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Writings by Topic: Syria

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189 items listed.


Publication Date
'Do Not Leave Any Alive': Sunnis vs. Alawites in Syria Australian March 22, 2025
Facilitate America's Enemies Killing Each Other in Syria MEF Observer December 7, 2024
The Most Embarrassingly Wrong Book Ever on the Middle East?: David Lesch on Bashar al-Assad (12 comments) Washington Times August 9, 2017
ISIS is Collapsing (38 comments) Miami Herald April 19, 2016
What Syrian Chemical Weapons Reveal about Obama (30 comments) FoxNews.com May 19, 2015
Syria's Civil War Could Stabilize Its Region (17 comments) The Washington Times February 26, 2015
There's No Difference between ISIS and ISIL (33 comments) National Review Online September 12, 2014
Turkish Support for ISIS (90 comments) The Washington Times June 18, 2014
Let Refugees Remain in Their Own Culture Zones (48 comments) The Washington Times September 24, 2013
Scoring the Syria Deal: Putin, Assad, and Iran gain; Obama, Turkey, and Israel lose ground. (22 comments) National Review Online September 17, 2013
Forget Syria, Target Iran (39 comments) The Washington Times September 9, 2013
When Sunni and Shiite Extremists Make War: A response to Bret Stephens (42 comments) National Review Online June 5, 2013
Support Assad (72 comments) The Washington Times April 11, 2013
Ankara at War (158 comments) National Review Online October 16, 2012
Wait Out the War in Syria (46 comments) The Washington Times August 21, 2012
Stay out of the Syrian Morass (45 comments) The Washington Times June 13, 2012
Fin de Régime in Syria? (11 comments) National Review Online May 24, 2011
Hold Damascus Responsible [for Hezbollah Violence in Southern Lebanon] (191 comments) New York Sun August 1, 2006
Lebanon's Liberation Approaches (44 comments) New York Sun February 22, 2005
[Dennis Ross on] Strange Twists in Syrian-Israeli Diplomacy (2 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com August 6, 2004
The Secret Pictures of Senior Airman Ahmad al Halabi (18 comments) FrontPageMagazine.com March 29, 2004
Signal to Syria: Straighten Up (16 comments) New York Post May 13, 2003
Will the Assad Dynasty Last? Jerusalem Post June 6, 2001
"We Don't Need Syria" in Lebanon (3 comments) Middle East Quarterly September 2000
Getting Syria wrong Jerusalem Post June 21, 2000
Syria's 'Lion' Was Really a 'Monster' Wall Street Journal June 12, 2000
Syria after the Iron Fist National Post June 12, 2000
[Assad's Death Offers] A Chance for Peace Washington Post June 11, 2000
Why Hafiz al-Asad Does Not Want a Treaty with Israel Washington Institute for Near Eastern Policy May 19, 2000
A lesson courtesy of the Turks (1 comment) Jerusalem Post April 12, 2000
True Syrian intentions (1 comment) Jerusalem Post March 17, 2000
Is a Syria-Israel Treaty Good for the United States? Middle East Forum Wire January 28, 2000
Tax dollars to Syria? Washington Times January 26, 2000
A Copernican View [of Syria] Jerusalem Post January 25, 2000
No Time to Cajole [Syria] Jerusalem Post December 21, 1999
Skepticism on Syria-Israel Talks Christian Science Monitor December 16, 1999
Asad's Art of the Double Game (4 comments) Modern Syria: From Ottoman Rule to Pivotal Role in the Middle East 1999
The Word of Hafez al-Assad Commentary October 1999
Assad Isn't Interested (1 comment) Jerusalem Post August 29, 1999
The Road to Damascus: What Netanyahu Almost Gave Away [to Asad in 1998] (2 comments) New Republic July 5, 1999
[Turkey-Israel and] The Real "New Middle East" (16 comments) Commentary November 1998
Syria and Turkey Gird for War Wall Street Journal October 9, 1998
Syria's Battle on All Fronts New York Times April 23, 1996
Beyond the Golan: Prospects for Syrian-Turkish Confrontation Washington Institute for Near Eastern Policy January 31, 1996
Just Kidding: Syria's Peace Bluff New Republic January 8 & 15, 1996
25 Years of Assad's Syria: Ready for Peace?" The Washington Institute for Near Eastern Policy October 23, 1995
"Hafiz al-Asad Should Be Careful" (1 comment) Turkish Times December 15, 1994
Understanding Hafiz al-Asad Middle East Quarterly December 1994
Syria's people may not want peace Jewish Exponent November 25, 1994
U.S. Troops in the Golan Heights? Washington Times November 15, 1994
Clinton in Syria: He sends Assad the wrong signal Boston Globe October 30, 1994
Press Hafez al-Assad To Go the American Route (1 comment) Wall Street Journal October 27, 1994
The Mind of Hafez Assad: After a career built on rejectionism, he's still playing a double game Washington Post October 9, 1994
Assad: As Good as His Word? Jerusalem Post September 3, 1994
The Broken Promises of Syria's Hafez Assad Washington Times April 29, 1994
Deportation Prospects to Lebanon and Syria: Prepared for the case, Government of Canada vs. Mahmoud Mohammad Issa Mohammad DanielPipes.org March 1994
Trust Assad? Not Yet New York Times January 18, 1994
Assad Opposes the Oslo Accords Forward December 24, 1993
Do I Approve of Syria's Annexing Lebanon?: Letter to the Editor Delaware County Daily Times August 6, 1993
Syria: A Partner for Peace?: Has Assad had a change of heart or merely a chance of tactics? Washington Jewish Weekly October 20, 1991
Syria is the Key ABC (Madrid) September 30, 1991
Is Damascus Ready for Peace? Foreign Affairs Fall 1991
Syria: America's New Ally? Washington Institute for Near Eastern Policy August 1991
Why Syria's Offer Is Serious Wall Street Journal July 26, 1991
Greater Syria: Another Lion Roars in the Middle East Washington Post October 21, 1990
Syria is the Key to Mideast peace Philadelphia Inquirer May 1, 1990
The Quiet Crisis: Turkish-Syrian Relations Prepared for the Central Intelligence Agency November 1989
Terrorism: The Syrian Connection (11 comments) National Interest Spring 1989
Why Asad's Terror Works and Qadhdhafi's Does Not (2 comments) Orbis 1989
The Alawi Capture of Power in Syria (150 comments) Middle Eastern Studies 1989
Syria: The Next Generation Prepared for the Orkand Corporation 1989
Radical Politics and the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (2 comments) International Journal of Middle East Studies August 1988
Syria After Assad (1 comment) World and I February 1987
Damascus and the Claim to Lebanon (1 comment) Orbis Winter 1987
Palestine for the Syrians? (8 comments) Commentary December 1986
Assad's Cunning Game (2 comments) Washington Post November 4, 1986
Isolate Syria New York Times October 29, 1986
Syria: The Cuba of the Middle East? (3 comments) Commentary July 1986
Syria's Imperial Dream: Foreign adventures shore up Assad's regime New Republic June 9, 1986
But Don't Forget Syria National Interest Fall 1985
It's Syria That Counts in the Middle East Wall Street Journal August 13, 1985

Blog Posts

Publication Date
No to Bombing Syria (48 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 6, 2017
More on Turkish Support for ISIS (68 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 18, 2014
Syria's Looming Water Calamity (33 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 1, 2014
Yes, Support the Syrian Rebels (28 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog December 19, 2013
Further on Syrian Refugees: Fleeing to the West or to Saudi? (10 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 2, 2013
Arguing against "Limited" Strikes on the Assad Regime (48 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog August 28, 2013
Hizbullah's Travails in a Graphic (13 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 27, 2013
Support the Syrian Rebels? (26 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 11, 2013
"U.S. Fears Syria Rebel Victory, for Now" (10 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 17, 2013
Responses to the "Support Assad" Argument (8 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 13, 2013
50 Years of Syrian Misery (17 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 8, 2013
Bibliography – My Writings on Secret Syrian-Israeli Diplomacy Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 14, 2012
Netanyahu Again Offers the Golan Heights to Syria? (16 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 14, 2012
Thoughts on the Syrian Downing of a Turkish Warplane (80 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 23, 2012
Further Thoughts on Not Intervening in Syria (38 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 13, 2012
Syria: Arguing for U.S. Inaction (52 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog February 25, 2012
Turkish-Syrian Tensions Flare Anew (22 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 19, 2011
More on Regime Change in Syria Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 24, 2011
A Turning Point in the Arab-Israeli Conflict? (58 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog May 15, 2011
"Syria After Asad": Sunnis vs. Alawis (10 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 30, 2011
Hafiz al-Asad and Me (12 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 10, 2010
Why Do Israelis Permit Hezbollah to Acquire Scuds? (22 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 28, 2010
Quneitra, Why in Ruins? (9 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 27, 2009
Damascus Recognizes Lebanon as a Separate Country? Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 22, 2008
Israel and Syria going to war? (39 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog June 7, 2007
Should Israel initiate talks with Syria? (1 comment) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog September 26, 2006
Bibliography – My Writings on Greater Syria Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 19, 2006
"Greater Syria" in the News (19 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog July 19, 2006
Hamas Trains Terrorists in Syria Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog March 29, 2005
Is the Hatay/Alexandretta Problem Solved? (32 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 10, 2005
Nezar Hindawi's Attempt to Blow up an El Al Airplane (3 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog October 13, 2004
A New Netanyahu vis-à-vis Syria? (2 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog January 8, 2004
What Was Binyamin Netanyahu Ready to Concede on the Golan Heights? (11 comments) Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 13, 2001
Assad Won't Cut Israel a Break in Lebanon Lion's Den :: Daniel Pipes Blog April 8, 2000


Publication Date
Muslim-Christian Relations in Damascus amid the 1860 Riot (3 comments)
by Rana Abu-Mounes
Middle East Quarterly Fall 2022
The Rise and Fall of Greater Syria: A Political History of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (3 comments)
by Carl C. Yonker
Middle East Quarterly Fall 2021
Syria's Terrorist War on Lebanon and the Peace Process (1 comment)
by Marius Deeb
Middle East Quarterly Winter 2004
Syria & Lebanon Handbook (1 comment)
by Ivan Mannheim
Middle East Quarterly Summer 2002
Asad's Legacy: Syria in Transition
by Eyal Zisser
Middle East Quarterly June 2001
Ambiguities of Domination: Politics, Rhetoric, and Symbols in Contemporary Syria
by Lisa Wedeen
Middle East Quarterly June 2001
Syrische Religionspolitik unter Asad
by Annabelle Böttcher
Middle East Quarterly September 2000
The Schools of Ba'athism: A Study of Syrian Textbooks
by Meyrav Wurmser
Middle East Quarterly March 2000
The Israeli-Syrian Dialogue: A One-Way Ticket to Peace?
by Uri Sagie
Middle East Quarterly March 2000
Demographic Developments and Population Policies in Ba`thist Syria
by Onn Winckler
Middle East Quarterly March 2000
Syria's Peasantry, the Descendants of Its Lesser Rural Notables, and Their Politics
by Hanna Batatu
Middle East Quarterly December 1999
The Brink of Peace: The Israeli-Syrian Negotiations (1 comment)
by Itamar Rabinovich
Weekly Standard November 16, 1998
The Damascus Affair: "Ritual Murder," Politics, and the Jews in 1840
by Jonathan Frankel
Middle East Quarterly September 1998
Historical Dictionary of Syria (1 comment)
by David Commins
Middle East Quarterly December 1996
Secret War in the Middle East: The Covert Struggle for Syria, 1949-1961 (1 comment)
by Andrew Rathmell
Middle East Quarterly September 1996
Basil fi 'Uyun al-Misriyin (Basil in Egyptian eyes)
by 'Izzat as-Sa'dani
Middle East Quarterly September 1996
Syria and Israel: From War to Peace-making
by Moshe Ma'oz
Middle East Quarterly June 1996
The Formation of Modern Syria and Iraq
by Eliezer Tauber
Middle East Quarterly June 1996
Peace With Security: Israel's Minimal Security Requirements in Negotiations with Syria
by Ze'ev Schiff
Orbis Winter 1994
Syria and the Middle East Peace Process
by Alasdair Drysdale and Raymond A. Hinnebusch
Orbis Spring 1992
Syria Unmasked: The Suppression of Human Rights by the Asad Regime
by Middle East Watch
Orbis Fall 1991
Authoritarian Power and State Formation in Ba'thist Syria: Army, Party, and Peasant
by Raymond A. Hinnebusch
Orbis Fall 1990
Tribes With Flags: A Dangerous Passage Through the Chaos of the Middle East (1 comment)
by Charles Glass
Washington Times April 24, 1990
Asad of Syria: The Struggle for the Middle East (1 comment)
by Patrick Seale
Orbis Fall 1989
The Soviet Union and Syria: The Asad Years
by Efraim Karsh
Orbis Summer 1989
Syria and the French Mandate: The Politics of Arab Nationalism, 1920-1945
by Philip S. Khoury
Orbis Summer 1987
The Ba'th and the Creation of Modern Syria
by David Roberts
Orbis Summer 1987
Syria Under Assad: Domestic Constraints and Regional Risks Orbis Winter 1987
Syrian Intervention in Lebanon: The 1975-76 Civil War
by Naomi Joy Weinberger
Orbis Winter 1987


Venue Date
A Conversation with Ribal al-Assad MEF Podcast December 20, 2024
The Perfect Storm that Allowed an Islamist Victory in Syria NTD Television December 10, 2024
Why I Am Pessimistic about Syria: The Heart Celebrates, the Brain Worries Michael Medved Show December 10, 2024
Bashar al-Assad Rejoins the Arab League: An Assessment TVP (Poland) May 9, 2023
Islamism and Syria Update (4 comments) Arutz Sheva July 9, 2020
Understanding the U.S.-Turkish-Syrian Triangle: An Interview (3 comments) Informale October 21, 2019
Latest on the Syria Crisis 630 KHOW Denver October 17, 2019
Erdoğan Invaded; What's Next in Syria? (13 comments) DanielPipes.org October 15, 2019
The American Withdrawal from Syria: An Interview (6 comments) Caratteri Liberi (Italy) December 31, 2018
Syria, Security, Migration, and Eurabia: An Interview (4 comments) Alpha Institute December 7, 2017
Pipes vs. Roman on Syria (1 comment) i24 April 7, 2017
Al-Nusra's rebranding may increase its powers within jihadi networks in Syria Radio Sputnik July 30, 2016
The Death of a Syrian War Lord (2 comments) CTV News December 26, 2015
Debate over the civil war in Syria (4 comments) PressTV December 10, 2015
Dubious U.S. Mission in Syria (8 comments) PressTV, The Debate September 27, 2014
Jihadist Recruitment of Western Women Will Grow (3 comments) CNN: Newsroom August 7, 2014
The New Caliphate and Other Topics DanielPipes.org July 23, 2014
U.S. Strategy in Syria (2 comments) The Blaze September 26, 2013
Can the Russian Diplomatic Initiative Prevent a U.S. Attack on Syria? (1 comment) The Voice of Russia Radio September 10, 2013
Should the West Act in Syria? (11 comments) Australian Broadcast Corp August 30, 2013
The Contrarians Discuss Syria (2 comments) Sky News (Australia) August 30, 2013
Dissecting Western Policy toward Syria (2 comments) Alan Jones, 2GB Radio, Sydney August 29, 2013
Developments in Syria and Turkey (82 comments) Secure Freedom Radio June 6, 2013
Islam and Syria (3 comments) Sun News Network, The Source with Ezra Levant May 22, 2013
Chaos and killing in Syria (2 comments) Sun News Network, The Arena with Michael Coren May 15, 2013
Arabs condemn attacks on Syria (4 comments) Sun News Network, The Arena with Michael Coren May 6, 2013
US Confirms Chemical Weapons Used in Syria (5 comments) Sun News Network April 26, 2013
Should the West Be Supporting Syria's Assad? (8 comments) Sun News Network April 15, 2013
Discussing Culpability in Syria on Iranian Television (3 comments) PressTV April 7, 2013
The Latest in Turkey, Syria, Israel, and Egypt - All in 20 Minutes (10 comments) NewsMax April 3, 2013
What To Do in Syria (8 comments) The Blaze March 25, 2013
Thinking about Policy toward Islamism and Syria Radio 2GB, Sydney August 22, 2012
Syria: Commentator cautions support for rebels (3 comments) SBS World News (Australia) August 13, 2012
Choices in Syria Rhema Radio, New Zealand June 13, 2012
Syria and Iran in the news (15 comments) Ezra Levant, The Source February 6, 2012
Middle East mayhem: What's in store for Turkey, Libya, and Syria? (5 comments) Michael Coren, Arena October 25, 2011
Involve Syria and Iran in the Lebanon War? (4 comments) CNN: Lou Dobbs Tonight August 10, 2006
Who's Behind Hezbollah?: The Role of Syria and Iran (1 comment) Heritage Foundation July 26, 2006
Syrian Leadership and the War on Terrorism Johns Hopkins University September 29, 2003
Syria 101 (3 comments) MSNBC April 15, 2003
Taking a Tougher Approach to Syria CBN 700 Club April 9, 2003
Syria-Lebanon-Israel Triangle: The End Of The Status Quo? Washington Institute Soref Symposium May 19, 2000
Clinton-Assad Meeting Fails CNN March 26, 2000
Syria: America's New Ally? The Washington Institute, Policy Forum Report May 21, 1991
The U.S. Response to Terrorism CBS Nightwatch May 28, 1986

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