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Writings by Topic: Persian Gulf & Yemen

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50 items listed.


Publication Date
Feeling Optimistic about Israel and the Emirates (18 comments) National Interest August 14, 2020
Examining Qatar's Influence (13 comments) Qatar: U.S. Ally or Global Menace? January 29, 2019
The Dubai Miracle Has Become Real (13 comments) Washington Times December 7, 2017
[Oman:] The Middle East's Most Surprising Country (14 comments) Washington Times March 15, 2017
The UAE's Fragile Good Life (15 comments) Washington Times April 11, 2016
Can the Dubai Model Inspire Arabs? (20 comments) Asia Times December 31, 2015
Why Yemen Matters (25 comments) The Washington Times March 28, 2015
An Arab Prince Denounces Islamism (42 comments) The Washington Times December 10, 2014
The Emptying of Yemen (31 comments) The Washington Times June 7, 2011
Caught on Tape: The Middle East's Culture of Cruelty (78 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com May 15, 2009
Dubai's Dramatic Drop (45 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com February 25, 2009
Interview with Hamad Bin Jasim Bin Jabr Al-Thani Middle East Quarterly December 1996
Ambitious Iran, Troubled Neighbors (6 comments) Foreign Affairs 1993
How Allah's Blessing Has Become the Curse of Wealth Australian October 9, 1982
The Curse of Oil Wealth (10 comments) Atlantic July 1982
Increasing Security in the Persian Gulf [Despite Neutralism] ORBIS Spring 1982
Rapid, Violent Change Dooms Fragile OPEC Regimes Chicago Maroon January 22, 1982
Be Prepared to Seize Arab Oil: Letter to the Editor Boston Herald-Traveler and Record American November 5, 1973

Blog Posts

Publication Date
Morton Klein's Statement on Qatar (3 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 6, 2019
I Attended a Royal Oman Symphony Orchestra Concert (19 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 10, 2017
Has Iran Gained a Foothold in the Arabian Peninsula? (10 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 15, 2014
Oil Pipeline Bypasses the Strait of Hormuz (15 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 21, 2012
Four Down: Saleh No Longer Yemen's President? (2 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 25, 2012
How to Waste Money, Persian Gulf Edition (2 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 20, 2011
Drag Racing vs. Islamic Civilization? (5 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 22, 2009
Iranian Claims to Bahrain Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 20, 2009
Bagels in Dubai (36 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 15, 2008
Bangladeshis Banned by Bahrain (12 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 28, 2008
Is Prince Charles a Convert to Islam? (268 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 24, 2003


Publication Date
Oman's Transformation After 1970
by J. E. Peterson
Middle East Quarterly Spring 2025
Yemen: What Everyone Needs to Know (3 comments)
by Asher Orkaby
Middle East Quarterly Fall 2021
Kidnapped in Yemen: One Woman's Amazing Escape from Captivity
by Mary Quin
Middle East Quarterly Winter 2006
A History of Modern Yemen
by Paul Dresch
Middle East Quarterly June 2001
Yemen: The Unknown Arabia
by Tim Mackintosh-Smith
Middle East Quarterly September 2000
Arab-Iranian Relations (3 comments) www.danielpipes.org March 1999
Sojourners and Settlers: The Yemeni Immigrant Experience Orbis Spring 1989
The People's Democratic Republic of Yemen: Politics, Economics and Society: The Politics of Socialist Transformation
by Tareq Y. Ismael and Jacqueline S. Ismael
Orbis Summer 1988
The Establishment of the United Arab Emirates, 1950-1985
by Abdullah Ornran Taryam
Orbis Summer 1988
The Gulf Scenario
by Richard Bulliet
The Wall Street Journal March 1, 1984
Arabia, the Gulf, and the West
by J.B. Kelly
The American Spectator December 1980


Venue Date
Why Are the Houthis Disrupting International Trade? The Dispatch December 19, 2023
Qatar: A Powder Keg Waiting to Explode? (7 comments) Sputnik News June 22, 2017
Perspectives on Abu Dhabi The Rebel (Canada) February 19, 2016
Yemen: Saudi-style version of political solution? (1 comment) PressTV, The Debate April 22, 2015
"Saudia vs Iran in Yemen - Rights and Wrongs" (9 comments) PressTV, The Debate March 29, 2015
"Turmoil in Yemen" (1 comment) CTV March 26, 2015
Yemen's Descent (2 comments) Russia Today: Cross Talk June 1, 2011
Possible USS Cole Attack Suspects CNN Early Edition October 13, 2000
Two Cheers for Dual Containment United States Senate March 2, 1995
Occupation and Liberation in Persian Gulf Foreign Policy Research Institute December 18, 1990

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