 26, 2005
Learning from the 7/7 London Bombings Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 16, 2005
Tempting Young Male Muslims into Jihad with Houris (3 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 14, 2005
Downing Street's Favorite – The Muslim Council of Britain (10 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 7, 2005
The Left vs. the Islamists (2 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 5, 2005
The Muslim Brotherhood's American Goals (24 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 25, 2005
The West Accepts Hamas (1 comment) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 26, 2005
Troubles at Islamic Schools in the West (8 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 29, 2005
The Far Right & Jihadis in Alliance (22 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 9, 2005
Islamists Make Me a Movie Star Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 1, 2005
Favoring Islamists over Gays and Jews (2 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 27, 2005
More Incidents of Denying Islamist Terrorism (5 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 8, 2005
Islamists Penetrate Western Security Services (15 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 24, 2005
Bibliography – My Writings on Moderate Muslims (22 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 27, 2004
Tariq Ramadan Gives Up – Then Tries Again (42 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 14, 2004
Omid Safi's Closed Classroom (4 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 3, 2004
My Moments on Al-Jazeera (4 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 2, 2004
Failing to Find Moderate Muslims at the "Progressive Muslim Union" (3 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 20, 2004
Islamist Paintball, Anyone? (17 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 10, 2004
Is the Blind Sheikh Trying to Die? (5 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 23, 2004
Tariq Ramadan Exposed (6 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 23, 2004
Does a "Covenant of Security" Protect the United Kingdom? (4 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 9, 2004
American Islamist Organizations Vanish (8 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 17, 2004
MPAC on Steven Emerson and Me (2 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 12, 2004
"A Woman's Right To Choose" (5 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 7, 2004
Do I Win a British "Islamophobia Award"? (48 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 26, 2004
The U.S. Government's Poor Record on Islamists (4 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 23, 2004
The Leftist-Islamist Alliance in Pictures (12 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 17, 2004
"A Jilbab in the School's Colors" (15 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 15, 2004
Jihadis Spare Muslims, Murder Infidels (19 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 8, 2004
Saudi Embassy: "Wahhabism is a Myth" Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 3, 2004
Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts Promote Radical Islam (12 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 21, 2004
Getting Closer to a Showdown in Turkey? Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 13, 2004
The Khadrs, Canada's First Family of Terrorism, in the News (72 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 9, 2004
Islamism as the Common Factor Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 8, 2004
The USIP Responds to My Critique (1 comment) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 31, 2004
The French Government's Railroad Problem Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 5, 2004
More Pentagon Jihadis (4 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 12, 2004
My Disrupted Talk at UC-Berkeley (18 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 12, 2004
"Brit Suicide Bomber Kills Brit Soldier" (1 comment) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 29, 2004
CAIR Accepted as "Mainstream" (29 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 21, 2004
Ahmad Yusuf and "The Future of Islam in America" (7 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 19, 2003
"Iraqi Symphony Performs for Bush" (1 comment) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 9, 2003
Islam Drives the Social and Legal Agenda in the West (42 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 10, 2003
Imad Hamad, Public Face of the American-Arab Anti Discrimination Committee (3 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 6, 2003
Mustafa Abu Sway, Islamist Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 3, 2003
The Islamic Society of Boston & the Politicians' Red Faces (66 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 29, 2003
Boca Raton's "Incredible Shrinking Masjid" (5 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 26, 2003
Islamists Boycott the White House Iftar (2 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 23, 2003
How Many Islamists? (11 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 11, 2003
Where's the Due Diligence? Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 30, 2003
United States of America vs. Abdurahman Muhammad Alamoudi (1 comment) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 29, 2003
The "Islamic Society of North America" Baffles Washington (3 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 23, 2003
The FBI's Blindness to Radical Islam (5 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 18, 2003
The Left ♥ CAIR, MPAC, et al. (30 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 19, 2003
The United States at War with Hamas and Hezbollah (6 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 28, 2003
CAIR Criticized (3 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 16, 2003
Muslim Support for Bin Laden (4 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 11, 2003
Saudis Confront Militant Islam (1 comment) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 2, 2003
CAIR's Legal Tribulations: The Terrorism Charges (11 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 27, 2003
Muslim Hours at Municipal Swimming Pools in the West (98 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 15, 2003
Islamists Bring "Taleban Rule" to Pakistan Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 28, 2003
British Muslims – A Global Threat (18 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 22, 2003
Londonistan Follies (87 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 16, 2003
Ridding the West of Pigs, Pork, Pig Stories, and Piggybanks (11 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 3, 2003
Has Everything Changed? Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 11, 2002
The Causes of Terrorism: It's Not about Money (13 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 24, 2002
What Are the Battlelines? Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 8, 2002
Jamil Al-Amin Goes to Jail (7 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 9, 2002
Niqabs and Burqas as Security Threats (148 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 7, 2002
Calling Islamism the Enemy (90 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 1, 2001
"Why Do They Hate Us?" Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 11, 2001
Not Calling Islamism the Enemy (51 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 12, 2001
Niqabs and Burqas as Impediments to Health (7 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 5, 2001
Music and Islamists (10 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 21, 1998


Publication Date
Reform and Its Perils in Contemporary Islam: The Case of Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd
by Nadia Oweidat
Middle East Quarterly Spring 2025
Overcoming Orientalism: Essays in Honor of John L. Esposito (7 comments)
by Tamara Sonn and ed.
Middle East Quarterly Fall 2022
Fighting the Last War: Confusion, Partisanship, and Alarmism in the Literature on the Radical Right (17 comments)
by Jeffrey M. Bale and Tamir Bar-On
Middle East Quarterly Fall 2022
Covering Muslims: American Newspapers in Comparative Perspective (13 comments)
by Erik Bleich and Maurits van der Veen
Middle East Quarterly Summer 2022
Unveiled: How Western Liberals Empower Radical Islam (2 comments)
by Yasmine Mohammed
Middle East Quarterly Spring 2022
Islam without Fear: Egypt and the New Islamists
by Raymond William Baker
Middle East Quarterly Winter 2006
Zacarias, My Brother: The Making of a Terrorist (1 comment)
by Abd Samad Moussaoui with Florence Bouquillat
Middle East Quarterly Winter 2004
Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam (3 comments)
by Gilles Kepel
Middle East Quarterly Winter 2003
Fatwa: Violence and Discourtesy
by Mehdi Mozaffari
Middle East Quarterly March 2000
The Society of the Muslim Brothers in Egypt: The Rise of an Islamic Mass Movement, 1928-1942 (1 comment)
by Brynjar Lia
Middle East Quarterly June 1999
In the Shadow of the Prophet: The Struggle for the Soul of Islam (1 comment)
by Milton Viorst
Middle East Quarterly September 1998
The Dual Nature of Islamic Fundamentalism
by Johannes J. G. Jansen
Middle East Quarterly December 1997
Islam and Human Ideology (6 comments)
by Samih Atef El-Zein
Middle East Quarterly September 1997
Politics and Islam in Contemporary Sudan
by Abdel Salam Sidahmed
Choice July 1997
Spokesmen for the Despised: Fundamentalist Leaders of the Middle East Middle East Quarterly June 1997
Islamic Politics in Palestine
by Beverley Milton-Edwards
Choice December 1996
The Islamist Dilemma: The Political Role of Islamist Movements in the Contemporary Arab World Middle East Quarterly September 1996
Mawdudi and the Making of Islamic Revivalism (4 comments)
by Seyyed Vali Reza Nasr
Middle East Quarterly June 1996
Intellectual Origins of Islamic Resurgence in the Modern Arab World
by Ibrahim M. Abu-Rabi'
Middle East Quarterly March 1996
The Failure of Political Islam (3 comments)
by Olivier Roy
Commentary June 1995
The Vanguard of the Islamic Revolution: The Jama'at-i Islami of Pakistan
by Seyyed Vali Reza Nasr
Middle East Quarterly December 1994
Islamischer Internationalismus im 20. Jahrhundert: Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Islamischen Weltliga
by Reinhard Schulze
Orbis June 1991
Islamischer Internationalismus im 20. Jahrhundert: Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der islamischen Weltliga (4 comments)
by Reinhard Schulze
Orbis Summer 1991
The Politics of Pan-Islam: Ideology and Organization (4 comments)
by Jacob M. Landau
Orbis Summer 1991
Holy Terror: Inside the World of Islamic Terrorism (6 comments)
by Amir Taheri
Commentary April 1988
A Clarification of Questions: An Unbridged Translation of Resaleh Towzih al Masael. (6 comments)
by Ayatollah Sayyed Ruhollah Mousavi Khomeini
Wall Street Journal January 30, 1986
The Spirit of Allah: Khomeini and the Islamic Revolution (6 comments)
by Amir Taheri
Wall Street Journal January 30, 1986
The House of the Prophets
by Nicolas Saudray. Trans. by Julia Allen
The Wall Street Journal August 19, 1985
Radical Islam: Medieval Theology and Modern Politics
by Emmanuel Sivan
The New Leader July 1, 1985
The Government of God: Iran's Islamic Republic
by Cheryl Benard and Zalmay Khalilzad
Wall Street Journal December 27, 1984
L'Islam et l'Etat dans le Monde d'aujourd'hui
by Olivier Carré ed.
Middle East Journal 1983
The Concept of State and Law in Islam
by Farooq Hassan
Middle East Journal 1983
Militant Islam
by Godfrey H. Jansen
Commentary August 1980


Venue Date
Islamism - An Update Politika Academisi (Türkiye) January 24, 2025
Corbyn, Sanders, and the Need for Israel Victory (12 comments) Hamodia February 11, 2023
Islamism and the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: Predictions (11 comments) Israel Today November 5, 2021
20 years later. Islamism is the greatest threat (5 comments) Idź Pod Prąd TV (Poland) September 11, 2021
Islamism and Syria Update (4 comments) Arutz Sheva July 9, 2020
Interview: Islamism's War on the West (4 comments) Media Wars: The Battle to Shape Our Minds February 2020
Islamism vs. Europe: Which Will Win?: Panel Discussion (1 comment) Machiavelli Center for Political and Strategic Studies June 13, 2019
Interview: Islamism's War on the West (7 comments) Savvy Street June 5, 2018
"Regime Change in Iran Is Inevitable" (5 comments) Global Review (Germany) May 13, 2018
Middle Eastern Islamism Threatens Russia (6 comments) Eurasia Expert July 24, 2017
Reframing the Arab-Israeli Conflict (6 comments) L'Informale (Italy) July 17, 2017
The Threat of Radical Islam and the Future of the Eastern Mediterranean (6 comments) BESA Center, Bar-Ilan University February 21, 2017
From the Decline of Islamism to Israel's Victory: A Conversation with Daniel Pipes (1 comment) JBS (Jewish Broadcast Service) October 20, 2016
Is Radical Islam in Decline? (75 comments) Gatestone Institute & The Rebel September 7, 2016
Al-Nusra's rebranding may increase its powers within jihadi networks in Syria Radio Sputnik July 30, 2016
Jihad Awakens Europe (20 comments) Gatestone Institute July 15, 2016
How Much Should Israel Fear ISIS? (6 comments) Israel Broadcasting Authority July 12, 2016
Implications of the ISIS Conquests in Iraq (5 comments) Middle East Forum Conference Call June 16, 2014
The Threat of Islamism (8 comments) Michael McLaren, 2GB Radio, Sydney October 26, 2013
Islamic religion: motive for terror? (16 comments) Radio 4BC, Australia May 27, 2013
Islam and Islamism (4 comments) Free Thinking Film Society, Toronto May 22, 2013
Islam vs. Islamism (lecture) (4 comments) Free Thinking Film Society, Ottawa May 13, 2013
Radical Islamism: Daniel Pipes vs Eric Yoffie (1 comment) Shalom TVRadical Islamism: Daniel Pipes vs Eric Yoffie February 7, 2013
Islam and Islamism in the Modern World: An interview with Daniel Pipes (35 comments) The American Spectator February 2013
Jihad in America: Grand Deception (7 comments) October 25, 2012
Thinking about Policy toward Islamism and Syria Radio 2GB, Sydney August 22, 2012
Radical Islam Update (7 comments) 873AM: Alan Jones (Australia) August 24, 2011
Has Islam been Hijacked by Radicals? (59 comments) ABN TV Ministry December 21, 2010
Debate: "Islam, Islamism and the West" (5 comments) Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin October 27, 2010
The Threat of Islamism On the Line with Christine Williams July 23, 2010
Changes in Radical Islam The Sydney Institute November 6, 2009
Islam under fire in Texas army shooting Radio Netherlands Worldwide November 6, 2009
Expert on Islam discusses radicalism and the Middle East (3 comments) The Alan Jones Show (Australia) November 6, 2009
​Confronting Radical Islam University of Chicago August 22, 2009
Defeating Radical Islam The Jerry Bovino Show July 15, 2009
Vanquishing the Islamist Enemy and Helping the Moderate Muslim Ally University of Tulsa September 23, 2008
Vanquishing the Islamist Enemy and Helping the Moderate Muslim Ally (1 comment) University of Tulsa September 23, 2008
Soft Jihad BBC: Assignment August 7, 2008
The Collusion of Islamists and Leftists (1 comment) David Horowitz Freedom Center May 31, 2008
Debating the Khalil Gibran International Academy (40 comments) NPR: Talk of the Nation May 15, 2008
Panel Discussion on Iraq and Totalitarian Islam New York University May 5, 2008
The Threat of Totalitarian Islam University of California - Berkeley April 29, 2008
On Islam and Islamism (235 comments) Ottawa Citizen March 23, 2008
Vanquishing the Islamist Enemy (16 comments) Furman University February 7, 2008
Militant Islam and the Middle East (5 comments) University of California - Irvine November 28, 2007
Vanquishing the Islamist Enemy (16 comments) Tufts University October 24, 2007
Radical Islam and the War on Terror (2 comments) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Campus October 8, 2007
Too Many Mosques? (136 comments) MSNBC September 21, 2007
Combatting the Ideology behind Islamist Terrorism: Speech at the 7th International Conference of the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (3 comments) Interdisciplinary Center of Herzliya September 10, 2007
Lawful Islam: The Greater Threat?: Speech at the 7th International Conference of the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (2 comments) Interdisciplinary Center of Herzliya September 9, 2007
Documentary Exposes Radical Muslim Rhetoric (126 comments) Fox News: Hannity & Colmes February 1, 2007
Debate in London: Radical Islam vs. Civilization (144 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com February 1, 2007
Reactions to the Pope's Comments Fox News Studio B September 25, 2006
Appreciating Oriana Fallaci (53 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com September 18, 2006
Do Radical Islamists Run the Middle East?: Understanding the Language of Islamic Extremists (43 comments) CNN Headline News: Glenn Beck Show September 12, 2006
Fierce Fighting Between Israel and Hezbollah CNN: Lou Dobbs Tonight July 19, 2006
Can the Terrorists be stopped? MSNBC: Connected Coast to Coast November 10, 2005
Should the U.S. Support Islamists? Nixon Center October 24, 2005
Symposium: Turkey: The Road to Sharia? (132 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com May 6, 2005
The Challenge of Islamism in Europe & the Middle East (13 comments) The First International Coptic Symposium September 23, 2004
Dr. Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum discusses the reluctance of the media to call Islamic perpetrators of terror " (7 comments) CNBC: Kudlow & Cramer September 7, 2004
An Interview with Daniel Pipes [in Quadrant] Quadrant September 2004
"Militant Islam": Conversations with History Institute of International Studies, UC Berkeley February 10, 2004
The Guantánamo Arrests – What Do They Mean? (52 comments) Fox News: The O'Reilly Factor September 30, 2003
Militant Islam Call-in C-SPAN April 22, 2003
Combating the Ideology of Radical Islam (86 comments) Washington Institute for Near East Policy April 10, 2003
Dr. Pipes' views on Islamic Terrorism and Turkey (6 comments) Voice of Atatürk March 2003
Is Middle East Studies a Safe-haven for Terrorists? (5 comments) CNNfn: Lou Dobbs Moneyline February 25, 2003
Interview with Daniel Pipes (4 comments) Fox News: Special Report with Brit Hume October 29, 2002
The Consequences of 9/11 (1 comment) World Media Association September 27, 2002
The Impact of Militant Islam Radio Times (WHYY Philadelphia) September 24, 2002
Assessing 9/11 Exactly One Year Laater SBS Dateline (Australia) September 11, 2002
One Year Later: Militant Islam (4 comments) Washington Post September 11, 2002
Education by Murder: Daniel Pipes on the slow American awakening Australia-Israel Review September 2002
Education by murder: Daniel Pipes on the slow American awakening (2 comments) The Review (Melboune) September 2002
The Dobbs List: "Militant Islam Reaches America" (17 comments) CNNfn: Moneyline News Hour August 29, 2002
Militant Islam Is Put In Class With Communism, Fascism Investors Business Daily August 26, 2002
Militant Islam Is Put In Class With Communism, Fascism (53 comments) Investor's Business Daily August 26, 2002
Impact: Al Qaeda among us (1 comment) Fox: The O'Reilly Factor August 19, 2002
Has the Challenge of Militant Islam Postponed the End of History? Australian August 12, 2002
The War on Terrorism and Militant Islam TV Washington April 10, 2002
Dicey Future Seen for World Jewry: Islam expert Daniel Pipes at Jewish Week forum predicts rising Muslim anti-Semitism will create major problems. New York Jewish Week January 10, 2002
Our Man in Afghanistan: Local Middle East expert Daniel Pipes explains what radical Muslim groups really want Philadelphia Magazine December 2001
"Islamism is fascism": Daniel Pipes says leading American Muslim groups want Islamic law to rule the U.S. - even if they won't admit it - and must be carefully watched (11 comments) Salon.com November 10, 2001
'Real' Enemy Defined: 'Islamism" is religion in the extreme, expert says Philadelphia Daily News October 8, 2001
"Most People Who Have Suffered from Islamism are Muslims" Rediif.com December 4, 2000
Is Islamism a Threat?: A Debate Middle East Quarterly December 1999
American Policy toward Islam Georgetown University, Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding September 23, 1999
Is Islamism Dead?: The Future of Islamism in the Muslim World (1 comment) Policywatch, Washington Institute for Near East Policy February 10, 1999
Distinguishing between Islam and Islamism (292 comments) Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) June 30, 1998
Policy Implications for Dealing with Political Islam: A Conference Report Jewish Institute of National Security Affairs November 5, 1997
How Europeans Should Deal with Tehran Terrorism by Iranian Regime Inside and Outside Iran: International Seminar June 26, 1996
Symposium: Resurgent Islam in The Middle East Middle East Policy May 26, 1994
Islamic Movements in Northern Africa: Islamic Fundamentalism in Africa and Implications for U.S. Policy (6 comments) United States House of Representatives May 20, 1992

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