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Writings by Topic: Russia/Soviet Union

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46 items listed.


Publication Date
Take Vladimir Putin's Nuclear Threats Seriously: Letter to the Editor (41 comments) Wall Street Journal May 6, 2022
Putin's Invasion Scrambles the West (74 comments) Washington Times March 30, 2022
My Disastrous Meeting with the Soviets: On a 1983 conference of American Middle East experts and Soviet academics in Moscow (13 comments) American Spectator October 30, 2019
"He Has Lived": Richard Pipes, 1923-2018 (34 comments) Australian June 2, 2018
Two Bullies, Putin and Erdoğan, Try Friendship (7 comments) Australian December 23, 2016
Muslim Russia? (32 comments) The Washington Times October 21, 2013
The Soviets' Six-Day War (57 comments) New York Sun May 29, 2007
[Beslan Atrocity:] They're Terrorists - Not Activists (175 comments) New York Sun September 7, 2004
Preface [to a book about post-Soviet transitions to democracy] Uprooting Leninism, Cultivating Liberty January 1992
The Problem of Soviet Muslims (1 comment) Asian Outlook (Taipei) March-April 1991
Moscow's Next Worry: Ethnic Turks (1 comment) New York Times February 13, 1990
Action in World Hot Spots Should Tell President Soviets Haven't Changed Los Angeles Times June 3, 1988
Will Soviets Get Out to Get Back In [of Afghanistan]? Los Angeles Times April 14, 1988
The Soviets Play Defense in the Middle East A Search for Solutions: U.S.A.-U.S.S.R.: Proceedings of a Conference November 17, 1986
Seen one superpower, seen 'em all Baltimore Morning Sun July 6, 1986
Syria: The Cuba of the Middle East? (3 comments) Commentary July 1986
Fundamentalist Muslims Between America and Russia (3 comments) Foreign Affairs Summer 1986
U.S. and Soviet Roles in the Middle East Moscow Symposium November 1983
The Third World Peoples of Soviet Central Asia (1 comment) The Third World: Premises of U.S. Foreign Policy 1983
Khomeini, the Soviets and U.S.: Why the Ayatollah fears America (1 comment) New York Times May 27, 1980
The Islamic revolt's threat to the Soviets Business Week March 19, 1979

Blog Posts

Publication Date
Putin Invades, the Left Further De-platforms Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 21, 2022
Russia, China & Israel against Islamism? (33 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 3, 2012
Muslim Autonomous Zones in the West? (78 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 12, 2009
Russian Orthodox Churches in Saudi Arabia? (10 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog November 26, 2008
Riyadh Reorients to Moscow (10 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 5, 2007
Foxbats Did Fly over Dimona (19 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 24, 2007
Predicting a Majority-Muslim Russia (97 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 6, 2005


Publication Date
Israel's Moment: International Support for and Opposition to Establishing the Jewish State, 1945–1949 (14 comments)
by Jeffrey Herf
Middle East Quarterly Summer 2022
The New Jackals: Ramzi Yousef, Osama Bin Laden, and the Future of Terrorism (2 comments)
by Simon Reeve
Washington Times December 5, 1999
The North Caucasus Barrier: The Russian Advance towards the Muslim World Middle East Quarterly June 1994
The Soviet Union and Syria: The Asad Years
by Efraim Karsh
Orbis Summer 1989
Muslims of the Soviet Empire: A Guide
by Alexandre Bennigsen and S. Enders Wimbush
Orbis Summer 1988
The Middle East in Global Strategy Orbis Spring 1988
Security in the Middle East: Regional Change and Great Power Strategies Orbis Spring 1988
The Soviet-American Competition in the Middle East Orbis Spring 1988
The Kazakhs
by Martha Brill Oclott
Orbis Winter 1988
The Soviet Union and Iranian Azerbaijan: The Use of Nationalism for Political Penetration
by David B. Nissman
Orbis Fall 1987
Islamic Peoples of the Soviet Union: A Historical and Statistical Handbook
by Shirin Akiner
Orbis Fall 1987
The Islamic Threat to the Soviet State
by Alexandre Bennigsen and Marie Broxup
American Spectator December 1983


Venue Date
Interpreting an Israeli "Total Victory" in Gaza Atlantico Quotidiano April 5, 2024
Turkey and Russia, Finally Friends? (4 comments) TVP Eastern Express (Telewizja Polska) October 27, 2022
A Conversation with Mike Pence (1 comment) MEForum.org September 20, 2021
NATO In a New Era (3 comments) Iran (newspaper) November 17, 2018
Middle Eastern Islamism Threatens Russia (6 comments) Eurasia Expert July 24, 2017
Can the Russian Diplomatic Initiative Prevent a U.S. Attack on Syria? (1 comment) The Voice of Russia Radio September 10, 2013

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